Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (44 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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What bad luck Mitchell had to share his woman with another guy. Not that Chris disliked Alejandro, Francine’s other mate. On the contrary, he found Javier’s brother, Alejandro, highly entertaining, especially since he excelled at driving Mitchell nuts. But still, while the threesome thing sounded kind of kinky, Chris wasn’t the type to want to share, especially not his mate and for life. No way, not him.

Hopefully, with two polyamorous pairings in the family, chances were good they’d hit their quota and if he was really lucky, fate would hold off a few years before introducing him to his lucky lady wolf. He still had quite a few oats he wanted to sow and one was a blonde who’d given him her number yesterday. Maybe he’d give her a shout if he couldn’t make the game, and see if he could salvage his evening partaking in a different kind of sport.

No one answered his knock, so Chris pounded harder, wondering if the guy who’d seemed so anxious to get him over here changed his mind.

The clicking of tumblers as locks disengaged told him someone finally answered the door. He didn’t immediately turn, not wanting to appear too eager beaver or in their face. Like his dad told him, a hundred times or so, before it sank in, ‘If you look too desperate for a job, people will either think you’re incompetent, or try to pay you less.’ Sound advice, much as he’d never admit it out loud to the old wolf.

The door swung open and the smell hit him first. Flowers of some sort with a hint of animal, cat he’d wager, but blended into something exotic he’d never scented before. It tantalized, but not as much as the underlying musk of the woman to whom it belonged. Toe-curling, cock-hardening woman.

Damn, that’s one freakn’ delicious aroma.
Not just his man side reacted to the smell, his wolf did too, stirring in his mind with a rumble of excitement.
Lick her. Bite her.
His wolf had a list of things it wanted to do to the as yet unseen woman, most of them naked.

Uh-oh. That could only mean one thing.

Whirling, Chris gaped at the petite female in the doorway. His mate. Or so his yipping wolf seemed to think. Not even reaching his chin, she appeared of Asian descent, with dark, slanted eyes, high cheekbones, black hair twined atop her head in a bun, and rosebud lips, rounded into an ‘O’ of surprise.

Welcome to the club. Of all the things Chris expected to encounter today – hard to please client, a naked blonde, a late night burger at Al’s – he didn’t count on meeting the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with.

Inhaling her scent, Chris fought an urge to gather her in his arms and taste her mouth. Would she think him presumptuous if he pinned her against a wall and devoured her luscious lips? Or even better, dropped to his knees and worshipped her with his tongue. Or… Damn, the list of things he wanted to do went on and on. Best to find out her name now so he knew what to yell later when he got her into bed. Girls really hated it when you called them by the wrong name.

“Who are you?” Chris asked, pairing his query with his often used, panty dropping smile. Some guys opted for come-on lines. Chris preferred a naughty grin. And it worked every time.

“Taken,” growled a male sporting the same Asian complexion as he came up behind the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder possessively. Chris noted the glint of gold on the man’s finger and inwardly groaned.

Ah, freakn’ hell. She’s married.
That would make things complicated.


Jiao blinked at the imposing figure in front of her. Reeled actually, as his scent, a masculine thing comprised of wild animal and a sharp soap, tickled her nose. Roused her senses. Made her feline stir with ear pricked interest.

Who is he? What’s happening?

Through the cacophony in her ears – caused by her inner cat which yowled in excitement and clawed to get out – she thought she heard the stranger ask who she was. The smile he bestowed in her direction brought a tingle to parts south of her waist and she fought an urge to purr under his admiring gaze. Her cat, not restrained by human habit, didn’t hesitate, flopping down in her mind to contentedly rumble and roll in pleasure at the attention.

Who am I?
he asked.
came to mind as a reply, but thankfully didn’t pass her lips. Luckier, she managed to stifle the meow of her cat before it left her lips. Before she could recover from the overwhelming presence of the stranger, or think of something intelligent to say other than ‘Um’,  Sheng’s heavy hand came down on her shoulder and he rumbled, ‘Taken,’ as a reply. She tucked her hands behind her back lest she give in to her wild side’s impulse to swipe at Sheng for his rude answer.

Disappointment clouded the stranger’s face, a quick lapse that he instantly recovered from, his expression smoothing into a jovial smile. He took the news well. Too well, and it miffed her feline half. Even odder, Jiao found herself somewhat disappointed too. Surely she didn’t crave this unknown’s attention?

Gently, but firmly, Sheng tugged until Jiao stood behind him. Yet, because of the stranger’s great height, she could still clearly observe him at the door. Towering over her, which really didn’t take much with her short five foot three stature, he possessed sun-streaked brown hair, hazel eyes framed by dark lashes, impossibly wide shoulders, a friendly smile, and a scent she found much too interesting.

Of course, while she admired all this, Sheng gave the guy, the contractor he’d called for the basement, a hard time.

“You’re the handyman?”

“Yup. I’m Chris of Howling Good Reno’s at your service. You called me about getting the basement converted into a home gym.”

Ah yes, Sheng’s brilliant plan to placate her. Since he wouldn’t let Jiao shift and exercise her cat outside, he’d decided to give her a private option to morph inside. Given the amount of work involved, and Sheng’s ineptness when it came to power tools, he decided to hire outside help. The most highly recommended guy for the job stood at their door. He was also the most handsome man she’d ever met and the first to ever intrigue her cat.

Jiao’s teeth tugged at her inner cheek. If Chris got the contract, he’d end up at the house every day, working on the basement for as long as it took to complete the job. Weeks probably. Plenty of time to explore the strange reaction he evoked. If it were up to her, Jiao would hire him on the spot, but she said not a word, knowing Sheng would do the opposite if he knew of her interest.

A frown marred Sheng’s face, a look she caught when he briefly glanced back at her. “I expected someone older.”

Someone married, Jiao thought with a sigh. Sheng seemed determined to keep her away from men, all men. Single, married, young or old, fat and even human, he did his best to keep her secluded. Protecting her, he claimed. Keeping them both from discovery. He didn’t seem to understand they couldn’t live in hiding forever. Lies could only carry them so far.

Eventually – sooner rather than later if Jiao got a say – things would have to change. For six years they’d run and hidden from those who would take them back to their cloistered life.  Frantic years spent looking over their shoulder, not trusting anyone. Relying only on each other without a friend, other than Patricia, an RCMP officer and shifter they’d befriended during their escape. Jiao tired of the subterfuge. Tired of living under the radar, in the shadows, never experiencing life.

But Sheng knew best. He’d gotten them this far after all.

Chris didn’t seem daunted by Sheng’s skepticism in his skills. “I’ve got years of experience. And references too, if you want them.”

“You did come highly recommended,” Sheng admitted, but grudgingly.

“What do you say you show me the space? Tell me what you need. I’ll do up a quote and then we can go from there.”

Sheng appeared torn, something about Chris setting off his radar, but then again, everybody set off his paranoia meter. Placing a hand on Sheng’s arm, Jiao said, “He’s one of us and Patricia approved him.” Sheng trusted Patricia. After all, she was the one who gave them a new life, new identity, and more.

Lips tight, Sheng shook his head. “Sorry. But I don’t think you’ll do at all.”

Then, her husband slammed the door in the contractor’s face.

Chapter Two

What the hell?

Chris stared at the closed door, his jaw dropping as disbelief froze him. What was buddy’s problem? Did he somehow sense Chris’s interest in his wife? An interest Chris now felt sure was mistaken. He’d specifically requested, in his mind at least, to have a mate all to himself. Surely Fate heard him? Given his adamant stance on the whole subject of ménages –
not for me!
– it stood to reason, the female – hot and delectable as she smelled – didn’t belong to him. Nope. She was taken. Off the menu. Not his concern.

If he knew that, then why did his feet refuse to move? Because he had unfinished business, that was why. And no, it wasn’t his wolf’s demand to sniff her again that had him raising his fist to knock. Then pound as no one answered the door.

I deserve an explanation.
Or a valid reason, at any rate, for the dude’s rejection of his services. Services, he might add, buddy asked for. But it seemed Chris wouldn’t get an answer because the door remained shut.

Stepping back, Chris flipped a bird in the direction of a twitching curtain.
What an asshat.
He pitied the guy’s wife. It must suck to live with such a jerk. He also thanked his lucky stars he’d gotten the shaft because given his attitude, working for the dude would have probably sucked large.

On a happier note, he’d make the lacrosse game after all. Jumping into his truck, tool box tossed onto the passenger seat, Chris started the engine, the heavy rumble caused less by the dying diesel motor than the exhaust with its fist sized hole. As he shifted into gear, Chris turned his head to look one last time at the house where he’d gotten the rude treatment. A more hotheaded guy would have kicked down the door and beat the crap out of the little prick inside. Chris, though, preferred to think he could handle things in a more mature fashion. Holding the brake pedal down, he hit the gas, revving his engine and spinning his tires. The noise and smoke show, not to mention the probable tire marks, would hopefully annoy the Asian dude.

Keeping his eyes on the living room window, he hoped buddy would peek out so Chris could give him a single finger salute, but instead, the pretty Asian girl appeared, her head canted to the side. A smile curved her lips and she shook her head, as if chastising him.

Dammit. He was acting like a child, a petulant one who didn’t get his way. With a growl, he let go of the brake pedal and took off.

What he couldn’t escape? The dark eyes of the exotic female and her lingering, oh-so-yummy scent. Despite her taken status, his wolf rumbled at him to go back.
Not likely. The woman was married which meant off limits. Out of bounds. No way, no how.

Despite that, he couldn’t muster any interest to call the blonde who’d so eagerly given him her number. He blamed it on his annoyance at losing the job. Tried to convince himself he didn’t bother offering to pick the woman up because it would make him late for the lacrosse match.

Liar. Liar. Wolf’s on fire.

In truth, he couldn’t call the big breasted blonde because a pair of dark eyes kept appearing in his mind, full of reproach. Wait a second. He didn’t owe anything to the Asian girl. Yeah, she was hot. Yeah, he would have liked to tap her. But, that wasn’t happening. Time to move on.

He scrolled through his contacts and found Brandy’s number. His finger, however, refused to push the button to dial. Even more messed up, his wolf growled at him. Him!

“I’m in charge here, buddy,” he reminded his canine half. “And I will call whomever I damned well like.” He mashed his finger on the call button. It rang once. His stomach tightened. Rang a second time. His entire mouth went sour. A third time, and at the click signaling she answered, he quickly pressed the red hang up button.

What just happened? Why did the act of calling someone else make him feel sick? It made no sense.

I need a beer. Make that a dozen.
And a chili dog, too, so he could forget the Asian couple – more specifically the petite hottie with the perfect mouth – and get back to normal. Well, as normal as possible for him considering his shifter status.

What he wouldn’t give for a full moon tonight and a run through the woods. Nothing like howling up a storm and chasing down a rabbit to make him feel better.
But I bet I’d have more fun chasing a certain cat.




Watching out the window, long after the handyman left, Jiao visibly jumped when Sheng laid a hand on her shoulder.

“You scared me,” she admonished, a twinge of guilt assailing her at having gotten caught staring.

“The immature idiot is gone, so why are you still watching?”

“A better question is why you acted like such a jerk?”

The hand slid off her shoulder with the accusation and she turned to regard Sheng as he paced the living room. Sparse, because of their recent move here, it contained a red pleather couch – because no shifter with an ounce of morality would own the real thing – a plush armchair in black crushed velvet – which attracted hair like crazy – and an oval glass table in need of cleaning. Again. She hated the damned thing. Stupid dust collector.

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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