Read Games Boys Play Online

Authors: Fae Sutherland

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Games Boys Play (3 page)

BOOK: Games Boys Play
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"That's it...suck, little whore." Stevie groaned, thrusting his cock deeper into Zach's mouth.

Zach thought he seriously might faint right then and there when the rough growl and the nasty words came out of his Stevie's mouth. Good Lord, what had gotten into him? Then Zach preened inwardly...he had, that's what.

Whatever the reason, Zach's cock was harder than it'd ever been before and he would have begged Stevie to keep going, to say more, except his mouth was a little busy being fucked. And that's really what it was. Not a blowjob, not a nice, ordinary sucking off--Stevie was fucking his mouth like he owned it and, God...he kind of did at that moment.

It didn't last long, probably because Stevie didn't think
last long, but when Zach was tugged to his feet, the encounter was anything but over. Instead, he was turned and pinned against the door by that big, strong body he knew so well and could never get enough of. He moaned into Stevie's mouth, gasping when he was lifted off his feet and his shorts yanked down to dangle off one foot. Oh, God... If he could have spoken, he'd be chanting, Yes, yes, yes.

Zach broke the kiss with a whimper as Stevie pushed one finger into him. There was no pain, his finger was slick, and Zach realized that somehow, when he'd been busy being kissed mindless, Stevie had managed to make use of the lube he'd put in his pocket before they'd left. Oh, thank God. Zach didn't fancy a true rough, anonymous fuck.

"Son of a bitch," he snarled, fingers digging into Stevie's broad shoulders.

"Filthy slut," Stevie growled back, a second finger joining the first.

"I hate you." Zach let out a sharp cry, and a split second later, his mouth was covered by Stevie's free hand. His stomach flipped in arousal.

"No, you don't." Stevie didn't expound on that response, and Zach broke role long enough to press a kiss to the palm of his lover's hand in answer. No, he didn't hate Stevie. He fucking adored his man more than he'd ever thought possible.

His breath panted and Stevie was just looking right into his eyes while he drove Zach mindless. His eyes closed briefly, but flew open again when Stevie began thrusting his fingers hard and fast, as if demanding his attention. Like Zach could focus on anything else!

The pleasure was mind-bending and Stevie was merciless, driving Zach right to the brink and then, abruptly, his lover withdrew, leaving him empty and wanting. It was a damn good thing Stevie had his mouth covered because Zach let out a muffled string of curses that would make a sailor blush.

That all ended a second later, though, when he was back on his feet, and Stevie turned him to face the door. Zach's heart leapt and he didn't even think about it, automatically spreading his legs, leaning forward and tipping his ass up as much as he could.

"Fuck me," he whispered, breathless with want. He'd never, ever, wanted Stevie more than he did right then.

Thank fucking God, the feeling seemed to be mutual because he felt the cool slick of lube against his entrance, the heat and strength of Stevie's big body against his back and then, finally, the hard press of cock inside him, slow and deep. An empty condom wrapper fell to the floor to join the rest of the lingering evidence of countless sins there.

Zach's fingers curled against the bathroom door, forehead pressed to the cool metal as, inside the bathroom, the heat ratcheted up and sweat slicked their skin. He trembled, hips pushing back, and moaned.

"Fuck...more..." Role? What role? All he wanted was Stevie to fuck him until he couldn't stand.

His lover didn't say anything, just gave him what he asked for. Zach's heart thumped hard as Stevie's strong arms came around him, holding him close as he thrust, hard and deep, jolting them both against the door with every movement. Zach's head tipped back against the other man's shoulder, breath panting heavily. Stevie took the opportunity to have his way with Zach's neck, sending a flood of shivers through him.

It was intense...but it wasn't fast. Maybe it should be, considering where they were, but it was like Stevie could read Zach's mind and knew he wasn't in any rush to be finished. It was all so much, felt so good and somehow he felt more connected with Stevie there in that filthy park bathroom than he did in his own bed. Maybe it was the contrast between their surroundings--rough and cold and dirty--and the way he felt in the moment--cherished.


The instant the word entered his mind, Zach's throat tightened and his eyes stung behind his closed lids. Oh, Jesus...Stevie loved him. Zach could feel it like his own heartbeat, pulsing through him. His lover didn't have to say a word, and didn't, but Zach heard him loud and clear.

"I love you, too," he whispered.

Stevie's thrusts faltered, the other man going still behind him, as if holding his breath. Zach swore his heart grew two sizes right that moment; he loved Stevie so much. He knew Stevie was wondering if he'd heard Zach right, if he'd imagined it, and that little doubt, the uncertainty in a man who made it his job to be strong, made Zach want to hold onto him and never let go.

Maybe he would.

Stevie turned his face against Zach's cheek, his breath rough and uneven. "Don't...don't say it, Zach, if you don't..."

Zach shook his head, one hand coming up to sink into Stevie's hair behind his head. "I do. I fucking do, Stevie." His eyes squeezed shut and he turned his head to brush a kiss to Stevie's firm, warm lips. "I do," he whispered again. Then he grinned and caught Stevie's lip between his teeth.

Stevie growled, and before Zach could protest, he'd withdrawn already. But not for long as he turned Zach, hauled him off his feet and pinned him back against the door again, sinking inside with barely a pause.

Zach laughed, arms and legs winding around him, and clenched tightly. "Finish what you started, officer," he insisted, hands slipping between them to get Stevie's shirt open and get his eager hands on all that gorgeous skin, the dusting of hair tickling his palms.

Stevie kissed him then, hard and demanding, and his hips matched the devastating rhythm of his warm, rough tongue. Zach didn't care if he could walk when they were finished; he'd never felt anything like this. Like Stevie. It was like winning the fucking boyfriend lottery or something. All his.

The slow, sweltering fuck of just seconds ago was gone, though, replaced by a need so intense it took his breath away. Their bodies strained together, with each other, toward each other, over and over, rocking the door on its hinges. Zach had the vague thought that he'd die laughing if it broke.

Stevie didn't seem to even notice and, within seconds, Zach had forgotten he knew how to breathe, let alone laugh. His fingernails scraped along Stevie's bare chest, breaking the kiss with a sharp gasp as his head fell back against the door and Stevie latched onto his throat. Oh, God, he was going to have marks. He could hardly fucking wait to admire them in the mirror. Marked. Claimed. Stevie's.

"Fuck, fuck...Stevie...hurry..." He panted in a harsh whisper, biting his lip to keep from screaming. He moved between Stevie and the door, meeting his thrusts, returning them, clenching and twisting against him as they hurtled toward orgasm.

And then he was there and, oh God, Stevie must have known it because his eyes widened slightly and the next second his big hand was over Zach's mouth again, green eyes dark and intense in the dim light as he silently urged Zach to come for him. He didn't say a word, but just like before, it was as though Zach could hear him. And he could do nothing but obey.

He came so hard the edges of his vision went blurry, sucking in breath through his nose and keeping his gaze locked with Stevie's. Halfway through the most mind-numbing orgasm he'd ever experienced, Stevie shuddered and his hips jerked and he came. The look on his face was amazing. The way his features tightened and his lashes fluttered and his mouth dropped open in a silent shout. Zach's tongue slipped out to taste the salty skin of his palm, heart racing so fast he thought it would explode.

Thank God Stevie was so strong because, otherwise, Zach would have landed on his ass on the filthy bathroom floor when Stevie relaxed his grip and leaned against the door in a visible struggle to regain his breath. But, even semi-boneless, his Officer Hotness held him without so much as a muscle tremor. Zach loved that.

Zach loved him.

He pressed his forehead against Stevie's shoulder and, while his lover recovered, used the brief, breathless moments to try to wrap his mind around what had just happened. It was supposed to be just fun. Games to make the hiding less stifling, more exciting. And Stevie...he was the best man Zach had ever known and not for one second had he ever imagined he would manage to snag Stevie's heart.

His cock, sure; his attention for a while, absolutely. But his heart? Oh, God, a man like Stevie didn't give that out like candy at Halloween to just anyone who had a craving. Zach was more afraid of that than he was of loving Stevie in return. He was one hundred percent sure that his gentle, loveable, sweet officer was the one whose heart was at risk here...because Zach couldn't recall the last time he'd loved anything for more than one season.

He was going to break Stevie's heart...he just knew it. And it was the last thing he wanted to do because, goddamn it, he loved the man like he loved his new Gareth Pugh coat. Okay, more than, even.
Shit, shit.

"You okay?" Stevie's voice was rough and gravelly, sending shivers down Zach's spine.

"Oh, yeah," he panted out softly. "More than fine." Having a mild panic attack inside, but otherwise fine. Freaking out trying to understand how this had happened, but yeah--fine. He lifted his head and leaned his head back against the wall, meeting Stevie's eyes. He couldn't help but smile, despite the turmoil. He loved the hell out of this man, and especially now when he looked all tousled and well-fucked and sexy/adorable. "Hey."

Stevie's lips curved in a slow grin. "Hey, yourself."

There was a moment of silence broken only by scuffling sounds and low whispers mixed with laughter as they tried to untangle themselves without anyone falling down. It took a few minutes and a handful of paper towels, but eventually they were fairly presentable and clothes were mostly in place. Zach met Stevie's gaze and smiled, reaching up to touch his cheek.

"I meant what I said, Stevie."

Stevie caught his hand and turned to brush a kiss to the inside of his wrist. "I know. So did I."

Zach gave him a teasing smile. "Well, technically you didn't say anything. I just assumed..."

"You assumed right."

And that was what Zach was afraid of.
What was he going to do?

* * * *

"You're going to stop being a fucking whiny martyr and love him back. Oh, my God, I cannot even believe I have to tell you this." Jordy gave him a withering look, and Zach cringed inwardly.

"You aren't looking at the big picture here. Would you stop going all Harlequin on me and look past the vague idea of 'happily ever after' to focus on the here and now?"

Jordy plopped down on the bench outside their favorite shoe store. "Fine. The here and now. Let's look at this critically, m'kay?" He held up one finger. "One--totally sexy, majorly adorable, ridiculously nice guy who spends his days saving lives and catching bad guys and being a legit hero is madly in love with you. Two--... There
no two, Zach, Jeez, how is this a problem??"

Zach knew Jordy was right. He did. But he'd never been this scared in his life. "What if I mess it up? What if I break his heart?"

"You won't. This is not some boyfriend
du jour
we're talking about, here. This is Stevie. Officer Hotness. He is so not just any boy." Jordy grinned. "He's a
Lucky bitch."

Zach snickered. "Jealous."

"You have no idea."

Zach sighed, chewing on his thumbnail. "I know you're right. But this is major. Like, big time stuff. You're right; he's not just any other guy. He never was."

Jordy turned slightly toward him on the bench, eyes eager. "So, what're you going to do?"

Zach wasn't sure. He'd never been in love before. But he was going to have to learn. What did in love people do? "Well, I've caught him, even though I didn't mean now I have to keep him." Which meant stepping up his game.
was going to take some doing.


Zach shrugged, giving Jordy a worried look. "I don't know. But I'd better figure it out."

* * * *


"Zachary! Oh, my goodness, hold on and I'll get your father..."

Zach smiled. "No, don't, Momma. I called to talk to you."

There was a moment's pause on the other end that made his heart clench a little.

"Oh. Oh, well, alright. How are you, dear?"

Zach bit back the sigh. Some things never changed, no matter how much you wished they would. "I'm good. Really good, actually."

"Do you need money, Zachary? I can get your father. You know he handles all the finances."

Zach let out the sigh this time. "No, Momma, I don't need money. I'll talk to Dad after, but I really wanted to talk to you. Do you have a minute?"

Finally, she seemed to relax a little and he could hear the faint sound of a chair being pulled out. He could imagine her sitting in the sunny kitchen back home in Texas, with Dad probably in his "study" avoiding her. They loved each other, but Zach didn't know how much they
each other. After thirty-five years of marriage, though, you just didn't walk away, at least not if you were his parents.

"Of course, dear. Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine, like I said. I just..." He took a deep breath. "I met someone, Momma."

Another moment of heavy silence. His parents hovered on the line of acceptance because they did love him, but they still harbored the hope that Zach would "snap out of it" and become the son they had wanted.

"You have? Is he...nice?"

Zach smiled, fiddling with the fringe on the pillow in his lap. "More than nice. He's amazing. He's a police officer."

BOOK: Games Boys Play
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