Read Friends With Benefits Online

Authors: Alaina Marks

Tags: #Romance

Friends With Benefits (6 page)

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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Chapter 12
Brandi walked out of her office building just in time to snag the next available cab coming down the street. “Sixth Avenue between 11
and 12
streets.” She closed the car door and the cab sped off.
Brandi was on her way to meet Neal for dinner at one of his favorite Thai restaurants. This was their first date. It was like she was sixteen all over again; going on her first date with Greg Clemmons. She had had a crush on Greg since she was twelve years old. She stared out the window, biting down on her nails. Neal was standing in the front of the restaurant when she arrived. He opened the car door for her. She stood on the curb while he paid her cab fare. He placed his hand on the small of her back and escorted her into the restaurant.
“Good Evening, Mr. Calhoun, so nice to see you, it’s been awhile,” greeted the hostess.
Brandi smirked, looking at Neal.  
“Hi CeeCee, it has been awhile. How long for a table for two?”
“Oh, about 15 minutes, Mr. Calhoun.” She smiled a little too hard, never once looking at Brandi. Brandi laughed at the obvious crush the young CeeCee had on Neal.
“That will be fine CeeCee, thanks.” He looked at Brandi. “What are you laughing at?” He joined her in the giggle fest.
“Neal Calhoun, well I’ll be damned!” A tall blonde, modelesque woman escorted by a dashing older gentleman, approached Brandi and Neal. She and Neal embraced in a very friendly hug. Brandi glanced at the gentlemen. He gave her a slight nod.
“Yoanna, so nice to see you again. What are you doing here?”
“Oh I’m just visiting my friends here; I’m only in town for a few more days. Who’s this lovely lady?” Brandi met her gaze.
“Oh, this is Brandi. Brandi, Yoanna.” Yoanna extended her hand to Brandi.
“Neal Calhoun on a date?” She looked Brandi straight in the eye, “You must be special, because Neal doesn’t date,” she stated with a singe of jealousy. Neal blushed at Yoanna’s comment. Brandi smiled, pleased.
“Well, Neal it was nice seeing you again. Brandi, nice meeting you dear, take good care of him…he’s a keeper.” Yoanna walked out the door without bothering to introduce her date. The older gentleman followed suit, giving Neal and Brandi a nod.
“So that was the infamous Yoanna?!” Neal walked behind the hostess when she motioned for them to follow her to their table without responding. He pulled out Brandi’s chair. She waited for him to take his seat. He avoided eye contact. “Mr. Calhoun, so you don’t date?” Neal hid his face behind the menu. “I must be special, huh?” Brandi got a kick out of seeing Neal blush. His face was beet red.
Neal peered over the menu. “Are you done?”
Brandi sipped her water. “I’m done. I just thought that was a funny comment.” She smirked.
“Well, I haven’t been on a date in many years, and that was something that I told her when we had our arrangement. I wasn’t interested in her in that way, it was strictly sex with her. So in that sense, yes, you are special.” He winked.
Brandi cleared her throat, now it was her turn to blush. The waiter came within minutes of their seating and took their order.
“Brandi, thank you for coming out to dinner with me. I had planned to bring you here that night I came back from Boston. Speaking of Boston, my sister is having her engagement party this weekend; would you do me the honor of being my date?” He gave her that boyish grin she loved so much.
“Wow, Mr. Calhoun, meeting the family…that’s a big step.”
“Oh. Well, you don’t have to come I just thought I would ask…” his words trailed off.
“Sweetie, I would love to come with you. I think it would be great to meet your family.” Neal took both of  her hands into his across the table. They sat in silence allowing their eyes to do all the talking.


Chapter 13
“Brandi, relax sweetie, there’s nothing to be nervous about. My family is really cool.” Neal looked across the seat at Brandi as they rode down the street in a taxi.  
“You can tell I’m nervous?”
Neal held up the hand. “Your palms are starting to sweat.”
“Oh…” Brandi wiped both her hands on her dress and sat up straight. She placed her hands in her lap. Neal shook his head with a smile.  
Neal’s parents had rented a venue on the Upper Westside of Manhattan for the engagement party. Only close family and friends would be there. Neal helped Brandi out of the cab when they reached the venue. “You okay?”
“Well, my sweaty palms are under control but now my stomach is all in knots and my mouth is dry.”
Neal kissed her on the cheek.
When they entered the building, they followed the sound of voices into the dining hall. Everyone was gathered around talking, laughing, and drinking champagne. Brandi scanned the room. She had seen photos of his family members in his apartment.  The first person she recognized was Neal’s sister, Emily.
“Neal!” Emily extended her arms for a hug.
“Hey lil sis!” He embraced Emily, they rocked back and forth as they hugged.
Brandi held her clutch in both hands, standing up straight and poised. She smiled at the obvious love shared between Neal and his sister. Emily looked up at her while Neal still had her in his embrace. “Neal, you can let me go now, I can barely breathe.”
Neal let her go, they both laughed. “I hope he doesn’t hug you that hard, geez!” She said playfully, slapping Neal on the arm.
“Oh, Emily, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Brandi.” Brandi stared at Neal with wide eyes. He looked back at her, with the biggest grin on his face, showing those deeper than the ocean dimples.
Emily broke the silence. “Well, nice to meet you Brandi. I’ve heard so much about you.” She extended her hand to Brandi.
Brandi blinked rapidly. Girlfriend? She turned her attention to Emily and shook her extended hand. “Umm, yea…Emily nice to meet you too. I’ve heard a lot about you as well. Congratulations on the wedding by the way. And thanks for allowing me to come join you tonight.”
“Oh definitely, you are more than welcome. It’s been awhile since Neal’s had a girlfriend, so, yea!” She punched Neal in the arm. “Mingle guys, have fun, we’ll be starting dinner in a minute. Mom and dad are around here somewhere.” She gave Neal a kiss on the cheek. She whispered in his ear before she walked over to chat with her fiancée and some friends.
Brandi turned to face Neal. “Girlfriend?” She bit her bottom lip, concealing the smile that wanted to spread across her face so wide.
Neal looked into her eyes, “Brandi, if you would accept, I would love to be your boyfriend. When I first met you, I didn’t expect to fall for you as hard as I did. I would really love it if I can be more to you than just ‘fun in the sack’. I know that due to past experiences we both have sworn off relationships, but I think we have something special. It’s been a long time since I’ve even met a woman that I wanted to take it to the next level with. Let’s take a chance on each other, Brandi. Let’s love as if we’ve never been hurt before. I promise you are in good hands, Brandi. Do you trust me?”
Brandi paused for a moment. He had finally said what she’d wanted to hear for a long time and yes, she did trust him, whole heartedly. “You know what, Mr. Calhoun, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.” They smiled at each other and sealed the deal…with a kiss.


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