Read Game Night Online

Authors: Joe Zito

Tags: #terror at home

Game Night (7 page)

BOOK: Game Night
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The taller man paced back and forth in
front of the kids. He never took his eyes off of them. They never
took theirs off of him, or his gun. Finally he stopped his manic
pacing and stood there staring at them. He said, “Let me introduce
myself.” His southern tone drifted to the couch where the scared
shitless teens sat wondering what the hell is going on.

“I’m you’re worst fucking nightmare
kiddies!” He roared out laughter and his partner laughed stupidly
and said waving to the teens, “Nitenite, nitenite.”

His laughter stopped.

“Let’s just call me the nightmare man.
Or I can just go by Nightmare.” He talked slowly with an evil edge
in his voice. Like a sinister version of the narrator for the dukes
of hazzard.

He nodded to his partner who was
holding his rifle like a baby and said, “And that’s Badman over
there. His name fits him just well right, because I’ve seen him do
some bad things that’s for sure.”

Badman chuckled stupidly once again.
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ badman and I’ll cut your throat, no problem.
Yeah, yeah!”

Nightmare once again began pacing back
and forth holding his shot gun closely to him and never taking his
eyes off the kids in front of him.

“Now,” he said in a commanding tone,
“yous all wonderin’ probably what the fuck is goin’ on right? Well
let me tell you kiddies, me and the Badman over there had a plan. A
real good one. We’re still stickin’ to that plan but from the looks
of it,” he paused and wiped the side of his mouth with his hand,
“we’s gonna have ourselves a little bit of fun first if that’s all
right with yous all.” His insane eyes darted towards Megan sitting
on the couch. He began to scratch his balls. She nervously
repositioned her hands that were already covering her pubic area. A
sick frown formed on her face.

“Oh no, this ain’t gonna be yours
garden variety home invasion. We’s no what we came here for, but
goddam what a fuckin’ bonus!” Nightmare gave a loud ‘whoooo’ at the

Then Liz couldn’t keep it in any
longer. A large dark spot began to form on the couch under her
legs. She began crying.

“What the hell girl,” Nightmare said
with a disgruntled look on his face.

Badman started in with his stupid
sounding simpleton laugh.

“Girl done piss herself, yeah,

Nightmare strolled slowly over to Liz.
He had a grand ol’ smile on his ugly face.

He said quietly, “You scared baby

Liz broke down even more as her sobbing
got louder.

“Shh, shh, now baby girl,” he said
soothingly, “we’re not gonna kill you now, c’mon.” Then he lowered
himself down to her quickly and got in her face and yelled “We’re
just gonna fuck you up real bad that’s all!”

Her sob turned to a scream. Badman
joined her and screamed along. Nightmare cackled a maniac shriek of
laughter at the ceiling. Andi began to cry now to. Both Megan and
Conner sat there looking lifeless and almost dead, white with

Nightmare decided he had enough of
Liz’s goddam screaming.

“Shut up now girly,” he told her as his
laughter faded. She didn’t stop crying. She couldn’t. Fear had
consumed her body.

“I said shut you fuckin’ mouth

His demands only made it worse and she
kept on crying.

“Cunt, I’m only gonna give you to the
count of three to shut your fuckin’ mouth! ONE!........TWO……Fuck

He violently shoved his saw off shot
gun into her mouth. Her eyes exploded in terror. Her sobbing now
was a muted mix of screaming and gagging.

“Shut up!” He yelled.

His thumb pulled the trigger back on
his gun.

“Liz, please. It’s going to be all
right. Please.” Megan finally got the nerve to speak up to the

Nightmare jerked his head over to

“Bitch I said no fuckin’ heroes!” He
forcefully pulled the gun out of Liz’s mouth and slapped her face
hard. She shut up.

“You wanna be a hero baby doll?” He
started in for Megan. She pulled away from him as he got in her

“Huh, you wanna save your cryin’ bitch

She leaned back as far as she could
trying to get out of his reach. But his tar breath blew right into

His face was right up in hers and then
he said, “Open your legs.”

Megan looked at him in disbelief as a
terrified frown fell upon her face.

“I said open them pretty legs

His rough hand went into the crease of
her closed legs and pried them apart. An evil, sick smile formed on
his face when he gently began caressing her soft patch of pubic
hair with his shot gun.

Her body was trembling with horror. Her
mouth formed an O of shock.

“Feels good don’t it,” Nightmare said
and then he raised it to his nose and began smelling the tip of his
gun. He inhaled a long breath of her scent.

“Don’t you dare shut’em,” he warned her
as he brought the gun down again to her opened legs but stopped
just before he reached them by the sound of a car pulling up in the

He jerked his head around to the front
room window. Two headlights shined dully through the light tan
curtains on the window.

“What in the shit is this?” He scowled
and then stood up. Megan’s stiff as a board body loosened and she
covered her mouth and cried silently. If she only knew that this
was only the beginning of a very long night.

“What’d we do?’ Badman asked

“Turn off all the lights.”

They began shutting off all the light
and the tv.

Conner finally caved and began crying
lightly to himself because he was scared shitless and terrified but
was incredibly relieved to know that his dad had decided to come
home early from his trip and was going to open that door any second
now and save all of them from this horrendous ordeal.




The golden door knob slowly started to
turn. The music of the night buzzed in for a moment when Conner’s
dad opened the door but then was blocked out when he shut

“Conner?” He said to a dark and empty
living room.

The sound of his keys jingling sung
throughout the house. He threw his coat over a kitchen table

“Conner, you around buddy? I saw all
the lights go out.”


“Yoohoo, Conner.”

No response.

He chuckled and said, “Ok, I got it.
There’s a car I’ve never seen in the driveway and I saw all the
light go out just before I came in.”

The refrigerator turned on.

He cupped his hands over his mouth and
said loudly and sarcastically, “To the young lady hiding in my
son’s room right now; it’s totally fine, I’m not gonna go ape shit.
I was a kid once to.”

Dead silence.

His dad threw his arms up.

“Conner, c’mon.”

He began walking around the house,
looking here and there but there was no sign of his son. He trekked
down the hallway and peeked inside the bathroom but found

A light flipped on.

He heard the pop of a light switch and
made his way back out to the living room. He stopped dead in his
tracks when he saw a young girl wearing only a white t- shirt and
bare on her bottom half, standing there in his kitchen with her
hands tied together and her mouth duct taped shut. Black mascara
tears falling down her cheeks.

A silent show of horror and dismay
showed on his face when his mouth slowly opened up to say an
inaudible “What the fuck”

Then he turned around quickly hearing
the soft thud of footsteps coming at him.


Lights out.




He awoke, lying on his back on the pool
table in the living room unaware of where he was and what had
happened. Then he remembered the grimy, rough face of the man
coming at him with the backend of a gun aimed at his

His hands were tied tight with rope.
The ceiling fan was spinning and he realized he was in his own
home. A sudden wave of relief washed over him at this thought but
he knew he was in some kind of danger.

As his vision became clearer, two faces
appeared above him like two surgeons gazing down on their

“Wakeee, wakeee, eggs and motherfuckin’
baceee!” Said Badman.

“Hi there dad. Have a nice trip?” He
broke out into a sick laughter.

We wasn’t expectin’ you home so soon.
But now since you’re here, you may as well join the party,” said

“Yeah, yeah, join the party,” said

Conner’s dad looked at the two men
standing above him with fear yet hate in his eyes.

“Wanna see who else showed up?”
Nightmare asked.

He and Badman pulled him up to a
sitting position and in front of him sitting on the couch were his
son and three females he’s never seen before in his life. His mind
went reeling for an explanation of what the fuck was going on. His
last thought before getting out of his car just fifteen minutes ago
was him asking his son if he wanted to go fishing tomorrow and now
he was sitting in his living room on his pool table staring at four
terrified looking teens, one being his only son.

They all had their mouths taped shut
and their hands were tied as well.

“Who the fuck are you!” Conner’s dad
demanded with hateful eyes glaring at Nightmare.

“Settle down dad. They ain’t

“Son, are you ok. What’s

Nightmare punched him hard in the

“Shut your fuckin’ mouth!”

“Dad!” Conner cried out through his
taped mouth.

“Boy!” Nightmare pointed the shot gun
at him from across the room. The threat worked. Conner shut his
stupid ass mouth.

“Now look here dad,” Nightmare said
walking into the middle of the living room, “let me introduce
myself. They call me the nightmare man because I will make your
ever lovin’ pathetic life a goddam nightmare. Or you can just call
me nightmare.”

His cunning smile revealed his sick,
yellow and crooked teeth.

“And that man there with that pretty
rifle almost kissin’ your head goes by Badman.”

The simpleton nodded and revealed his
nasty teeth similar to his partner in corruption.

Nightmare continued, “As you can see,
those little shit’s sittin’ over there are just fine. A O fuckn’
kay. Maybe a little shakin’ up but fuckin’ peachy. See dad we know
all about you and your money. In fact we’ve been followin’ you
pretty close now for a couple of weeks. Ya see we like you rich
folk a whole lot. So I think you know why we’re here.”

Take whatever you want I
don’t care, it doesn’t matter. But please don’t hurt these

“Oh, don’t worry dad, we’re gonna take
all your shit but first we’re gonna have a little fun if that’s ok
with you. Now me and my partner seemed to have stumbled upon some
peculiar activities goings on round here,” Nightmare smiled again,
“if you know what I mean.”

He looked at Nightmare in confusion and
then to his son.

Nightmare walked over to the couch and
ripped off their duct tape mouths. Each one cried out in pain as it
came tearing off their skin.

“Ladies,” he said smiling at Conner’s
dad, “Why don’t you introduce yourselves to dad here.”

The girls were silent. Nightmare
pointed his gun at them when he didn’t get a response. That knocked
them out of their dazed state of fear real quick.

“I’m Andi.”

“Speak up girl, the man can’t hear

“My name is Andi.”

And then, “Liz.”

And finally, “Megan.”

Nightmare looked at the girls and said,
“Why it sounds like you’re all at a funeral. C’mon girlies show
some spizazzz! Now you daddy-o, introduce yourself to these fine
lookin’ females here.”

Hesitantly Conner’s dad said, “I’m
Edward Evans. Conner’s dad.”

“Motherfuckin’ Conner’s dad!” Nightmare
yelled and began clapping his hands. “Now ladies, why don’t you
tell Mr. Evans what you were alls doin’ upstairs in I presume
Conner’s bedroom. Go on now don’t be shy, tell the rich big shot
lawyer what his baby boy was up to.”

None of the girls said a word. They
just all had a terrible look of guilt on their scared yet still
pretty young faces.

“You sweetheart, why don’t you tell us
all what was goin’ down.” Nightmare was looking right at Megan. She
didn’t know what to say. Her throat seemed to freeze up. Her face
was a hysteria mask of regret, embarrassment and a deer caught in
the headlights of a fast moving semi.

“Get to talkin’ dollface.” Nightmare
pointed his shot gun right at her. She spoke.

BOOK: Game Night
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