Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (66 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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She went straight from aroused, to the edge of orgasm in seconds. And then he purred.

Holy. Freakn’. Hell.

The vibration of his lips, and the sounds against her most sensitive of parts, sent her over the edge. Yelling and hips bucking, the climax tore through her body and left her just about comatose.

But her pussycat wasn’t done yet.

He covered her body on the couch, inserting his hips between her thighs, the tip of his hard cock probing her still quivering sex. In he plunged. Hard, deep jabs, perfectly aimed shots that hit her g-spot and left her unable to catch her breath. A shame, because if she’d possessed an ounce of air in her lungs, the scream she would have loosed with her second orgasm might have shattered windows. As it was, she had to satisfy herself with arching against him, mouth open wide – and for once silent.

He, on the other hand, didn’t hold back, and he bellowed her name as he came in hot spurts inside her that did nothing to calm the shock waves going through her entire body.  Then his actions hit her, and she sat up, shoving at his chest.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she yelled.

Wearing a bemused expression, he rolled off and landed on his knees on the floor. “Wrong?” His brow creased. “You came twice. What do you have to be mad about?”

She pointed to his semi erect, glistening dick. “Did you forget something?”

His eyes widened in horror. “Impossible. I never forget. Shit.” He stumbled to his feet and ran a hand over his eyes, obviously upset.

Yeah, boo hoo. Gina wasn’t feeling sorry one bit for her pussycat. “You know, if you’re going to maul a girl, the least you could do is put a hat on.”

“Maul you? You’re the one constantly tempting me with your body and words. What else did you expect me to do? And besides, I didn’t see you calling for a halt so I could throw on some protection.”

Oh no he didn’t! “Don’t you dare try to lay the blame on this for me. I was perfectly content to give you head in exchange for some tongue action. But oh no, you just had to stick your dick in my hole and now you want to make this my fault you might have impregnated me?”

“It was only one time. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“And if I’m not? In case you hadn’t noticed, you’re married.”

“Don’t worry about that. If you end up pregnant, I’ll do the right thing by you.”

His stiff declaration pissed her off more and she jumped off the couch. “Right thing? Don’t do me any favors, pussycat.”

“You are obstinate.”

“And you’re an ass.”

“I don’t understand why my body and cat craves you,” he snapped.

His cat wanted her? As much as her wolf wanted him. Uh oh. “I think you should leave.” Before they both did something stupid.

“Yes, I should.” But he didn’t and he kept watching her. Then stepped closer. And closer. Before she knew it, they were in each other’s arms again. And round two was just as barebacked, hot and furious as round one, and didn’t cool down even during round three in the shower.

Chapter Twenty Four

Wet, from the shower, his body sated for the moment, an arm loosely draped around a drowsy she-wolf, Sheng pondered the madness.

What happened?

He’d come over with the intention of telling Gina to keep her nose out of his business. Instead, he’d had sex with her, three times without protection. Worse than that? A part of him didn’t panic at the possibility she might have gotten pregnant. Nope, his cat rumbled in satisfaction at the idea of kittens, and he couldn’t say he hated the idea either.

But with Gina? Crass mouthed. Scantily dressed. Always provoking him. Super sexy temptress. Oh damn it all to hell and back. He pressed his arm over his eyes as if that would hide the inevitable truth. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Gina was his freakn’ mate.

Unbelievable. How could fate want to tie him to a woman who drove him batshit crazy? But could he really state surprise? Despite his initial purpose in coming her, a part of him knew, and expected, he’d sleep with her. Where she was concerned, he lacked any sense of control. Any sense of propriety. And damn, did it feel good.

He wanted her again. And again. Possibly forever.

The tinny ring of his phone roused Sheng from his shocked revelation. Rolling out of bed, he padded naked in to the living room and dug through his pockets until he found his cell. Patricia’s number lit up the display. He answered. “Hey. Did I forget something at the restaurant?”

“Sheng, thank god you answered. You need to leave town. Now. Forget about packing. Just grab your sister and run.”

An icy chill went through him. “What’s happened?”

“Kaleb’s here.”

He sank on the couch as his legs suddenly wouldn’t support him. “Are you sure?”

“A private plane just landed at an airstrip out of town. The guy in charge of refueling is a friend of my dad’s. He called me because he saw cages in the cargo area. Silver cages.”

A shiver went up his spine. “Could be anyone?”

“Could be, except the guy reported disembarking matches the description you gave me of Kaleb. I think it’s safest if you disappeared for a bit until I can find out more about this plane and its passengers.”

Sheng pinched the bridge of his nose, refusing to give in to panic. “I’m not at home, but I’ll be there in a few. Can you call Jiao and let her know to get ready?”

“I’ve tried and it’s going straight to voicemail.”

The chill in his heart spread.
Oh please let Jiao be safe. Don’t let my one lapse of judgment cost my sister her freedom.
He hung up and started pulling on his clothes.

A very naked, tousle haired Gina strode from the bedroom. “What’s happening? Where are you going?”

Too angry, and frightened, he didn’t answer her. Didn’t trust anything he might say while his emotions ran so high. He sat down and pulled on his socks instead of resorting to balancing on one leg.

Rather than retreat from his silence, she frowned and forged ahead. “Are you ignoring me? Seriously? After what we just did the last couple of hours, don’t I deserve some recognition?”

“I need to go.”



“What do you mean, away? Like home away? Or away-away on a trip? Was that your wife on the phone?”

Her numerous questions loosened his tongue. “That was the agent in charge of my case. I need to leave.”

“Okay, pussycat, you’re giving me more questions than answers. What agent and case? Why do you need to leave?”

Striding to the door, he would have ignored her, but she threw herself in front of him, blocking the portal. “You are not leaving until you answer me, dammit.” She stamped her foot.

He snapped. “You want to know what’s happening? I’ll tell you then. You and your meddling helped him find us.”

“Helped who? I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t, because it was meant to be a secret. But oh no, you just had to dig and dig until you set off one of Kaleb’s traps. And now, he’s here. He’s come to get us, and it’s all your damned fault!”

Chest heaving, he spat the last part, so angry, and not just because Gina brought Kaleb to their doorstep, but because dammit, he didn’t want to leave. Despite the fact she’d blown his and Jiao’s cover, Sheng still wanted the damned wolf. Wanted her so freakn’ bad it hurt. Wanted her because she was his mate.

What an idiot he was for not recognizing it from the get go. Deep down, he’d known this for days, probably since the moment they’d met. But he denied the link between them, not wanting to deal with it, and what it meant. He actually hoped, just like his sister, that perhaps they could drop the charade and once again live their lives as themselves. What a foolish fantasy.

As Sheng predicted, Kaleb would never let them go. Would never let him live free.
I can never claim Gina as a mate because then she would be in danger too.
What Kaleb would do if he ever got his hands on Sheng’s mate, he preferred not to think of. Worse, just how far would Sheng go to protect Gina if Kaleb ever threatened her? He’d after all seen what his father did to keep his own mate safe from harm.

He should have never come here. Never let her get so close. “Move away from the door,” he ordered in the coldest voice he could manage.

Didn’t work. She-wolves were a tenacious and fearless breed.

“I am not accepting responsibility for anything,” she yelled. “It’s not my fault you look more suspicious than a drug smuggler clenching his cheeks tight because he’s got a load in his pants. I’m a cop. What did you expect me to do? Turn a blind eye to the fact you and your wife didn’t exist until a few months ago?”

“And just why did you even bother to investigate? We broke no laws. We did nothing to call attention to ourselves. Why? Why stick your nose where you weren’t wanted?”

Her lips thinned into a line. “I had my reasons.”

“What reason was good enough to blow my cover? Huh? Can you explain that to me?”

“I was trying to help Chris.”

“My contractor? Why?” Sheng figured he already knew the answer, but wanted it confirmed.

“Chris thinks your wife is his mate.”

“Dammit. I was afraid of that.”

“You don’t seem too surprised or hurt,” she snapped. “Do you care so little for the woman you promised to honor, cherish and obey?”

“I care, just not in the way you think, because Jill is not my wife. She’s Jiao, my sister.”

“Your sister…” If he’d not seen her wide open mouth in action earlier, under much more pleasurable circumstances, he would have been impressed. As it was, he stifled the memory of those luscious lips wreaking havoc, and pushed her away from the door.

Finally quiet, Gina didn’t resist, and despite the inner howling of his cat, begging him to stay, Sheng slammed out of her apartment. Once in the hall, he didn’t allow himself to look back. He ignored his feline’s meows of displeasure. He stifled his urge to run back, grab Gina, and drag her along with him into hiding.

She didn’t belong with him – even if every part of him screamed she did. He’d not marked her. Maybe she still had a chance of escaping the mating curse. With Sheng out of sight and out of mind, Gina could forget all about him and move on. Date a shifter without a curse over his head. Tease and please another male. Sheng growled as he stabbed the elevator button.

Actually, he growled all the way home and didn’t relax until he walked into his house, his untouched, scent free home.

A pity. He’d have welcomed a fight.

But no, his neighborhood bore no unfamiliar parked vehicles. His driveway sat empty. A porch light lit his way and the pristine interior showed no signs of intruders or violence. For now.

Undiscovered and in no danger it seemed for the moment, Sheng still didn’t relax – and his fear didn’t abate – until his disheveled sister appeared in the hall in answer to his yells for her to get her lazy butt moving.

Thank freakn’ God. Jiao was safe which meant they stood a chance of escaping. Whether she wanted to or not, though, was a totally different question. And he feared, judging by the aroma of wolf wafting from his sister’s direction, she wouldn’t have the answer he wanted.




A knock at the door had Gina flying to open it, wondering if her pussycat returned, hopefully to apologize for being an ass.

What was wrong with the man? Making her body sing one minute, then yelling at her like she was evil incarnate the next. She didn’t do on purpose to bring his subterfuge to light. Could she help the fact her cop brain saw something suspicious and insisted she look in on it? He should thank her for the concern she showed her family. How was she supposed to know he was in some kind of witness protection program and not just a criminal in hiding?

Shifters didn’t really have a governing body, even if rumors abounded of a secret council who kept an eye on their general affairs. So who hid him? The RCMP, the Americans, or someone else? And again, still not her fault if she found his cover suspect. Whoever was in charge of his case should have their head examined for using Jack and Jill as their cover ID.

Swinging open the door, she prepared to give Sheng a piece of her mind, but the words died on her lips as a beefy pair of guys dressed in suits, shoved their way in, pushing her backwards.

“Hey! What the hell are you freakn’ doing? Get out of here.”

It didn’t surprise her when they ignored her request, which was why she dove at the table she kept in her front hall, and scrabbled in her basket. Before she could pull out her gun, one of the gorilla’s – real ones if her nose wasn’t mistaken – grabbed her arm and stopped her short. The other wrapped a beefy bicep around her middle and carried her further into her condo.

“You’re making a big mistake, boys. I’m with the Ottawa police department.”

“We know.”

Not good, but not over yet. Whipping her head back, Gina cracked it off the guy’s face, hearing the satisfying crunch of a nose breaking. At the same time, she slammed her foot down, her bare foot doing little damage as it slid off his polished leather shoe. The elbow rammed behind her didn’t even cause an ‘oof’. Nothing she did loosened the manacle around her waist and when she opened her mouth to yell, gorilla number two shoved a wad of fabric in –
eew not my dirty undies!
– stifling her.

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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