Gastien Pt 1 (43 page)

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Authors: Caddy Rowland

BOOK: Gastien Pt 1
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Now anger also burned in Gastien. “I am a whore because you made me one! You set the price! I did not set out to fool you. Although, if you think I love you, you definitely are a fool.”

“You don’t mean that! You can’t,” Jean Luc whispered.

“Oh, I mean it all right! I told you in the beginning that I did not love you. I never will. I don’t fall in love with men, Jean Luc. Hell, I don’t fall in love with women, but that is beside the point! I am in love with my work. You are just a willing way to get where I want to go.”

Jean Luc tried to slap him then, but Gastien caught his arm. “Do not ever, EVER hit me,” Gastien hissed. “Do you understand? You have seen my back. You have heard my story. It should be obvious that I am not about to tolerate physical abuse now that I am not a child. If you ever, EVER try to hit me again, I may kill you. Now, back off!”

 Gastien continued, shaking with rage, “You played on my weakness, my lack of money and power to dangle a carrot in front of me! I finally bit. How dare you assume I would somehow transform that into something beautiful? It is nothing close to beautiful! It is ugly, and it is perverted! I don’t care if you like men. To me, that is your right. But to use someone who doesn’t, just because you have the money and power to get them to agree, is not beautiful!
, I am a whore. Thanks to you. A damn good one!” Gastien blinked back tears. When he continued, there was no doubt as to the finality of his statement. “I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive myself for doing what I have done. But I do know this: I will never forgive you.”

Jean Luc looked like he was going to faint. “Gastien! Oh, Gastien, this has gone so wrong! I thought you would be excited and happy. Instead, you are breaking my heart!”

“Get over it, Jean Luc. Mine broke the first night I had to take you in my mouth. I doubt I will ever find all of the pieces.” Gastien walked to the door, opening it. “Now, please get out, unless for some ungodly reason you feel the need to have your damn
sucked. Heaven knows, you can ask me to do that! You have paid this week, after all.”

Jean Luc shook his head. “I did not know you could be so cold.”

Gastien laughed bitterly. “What did you expect, Jean Luc? Seriously, what did you think? Are you so blinded by always being privileged that you thought you could also buy my love?”

Jean Luc shuddered. Gastien did not love him after all. His whole world might as well end! Well. He would not let Gastien off the hook so easily. No one made a fool of Jean Luc!

“Since you have agreed to be my whore until you leave here, I still expect you to live up to it. If I can’t have you forever, Gastien, I will have you every night that I can until you leave,” Jean Luc threatened furiously. He would not be so gentle with Gastien from now on.

“Fine. I want the money. I have no plans to abandon the means of getting it. Now, please. Leave me be for awhile. I want to paint. If you want to come over later, that is your choice.”

Jean Luc turned to stone. “

“Pardon me?”

“I said
! I won’t leave. I have paid this week. You are mine whenever I want, unless it is a day off. This is not a day off. Get on your knees, and crawl back over here.”

Gastien sighed impatiently. “Jean Luc,
, I won’t get on my knees. Come back later, if you must. I need time to get ready.”

Jean Luc looked murderous. “I said get on your knees! Now! Or else the deal is off. I don’t want your play acting tonight. I just want to use you like the whore you are! So, get down, crawl over here, open my trousers, and make me come.”

 Gastien turned to walk into the bathroom.

“I am not kidding, Gastien. Do you want the money or not?” Jean Luc asked coldly.

Gastien stopped, humiliated. He finally sank to his knees, crawling across the room. As he undid Jean Luc’s trousers, he wished he had the nerve to bite his
off. It’s all about the color, that is all that matters.

 Jean Luc was cruel to him that night, using his mouth roughly. When Gastien tried to ease his head up, Jean Luc grabbed the back of his head and forced him down hard.

When it was over, Jean Luc buttoned up his trousers, turned, and walked to the door. He left Gastien knelt over on the floor, trying to get his breath back. The door slammed.

Gastien lay huddled on the floor for several minutes. His throat hurt, but what was done was done. At least he would now have the evening to paint in peace. Jean Luc would get over his anger. Gastien had ways to make him forget.




Jean Luc was furious! He felt tricked and used. But as he walked the grounds, he realized that Gastien had kept every part of the agreement. He, Jean Luc, was indeed the one who read too much into it. It was obvious now that Gastien would never love him. He only wanted the money. Who could blame him for agreeing to such a thing? Without this, he could very easily end up in the alley again.

Well, since money is so all important to him, maybe I will give him a way to get more, thought Jean Luc. He is just another money hungry whore! I just wonder how badly he wants to own his own studio. I wonder, what would he do to actually have ownership of that? Smiling, Jean Luc decided he would soon find out.

During the next couple of business days, he talked to those same new friends he had been bragging about Gastien to. To each man, he asked, “How would you like to sample what this boy can do with his hot little mouth? I am telling you, the way he uses his tongue, not to mention the way he sucks, will drive you insane!” All five of his friends were more than willing to try out this toy. All five were also extremely wealthy. When he told them the high price, none of them even blinked.

By the end of the week, Jean Luc had an agreement in place. All five had paid their share. He felt comfortable promising them that he would refund the money if Gastien turned it down, because he was sure Gastien wouldn’t. Jean Luc owned a very large property in a busy area of Montmartre. He would gladly take this money in exchange for it. He knew the property was worth more. Still, it would be worth it. He would gladly allow Gastien to have his own studio, in exchange for watching the young man’s humiliation.

The next day, Jean Luc asked Gastien to join him for a trip to Montmartre. “Don’t worry about starting the painting. Let’s take the day off,” Jean Luc said.

“Why are we going to Montmartre?” inquired Gastien.

“You will see when we get there, dear Gastien,” Jean Luc purred.

During the ride, Jean Luc pretended to sleep. He wanted Gastien to wonder what was going on. When they arrived at the busy location, the driver stopped. Jean Luc opened his eyes. “Come with me.”

Gastien followed Jean Luc to the building on the end of the block. Most of the shops here were small, but this was very large. It must have been some kind of storage facility or manufacturing business. Jean Luc unlocked the door. Stepping back, he said, “After you, Gastien.” With a puzzled look on his face, Gastien entered the building. Jean Luc continued, “So, what do you think? Would this do for a studio, if you could afford it?”

“Oh, Jean Luc! It would be perfect!” cried Gastien. “Just perfect! In fact, there is more room than I need. But you could lease out the upstairs to someone else. Are you thinking of leasing this to me?”

Gastien was thrilled. Jean Luc was already sorry for how he had treated him a few nights ago. This space was full of light, had a huge fireplace on one wall, and very beautiful wood floors. This place could be made into a showpiece!

. I am not thinking of leasing it to you. I won’t do that. I thought that perhaps you would like to buy it.”

Gastien was deflated. “You know I can’t afford that.”

Jean Luc looked thoughtful. “Well, then that is too bad. I did have an offer on it, but thought I would hold off until I talked to you.” Jean Luc turned to go. “Let’s go back home now. I am sorry.”

“You knew I could not buy this! Why did you bring me here?” Gastien queried angrily.

“I just wanted you to see it, I guess. I have other properties. Now that I know what you like, I know what to lease to you. Or I can help you find another property and lease from someone else.”

Bitterly disappointed, Gastien followed him out. He turned and looked at the space once more before getting in the carriage. It was perfect! There were lots of little businesses around and
Place du Tertre,
a park where artists painted, was in the middle. This was becoming a popular area for people visiting Montmartre, looking for artists and their offerings. In a few years, prices would triple. His eyes filled with tears. Turning, he got in the carriage.

They rode in silence for several minutes. Finally Jean Luc broke the silence. “How badly do you want the studio, Gastien?”

Gastien thought he knew what was coming. “I won’t be your partner, Jean Luc. Not even for a studio. I can’t live my life like that.”

“I am not asking you to be.” Jean Luc paused, lighting a cigarette. He spoke with cold finality. “I don’t want you for a partner anymore, Gastien.”

Gastien stared at him. Was he losing his grip on Jean Luc?

Jean Luc smiled. “But I do know how much money means to you. And what owning that studio would mean. You would like that very much, wouldn’t you?”

,” Gastien whispered, “
. It looks just like in my dream. I can see it finished.”

“Well, splendid! You are in luck! There just happens to be a way for that property to be owned by you. It should not be hard for you at all.”

Gastien suddenly felt the hairs on his neck stand up. “How?”

Jean Luc smiled again. “I have friends just like me, Gastien. I have told them about you. Five of them have decided that you must be very, very talented. They have all paid me an exorbitant sum to sample those talents.” Jean Luc removed a thick envelope, full of money, from his pocket. He emptied it in Gastien’s lap. “Take a good, long look at that money. That money would buy that property. Best of all, that money is all yours… if you agree.”

Gastien could not believe his ears. “Are you crazy? You want me to use my mouth on five of your friends? What do you take me for?”

“You have said it yourself, Gastien. You are a whore. Here is your chance to make that count for the completion of your biggest dream.” Jean Luc smiled again.

“Never! I thought you loved me!”

“You are exactly right. I did love you, but I now know what you really are. Still, I am trying to help you get your dream. Are you in or out?”

“I won’t do that,” declared Gastien.

Jean Luc kept staring at him, the smile still on his face. “Really? Think about it. One night, five men. Six, if I join in. It will be a hard night for you, true, but in the morning it will be over. You will have the money to buy the studio. You can even have the money the day of the event. Go put it in your little bank box. But I will be with you, in case you decide to disappear. I remember someone telling me they trust no one. I think that is a good policy here,

Gastien was ashen. He looked like he was going to be ill. “I can’t do that! I don’t want five men all over me! They will hurt me! I don’t want to be
!” He shook his head violently. “
! This whole thing is wrong!”

“I will be there, Gastien. I have told them mouth only. They understand. I promise you, they will not

“I can’t! I….I don’t know.” It sounded awful, just awful. And yet, that studio would not leave his mind. It was likely his one and only chance to own. He had already been doing it with Jean Luc, what difference did it make now?

Jean Luc persisted, “Don’t forget, you will still have all of the money I have been paying you and will pay you until the end of your stay. Just think about that. A studio free and clear, along with that money. You would have money for food and utilities for the rest of your life, if you live modestly. You would never be hungry or cold again.”

Gastien said nothing for a few minutes. He looked up at Jean Luc forlornly. “Jean Luc, how could you sell me?”

“I didn’t Gastien. You sold yourself. It was always your choice. I am just making sure you get the most money you can, for the service you so willingly sold.”

“You are a pig!” Gastien spat.

“And, as we have both said, you are a whore. But, oddly enough, I do still care for you somewhat. I suggest you sit and think. The offer only stands until when I come to see you tonight. I want your decision then, before you take care of me. Oh, and don’t bother to get all tarted up. I rather liked you in your regular clothes, on your knees in front of me.”

When they got home, Gastien quickly got out, running to his cottage. After locking the door, he paced the floor. God damn Jean Luc for this! How could he turn down that studio? But, what kind of person would he be if he accepted?

A voice inside him said the kind that seizes an opportunity, no matter what shape it comes in. The kind that makes their dream a reality. He could do this. He would just think about the studio, about color and painting. Just like every other time. What difference did it make whose
it was? They were all pretty much the same, he would think. Just get it over and done with.

That night, when Jean Luc came to the cottage, Gastien met him at the door. “I accept the offer,” he said nervously. “I want it in writing and the signed paper in my bank box tomorrow.

Jean Luc chuckled. “Of course, because you trust no one. That is fine. We will take care of it in the morning.” Jean Luc smirked. “I knew you would accept. You would do almost anything for a studio. Which reminds me, aren’t you supposed to be on your knees right now?”



The rough treatment continued for the rest of the week, with Jean Luc making sure he visited Gastien at least once a night. In fact, even on the night he had business, he pounded on Gastien’s door at three o’clock and forced him to his knees.

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