Frenemies With Benefits (Geek To Chic Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Frenemies With Benefits (Geek To Chic Book 2)
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“I’ll take that
There is no way I am going to
settle down in the next few years.
No girl, has ever held my interest
for more than a week.
Ever! What are the
Phin leaned back into the couch
as he spoke, his left ankle crossed over his right knee.
A show of his lack of concern over the

“I’m in too.
I am not at the player level of these two
assholes but no woman can put up with me once I start talking.
My OCD is a little much for them.”
Gavin laughed.
“You’ve been very quiet during this entire
conversation, Rocco.
You in?”

Rocco was never one for
In fact, Alex wasn’t sure if he
had heard the man speak more than ten words at a given time.
Rocco sat quietly, taking in the
“I don’t date.”
He asserted.

“That’s not an answer.
None of us really ‘date’.
We hook
We have fuck buddies not
Phin declared.
Gavin nodded in agreement as he took another
pull of his beer.

“Fine, I’m in.”
Rocco agreed, picking his controller back
Apparently he was done with the

“That leaves you lover
Phin said turning to Alex.

Alex knew he couldn’t
get out of this bet.
He actually hoped
he would be paying his friend off.
“Sure, I’m in.
We haven’t heard the
stakes yet.”

Derek leaned back, his
hand rubbing his five o’clock shadow as he thought.
“Well since this bet is more about being
right than money, let’s say when you fall, you take me to Sullivan’s for a
steak dinner.
If, by some miracle, you
have remained single and free for two years, I’ll pay.”
Derek waited for all the guys to shake their
heads in agreement before he continued.
“I will make a side bet with you guys, that I can name the girl each of
you will end up with right now.”

Boisterous laughter
filled the room.
“Getting a little cocky
don’t you think?”
Gavin joked.

“Nope, I will write
each of your names on an envelope and put the name of the girl who will make
you lose your ever loving mind in it.
will give them to our lawyers at the firm for safe keeping.
When you take the plunge, into a committed
relationship, you get the envelope. This one will cost you; if I’m right you
pay ten grand to my favorite charity as well as publically acknowledge my

Again laughter engulfed
the room, filled in with every guy agreeing to the terms.
“Monday you have to get Collin in on this
Gavin professed.

A low rumble of
laughter gained the guys attention.
might want to see this, Alex.”

Following Rocco’s line
of sight to the TV, Alex saw a notice for a new friend request on his
He stood to get a closer look at
the screen and burst out laughing.
“I am
guessing that’s Izzy.” On the TV was a friend request from a person calling
themselves, Fuckyoualex.
Only one person
would name their avatar something that vulgar directed solely at Alex.

“Wow, she really hates
you dude.
Or she is the funniest woman
ever.” Gavin remarked between laughs.

Alex grabbed the
controller and accepted the request.
minute later a message from Fuckyoualex popped up.

The guys all nodded and
They were ready to take on the
girls in an epic Halo battle.


The girls laughed, as
they blew up the guy’s tank…again. It was so much fun to take out their
aggressions on video versions of the guys.
Roni kept sniping Derek, just for the fun of it every time he would come
back to life.
She was laughing so hard
when his avatar exploded she fell off the couch.

Good thing Derek was
driving her home, Izzy had a feeling her friend wouldn’t be able to even walk
to the car after the amount of wine she had consumed.

“Oh they suck! They
signed off the big babies!”
“I was just getting good.”
She threw down her controller in exchange for
her drink.
Izzy was thinking Derek would
be driving her home as well.

“Bastards couldn’t take
being beaten by a bunch of girls.”

Grabbing the empty
Chinese food containers from the coffee able, Izzy made her way to the
One her way back with bottle
waters to help sober up her friends, someone knocked on her door.
Peeking out the peephole, she saw the reason
the guys had quit the game.
She opened
the door to a wall of men.
“This is
girl’s night.
You have to hand over your
man cards to come in.
Oh wait, you
already did that when we kicked your ass on the game.”
Izzy smiled brightly at the guys and walked
back into her living room knowing they would follow.

Roni giggled and ran for him.
He barely had time to catch her as she
wrapped herself around him.
Of course,
she still managed to knock him to the floor.
She grabbed his face and kissed him.

“Yuck! Get a
C called.

Standing with Roni in
his arms.
“Great idea!”
Derek winked at her.
“You ready to go baby?”
He crooned at Roni.
Roni nodded happily.
“Bye everyone.”
Derek carried Roni out of Izzy’s

“It is almost gross how
in love those two are.”
Gracey said in a
tone that showed how annoying she found the love birds.

The guys all agreed
with her and found a space to settle in.

“I better head off
I have to grab Netty before Collin
spoils her too much.”
C beamed.

“I’ll walk you to your
Rocco flatly said. After C hugged
them all goodbye they left.

Leaving only Alex,
Gavin, Phin, Gracey, Jemma and herself.
They chit chatted and joked with each other.
“Any one need a drink or anything?”
Izzy asked. Everyone put in a drink order.

Izzy nodded and headed
to the kitchen again.
As she opened the
fridge, she felt a hard body pressed against her back.
The smell of Alex’s cologne consumed her
He pulled her into his body,
wrapping his strong arms around her waist.
Alex kissed her neck and nibbled her ear.
She barely held in the moan.

Turning in his arms,
they captured each other’s lips.
grasped his hair and pulled him closer just as a loud laugh and a, “Fuck you!”
came from the living room.
Snapping Izzy
back into reality.
She quickly pushed
him away from herself.

“Don’t, not now.”
She scolded him.

“I may have started it
but you’re the one who kissed me.”
said smugly, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the
“I came in to help you with
drinks, and couldn’t resist a little taste.”

“We get caught this is
You know that right?”

“That wasn’t one of the

Placing her hands on
her hips, she looked up at him.
her finger she stated, “It is now.”
a frustrated huff, Izzy grabbed the drinks.
Handing a few to Alex to carry, she headed out to the living room.

“No rewriting the deal
after it has been agreed to, Demon Pixie.”
He whispered in husky tone.

Once she had set down
the drinks, Alex casually pinched her ass.
She stiffened but kept herself from screeching.
“Would you excuse us?”
Reaching up on her tip toes, Izzy grabbed
Alex’s ear as though he was a child in trouble, dragging him along behind her.

“Ouch, ouch that
Alex whined.

Their groups of friends
only cheered her on and went back to annihilating each other on the game.
Once she had dragged him to the kitchen
again, she laid into him.
“What the
fuck, Alex? Don’t grab my ass in front of everyone!”

“I didn’t grab your
I pinched your ass.
Big difference.”

Lust was not the
emotion she was feeling toward Alex at the moment.
Anger, frustration, murderous, were all
better descriptions of her current state of mind. They stood in her
Her glaring at him.
Him staring at her with pure amusement.

While they were having
a stare off, their friends appeared at the entrance to her kitchen.
“We’re heading out.”
Gracey announced.

“Jemma, you’re not
driving are you?”
Izzy asked using her
mother voice.

“Gavin is going to give
me a ride home.”
She beamed, leaning
into the man.

“Don’t worry Izzy, I’ll
get her home safe and sound.”
assured her with a laugh and an arm around her friend’s waist.

They waved goodbye and
their friends were gone.
Leaving her
alone with Alex.
As soon as the door had
closed she turned to him to call him every name in the book, and a few new
Before she could call him an
asshole, he pushed her up against the door and roughly kissed her.
Her brain went from anger to lust in zero
point three seconds flat.

Breaking the kiss, he
took a step back from her.
He pulled her
shirt over her head, tossing it to the floor.
“How about instead of yelling at me, I get you to yell my name? Over and
over again.”
He challenged, running his
hands over her bare stomach.
normally emerald green eyes, black with desire.

Talking was over rated,
Izzy decided.
She pushed past him and
headed to her bedroom.
Undoing the hooks
of her bra, she threw the garment over her shoulder.
As she walked she unbuttoned her jeans,
pausing to shimmy out of them.

An appreciative groan
echoed from behind her.
She smiled to
herself as she quickened her pace to her bedroom now that she heard his
footsteps reverberated down the hall.
she made it to her bed, he engulfed her in his arms.
“Baby, had I known you were wearing that tiny
scrap of a hot pink thong under your tight jeans, I never would have let you
stop what we started in the kitchen.
friends be damned.”
Alex whispered in
her ear as he slid his thumbs into the sides of her thong.
He slid the tiny thong from her body as he
dropped to his knees.
She carefully
stepped out of them when the thong dropped to her feet.
“Spread your legs for me.”

Without hesitation, she
opened her stance for him.
She ran her
finger nails gently along his scalp.
Another groan escaped from Alex.
He leaned his head back in her cradling hands.
Alex closed his eyes as her finger nails dug
deeper into his scalp.
Izzy enjoyed
seeing him totally consumed by the same lust that consumed her.
His control dropped completely, his eyes
snapped open, briefly catching her own before he ran his tongue along the seam
of her sex.

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