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Authors: Fae Sutherland

Gambling On Maybe (3 page)

BOOK: Gambling On Maybe
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Hungry? I could reheat dinnerE"

Stephen winced, sitting down on the futon. The apartment was very much how he'd expected it. Smaller, maybe, because he hadn't expected a studio. But colorful. White walls, white carpet, and white furniture, but everywhere were vivid splashes of color from lamps to art to rugs and pillows.

"I'm sorry. You didn't actually cook, did you? Tell me you didn't so I don't kick my own ass even more."

Zach laughed and shook his head. "God, no. It's one thing I have in common with Carrie Bradshaw. I keep sweaters in my oven."

He didn't know who Carrie Bradshaw was or why one would keep sweaters in their oven, but Stephen was glad Zach hadn't gone
out of his way for him.

"SoEwhy didn't you want to come?"

Zach's question, blunt and to the point, caught him off guard. The young man had a knack for it. Stephen wondered if Zach even knew how to bite his tongue on what he was thinking.

Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to be a little more honest himself.
"It wasn't as though I didn't want to."

Zach's smile was back to knowing. "It was because you did. I see."

Stephen wondered, but probably Zachary Middle-initial-L-for-Lucas West
see right through him. "What do you see?" he blurted, curious. Morbidly curious, more like.


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

"Men who want to be straight are afraid of me as much as—sometimes more than—men who are straight. I know you're not the latter, Stevie, right? So are you the former?

Because if so, maybe you shouldn't be here with meEit can't look good for you if anyone found out, right?"

Zach was right. It wouldn't look good. He'd spent a lot of years being just one of the guys. Dating a woman here and there and developing a reputation as a confirmed bachelor so no one asked anymore why he wasn't married, why he didn't settle down. Instead, they ribbed him and joked and clapped him on the back like it was some kind of accomplishment.

So why was he here now, sitting in this very flamboyant apartment with this very flamboyant young man who could bring the tenuous structure of his identity down around his ears with one flutter of his mascaraed lashes?

"You said you knew I liked you. You were right. Are right."

Stephen let his gaze wander where it wanted to, landing, not surprisingly, on Zach's mouth. Soft, pink, lushEit was a mouth a man shouldn't let himself taste. Because he just knew it was sweet and willing and giving, and he'd be addicted with the very first exposure. Like some kind of candy drug.

Zach didn't say anything at first. The light in the apartment was dim, just a small lamp beside the futon, but it was enough to see the play of expressions across his face.

Zach was so expressive. He didn't hide anything he felt or thought.

What must it be like to live that way? So free?

Then Zach's expression changed, and he gave Stephen one of those knowing smiles. Without a word, Zach moved, sliding 24

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

over to straddle Stephen's thighs, slim arms winding around his neck. Big brown eyes locked on his, as if waiting to see if Stephen was going to toss him off and bolt, or stay and see where this led.

Like he didn't know where it was going to lead. And, oh, he wanted to go there so much he could almost taste it.

Before he even finished the thought, Zach must have read his mind because the next instant they were kissing, with a warm mouth against his own, a soft tongue teasing his lips.

For a long second, Stephen froze. There was no turning back after this. This was ground zero, so to speak. Point of no return.

His hands made the decision for him, sliding up Zach's slim back, one cupping the nape of his neck, the other sliding back down to splay at his waist, holding him close as, with more confidence than he truly felt, he kissed the most beautiful young man he'd ever known.

It was like someone had lifted the gate and all those things Stephen had been holding back, hiding, refusing to acknowledge, came rushing out in a tumble. Passion, desire, needEall spilling from him, and Zach held on tight, seeming to tell him silently it was okay to let go, to let himself feel it all.

With a groan, Stephen turned, stretching Zach out beneath him and sliding his hands down, then back up his sides, this time under the young man's T-shirt, pushing it up as he went.

The kiss broke long enough to remove the garment, and Stephen's breath caught, staring down at him.

His skin was smooth and pale, his waist narrow, the belly button pierced. The little blue jewel nestled in the center 25

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

called to him, and Stephen grinned, sliding down to press his open mouth there.

Zach laughed, squirming a bit under him. "Careful, I'm ticklish!"

Stephen chuckled. It was tempting to linger and torment him with the new knowledge, but now that he had Zach spread out under him, there was more he wanted than just making him laugh.

He wanted to make him wild.

Zach's heart was pounding. And Stevie hadn't touched him yet, not in any real way. What kind of madness was it going to be when his adorable police officer shed his hesitancy and
touched him? It made Zach faint just thinking about it.

He wanted to hurry him, to arch and grab his hands and show him where he wanted them most. But he didn't. He forced himself to relax and let Stevie take the lead. He wanted to know just what would happen when all hell broke loose and this man lost that tight control.

"I'm not going to break, StevieEyou can touch me." Hey, no one said he couldn't encourage.

Stevie smiled and nodded. "I know. I justElooking at you is good, too." His green eyes were amused when they met Zach's. "You know damn well how pretty you are."

Zach grinned, lifting one shoulder. "Maybe."

Stevie laughed out loud, shaking his head. "Maybe, my ass."

Zach's hands slid down to cup said ass through Stevie's jeans and squeezed with a little moan of appreciation. "And such a nice ass, too."


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

Then they were kissing again, and Zach wound his arms around Stevie's shoulders, one leg coming up to rub against his hip. Too many clothes. They were both wearing way too many clothes. But he wasn't willing to stop kissing him long enough to say so, so he did it silently instead, hands sliding down to tug Stevie's shirt free of the waistband of his pants, impatient to see him, touch him, feel his warmth.

Thankfully, Stevie got the message fast, and the next thing Zach knew, hands were everywhere, both of theirs, tugging at clothes, fumbling with buttons and zippers, fabric bunching around thighs and finally being kicked off until at last they were both naked.

And, oh, it felt good. Stevie was no fey thing, oh no. He was strong andEwell, the word burly came to mind. Broad shoulders and a barrel chest dusted with hair, strong stomach and long, thick, muscular thighs.

Zach let his hands wander and soon discovered Stevie's legs weren't the only things that were thick.

Stevie let out a choked sound, the kiss breaking, as Zach closed his fingers around the hard length of his cock.

"Sweet Christ, Zach!" Stevie sounded downright stunned.

It was so cute.

Zach gave him an impish grin and a tight stroke. "You're going to have to get over this whole being shocked by everything I do thing, Stevie."

Stevie laughed, shaking his head. "I don't think that's possible. Bold as fucking brass, aren't you?"

"Mmm, fucking. Sounds perfect. Let's do that, hmm?" Zach lifted his brows with a light laugh and slid down under Stevie, 27

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

shimmying his way until he was face toEwell, cock with what he wanted most right then. Before Stevie could protest or act all scandalized again, Zach took the words, and the breath, right out of him by closing his lips around the head of Stevie's cock and sucking him deep.

WellEmaybe not all the words. Stevie had plenty of cuss words left in him, as he exhibited while Zach worked every single trick he knew on the other man's gorgeous cock and blew Officer Hotness's mind.

He slid his hand up to Stevie's chest, giving him a push and, like he had no bones save for one, Stevie rolled onto his back. Zach followed, settling between his legs and able to get some momentum on Stevie's cock.

One hand wrapped around the base, stroking as he sucked; the other slid down and under to feather his fingers over the other man's balls. Just to get a feel for what Stevie liked. Some liked it rough, but some would toss you across the room if you tried to give their berries a yank.

By the way Stevie jolted and then sort of melted into the mattress, Zach got the feeling gentle was the way to go. For such a big guy, Officer Hotness was a big softy. Zach smiled inwardly and pulled off to give the head of Stevie's cock a kiss.

"Stay right here," he murmured.

Stevie blinked, pushing up onto his elbows with a furrowed brow. "Where are you going?"

Zach stretched up to brush a kiss across his mouth before standing. "I want more than oral, Officer Hotness, and I'm a safety boy."


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

Understanding lit in Stevie's eyes, and Zach gave him a wink before darting to the bathroom to grab a condom out of the medicine cabinet. After a moment's pause he grabbed another, just in case, and a bottle of lube.

He was back before Stevie could have second thoughts and climbed over him, catlike, a slinky grin on his lips.

comes the good stuff," he promised.

Stevie laughed. "That wasn't the good stuff?" he joked, voice breathless.

"Oh, no. That was good, but thisE You ain't seen nothin'

yet, honey."

Zach dropped the condoms and lube onto the futon and leaned down, chest against Stevie's, thighs straddling his stomach. He was so big, it made Zach all quivery inside.

"Now, I'm guessing I'm not the first lucky boy you've ever fuckedEyou know how to do this, yeah?"

Stevie gave him an arched brow, and Zach laughed.

"Thank God. I was worried you might be
far in the closet."

"Not quite, brat." As if the slight to his prowess had spurred something in him, a light burned in his green eyes and made Zach shiver. The next thing he knew, Stevie had tossed him to his back and stretched his big, powerful body over Zach.

Oh, my.

"I know exactly what to do with a boy like you, Zachary,"

he rumbled out, one hand sliding down the outside of Zach's thigh and then hitching it high against his hip.


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

Zach moaned, arching, and found his mouth caught in a tangled, wet, wicked kiss that stole his breath and his senses.

More than happy to put himself in this man's hands, Zach wrapped himself around Stevie as best he could and held on for what was promising to be a hell of a ride.

Stephen wasn't thinking about being uncertain or what the consequences would be anymore. All he was thinking about was showing the gorgeous man beneath him that he damn well
know what he was doing. Zach was going to be lucky to be able to move by the time Stephen was done with him.

He heard the faint, whispered thought saying being done with Zach was maybe going to be impossible, but ignored it and focused on the sweet pleasure of his mouth, the willing, eager movement of his lithe body.

Blood roared through his veins with every sound from deep in Zach's throat. Low moans, ragged whimpers, sharp gasps filled the air as Stephen touched, stroked and explored to his heart's content. When he broke the kiss, it was to slide his mouth down Zach's neck, the vibration of his sounds against his lips sending shivers through Stephen.

It'd been too long since he'd felt this way with anyone. He wasn't even sure he ever had. Slightly out of control, a little bit over the edgeE Zach sent his willpower wobbling and made him forget who he was in favor of who he wanted to be.

He wanted to be free, like Zach. Able to touch and taste, not just the man beneath him, but the world around him.

Stephen didn't even know what it felt like anymore—hadn't for years—and here was this wild creature offering him the chance to experience it all right there in his arms. It was too 30

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

enticing an offer to refuse, which was why Stephen had showed up when he'd intended to ignore the offer.

When it came down to it, he hadn't been any more able to turn Zach down than he would have been able to turn down the chance to draw another breath.

There were no words, but none were needed as Stephen slid farther down, finding tightened nipples and the tender, sensitive flesh drawn across Zach's ribs. He traced his tongue over ever ridge, every sloping plane, every sharp curve and, just like when he got on his motorcycle and took to the desert highway on the weekends, it was an exhilarating ride, leaving him breathless and wishing for more.

Except this time he could have more. He could taste the offer of it, whatever he wanted, however much he wanted.

Zach was offering it all and damned if Stephen could refuse.

After a slick of lube, fumbling fingers were brushed aside by slim, expert ones guiding the condom into place without hesitation. One finger, two, like a wicked dance with each step synchronized as Zach urged him on with frantic moans and hands stronger than they looked gripping him, pulling him closer.

More, more, more.
Zach's body begged, and Stephen answered the silent pleading with a firm, deep thrust that sank him right into fucking heaven.

It was madness, wicked hot, liquid madness, and their lips met as they moved together. Hard thrusts, arching hips, teeth scraping lips and jaw and neck. He growled, and Zach answered with a throaty laugh, soft and dangerous in its seduction. Stephen could feel himself winding around one 31

BOOK: Gambling On Maybe
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