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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

From This Moment (5 page)

BOOK: From This Moment
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“Always,” Cade replies and I’m not totally sure we’re talking about the same thing.


~~ Rona ~~


As we sit down for dinner, Jake joins us, “The stables are fine and no problems while we were away.
  Just a few invoices that need paying.  I’ve left them in your office.”


I’ll sort them out tomorrow.  Let’s eat.”


Tasting the pasta and Italian sauce Cade has made; my taste buds explode.... wow! It’s the best sauce I’ve ever tasted.
  Finishing my meal rather quickly, I look up to see Cade watching me.  Heck, I hope I haven’t acted like a savage by shoveling the food into my mouth.


“Did you enjoy that?” Cade asks me.


I blush, “I certainly did.  That was the most enjoyable meal I can ever remember having and the sauce was amazing.”


“An old family recipe,” Cade
tells me smiling.  “Would you like some tiramisu with a cappuccino, maybe?”


“Oh wow.
  You carry on feeding me like this; I may never want to leave.”


Cade’s eyes shoot to mine, but he quickly looks away.


“That’s the plan,” Jake grins.


Standing up, I help them both clear the table and load the dishes into the dishwasher.


Once the kitchen has been put back to rights we take our coffee and dessert into the lounge.  This area is made for comfort and has two large sofas and four oversized chairs.


Taking one of the chairs with a side table, I unload my hands while making myself comfortable in the chair.
  it back down on the table, so I can eat my dessert, which is delicious.


“I promised I would help some friends move house tomorrow,” Jake says to me.
 “But if you want, the day after, I can take you around Teton Village or into Jackson for some shopping or sightseeing.  We can get lunch?”


“Once I get some calls over with first thing, I can take Rona to Teton Village for some fresh air and to show her around and then you could take her to Jackson the day after.”
  As Cadeakebsp; As says this, I think the end sounds a bit forced.


Jake not hearing anything weird in his dad’s voice, agrees, “Yeah.
  That would be better, that way she’ll have something to do tomorrow.  That’s if it’s okay with you, Rona?”


“I’d love to go out tomorrow, so that would be great.”


Having finished my coffee and dessert, I start to drift off to sleep.  Opening my eyes, I see Cade looking at me.  I offer him a sleepy smile, “I think I need to go to bed.  I hope you don’t mind me leaving you, so early in the evening.”


Cade’s eyes darkened when I said I need to go to bed.
  I wish he was going to join me there.


“That’s fine…. Sweet dreams.”
  Cade replies.


Jake laughs, “Do you want me to tuck you in?”


“I think I can manage.”  I reply, not looking at Cade, who has gone all tense thanks to Jake’s teasing.


Finally excusing myself, I head to my room and the bathroom.
  After brushing my teeth and dropping the cardigan over the arm of the sofa, I climb into bed, switching the light off.  I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


~~ Cade ~~


“It’s been a long day; I think I’ll hit the sack as well.”  Jake tries to smother a yawn behind the back of his hand.


Placing everything else into the dishwasher, I head up to my office.


After spending an hour working, trying to clear some of the backlog, I head down to my bedroom.  I’m exhausted and hope sleep is quick in coming.


Spending about thirty minutes tossing and turning, I lie on my back still thinking about Rona and the fact she’s only down the hall.
  Hell, I need a cold shower!


Climbing out of bed my erection does a jump of joy!
  I head for the shower.


Standing under the stream of the water, I squeeze some shower gel into my hands and rub it into my chest.
  Smoothing it around my nipples, the throbbing between my legs intensifies.


Squeezing more gel, I take hold of my hard cock and start moving my hand slowly up and down.
  My legs quiver, it feels so damn good.


Thinking about having Rona naked in my arms while I bury my penis in her from behind, watching myself slide in and out of hbouand outer sex, has my breath quickening even more.
  Tightening my hold, I start moving my fist really fast.  I imagine how tight she’ll feel coming around my cock.  I orgasm with that image in my head.


Breathing heav
ily, I come back down to earth, finding myself kneeling on the floor of the shower, too weak to move.  This is hell and I don’t know what the heck I’m going to do about it, other than what I’ve just done.  But damn it, I have a deep need for Rona and no one else will do. 


eaning up, I climb back into bed and finally drift off to sleep.

Chapter 3

~~ Rona ~~


Waking up to the sound of birds chirping away outside on the balcony is fabulous.  I had such a good night’s sleep which makes me feel well rested and looking forward to spending the day with Cade.


Climbing out of bed, I make my way to the bathroom and then have a lovely hot shower.
  Pulling some clothes out of the closet, I put my black slim fit jeans on with my purple long sleeved t-shirt and leave my feet bare for now, going in search of coffee.


Arriving at the kitchen, I find Cade drinking coffee over the newspaper.
 Putting the newspaper down, he looks me over smiling.  “Morning.  Did you have a good night’s sleep?”


  Yes I did thank you.  What about you, did you sleep well?”


“Eventually!” he frowns.
  “Help yourself to coffee it’s over by the microwave.  There’s a cup to your right.”


hanks.”  Heading towards the coffee pot, I look out the window and can see deer not too far from the back porch.  Cade comes over to stand beside me.


“Would you like pancakes and bacon for breakfast?”


“Oh my favorite.  Yes please.  Can I help with anything?”


“No, I have it, won’t be long.
  Why don’t you take a seat over there by the window and watch the deer?”


  I head over to the window.


Taking a seat, I glance over to Cade, deciding to watch him as he prepares breakfast.


He’s so handsome.


Today he seu’s wearing brown jeans and a black, long sleeved t-shirt and all I want to do is go over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.


We sit down to breakfast, which is delightful and more so, because it’s with Cade.


“I need to just get a few phone calls out of the way and one or two emails then I’m all yours,” he tells me with a slight hesitation, when he realizes what he’s said.


Smiling at him, “I wish!”  Looking at each other the atmosphere starts to simmer.


Breaking the connection, I look away, “I’ll go and get my iPad after breakfast and read while you see to business.”
  Cade just nods in reply.


After all the dishes are cleared away, I run upstairs to my room to collect my iPad.
  Back downstairs, I grab another coffee and get comfortable on one of the overstuffed chairs.


“Will you be okay while I’m in the office?”
  Cade asks me on his way through to the stairs.


“Yes, I’ll be fine.
  Do you have wifi so that I can connect my iPad?”


“Yes, give me a minute and I’ll go and hunt the password out for you.”


Connecting my iPad to Cade’s internet, I check my email account and am surprised to discover not one but around fifteen emails from Nick.  I just stare at them at first not knowing whether to read them or delete them.  Deciding that I’ve heard everything he has to say before leaving Ireland – I press delete.


There are a few emails from friends asking if I’m okay and wanting to know where I’ve disappeared to.
  I send a reply to my friend Angie from work, telling her that I’m fine and how glad I am that Nick called a halt to the wedding.   Finishing the message, I tell her that she can contact me either by email or phone, which I’ve not actually switched on yet since leaving Ireland.


Having finished with my email, I put my iPad to one side and snuggle into the chair, falling asleep.


~~ Cade ~~


Leaving Rona in the overstuffed chair, I head up to my office before I ravage her.
  She looks so cute cuddled up in the chair concentrating on something on her iPad.


Logging onto my email, I try to concentrate, especially on the message from a Denver law firm about an old case
of mine.  But I find having the object of my constant desire in my line of sight too distracting and my concentration is shot to hell.


Finally finishing the responses to emails, I switch off my computer anm computd look down again to see Rona all cuddled up in the chair fast asleep.


I walk slowly down the stairs and sit in the chair opposite, so I can watch her without being observed.


She really is lovely, with her clear smooth skin and long eye lashes.
  It’s killing me knowing that tomorrow Jake will have her alone as they go into Jackson for the day.  I feel as though she’s my woman and no one else has the right to her.


Waking up she notices me.


“Why are you frowning?” she asks in a rather sleepy voice.


“I don’t like the idea of you being away from me all day tomorrow with Jake,” telling her the truth.


“You said we need to take a step back, and although I would much rather have you showing me around, I think I’d better go with Jake tomorrow.”


“I don’t know what I want anymore, having you here is affecting me like nothing else ever has.”


~~ Rona ~~


I head to my room after lunch to collect my boots, then back downstairs to meet up with Cade as I’m going to have my first horse riding lesson.
  I’m still a bit confused about how to act with Cade after his earlier comment.


The stable area is so much larger than it looks from the house.
  As we walk closer, some of the horses approach in what appears to be an outdoor training area.


Leading me towards a lovely honey colored horse, Cade introduces me to her.


“This is Honey Bee,” he laughs.  “Gabby named her after her favorite breakfast cereal.”


I smile at Cade, “That’s Anna’s daughter right?”

BOOK: From This Moment
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