Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One) (4 page)

BOOK: Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One)
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Claire cannot keep from smiling. “Very naughty. What can I do for you, Mr. Cooper? As you can see, I’m getting ready to go to bed.”

“I know my actions are rash, Claire, but the truth is that ever since you left the party I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

“Oh yeah? Hmm, I bet you say that to all the girls you want to have your way with.”

“Nah. I don’t mess around when it comes to my genuine feelings for someone. The more you get to know me the more you’ll get that.”

Claire really can’t quite believe that he’s really standing there. He came all the way into the city in the dead of night just to spend more time with her? Unbelievable.

“Can I come in?”

“Oh, um. Sure.”

Claire steps aside to allow Fabian to enter her small apartment for the first time. She’s grateful that she picked up the place earlier. She knows he’s used to hanging out in much grander digs, but she’s not ashamed of her cute place. It’s the best she can afford on her salary.

“Nice place. I like it.”

“You’re probably just saying that, but thanks.”

“No. I really do like it. It feels like you—if that makes any sense.”

“I gave it a few decorative touches that reflect my style. So, yeah, that makes sense.”

Fabian looks at Claire with the intensity of a thousand suns. “I don’t know what you do to me, but whatever it is…keep on doing it.”

Claire blushes. “I’m not trying to do anything to you. I’m just being me.”

“I know.”

Fabian steps into Claire’s personal space and lifts her chin up so their eyes meet. “Do you trust me right now?”

That’s a loaded question. Sure, she had a great time with him at the party, but she barely knows anything about him outside of the typical office gossip. In her book, trust is something that someone earns over time. Does she want to trust him?


“I trust you enough to let you in my apartment. Beyond that, I truly don’t know.”

“That’s okay. I know we’ve got a ways to go before you can totally trust me. Thank you for being honest.”

“You’re welcome. Can I get you a soda or something?”

Fabian gives her a sly look. “The only thing I wanna drink right now is you.”

Claire takes a step back and nervously plays with the ends of the belt on her robe. “Um, I don’t know, Fabian. I’m letting you know right now that I’m not a one-night stand type of girl. If that’s what you’re looking for then I’m sorry. You might as well leave right now, because…”

Fabian grabs Claire like a wolf with a craving for sheep and engulfs her in his arms. Despite her initial surprise she allows her body to relax and take what is coming. She too cannot seem to resist the magnetic allure of this man that has come into her life like a comet.

Claire wraps her arms around Fabian’s neck and they kiss passionately. Maybe she shouldn’t trust him, but it is too late to stop indulging in the sweet nectar of his tongue mingling with hers. He is such a ridiculously good kisser that she could care less right now about her dating rules. This time she’s throwing the rulebook out and running with what feels good in the moment.

Fabian Cooper is an irresistible temptation.

Without another word said between them Claire takes Fabian’s hand and leads him into her bedroom. There are no silk sheets. In fact, her sheets are a comfy cotton/polyester blend. She’s sure it doesn’t matter one whit to him.

She knocks aside the nightgown she had laid out earlier and pulls down the covers. Fabian falls on top of her onto the bed. They both giggle for a moment. Then things get really serious.

“I can’t wait to taste every bit of you,” he says hungrily.

Fabian hops out of bed and pulls off his t-shirt, which exposes his chiseled torso in all its glory. Claire cannot wait to run her fingers across his abs. She’s never had a boyfriend with this kind of ripped body. When she watches him unzip his jeans her anticipation goes up several heat notches. Yes, she’s hot for him all right. She’s a good girl that has always fantasized about doing it with an edgy, GQ kind of guy. Now is her chance to live that dream in steamy fashion. She never imagined that it would really happen, but now that it is, she’s going to enjoy every second.

Fabian’s jeans drop to the floor. He’s not wearing any underwear. Claire cannot take her eyes off of his magnificent package. It’s already partially erect. She wants it inside of her more than anything she’s ever wanted in her whole adult life.

Claire removes her robe and tosses it unceremoniously onto the floor. “Come here,” she beckons with raspy desire.

Fabian straddles her. His pleasure stick responds immediately as she holds him in her hands and rubs him against her increasingly wet cherry. Even though she’s never done this move before she instinctively holds onto one of his balls while jerking his thickening manhood until it is rock hard. Claire guides the tip of his thick rod to her moist opening and stops just short of letting him slip in.

“Stop teasing me, baby, and let me go inside,” he begs.

“Do you want me, baby?”


“How badly do you want me?”

“Really bad.”

“How much?”

“So much, I’d do anything for you.”

“Like what?”

“Stop it, Claire.”

“Answer me or I’ll get up and leave you here by yourself.”

“Agh! Alright. I’ll make you come twice.”

Even in her horny stupor Claire is skeptical about his claim. She’s never had an orgasm during intercourse. She’s used to faking it and making a guy feel like he’s a great lover. The only time she gets off is when she’s fantasizing with one of her trusty dildos. They never let her down. Guys with real penises?

Seems like there’s always a disappointing ending.

“Okay. I’m game for whatever you have to give me.”

Regardless if Fabian can make good on his claim, Claire is sure she’ll be thoroughly entertained. Even so, she isn’t totally prepared for the sensation of him thrusting suddenly inside of her yearning walls. There’s a slight moment of discomfort as he stretches out her tightness. Then she is hit with waves of escalating pleasure as he gets into his rhythm.

She can’t help but vocalize how good his thick rod feels inside her. “Uh…ah…mm…uh…oh, baby.”

Claire feels her body being carried away to a place she’s never been before. Fabian Cooper is riding her like a champ and doing it in the most fantastic way. Her juices are beginning to flow, making his thrusting easier.

“Oh wow.”

“You like that, baby?”

“Ah hmm. Go in deeper, baby. Give it to me hard. Harder.”

Fabian increases the intensity of his thrusting. Claire’s fingers press down into his bare back. Her hands slip down to his firm buttocks. Just as she is reaching the peak of excitement—he pulls out.

“Noooo. I want more.”

Fabian grins. “Oh, you’re getting more. Lay back and enjoy this.”

Claire lays all the way back on the bed and spreads her legs wide. Fabian scoots back just a bit and buries his head between her legs. Suddenly, Claire feels the warmth of his tongue flicking in and out of her pulsating cherry. This is also something new for her. She’s heard about this move, but never thought anyone would actually be doing it to her. How lucky is she? Here is this beautiful hunk of a man worth millions treating her smoldering hot box as if it is serving up a scrumptious meal.

Fabian’s tongue is thrusting and exploring her insides deeper and deeper. She squirms in maddening delight as the sensations from his licking and probing build up to a teasing crescendo. She shudders as the tip of his tongue makes a sensuously slow circle around her opening, tickles her sensitive spot, then slips inside of her again, thrusting much harder now. Oh my god. What is he doing to her?

Claire cries out her delicious ecstasy. “Oh, Fabian. Fabian…”

Like a crazy woman, Claire grabs Fabian’s head and shoves it closer to where she needs it to be. His tongue action inside of her is blowing her mind. Where has he been all of her life?

Her breathing becomes labored as the rawness of his tongue slips in, out and around her pulsating wetness. He’s thrusting, licking and flicking his tongue closer and closer to her quivering g-spot. Everything is becoming a blur. She is no longer Claire, but some wild woman who is a slave to a man that is master of her universe.

“Fabian…yes! Oh yes, baby.”

Her voice sounds strange and otherworldly. Her erotic cries of passion are coming from the debts of her neglected erogenous zone. She’s about to…

Claire’s body lurches upwards as she heatedly erupts into volcanic release. The explosions going off deep inside her hot box are super intense. Wave after wave of thundering orgasmic sensations take over her body.

“Ah…ah…yes! Oh, it’s so good. So freaking good. Ah!”

These incredible waves of pleasure reach a frenzied white-hot peak then gradually weaken and peter out completely.

Claire collapses back down onto the bed in an exhausted heap. She’s just had her first male-induced orgasm. It was way better than the ones she’s used to having with her collection of artificial stimulators.

Fabian lies down next to her and smiles. “How was that?”


“That’s number one. I promised you two.”

Claire is completely wiped out. “That’s okay. I’m good with one. I’m not sure I could survive two in one night.”

“Sure you can,” he says with a wink. “It’s something you’ll get used to.”

Claire can’t imagine any woman ever wanting to let go of this sex god. It’s obvious Fabian has had lots of experience with pleasuring women. He knew exactly what she needed and gave it to her. He didn’t even give his own sexual desires a second thought.

“What about you? You didn’t get to climax with me.”

“Don’t worry about it, babe. I’m content to just lie here and hang out with you for a while. If we do it again, I’ll get my climax then. If not, another time.”

Claire cannot believe what she is hearing. Most guys want to wham bam and thank you ma’am until they get their big release. Whether their partner enjoys the same is usually not at the top of their minds. Fabian is just the opposite. He enjoys giving before receiving. No wonder he doesn’t have any trouble getting girlfriends. Hopefully, she’s now a part of that exclusive club.

“Do you wanna spend the night?”

“Sure,” he says in that sexy voice of his. “I’ll stay right here as long as you want.”

Fabian wraps his arm around Claire and the two snuggle up close. Soon they both drift off into a satisfying sleep.



P1.Chapter 3


Claire starts up her work computer and watches out of habit as the Cooper Enterprises welcome screen pops up. She enters her login password and is ready to get started on another typical Monday. Since she doesn’t have much work to do right now Claire decides to ask Nathan if there’s anything pressing he needs her to do. She wouldn’t even mind going on an errand. Staying busy would certainly help her to keep her mind off of Fabian.

She had woken up yesterday morning feeling his body snuggled up next to hers. She didn’t mind his snoring since she too lightly snores. After their amazing late night tryst, she wasn’t in any hurry to get out of bed. Claire lay there next to Fabian for a good half hour before his eyes sleepily flickered open.

“Good Morning.”

“Hey,” he said while still waking up.

“Want some coffee?”


“I’ll get the coffeemaker going.”

Claire kissed Fabian on his lips and slid out of bed. Her leg muscles were a little sore from her bedtime gymnastics. It was a signal that she either needs to get exercising or have more great sex to loosen up.

Fabian shuffled into the small dining area just as Claire was slicing up some bagels for a quick breakfast. She hoped he liked veggie cream cheese spread, which she prefers over butter. Fabian seems pleased and sits at the table. He has dressed and smoothed his hair down with water. Apparently, he’s no fan of bed head.

Fabian helps himself to a bagel as Claire sets a hot mug of coffee in front of him.

“I had a great time last night—both at the party and here. Man, Claire, you are mucho caliente.”

“I hope that’s something good.”

“It means really hot.”

“Thanks. You’re also mucho caliente.”

They exchange grins and Claire definitely feels she’s on the inside track to become Fabian’s next girlfriend. She and he just seem to have this instant connection that can’t be explained—it just is.

“Sunday’s are usually my lazy day, but if you want, I can get myself together and we can do something other than lay around here all day.”

Fabian sips his coffee and contemplates her offer for a moment. “I’m sorry, Claire. I’ve already made plans with some old friends. I’d bring you along, but they already bought tickets to see an afternoon show and…”

“That’s okay. I’ll take a rain check,” Claire says hurriedly.

“If I’d known I was going to be with you in this way so soon things would be different. Anyway, thanks for breakfast. I’ll take this bagel with me.” Fabian downs his coffee in the span of a few minutes. “I better get going now if I’m going to go home and change before meeting up with my friends.”

Fabian bear hugs Claire and they kiss hot and heavy for almost a full minute. She’s melting again and doesn’t want him to go so soon. However, maybe it’s best that she is left wanting more. Next time they get intimate, she’ll make sure he gets as much pleasure as he receives.

“Good morning, Nathan. Just thought I’d ask if I can help out with anything. I’ve got some extra time.”

Nathan forces himself away from his cell phone in order to respond. “Oh, ah…morning, Claire. I wish there were something, but I’m all tied up in this Beverly Hills project. The three hour time delay is driving me crazy.”

Claire notices that Nathan seems unusually on edge this morning. Normally, he’s not concerned about time zone issues. She guesses that maybe he’s under extra pressure from Gray to get the new restaurant back on track. There have been nothing but delays and setbacks during its remodeling.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll whip them into shape like you always do.”

Nathan seems doubtful. “Not sure I’ve got enough mojo this time. We’re way behind schedule and over budget. If it weren’t such a high profile project I’d just halt everything and sell the property. Anyway, there’s nothing we can do but sit tight until later.”

“Okay, I’ll be out here at my desk if you need me.”

“Hey, Claire? How’d you like the party?”

“I had a great time. I can’t thank you and Sloane enough for pulling strings to get me an invite.”

Claire sees that mentioning Sloane has a positive effect on Nathan’s mood.

“It was my pleasure. Sloane was totally cool about it. Um…everyone noticed that you and Fabian were hanging together the whole time.”

Claire doesn’t want to get into a discussion about Fabian, especially with Nathan. Maybe he’s digging for more information about how she feels about him, but she’s not ready to divulge anything. In fact, she’s not sure how she fits into Fabian’s life right now, or he into hers.

She had sat around her apartment waiting for him to call her like he promised before he left. That call never came. She waited until eleven p.m. and then she had to go to bed to be ready to catch the train into work. The first thing she did after getting up this morning was check her cell phone for a text message from Fabian. There wasn’t one.

He couldn’t even bother to leave me one quick text message. What’s up with that?

The thought that Fabian may have charmed his way into her bed just to mark a notch off on his female conquest belt bothers her tremendously. In retrospect, he had acted and spoken in a way that made her let her guard down. He seemed so sincere at the time, but how does she really know he wasn’t just giving her the man she wanted on purpose?

The word on Fabian, according to the office gossip mill, is that he is a skilled player who is known for loving and leaving a string of ladies wherever he goes. Claire had conveniently chosen to push these stories aside while she indulged in her ultimate fantasy. Fabian is the dream guy she always wanted. Their brief time together was magical. Maybe the whole thing is simply too good to be true.

Maybe Fabian did a complete snow job on her and she fell for it hook, line and sinker. So, there’s no way she’s going to give Nathan, or anyone else for that matter, a hint of what is going on between her and Fabian Cooper. She is sure about one thing, though. She’s pulling way back on showing any outward affection towards him. If he truly is interested in her, he’ll have to go along with taking things slow. On the other hand, if he’s been faking it, she can turn him away and avoid looking like a total fool.

“Fabian’s a great guy to spend an evening with,” Claire says without revealing anything but polite pleasantness. “He’s entertaining, that’s for sure. Maybe we’ll grow to be better friends over time.”

Nathan gives an understanding nod. “Yeah, he’s fun, but probably not husband material, right?”

Claire smiles without responding and heads back to her desk.

Back home that evening, Claire digs into the pasta dinner she ordered from a nearby restaurant. She rarely cooks dinner since her neighborhood has plenty of good restaurants that provide convenient take out meals. She clicks the TV over to the local news, which is in progress. She’s no news junkie, but she does like to see what’s happening, just in case there are any crazy killers or rapists stalking around her neighborhood. Where she lives is pretty safe, but she knows she should still be aware of any potential dangers.

An immaculately dressed female anchorwoman reports on a breaking news story. Claire watches with rapt attention.

“We’ve just learned that New York socialite Sloane Cooper has apparently gone missing without a trace from her hotel room in midtown Manhattan.”

Claire is shocked to hear Sloane’s name and see her image flashed on TV. “Oh my gosh. Sloane’s missing?”

“Police are not giving many details. We do know that the incident happened late this afternoon at the Continental Crown Hotel. Foul play is suspected in her disappearance. Police are asking the public to contact them with any information regarding Sloane Cooper’s disappearance.”

Claire jumps as her cell phone rings. She grabs it. “Hello?”

“Hi Claire. I’m glad you picked up.”

“Nathan? Oh my god. I’ve just been watching the local news. Sloane’s missing?”


Nathan sounds nervous and worried. Claire can only assume what he must be feeling right now. Something bad has possibly happened to his mistress, who just happens to be the wife of his boss and mentor.

“Whatever you need from me, Nathan, I’m ready to help.”

“Good. I’ve already sent a car to pick you up and bring you to Cooper manor. I’m having an emergency meeting here with Gray and Fabian. You don’t mind working after hours, do you?”

“No. I wanna help out in any way I can.”

“That’s my Claire. Okay, I’ll see you when you get here. Oh, and Claire?”

“Yes, Nathan?”

“Don’t tell anyone about this meeting.”

“I won’t. See you soon. Bye.”


Claire throws her dinner into the fridge and anxiously waits for the car to arrive to whisk her away into something unknown and possibly ominous.




Fabian’s face brightens as soon as he sees Claire enter the sitting room. Up until now, the tension between he, Gray and Nathan was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He was summoned into this east wing room with its eggshell colored walls and stuffy classic paintings not long after he arrived home. The happy buzz he had earlier from hanging with good friends already seems like a distant memory.

Gray’s accusatory stare meant that he was in big trouble for something, but he didn’t know what. Gray is refusing to talk to him again. Worse, he’s been drinking. The old man can be surly when he’s had more than a couple of drinks. He’s already on his third Scotch. Fabian is bracing himself for the tirade he is sure is coming his way eventually.

Not that he knows exactly what he has done to cause Gray to glower at him in this way. He’s as concerned about Sloane’s mysterious disappearance as they are. True, he doesn’t care for her personality, but he’s never wished for any personal harm to come to her. As usual, it was left up to Nathan to be the facilitator between him and his father. Nathan told him as much as the police knew about what happened to Sloane.

“She just seems to have disappeared into thin air,” Nathan said with a clueless expression.

“I’m sure it’s all some big misunderstanding,” Fabian said while avoiding his father’s angry gaze.

The room had grown painfully silent. Each man was lost in his own thoughts. That is, until Claire arrived. Now they were once again free to communicate and have normal conversation.

“Thanks for coming on such short notice, Claire,” Nathan says while hugging her.

“No problem.”

Nathan addresses the older man. “Gray, I think we should get our PR firm on this right away, that way the family won’t be bothered by reporters trying to get a quote. It’s best we keep quiet while the police work to find her.”

“They’ll find her alright. They’ll find her dead,” Gray snarls.

To Claire it seems like Gray Cooper has already decided in his mind that his wife has met the worst fate possible. Claire is filled with a strong desire to give him a ray of hope.

“Oh, no, Mr. Cooper. Don’t say that,” Claire interjects. “Maybe she just went off with a friend and didn’t tell anybody.”

Fabian appreciates Claire’s effort to reassure Gray. Maybe his father will listen to her reasoning before jumping to wild conclusions. What
bothering him about Claire right now is that she’s avoiding making direct eye contact with him. He’s not sure why, but he’s getting weird energy from her. Something’s not right between them. Whatever it is, he wants to fix it before it damages their crazy good connection.

Nathan gently places his hand on Gray’s shoulder and squeezes. “Like I said before, Gray, the police only suspect foul play. They’re not ruling out something more innocent.”

Gray is having none of this comforting. “Nathan, you’ve always been like a son to me. I appreciate you being here for me during this awful time.”

“Gray, you know how much I love and respect you,” Nathan says with feeling. “I’m going to be staying right here with you until Sloane is found and everything is back to normal. I can manage company business remotely. Claire, I want you to work from home too.”

Claire seems surprised by this request. “Sure. Like I told you over the phone, Nathan. I’m here to help anyway I can.”

“I appreciate that more than you know,” he says gratefully. “I’m going to need you to help us with this private matter as well.”

“Should I be taking notes?”

“Not yet. Sit tight.”

Fabian wants to say something to Claire, but Gray’s voice occupies the window of opportunity he was going to take.

“Fabian, why don’t you just come out and admit it. You killed my Sloane!”

Everyone else in the room is shocked, especially Fabian. “Dad. Why in the hell would you think that?”

Gray’s steely eyes shoot daggers at his son. “Because, you were having an affair with her behind my back.”

Fabian can’t believe what he’s hearing. “What? Me and Sloane? That’s absurd. I can barely stand the woman.”

Gray is unwavering in his belief. “Cut the bullshit. I found this on her nightstand.” Gray reaches underneath his chair and pulls out a journal. “It’s Sloane’s diary. I think she forgot to put it away. Being only human I read some of it. Wished I’d resisted the urge.”

“What did you find out, Gray?” Nathan asks.

Gray shakes his head. Tears run down his dry cheeks. “There’s details about her…and my son, my own flesh and blood, doing stuff I can’t say out loud.”

“Dad, whatever she says about me in there, I promise you, it’s pure fiction. I’ve never been intimate with her.”

“Stop lying to me, Fabian. She goes on for pages about how you meet up in hotels and…have kinky sex.”

Fabian is beside himself now. He desperately needs Gray to believe that he’d never betray him like that. They may have their differences, but for god’s sake, Sloane is the last person he’d ever think of touching in that way.

“Dad, you’re drunk right now, so I’m not sure I can even get through to you. But, I swear on a stack of bibles that I’m not currently, or have I ever done anything sexual with Sloane.”

Nathan walks over to Fabian. By the look on his face, it’s clear that he too now doubts his friend’s innocence. “I hate to say this, Fabian, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Sloane, it’s that she isn’t shy about her enjoyment of sex. It’s not like you’re Mr. goody two shoes when it comes to women.”

BOOK: Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One)
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