From Leather to Lace (5 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Hill

BOOK: From Leather to Lace
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Hi U, Max said U had 2 much champs and
put U 2 bed 2 sleep it off. Keep safe & call me 2morrow Luv R.


Sarah was relieved that Maxwell had been discreet. Whilst she would no doubt tell Roxy about her evening, she didn’t want the details coming from anyone else.

Dragging a throw from the bed around her body, Sarah walked into the bathroom. Sure enough the large oval spa bath was filled with bubbles and a heady, woodsy scent filled the air. She trailed a hand through the water and discovered with delight that it was still warm. Smiling to herself she tied up her long hair with a clip she retrieved from her handbag and, slipping the blanket from around her shoulders, she slid into the warm water.
A warm bath is just what I need,
she thought, grateful for Maxwell’s forethought. She felt incredibly relaxed considering what had just transpired between them. She was not generally the type of woman to sleep with a man so quickly. Even though she had met him previously, things had still moved faster than she would ordinarily encourage, but she was so comfortable with Maxwell that the intimacy between them felt natural and right.

They had talked quietly for a while before she had fallen asleep and her mind drifted to Angelique and what Maxwell had told her about their relationship. She was definitely his ex and had been for over two months apparently. Maxwell had told her that Angelique for a time had wanted more from their relationship, but had eventually agreed with him that their partnership didn’t work and by mutual decision they had decided to end things but remain friends.

Sarah had no idea where she and Maxwell would go from this point but she was reassured that he had been thoughtful enough to run her a bath. At least he didn’t appear to be the love-’em-and-leave-’em type, which was what she had been initially concerned about.

As she sank farther under the bubbles her mind went back to the last couple of hours and the incredible lovemaking that she and Maxwell had shared. There was no doubt that he was a skilful lover—no other man had ever made her feel the way he had. He knew instinctively which of her buttons to press to turn her on and send her reeling into the stratosphere. This obviously meant that his experience far exceeded her own, which was something that she didn’t want to dwell on. No, she wouldn’t think about his previous lovers, she’d just be content that at the moment she was the lucky recipient of those dexterous moves that had her trembling and aching for more.


* * * *


Max listened with half an ear to a couple of his business associates as they described a new business venture. He had only rejoined his party to meet up with these particular gentlemen. Not wanting to appear rude, he had sought them out to determine that they had everything they needed and to ensure that they were enjoying themselves. He needn’t have worried—both of them had obviously been partaking of the open bar and he had interrupted them dancing wildly by the pool.

He sighed inwardly. He really wanted to pick up where he had left off with Sarah. Just thinking about her gorgeous body curled up in his bed made his cock hard. His mind played through the events of the last few hours and how her body felt when it was pressed against his—how she tasted, how she always used his full name. God, she made him feel incredible. He couldn’t deny the effect she had on him. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had made him feel so excited and so alive and the thought made him uneasy. He wasn’t sure he was ready to get involved in anything more than a casual relationship, but the image of her lying open before him, her eyes dark and smoky with arousal, flashed before his eyes and made him throb with need.

He smiled wryly as he thought about Angelique’s untimely interruption. That little incident had nearly cost him and he had had to work hard to regain Sarah’s trust. He hadn’t told Angelique about Sarah’s presence on the balcony but he suspected that she had guessed that he had company, which was probably the impetus for her surprising kiss. It was just like Angelique to stir up trouble—it was one of the reasons he had given for calling a halt to their relationship. Angelique thrived on drama and discord. As a friend he could walk away from the drama but as a lover he had constantly found himself swept up alongside her theatrics.

He checked his watch. It was high time that he left his remaining guests to the party and rejoined Sarah upstairs. His friends and acquaintances were accustomed to his sporadic attendance at parties and functions—it was the nature of his business.


* * * *


Sarah wondered idly where Maxwell was and assumed that he was downstairs attending to his guests. Sighing tranquilly, she folded the face cloth and draped it over her eyes and rested her head on the back of the tub. The warm water combined with the scented steam was making her drowsy. She was dozing contentedly when she had a vague sensation that someone else was in the bathroom with her. Confirming her suspicion, she felt warm breath against her ear as strong hands started to massage her neck and shoulders.

“Mmm, that feels wonderful,” she said huskily as he continued to knead her shoulders, running his thumbs firmly down either side of her neck. He continued to massage her muscles deliciously as he bent to kiss her neck, nibbling the tender flesh behind her ear until she felt her nipples pebble and harden.

“You know what I like already,” she whispered as she moved her head to one side.

“Does he now?” came a deep voice from the doorway.

Startled, Sarah tried to take in what was happening—wasn’t that Maxwell’s voice? And if that was Maxwell then who the hell was in the bathroom with her?

Struggling to sit up, she ripped the wash cloth off her eyes to see Maxwell casually leaning against the door frame, but the angry glint in his eyes told her that he was feeling anything but casual. Spinning around, she found herself looking directly at James who smiled drunkenly at her.

“Take your hands off her,” Max demanded, his voice dangerously low.

“But she likes it, don’t you, Sarah?” James replied idiotically.

“I didn’t know… I thought…” Sarah stammered in confusion, looking from Maxwell to James. She suddenly remembered that she was naked and was relieved to find that for the most part she was protected by the bubbles.

In one quick stride Max was looming over James menacingly and grabbing him by the wrist. He squeezed until James cried out in pain, making him finally relinquish his hold on Sarah’s shoulder.

Max twisted James’ arm behind his back. “How dare you come into my private space and molest one of my guests,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

He cast a quick look in Sarah’s direction to where she still sat in the bath then he dragged James out of the bathroom. Sarah heard a loud thud that she assumed was Max shoving James against a wall. “If you weren’t so drunk I would beat the shit out of you,” he snarled. “I’ll discuss this little episode with you further when you sober up,” he finished. Sarah heard a scuffle, and then a door slamming before Maxwell stalked back into the bathroom.

“Enjoy yourself, did you?” he asked her, his eyes flashing dangerously.

“Are you serious? Obviously I assumed it was you, I didn’t see who it was until you walked in. I was just as surprised as you were!”

“I doubt it,” he responded drily. “In fact, you were probably annoyed that I walked in when I did,” he added.

“Jealousy doesn’t suit you.”

“I’m not jealous—I’m angry.”

“Well, I’ll show you angry,” she said passionately as she struggled to get out of the tub, then realising that she was naked she fumbled to reach for the towel. He grabbed it before she could get to it and threw it out of her reach.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he smirked. “You look good when you’re naked and mad.”

“Get lost,” she retorted, deciding that she could use the throw to cover herself. But before she could get to it he grasped her by the arms and pinned them either side of her body as he kissed her, his lips crushing hers. She struggled in his hold, determined not to be won over and still annoyed at being blamed for James’ indiscretion.

“I’m not mad at you,” he murmured in her ear as he held her arms tightly, “I’m furious with that arsehole James.”

“You sound as if you are blaming me. And here I was thinking what a lovely gesture of you to run me a bath until you had to go and ruin it by acting like a complete jerk!”

“I’m sorry,” he responded, clutching her shoulders firmly, his eyes burning into hers. “When I saw James in here with you I snapped. He was lucky that I didn’t knock him out, because I wanted to, more than anything. And I was furious, more with him than with you—think of it from my perspective and imagine if the situations were reversed. I’m not used to losing control of my emotions, Sarah. It’s a totally new sensation for me.”

She sensed how difficult that was for him to say. She imagined that Maxwell was a man who rarely if ever lost control and more probably epitomised the poker face.

“Please stay the night with me. What there is left of it,” he asked her while he gently pushed her shoulders down so that she was once again sitting in the tub.

“But you have guests downstairs whom you haven’t seen all evening.”

“They’ve seen enough of me. I’m only interested in you and salvaging what we have left of this evening. Now I want you to relax,” he told her while he started to massage her shoulders.

“At least I know it’s you now.”

“You couldn’t tell that it wasn’t me touching you?” he asked casually.

“Hardly!” She laughed. “One man’s hands are the same as another’s when one isn’t looking. How did James realise I was up here?”

“I expect he overheard me telling Roxy that I had put you to bed because you’d had too much champagne—sorry, but I had to think up a decent excuse as to why you were gone so long. When I noticed him missing I put two and two together and realised that he must have come in search of you. I must admit that I didn’t expect to find him in here with you like that—I haven’t felt that sort of anger in a long time.”

“Well I’m angry too, as it happens. After all they were
shoulders he was massaging,” she said vehemently, “but I do believe that he thought I knew it was him.”

Maxwell grunted doubtfully. “Did he touch you anywhere else?” he asked, tension radiating through his fingers.

“No, he didn’t get the chance, you arrived just after him.”

“I’m glad I did,” he said huskily as he ran his hands from her shoulders down to caress each of her breasts. “Come, let’s go to bed,” he said as he grabbed a large towel and pulled Sarah up out of the bath. He wrapped the towel around her and lifted her easily out of the tub before carrying her to the bedroom.

“I can’t believe you can lift me so easily.”

“I’m strong and you’re not heavy, baby,” he said, kissing her lightly on the lips before laying her gently on the bed.

He quickly removed his clothing before joining her. “I love seeing you in my bed,” he murmured before dipping his head to kiss her neck, nuzzling the soft skin until she moaned and arched her back. Slowly he kissed a trail south from the hollow of her neck to each of her breasts, taking his time to savour one nipple then the other.

“Your skin is so soft and silky from the bath and you smell good enough to eat,” he mumbled against her breasts before he nibbled her gently. His lips on her warm sensitive skin sent shivers rippling through her and started a pleasant achiness low in her belly. Sarah arched up to crush his body harder against hers. She ran her hands lightly up and down his back, kneading his shoulders and relishing the hard, muscular strength of him. His ministrations to her nipples were driving her crazy. She gasped as he drew one nipple into his mouth and sucked it gently, swirling his tongue around the areola, making it pucker and hardening her nipple to an almost painful peak. Moving to her other breast he massaged it so that her nipple extended then he took it into his mouth and sucked hungrily.

“Oh yes,” she moaned as she found his erection and started stroking it, softly and teasingly at first until he pushed against her and she stroked harder, pumping his shaft from tip to base as he thrust his hips.

Groaning low in his throat, he sucked her nipple harder while he thumbed and teased the other. She arched her back to force her breast deeper into his mouth. The pleasant achiness in her belly was becoming a throbbing need. Her loud moans were muffled when his mouth closed roughly over her own, his tongue probing her mouth desperately. She matched his ardour and pressed her body to his, mashing her breasts hard against his chest, desperate to be close to him and relishing the feel of his hard body as he enveloped her. He grabbed her hair in one fist and tugged, tilting her head back and plundering her mouth with his tongue. He snaked his other hand over her breast and down her side until she felt his fingers sliding in and out of her wetness. He drew his fingers in and out slowly circling her folds and spreading her juices while he continued to kiss her, slanting his mouth over hers until she was breathless.

He pulled away from her and lay down on the bed. Lifting her easily by her hips, he positioned her so she was straddling his face and facing his erect cock.

“Let me taste you,” he demanded before plunging his tongue into her wetness. The sensation made her shudder and she ground into him, wanting his tongue to possess her, needing it deep inside her. He grabbed her hips to steady her while he ravaged her sex with his tongue. Slowly he lapped at her, relishing her taste before he flicked over the sensitive nub of her clitoris, sending more shudders trembling through her. She leant forward so she could reach him and took his engorged member into her mouth. She grasped the base of his cock while she sucked and licked the head, flicking her tongue out to catch the pearly drop of moisture on its tip. She delighted in the musky, salty taste of him and sucked him harder as she thrust her hips in rhythm with his probing tongue.

He groaned loudly around her pussy, sending delicious vibrations through her, and pistoned his hips, forcing his cock farther into her mouth. She took him in as far as she could while she pumped the base of his shaft and massaged and squeezed his balls.

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