Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (26 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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“Mmm, stop your dirty talk about bondage or I might forget I’m a gentleman,” he said with a leer and a chuckle.

She grinned. “You are really good for the ego, you know? I might just have to keep you around.”
Naked and tied to my bed.
The mental image made her squirm in her seat.

“And people say I’m a flirt.”

Blowing him a kiss, she cocked her head and studied him as she sipped on her beer. Gorgeous didn’t come close to describing Alejandro with his tanned skin, dark chocolate eyes, and sensual lips. He would be so easy to fall for. “So what about you? What are you running from?”

“Who, me?” His wide-eyed false innocence made her laugh.

“Get caught in the wrong bed?” she guessed.

“That happens more often than you’d think. All I try to do is bring a little pleasure into a woman’s life and yet do their husbands or boyfriends understand?”

Holding in her snicker proved impossible and they both broke into gales of laughter. “You are so bad,” she gasped.

“Or good, it depends on your definition. You should use that to your advantage.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Your Mitchell situation. Maybe your reluctant wolf just needs the right incentive.”


“Well, you say he finally noticed you for the first time in years tonight. What was different?”

“The fact he didn’t run off before I arrived,” she replied dryly. 

“But think for a second. Why did he stay?”

“Because he got held up going out the door? The rear entrance was blocked? ”

“No, I think he stayed because he saw you with another man.”

“You think he was jealous?” She tilted her head in thought, then shook it. “Nope. Probably more of that misplaced big brother protection crap. He did the same thing after the prom with my poor date.” She could still see it, Mitchell slugging Tommy in the face, saying over and over, “You dirty pig. Keep your hands off my sister.”

“I think Mitchell is mistaken in his feelings. I say, we test him.”

“What exactly are you suggesting?” she asked.

“We date.” At her arched brown, he added, “Pretend date. We’ll need to enlist Naomi’s help. She’ll find out where Mitchell is going to be, and we’ll show up looking like a happy couple.”

“And he breathes a great big sigh of relief because he thinks I don’t want him.”

“Or, if he’s truly your mate, he won’t be able to help himself from trying to shove me out of the picture and claim you for himself.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “And what do you get out of this?”

“A place to stay. A chance to needle my brother, among others. And in the pursuit of our answer to Mitchell’s affection, make-out time with a hot redhead.”

Her lips quirked. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re an evil, evil man?”

“All the time, usually followed by handcuffs.” Laughter spilled from her, which he joined, his low tenor doing strange things to her insides.

Oh God, she’d have to lock her door tonight, and then toss the key so she didn’t come back down to ravage him. Despite her feelings for Mitchell, she couldn’t deny Alejandro made her hot—soaking wet, smoldering pussy, hot.

Chapter Four

Alejandro tossed and turned on the couch after Francine went to bed. What possessed him to ask her to pretend date him? And so she could snag that idiot wolf! The lady deserved better than some dog who lacked the ability to recognize the true beauty right in front of him. If it were him, he’d fall to his knees and worship the fiery goddess who could moan so deliciously.

God, when she’d faked that orgasm, Alejandro almost leapt over the counter, ready to bend her over and sink his cock into her pussy. More shocking, his cat almost made him follow his visual fantasy, but with one added element, his teeth sinking into her flesh and marking her.

She’s not meant for me.
Or so he kept telling himself as he shifted position, trying to ignore his rigid cock. The willpower it took not to follow her upstairs, or beg for a kiss, almost killed him. He’d never felt a desire this fierce before, and he’d never had to fight his beast for control.

Could she be the one?
He knew his father scoffed at Javier’s choice to remain true to one woman, preferring to spread his love around, even as he always returned to his and Javier’s mother. It drove them nuts that she accepted their father’s wandering ways, especially when they saw the sadness in her eyes as she learned of a new conquest or child he fathered. Alejandro always swore he’d never do the same. He never made any promises to a woman, nor did he leave a trail of bastards behind. That way no one got hurt.

Of course, that plan didn’t always work with some women becoming more attached than he anticipated. And that, in turn, led to irate fathers hunting him down, usually with a shotgun, trying to force a mating or marriage he didn’t want. Hence, his current visit to Javier, the length of which still remained to be determined. He’d done more this time than bed the wrong girl. He came to the attention of the wrong father, a hunter who’d unfortunately clued in to his heritage. Oops.

Maybe it’s time I changed towns for good. This seems like a nice place, and I’ve got my brother, as well as some nieces or nephews on the way.
His mother would miss him, but truly, the woman had her hands full with his other siblings and probably wouldn’t miss the drama that came with having him around.

And his decision to stay for a while certainly had nothing to do with a short and curvy redhead who pretended not to want him while her scent screamed arousal.

Fuck, he needed to get a handle on his lust. Sticking his hand under the blanket, naked as per habit, he grabbed his thick cock. His erection hadn’t fully died since he met the fiery little wolf, and he couldn’t go on with it constantly pointing in her direction.

Up and down, he stroked it, the blanket getting caught up in his fisting. With a growl, he kicked the cover off, the air of the room not cooling his skin down one bit. One leg braced on the floor, the other bent on the couch, he resumed his masturbation, his hand moving with an even cadence on his engorged shaft.

Despite himself, he couldn’t help imagining Francine as he touched himself, a delightful vision of her on her knees, her sweet brown eyes peering up at him as she licked his cock, making him groan aloud. He could so easily imagine her red curls bouncing as she blew him, her perfect lips stretched around his girth, her cheeks hollowing. Caught up in his fantasy, he almost missed the small gasp behind him where the stairway hid in shadows. Not letting on that he knew she’d come down, he continued to stroke his cock, thrusting his hips up, and biting back a smile as her scent, musky with arousal, drifted to him.

He dared not say a word or show any sign that he knew of her presence. It would send her fleeing for sure. However, knowing she couldn’t help watching…God, he couldn’t help grunting as he quickened his pace. Say what you would, having an audience always made things more erotic. When he caught her own breathing coming just as fast as his, he didn’t bother holding back. He came, his hot cream spurting onto his belly, the relief pleasant but nothing compared to coming inside a woman’s body.

Taking his time standing, he made sure to not turn around before he’d heard her scurry back up the stairs. His own chivalry surprised him, but something about Francine screamed he not push her, even if he just planned to have casual sex. As he washed up, it occurred to him to wonder if she hid under her covers, playing with herself, aroused at his show. His cock immediately hardened as if he’d never touched it.

Naked still, and now curious, he snuck up her stairs and crept to her door. He hovered, listening. Silence, though, hung thick, and he held back a sigh.
I guess she went to sleep.

Just as he turned to leave though, he heard her speak. “You took too long. I’m done, and might I say, thank you for the visual stimulation. It really helped
things along.” She giggled, then laughed like a mad woman when he growled and stomped back down the stairs.

Little brat. If he’d known she would just use him to get herself off, he’d have…
What? Invited her to join me? Joined her?
Either way, they’d both used each other to masturbate. It just miffed him that for the first time he could recall, a woman didn’t need him to achieve orgasm. Talk about throwing the gauntlet down, and dammit, she couldn’t have done a worse thing, because now, he’d have to bed her. His ego demanded it, as did his cock.

Chapter Five

Coward, I’m a bloody coward.
Francine couldn’t deny the truth when she found herself unable to leave her bedroom the next morning, her brazenness of the night before melted with daylight and the knowledge Alejandro waited below.

When she came down the night before for a glass of milk, she never expected to find her guest fisting himself on the couch. Even more shocking, she found herself riveted by his display.

A proper young lady would have run back up the stairs and slammed her door shut to show him what she thought of his dirty act on her couch. Of course, Francine missed getting the handbook on how a lady should behave, so instead, she stood and watched. Stared actually, panting softly as he stroked a thick, hard cock that would have looked so much better buried inside her pussy.

Dammit all, it made her horny, enough that she forgot the milk and scurried back to her room. She no sooner closed her door than she ripped off her jammies and rubbed her clit. Lubed and excited already, she came quick, gasping and arching on her bed to the mental vision of Alejandro sucking her tits while he fucked her. Such a bad girl—and an unexpectedly erotic visual—but damn, did she enjoy it.

As her breathing calmed, she’d heard Alejandro arrive to spy on her. Pig. Funny thing was, had he arrived a minute before, she might have flung the door open and dragged him in, so overcome was she with lust. Instead, feeling more in control now that she’d climaxed, she taunted the man who’d thrown her carefully—sometimes crazy—ordered plan to claim Mitchell in disarray. How dare he make her desire him? How dare he make her so hot, she pumped her hand like a wild bitch in heat?

She could almost see his shock as she told him what she’d done then giggled. God, she enjoyed that. But that was last night. Day arrived along with a need to get up, dress, and go to work. She used her ensuite to shower and dress, hoping he’d leave while she got ready, but judging by the music and movement she heard from below, he didn’t get the hint.

Sighing, she mentally slapped herself for acting like a ninny and opened the door.
This is my house, and he’s just a guy, albeit a hot fucking one. If he says anything to embarrass me, I’ll sic Naomi on him.
Decided, she marched downstairs, her nose twitching as she caught the smell of pancakes and bacon.
He cooked?

Incredulous, she went into the kitchen and saw two plates heaped with pancakes and bacon waiting on her breakfast counter.

“About time you showed up, sleepy head,” Alejandro said, turning from the stove with a grin that made her heart lurch. He expertly flipped another pancake onto a plate. “I would hate to make a pig of myself and eat this all alone.”

“Morning. And thanks.”

“For breakfast? My pleasure, baby.”

“No, although that’s nice, I meant for helping me relax so I could get a good night’s sleep.” Why she brought it up after agonizing upstairs over what to say, she’d never know. Cheeks heating, she took a seat at a stool. She grabbed her fork and dug in, keeping a wary eye on him as she waited for him to reply and make a comment of his own about the previous night. Actually, looking forward to it so she could get indignant—or saucy. However, he ate in silence, only his eyes occasionally paying her attention, the mischievous light in them the only indication that he’d guessed her thoughts.

“So, what are your plans for the day?” she asked in between bites, breaking the silence.

“After I take you to work, I’m going to go by my brother’s place and grab my bags. I’d already offloaded them from the bike when you invited me to stay.”

A decision she now wondered about. Should she tell him she’d changed her mind? That he had to leave because she didn’t trust herself alone with him? Glancing at his smirk, she could tell he waited for her to do just that. Ha, like he’d win that easily.

“Perfect. Don’t forget to grab some groceries too while you’re out then. I’d hate for us to go
I wouldn’t mind some sausage, long and thick for me sink my teeth in. A nice juicy hunk of meat, the kind that you can slap between some toasted, yet soft in the middle buns. Ooh and some popsicles. I do so love to suck on them when I’m hot. And cream, lots of cream.” She managed not to grin as his eyes went slightly out of focus at her innuendos.

Alejandro groaned and banged his head off the counter muttering, “And my brother was worried about me taking advantage of you. You’re a cruel, cruel woman.”

“What? What did I say?” she exclaimed, pretending innocence. She couldn’t hold onto her placid demeanor, and burst into giggles that made his lips twitch.

“I’ll get you back,” he warned, clearing the breakfast dishes. “And when I do, you won’t be laughing, screaming maybe, and soaking wet, but definitely not giggling.”

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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