Fury of Obsession (Dragonfury Series Book 5) (32 page)

BOOK: Fury of Obsession (Dragonfury Series Book 5)
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Venom hummed in approval. Well, all right then. Game on. No turning away.

He needed to meet her head-on. Match her move for move. Give as good as she gave to win the round and come out on top. Brushing a stray tendril of hair away from her temple, he studied her a moment, weighing the pros and cons, trying to guess her game. Loose curls clung to his fingers, slipped in between, tempting him to linger. Unable to resist, he played in the soft strands and tried to decide.

Make love to her now or make her wait.

It was a toss-up. A real tug-of-war.

He didn’t want to rush her. Or help her run headlong into disaster. She’d suffered a shock. Was contending with tragic loss. Which left her feeling unmoored, in need of an anchor. He equated to a good one—solid, strong, gentle yet supremely skilled in bed. Tapping into her bio-energy, Venom mined her mood. He huffed. Nice. He could actually hear her thinking.

Each word. Every bit of logic. The clash of opposing values too: the good girl she’d always been versus the bad one she wanted to be.

The latter would give her what she needed—peace and stability, reason in a world gone topsy-turvy on her. Understandable. A pretty good strategy too, despite the fact he found himself in the hot seat. He couldn’t find fault with her approach. She craved comfort. For someone to relieve the steady pressure building inside her. Making love with him would do that—exhaust her body, calm her mind, stop the turmoil. Question wa
s . . .

Did he want his first time with her to be that way?

Winding one of her curls around his fingertip, he tugged her closer. “My following through depends on one thing.”

“What?” she asked, her mouth a hair’s breadth from his.


She frowned and leaned away, not understanding.

Venom almost said to hell with it. Giving her what she wanted—a fast fuck followed by mind-blowing orgasm—after all, played into his plans. She was his mate. Made for him. Meant for him. The only female he would sleep with from now on. The only one he would please and be pleased by in return. Which should’ve unleashed him—given him permission to claim her. Somehow, though, it didn’t. What he wanted no longer mattered. This was about her, not him. So despite her bold move—and assertive nature—he needed to make something clear. And she needed to understand how it would be if she continued toward him, instead of away. Fast. Hard. Deep. Animalistic and intense the second he flipped her over and took what she offered.


“Be sure, Evelyn,” he said with a growl. “I want you too much. Once we start down this road, I might not be able to stop.”

“You would never hurt me.”

“No. Never.”

“Then unlock and let go.”

“Jesus.” His hands flexed on her thighs. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Yes, I do,” she whispered, rocking her hips, inviting him to lay her down and lose control. “I want you, Venom. I have since the moment I saw you at the Luxmore.”

Truth stacked upon truth, and lust on top of lust. His more than met hers. But God, he needed to be sure. Of her. Of himself. Of the situation too.

Undulating against him, she moaned his name.

He seized her hips and pressed down, controlling her ride. “God, Evie. I can feel you through my jeans. You’re so hot.”

“Very wet too,” she whispered against his mouth. “I’m slipping against my panties.”

Holy God. Gorgeous tease. The things she said turned him inside out.

With a hum, she licked his bottom lip, teasing him with a wet stroke, making him imagine the soft flesh between her thighs. Venom groaned. She captured and swallowed the sound, kissing him harder. Deeper. Stroke for stroke. Tangling her tongue with his before retreating again. “It may not be wise, but I need you—to feel good and forget the hurt for a while. Please, Venom.”

The entreaty cranked him tight. Chest heaving, still unsure, he hesitated.

She flicked her tongue over his teeth. “Hmm, I love your hair.”

“It’s too long.” Unable to resist, he picked up her rhythm. Fast and furious. No holds barred. She was magic, moving against him with one aim in mind—his pleasure and her eventual victory.

“No. It isn’t.” Fingers playing, she stroked through the long strands. Her nails grazed his scalp, sending shivers down his spine. “It’s perfect.”

“Another compliment,” he murmured, trying to keep it light. A good plan. Maybe if he kept talking, he’d maintain some restraint. Do it right. Love her well. Make her come before he lost control. “Jesus, Evie. You’re beautiful.”

“You should see me without my clothes on.”

She smiled, all imp, no mercy.

Her expression, the teasing lilt of her voice, unleashed him. With a snarl, Venom reversed their positions, putting Evelyn on her back. She bounced against the couch cushions. He bared his teeth and shoved at her skirt, warning her without words. Screw right. He was headed straight into wrong. She wanted him. He longed for her. Flawless symmetry. The perfect storm. Nothing standing in his way. Desire surged, funneling into a single thought. He needed to see her nake
d . . .
right now. Kiss her soft skin. Caress her gorgeous curves. Taste the slick flesh between her thighs. Now. This instant. Before Evelyn pushed him over the edge of reason, and he lost what little remained of his mind.

Chapter Nineteen

Flat on her back beneath Venom, Evelyn tried to catch her breath. Great idea. Perfect in theory. Totally impossible to pull off. Determined to drive her wild, Venom controlled her completely. Rough hands pinned her to the couch. Strong thighs spread her legs. His dominant nature made her pant as thick cushions gave beneath her, bowing in deference, obeying his command, keeping her comfortable in the face of his strength. The rough press of his body should’ve scared her. Maybe even backed her up a step. Started her thinking about self-preservation and possible exit routes.

Excitement flooded her instead.

Hmm, he was gorgeous. So strong. Beyond beautiful as he unraveled a thread at a time—for he
r . . .
because of her—a lethal Dragonkind guy on the verge of losing control. She saw it in his eyes. Felt it in the wildness of each caress. Read it in the way he moved—his singular focus driven by ravenous need. Reason enough to call it a night and race for safer ground. Undulating beneath him, Evelyn purred his name instead, egging him on, showing him her nee
d . . .

Fueling his desire one breathy whisper at a time.

He snarled at her. Shimmering ruby eyes met hers. He shoved her skirt up. The sheath dress slid on her skin. Excitement erupted into anticipation. Her nipples tightened in reaction, begging to be sucked an
d . . .
oh God. She could hardly wait to have him inside her. He was going to feel so good. Ride her hard. Treat her well. Show no mercy while he made her burn and beg an
d . . .
come so hard she screamed in bliss.

Shameful, really. Not that she cared how it sounded.

Desire didn’t negotiate. And need was a double-edged sword. Beautiful one minute, a ravenous beast the next. And yes, she needed him that way. No holds barred. No regrets or looking back. Just skin on skin, and glory upon glory.

Fighting the lockdown, Evelyn surged beneath him. Venom cursed, but loosened his grip, allowing her some leeway. She took every bit, pushed her hands into his hair, and licked into his mouth. Pressing her down, he deepened the kiss, delivering his taste with a delicious stroke. Pleasure shivered through her. Desire grabbed hold. Whimpering in desperation, she begged him for more. He tangled their tongues, blowing her mind, lashing her with delight before lifting his head.

His mouth left hers.

She keened in protest.

He bared his teeth and held her gaze. A warning flashed in his eyes. Evelyn got the message—stay still, behave, an
d . . .
get what you want. Breathing hard, she tried to obey, but couldn’t keep from moving. Her hips churned, rising off the cushions, setting a rhythm, begging him without words to fulfill her needs. His mouth curved as he shifted forward, thrusting his leg between her thighs, giving her something to ride. She moaned as bliss sparked, spiraling into a powerful wave of sensation.

Watching her move, he fisted his hand in the cushions sitting along the back of the couch. Taut muscle flexed. He flung his arm out and let go. Plump pillows flew over the coffee table and across the living room. The roll of her hips slowed. Her breath caught, stalling in her lungs as each one hit the far wall with a thud, then slid, falling to the floor.

“Eyes on me, Evelyn.”

The low growl snapped her attention back to him.

Planting one hand beside her ear, he fisted the other in her skirt. “Lift up.”

Glory, glory, hallelujah. Thank God. Time to get naked. “Rip it.”

Her throaty request rose in the quiet. He paused and glanced at her, surprise in his eyes. It didn’t last long. Arousal hit full force. Venom’s nostrils flared, and she got ready. Oh, yeah. Here it came. The moment of truth, his strength about to be unleashed. Caressing the back of her calf, he stared at the hem of her dress. Shifting on soft cushions, Evelyn tilted her hips and spread her thighs, giving him a glimpse of what lay beneath off-white silk. His breath hitched. She hummed in satisfaction, knowing what he was seeing.

Pink lace panties, wet with arousal.

Wonder on his face, he reached out. His hand slid between her thighs. A gentle caress across the damp lace. A maddening caress over her mound, then lower where she needed him most. Gaze on his hand, he traced the frilly trim. Evelyn held her breath and stayed stock-still, hoping, praying, ready to beg for the pleasure of his touch. Her muscles quivered. Pleas
e . . .
e . . .
please—touch me.
The chant throbbed inside her head. Over and over. Again and again. With a groan, Venom obeyed and slid beneath the edge of her panties. He stroked in. She arched up, moaning as he caressed her folds with a fingertip.

Rapture threatened. Her body clenched, demanding release.

.” Fingers sliding in her slickness, he drew a deep breath. “You’re so soft. So slick. Beautiful.”

“Venom, please—
, rip it. Get it off me,” she said, silk feeling like sandpaper against her skin. He delved deeper between her thighs. His thumb brushed the top of her sex. Once. Twice. A third time, making her pulse deep inside. “Oh God, please. I want to be naked with you.”

He stroked her again, then retreated. Gaze riveted to hers, he raised his hand. His tongue flicked out. The pink flash held her prisoner, shackling her in surprise as Venom licked his fingertips. He hummed in delight, the sound so naughty Evelyn forgot about her clothes and, unable to look away, watched him suck her cream from his skin.

“So good,” he murmured. “You taste like peaches.”

Overwhelmed by him, Evelyn quivered in response.

Dark and unreadable, his gaze roamed her a second before he slid his hand beneath her bottom. He lifted. She complied, raising her hips, holding still, waiting for him to rip the dress in half. A hard yank would do it—split the center seam, shred the silk, leaving her half-naked beneath him.

“Just tear it.”

“No, I like this dress. I’m going to make you wear it again sometime. Bend you over. Take you from behind. Stroke deep while silk slides across your skin.”

His words made her shiver. The promise in his tone made her moan.

Doing as he pleased, he pushed the dress up her torso. The hem caught on the undersides of her breasts. She raised her arms. He tugged, pulling the dress over her head. Cold air caressed her skin, making her sigh in relief. Venom froze, going stone-still above her. Satisfaction soared, and Evelyn swallowed a laugh. God, that felt good. His reaction soothed her impatience. Waiting had been worth it. She knew what he’d expected—a pink bra, one to match her racy panties.

What he got sucked the air out of his chest.

Bare breasts instead of frilly lace. Soft skin and tightly furled nipples.

“Oh Jesus.”

“Surprise,” she whispered.

Venom didn’t bother to answer. He dipped his head instead. Fine by her. She’d rather have his—

He licked her nipple.

“Oh, yes—finally.”


“Yes.” Definitely. Without a doubt. She wanted him inside her. Right now.

Venom flicked her again, bathing her in bliss. “Wait a little longer.”


He smiled against her breast. Nipping the tip, he settled in and suckled hard, rolling tender flesh against his tongue. She arched as he shifted alongside her, trapping her between the couch back and him. Exposed. On display. Bared to him, she gasped as he tongued her other nipple. Watching her reaction, he sucked softly and, holding her still with one hand, sent the other exploring. Calloused and hot, his palm skimmed her skin, stroked over her hip, then across her belly, raising goose bumps, drawing out bliss, driving her mad with desire until—

His hand pushed beneath her panties.

A gentle tug on lace. An even slower draw down her thighs, and he stripped her bare, leaving her naked in his arms while he remained fully clothed.

Lifting his mouth from her breast, Venom slipped his hand between her thighs. His fingers pushed into her folds. He stroked deep. Bowed in supplication, begging for release, she rose on a pulse of ecstasy. Her hands slid into his hair. Her lips brushed against his. A little sip. A gentle nip. She purred and, lips parted, offered him her mouth. Playing in her heat, he hovered a breath away, watching her as he slid his finger inside her. She gasped in delight, tightening around him. Pushing deep, Venom upped the pace, testing her tension, stretching her with each thrust, preparing her for his possession.

“That’s it,
. Ride my fingers,” he whispered against her mouth, thumb circling her clitoris, feeding her bliss one hand pump at a time. “You’re so tight, Evie. Open up. Let me in.”

“Please,” she rasped, delight hovering a breath away. “I’m so ready for you.”

“Right now?”

“This second.”

“Clothes on or off?”


“As you wish,” he murmured.

His clothes disappeared, leaving him naked against her. Golden skin and thick muscle surrounded her. Her mouth fell open. Evelyn sucked in a startled breath. Holy God. What the hell had just happened? How had he done that? Dressed one second, naked the next. Weird. Crazy. Incredible in a way that—

Venom stroked her again.

Surprise fell away, dying in the burn of approaching release. She gasped his name. Staring at the dark curls between her thighs, Venom shifted down her body. He pushed her knees up and out, spreading her wider, then settled in-between. His mouth joined his hand. He traced her folds with his tongue. With a shout, Evelyn twisted beneath him. Holding her still, he delved in. Her muscles clenched as he licked deeper, pushing her hard, making her beg and plead beneath him. Shifting focus, he flicked the nub controlling her pleasure. Air stalled in her throat. She lost the ability to breathe. He growled and sucked harder. Rapture bit. She gasped. Her body pulsed, raging into orgasm. Bliss bowed her spine. Ecstasy threw her head back, raised her hips and—

Evelyn screamed as she came.

Lifting his head from between her thighs, Venom rose above her. The tip of his shaft nudged her core. He surged forward, possessing her in one thrust. She clenched around him. He snarled in answer and showed no mercy. Spine flexing, he rocked her hard. Made her his. Stretched her wide. Filled her full as he drove her toward another climax. Helpless in the heated rush, Evelyn wrapped her legs around his hips and held on. God. Finally. At last. She had him deep. Was being worked hard and ridden fast. Just what she wanted from him. Better than she imagined. Everything she needed wrapped up in one man.

Possession. Surrender. Passion-fueled oblivion without end.

Tensing against her, Venom shouted and throbbed, coming deep inside her. An answering pulse picked her up, threw her high, rushing her over the edge and into rapture a second time. She went weightless in her own skin, falling fast, skipping across time and space like a shooting star. But as Venom relaxed—warm and trusting in her arms—emotion welled, making her chest go tight and her heart feel too full. Powerful truths spilled into the open. Profound happiness. An undeniable sense of belonging. Bright and shiny hope as Venom sighed her name and held her close. Unbelievable tenderness. Dangerous connection. Devastation in full effect. And yet, Evelyn ignored the danger and nestled in, risking her heart by hugging him back.

Foolish, perhaps. Reckless, without a doubt.

The purest thing she’d ever felt.

Forget the damage. The danger too. It might not be wise, but she refused to shove Venom away. Or shut him out. She might not be his forever, but Venom was hers for the moment. Hers to hold. Hers to treasure. Hers to remember when the situation turned and life forced her to let him go. Good. Bad. Neither applied anymore. Making love with him had driven the truth home. She loved the way he made her feel—bold, beautiful, strong, more like herself than she had in months. Which meant serious trouble, and that she was done. Cooked. Invested now, and, wise or not, she planned to enjoy Venom for as long as fate allowed and her time with him lasted.

Sitting next to Evelyn at the kitchen island, Venom watched her slather peanut butter across the top of a soda cracker. The smell of nutty goodness made his mouth water. The sight of her dressed in his clothes made his body burn. Hmm, she was incredible. A goddess in baggy sweatpants and an oversize tee. So goddamn beautiful with her messed-up hair and nonchalant attitude, she slipped past his guard and stole his heart without even trying. Strange, really—to become so attached to someone after such a short time.

BOOK: Fury of Obsession (Dragonfury Series Book 5)
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