Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (6 page)

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“You!” She pointed at him and shot him a dark glare.

He grinned wider. “What about me, darling?”

“I’m going to kick your balls so hard you’re going to choke on them. How dare you drug me and then do despicable things to my body while I was unconscious?”

Stepping forward from the bathroom, he raised his arms in surrender and her eyes couldn’t help drinking in the sight of him.
No one should look that delicious, especially in the morning,
was her disgruntled thought. Shirtless, Javier’s tight and toned muscles beckoned. Encased in smooth, tanned skin, his muscular torso tapered down to lean hips where his jeans hung, partially unbuttoned and displayed a bulge that grew as she watched.

Unbidden heat flooded her cleft and her nipples shriveled so tight she could have drilled holes with them. She forced herself to swallow and look away before she did something stupid—say, like, licking her way down from his flat nipples to the dark vee of hair that disappeared into his pants.

“It would take a braver man than me to disobey your mother’s orders. Besides, you needed the sleep,” he added in a placating tone. Scowling, Naomi mentally planned a loud diatribe for her mother. “Let me ask you, how does your head feel now?”

His question derailed her for a second, and she paused to realize she actually felt pretty damned good—
but now I’m horny and it’s all his friggin’ fault.
She dove off the bed and stalked toward him, five foot four feet of annoyed woman craving coffee, a Danish, and him—naked inside her body. The first two she’d handle shortly, the third, she’d make him pay for. He stood his ground as she approached, the idiot.

“What did you do to me while I was out?” she growled as she patted her neck looking for a mating mark.

“Nothing. Contrary to your belief, snoring women with black and blue faces just don’t do it for me.”

His jibe hurt, but not as much as her foot when it connected with his undefended man parts. He ended up bent over, wheezing while Naomi smirked in satisfaction.

“That’s for knocking me out. But, if I find out you did anything to me other than dress me, like cop a feel or take nudie pictures, I’m going hurt you a lot worse.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re hot when you’re mad?” said the man with an obvious death wish.

Only his speed saved him from her swinging fist as she screeched at him. “Go away. Can’t you tell I’m not interested?”

“Liar.” He threw that comment at her from the other side of her bed. “I can smell your arousal, sweetheart. And might I say, I can’t wait to taste it.”

The gush of wetness between her thighs made her groan in frustration as she fled to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Chest heaving, she took a moment to compose herself. It didn’t work so well, not when she couldn’t get the image of his naked upper body out of her mind.

Needing a reality check, she braced her hands on the sink and peered at herself in the mirror. Most of the bruising on her visage had faded from dark purple to green and yellow. She still didn’t look pretty, but at least her nose had returned to its normal size.

Yet, despite the way I look, I have two men clamoring to mate with me.
Or should she revise that to only one? She hadn’t seen or heard Ethan this morning. Perhaps, he’d wisely given up and left. Wishful thinking on her part probably because somehow she doubted she’d gotten so lucky. She got the impression number forty-four’s giant body possessed even more stubborn genes than tanned sixty-nine.

Ignoring the fact a gorgeous man—that her inner bitch wanted to jump and gnaw on—roamed her bedroom, she stripped and jumped into the shower. As she washed her body, her hands lingered on her breasts and the apex of her thighs. She couldn’t seem to stop, her body aroused and clamoring for any kind of touch, even her unsatisfying own.

It occurred to her that perhaps her out of proportion reaction might have come about because she’d not taken care of her needs in a while.

Maybe if I come, they won’t affect me so much.

With that plan in mind, she cupped her breast, squeezing it, but she needed more stimulation than that—
a hot mouth sucking my nipple would feel so nice right about now.
She moaned as a mental image of Javier’s dark head, bent as he tugged at her bud, made it shrivel and protrude. She rolled her hard nipple between her fingers while her other hand slid down her body to find her cleft. She leaned against the tile wall as she found her clit and stroked it.

Back and forth, she caressed herself, her hips gyrating as her wanton mind pictured Javier at her breast and Ethan on his knees, pleasuring her sex. Totally forbidden, so not what she wanted, but the erotic fantasy excited her like nothing she’d ever imagined and she rubbed herself with quick, slick strokes.

Would they take me one at a time, or would one thrust into my sex while the other fucked my mouth?
No matter the answer, her cleft quivered at the thought of them penetrating her, filling her with their cocks and pounding until she orgasmed around their hard lengths. Stimulated in both mind and body, her climax approached and she let out a whimper as she increased the speed of her movements.

“You know, if you want some help in there, I’d be more than happy to oblige?” Javier’s drawled words just outside the shower acted like a cold bucket of water. With a startled cry, Naomi snatched her hands from her pussy and breast as if scalded.

“Get out!” she screeched.

“Is that any way to treat one of your future mates?” he sighed. “And after I went through the trouble of warming a big, fluffy towel for you in the dryer?”

Incredulity made her peer around the plastic curtain. “You did what?”

A grin covered his face as he shook the towel at her. “Come on out while it’s hot. I promise I won’t look.” He squeezed his eyes shut in exaggerated fashion and Naomi really thought about staying in the shower until he got the hint and left, but, of course, the water—in cahoots with the men apparently—turned cold. Standing there shivering, she reminded herself shifters didn’t have the same hang ups about nudity as humans did—most of the time.

She dashed into the warm towel—
oh my god, that feels heavenly—
which he wrapped around her before sweeping her off her feet to carry her back to her room.

“What is it with you and your friend carrying me?”

“Exercise,” he replied with a deadpan expression.

She snorted. “You are so full of shit and annoying. Did I forget to mention annoying?”

“But cute,” he added, his lips tilting into a smile that made her stomach do hand stands.

He dropped her on the bed where she bounced with a squeal as she thrashed to hold onto her towel. She wasn’t sure she entirely succeeded judging by the smoldering look in his eyes when she finally settled.

Tucking the edge of the towel securely around her body, her wet hair hanging down her back and dripping, she tried to regain her composure. “So where’s the other Neanderthal, or is he the smart one and left?”

“Nope, dumber than a rock still,” Ethan announced walking into her bedroom with a tray. Naomi’s eyes widened as she saw the logo from her favorite coffee house on the Styrofoam cups and at least four Danishes.

“How did you know?” she asked as she dove on the steaming java. She took a burning sip and sighed happily.

“Your mother called to check on you. We actually had a great chat,” Javier announced. He went to grab a lemon pastry and Naomi slapped his hand.

“Mine,” she growled.

“But there are four of them. Surely you can share one?”

She shook her head. “I don’t share, and I warn you, I bite.”

“Promise?” Javier leered, his eyes twinkling.

Heat of a different kind burned her cheeks as she realized how her claim sounded. She ignored him and concentrated on her breakfast.

The mattress sank alarmingly as Ethan sat down beside her. She scooted over lest gravity drag her into the well he made. “Thanks for breakfast,” she muttered through a mouthful of cherry Danish.

“My pleasure,” he rumbled. “You’re looking a lot better today.”

“No thanks to you,” she replied, shooting him a dark look. She almost felt bad at his chagrinned look—but got over it quickly when she reminded herself of the way they were attempting to take over her life. While she devoured her breakfast, begrudgingly letting the last Danish go because to eat it would have probably caused her to explode, Javier left. He returned with his upper body clothed. A shame.

“So what else did my mother tell you?” she asked, leaning back to suck on her coffee.

“That you were a colicky baby, hate the color pink, love your car, and that you’re more stubborn than a mule,” Ethan supplied.

“She would,” Naomi grumbled darkly. “Did she also tell you I don’t want to hook up with a shifter for the rest of my life? I want peace and quiet, not constant chaos.”

“Yes, she mentioned something about a harebrained scheme involving marrying a human. Personally, I think you have way too much passion for a human male. Hell, from what I’ve seen, I’m not sure two shifters will be enough.” Javier waggled his brows and leered comically.

Ignoring how cute this rendered him, she concentrated on his annoying—totally untrue—observation and used it to jump start her anger. She sprang up on her bed, only belatedly remembering she wore a towel, which plummeted leaving her naked. Ire, though, made her stand tall and wave her coffee at him. “I am a delicate, misunderstood flower, goddammit,” she yelled. “Why does no one see that?”

Javier’s eyes glazed over as he stared at her. “Delicate,” he murmured. “Yes, certain parts of you certainly are.”

A hand tickled up the back of her bare thigh, close to her core, which pulsed with heat and moisture. “Nice view,” Ethan added.

Naomi, coming to her senses, realized the spectacle she presented and hopped off the bed with a bellowed. “Out. I need to get dressed.”
And a way to get myself off before I embarrass myself completely.

They complied, but not before Javier said, “We’ll be just outside in case you want any help finishing what you started in the shower.” Her inarticulate yell went well with the cordless phone she threw at him. They slid out into the hall and swung the door shut before it could hit them, and her poor phone hit the portal with an ominous crack.
Great, now I need a new phone.

Panting, and not only out of irritation, she still managed to catch due to her damned wolf hearing Ethan’s whispered, “What happened in the shower?”

Banging her head on the wall a few times, wincing as it brought back some of her pain, she wondered what she’d done to deserve this. Her inner wolf just howled in frustration and asked why she was so determined to act stubborn.

I don’t want to mate with those two, chest-thumping shifters. I don’t want to screw, at the same time, those two yummy shifters. I don’t want to lick every inch of those two deliciously sculpted shifters. I don’t…

Failing miserably with her inner pep talk, she took her time getting dressed, blow drying her hair and itemizing the reasons why her pair of jocks should look elsewhere for a mate. Unfortunately, her body kept coming up with its own list: they had wicked bodies, handsome faces, senses of humor, chivalrous tendencies.
And, they’re also domineering, pig headed, probably violent and so obviously chaotic.

Battle armor in place, rejection speech prepared, she sailed downstairs to give them a piece of her mind, only to discover they’d already left. She found a pair of notes in their place.


I had to leave for lacrosse practice. I’ll see you later today.

Yours, Ethan

Short and to the point, yet the claim he’d see her later made her flush. She read the second note.

Dearest Naomi,

Holding you in our arms last night, while you slept, was pure heaven. The glimpse we were blessed with of your delectable body? Absolute torture knowing we couldn’t touch you and please you as you so rightly deserve.

We can only hope you’ll think of us today, my face buried between your thighs, lapping at your sweet core as my friend takes care of your beautiful breasts. If you need to stroke yourself during our absence, please think of us and the pleasure we’ll soon have plowing your body and making you scream in ecstasy.

Until I kiss you later, Javier.

The note should have disgusted her, annoyed her or at the very least ended up crumpled into a ball and tossed; however, nothing in the last twenty-four hours was going as expected. Instead of getting worked up at his dirty and presumptuous words, her knees trembled, her sex flooded with moisture, and a quiver ran through her body.

She just thanked god they weren’t around or she just might have asked them to act out the scenes in the note—more than once.

Chapter Six

Ethan hated leaving Naomi without even saying goodbye, but Javier made sense when he said she needed space to come to grips with the recent events—and time to miss them. Ethan wrote his note and then almost shoved it up Javier’s butt when he read his friend’s. But then, he’d realized part of her getting to know him included realizing he didn’t have the same flowery way with words Javier did. And, as his conscience reminded him, she hadn’t yet fallen prey to Javier’s charm, so perhaps his straight to the point methods would appeal. Or so he hoped.

Once at the sports complex, he couldn’t concentrate on lacrosse practice. However, even at his worst, he still shone, catching and flinging the ball with speed and precision. He skipped the locker room after their two hour drills to hit the gym. He found comfort in the mind numbing sameness of exercise.

Thankfully, the weight room was virtually empty and his dark look had hurried out the few patrons. As he lifted weights and did his cardio, he indulged in thinking about Naomi, which, of course, brought about a hard-on of epic proportions and just aggravated his blue balls. Like Javier, he’d spent some time in the shower, jerking off, numerous times, not that it helped. He only had to think of Naomi to harden again.

It’s not my fault. She’s too damned hot.

Today he’d gotten a glimpse of the beauty he recalled from his first mesmerizing glimpse, which combined with his heated memory of her body spelled trouble with a capital T. He wanted her so freakn’ bad, and not just because of the mating urge. That might have started the snowball rolling, but the more he heard her speak and the more she revealed of her stubborn, feisty nature, the more he simply wanted her.

Ethan didn’t care for meek and submissive women. He abhorred those that feared him, especially since his code of honor dictated he’d never hurt one. Naomi appeared fearless and possessed a fascinating mind.

Unfortunately, the very things he admired about her meant he’d suffer an even harder battle trying to win her over. What did he, a muscle bound jock—with a university degree, so at least dumb didn’t apply—have to offer her? He’d listened with dejection the previous evening on the phone as Naomi’s mother detailed the things they had going against them. One, they were shifters. Two, they didn’t mind violence and were damned good at inflicting it. Three, they had minds of their own. Four…

In other words, pretty much everything about them clashed with Naomi’s list of requirements. However, as Meredith reassured them, Naomi just thought she wanted some meek and mild human. It was up to Javier and Ethan to show her why life with them would prove more fulfilling.
Somehow, I don’t think showing her my giant cock will sway her mind.

The only consolation in the whole fiasco was Javier didn’t seem to enjoy any better luck. Naomi had clearly shown simple flattery and suave looks wouldn’t make her melt.

Thankfully, Ethan didn’t mind sharing with his best friend. They’d done almost everything together since their time at university, almost eleven years now, but while he didn’t mind being part of a three-way, mating bond, he really hoped Naomi wouldn’t shun him in favor of his slicker friend. Javier always knew the right things to say and do with a woman.

Somehow, between the two of them, they needed to convince her to give them a chance. To work together as a team to seduce and enthrall their spicy little wolf.

I need to woo her.
Now if only he knew how. He’d done well with the Danishes this morning, a hint her mother had tossed his way when she’d called again this morning for an update. He hoped for even more clues to aid him in winning his woman when they met up with her family for dinner tonight.

He also figured he’d have to prove himself to Naomi’s obviously overprotective father and brothers, but he’d jump over that hurdle when he hit it. One important thing he’d learned was no flowers, or chocolate, or any other things most women expected. Naomi didn’t care for those trite offerings, but wandering through her home— almost austere in its decoration—he’d noticed one well-dusted curio cabinet filled with butterflies. Almost a dozen of them made of glass and so fragile he didn’t dare even think of touching one.

But at least they’d given him an idea.

I might not have the words, but by damn, I’ll make her like me.




Naomi didn’t want to attribute her bad temper to the fact she hadn’t seen hide or hair all day of the two idiots whom her wolf wanted to take a bite out of. However, telling herself she didn’t care as she cleaned her house in a frenzy, while pretending she was happier with them gone, just agitated her even more.

When her phone rang while she stripped and made her bed—trying to erase the delicious scent of them lingering on the sheets—she needed to race downstairs, her upstairs phone having met the door in a fatal accident earlier that morning during her fit.

Diving onto the shrilly, ringing phone, she answered breathlessly. “Hello.”

“Oh my god, did I, like, interrupt you having
?” Francine’s voice started out loud and tapered to an exaggerated whisper.

“What? No, I’m not having sex. Why the hell would you think that?” Naomi replied in disgust—mostly because her body kept begging to have sex—as she flopped on the couch.

“Well, I heard from my mother, who heard from your mother, that apparently you found your two mates. Or they found you. Lucky bitch. And lacrosse players, too. I knew it!”

“You know nothing,” grumbled Naomi. “They might think they’re my mates, but I am not binding myself to a pair of dumb jocks.” With stupidly hot bodies and quirky smiles she refused to think of. “Oh, and thanks for sticking around last night to make sure I was alright.”

“Ha. I’d have to be insane to opt for a ringside seat to your brothers brawling. Although, had I known hunky and hunkier were going to show up and start some fireworks, I might have thrown on a hockey helmet and stayed for the show.”

“You are such a bitch,” Naomi groaned. “Of all the friends in the world, I just had to end up with a sarcastic, smart ass—”

“Don’t forget superhot and horny”.


Laughter poured from the receiver and Naomi pulled it from her ear and glared at it. When it died off to the occasional giggle, she brought it back to her head. “This is not funny, Francine. Did you know they drugged me and then cuddled me all night long?”

“Oh, the jerks. That’s just awful. I’d kill them too if all they did was snuggle me instead of making me scream in orgasm. Yes! Yes! Oh, baby.” Francine went in a paroxysm of fake climaxes that made Naomi seriously debate trading her in. Best friend since kindergarten or not, the situation was anything but amusing.

“Francine! This is serious. What am I going to do?” Naomi practically whined.
You could ride them until the cows come home,
her insidious mind interjected with a snicker. “I don’t want to get mated with them.”

A loud sigh preceded Francine’s answer. “Wow, you are so unnatural for a shifter sometimes, Naomi. I would just love it if I found my stupid mate and here you’ve got two you don’t’ want. Care to throw one my way?”

“I thought my brother Mitchell was your one and only,” Naomi teased.

“Don’t talk to me about your brother, mister I-think-of-you-as-a-sister. My wolf knows it, I bet his wolf knows it, but the idiotic man runs the other way whenever I so much as smile his way. Now stop trying to change the topic. We were talking about those hunky men who want to get into your uptight pants.”

“I am not uptight, just selective.”

“Did it ever occur to you to expand your horizons? Maybe these guys are like closet geeks who get turned on by math like you do. Have you even bothered to check and see if they discourse in a civilized fashion instead of fist fighting at the first cross eyed look thrown their way?”

Naomi snorted. “You did see them play last night, right? We’re talking about the behemoth, the guy who sent some of those players home crying to their mamas.”

“Okay, so maybe the bear might be a tad rough, but hey, I bet he’s a wild ride in bed.” Francine yahooed and made slapping sounds while Naomi sighed and rolled her eyes unseen. Francine didn’t have a serious bone in her body and seriously needed to get laid. “What about number sixty-nine?” Francine continued. “He seems like the civilized sort.”

“I’ve heard he beds so many women he owns shares in Trojan.” Francine’s mirth made Naomi smile—grudgingly. “Anyway, even if they are nice guys, I don’t want to just let them mark me and own me just because my wolf is aching to take a bite. I mean, we’re talking for life. What if they’re like my dad and leave their socks everywhere?”

“Only you would think that’s a sin beyond compare. What if they can cook?” Francine countered.

“What if they like country music?”

“Teach them to love techno by stripping to it.”

“What if they leave the toilet seat up?”

“They’ve got some electronic doohickey to take care of that problem, so stop coming up with excuses. Give them a chance. Get to know them. You know, you might be surprised.”

“And my family will learn to act civilized instead of rampaging roughshod like animals. Yeah right. Anyway, I better get going. Mom’s expecting me for dinner and given how I left last night, I can just imagine the state my brothers will be in. I’ll give your love to Mitchell,” Naomi sang, making kissy noises.

“Skank. I hate you,” Francine replied with a giggle before hanging up.

Wearing a grin of her own, Naomi placed the phone back on the charger and surveyed her place. The fresh scent of lemon Lysol permeated the air, erasing the delectable aroma of her want-to-be-suitors. Now if only she could scrub her mind and body to remove the erotic taint they’d left on her.

A check of the time showed her running late for dinner at her parents. Giving herself a quick wash first, she changed into some well-worn jeans and a blouse. A light brush of her hair, a thin sheen of lip gloss and she headed over to her parent’s house. It crossed her mind to wonder if the guys would have the nerve to show up, her mother had invited them after all, but doubtful given her cold attitude toward them. And besides, who would be nuts enough to volunteer for dinner with her family?

Apparently, dumb and dumber were. Upon seeing the Lexus parked at the curb of her parent’s house, a myriad of emotions claimed her.

Anticipation—which she squashed. Irritation—which she would soon vent. Pure, panty wetting arousal—she didn’t dare give into.

Stalking up the steps, she slammed the door open and discovered a tense silence. Javier and Ethan, perfectly at ease, sat on one couch, while, across from them, sitting and standing in various strained poses were her five brothers and father. She especially enjoyed their pointed glares.

Ignoring the smiles and scowls tossed her way by both parties, she stomped into the kitchen, looking for her mother.

“What are they doing here?” she growled.

Mama didn’t even look at her as she pulled a gigantic roast from the oven. “Whatever happened to hello, nice to see you, or do manners no longer matter to you now that you’ve moved out?”

Swallowing a sigh of impatience, Naomi pecked her mother on a cheek with a brusque. “Hi mom”

“See, that wasn’t so hard. As for your question, I told them to come for dinner yesterday, or were you not paying attention?”

“I didn’t think they’d actually show up. They left this morning and I thought they were gone for good. Which reminds me, why the hell did you tell them to drug me? They could have been murdering rapists and you gave them permission to incapacitate me!” Naomi’s tone got higher and higher as her pent up frustration vented.

“Watch your tone with me, young lady. I know you and your penchant for making mountains out of molehills. Your body needed to rest. I made sure you got it, and look at you, already almost healed. But do I get any thanks for being a caring parent? Oh no, I get yelled at.” Her mom turned to face her, her hands flinging upward and matching her facial expression of ‘Why me?’

Naomi snorted. “That guilt trip speech might work on dad and the boys, but don’t forget I learned from you.”

Her mother dropped the pretense and grinned. “Just keeping you in practice. Now as to your beaus, what do you think of them?”

“You tell me. Apparently, you’ve spoken with them more than I have.” Naomi snagged a roll out of the wicker basket and nibbled on it as she perched on a stool.

“Well, that Javier, he’s definitely a charmer. You should see the flowers he brought me. I get the impression he’s a little shocked by his meeting you.”

“Shock or not, that didn’t stop him from trying to get a piece this morning,” Naomi related with a blush. “The man’s a walking sex ad and he knows it.”

“Oh, so you’re not immune to his charm?” Her mother’s bright eyes missed nothing.

“Horny doesn’t mean I’m going to tie myself to him. He’s a bloody jock, for god’s sake. And a womanizer. That doesn’t spell happily ever after if you ask me.”

“Your father was quite the lady’s man before I came into his life. He chased and bedded anything in a skirt. But that all changed once he met me. It will happen with Javier too. You’ll see. The mating bond will keep him true,” her mother assured. “If not, then he’ll learn the mistake of his ways.” Her mother held up the carving knife with an evil glint in her eye.

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