Read Fragile Truths Online

Authors: D. H. Sidebottom,R. M. James

Fragile Truths (33 page)

BOOK: Fragile Truths
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Her lips twisted as her eyes twinkled, “Well, if you prefer I can always call you Jesus.”




March 2014




“Please don’t” I whined as Tate sang
Ellie Goulding’s, How long will I love you


“How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you,
and longer, if I can.
How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
follow their plan.

How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to
wash upon the sand.
How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to
and longer by far.
How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you,
as long as you can.”


“Tate, you have many wonderful talents, but singing… no, just no. That voice could wake the dead. You tortured me out of a coma last time you sang.”

He stared at me with a hurt expression then chuckled and dug his fingers into my ribs, “You wound me, babe.”

I smirked as I spun round and knelt before him. His back was resting against the tree in our field, the stars twinkling brightly above us.

He had brought me here and I’d melted when I was welcomed with a small table adorned with candles and luscious food. He’d scattered tiny tea lights, although battery operated, they were still beautiful and glowed prettily and the whole area around us was covered with exquisite white rose petals as a chiminea warmed us.

I knew what it was instantly. I knew he planned to propose and I’d made him drop to one knee immediately. Patience had never been my strong point. I’d just squealed, hugged him and stood with my hands on my hips and my eyebrow quirked encouragingly at him until he’d rolled his eyes and knelt before me.


And now I knelt before him. His eyes held me with so much love my heart drummed happily inside my chest. Although I had battled through life with one purpose, I’d found a new one along the way; to love this man before me with everything I had.

I had pursued Don Knight for years and I had accepted that I would go down with him. Once he was gone, there was nothing holding me here, and I’d been accepting of that. But now, now I had a new mission. To live my life with a man that couldn’t breathe without me, a man willing to chase my soul through hell to stay with me and a man that gave me a life to live for again.

And a new big brother to keep in line.


He smirked at me as I unbuckled his belt and lowered the zip holding back the desert I could almost taste. “You still hungry?” He grinned.

I nodded as I sank my teeth into my lip, “I’m a greedy whore.”

He slid both hands on either side of my face and pulled my mouth to his. “Yes, you are,” he rumbled before he fused himself to me. His kiss was forceful and needy but so giving and affectionate. He ruled me beneath him, his passion demanding everything I had to give.

He moaned into my mouth and twisted his tongue around mine furiously when I wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft and stroked slowly. “Christ, Capella. Your fingers are driving me wild. I want your mouth, I want to slide my cock into the heat between your lips and watch you suck on every single hard inch of me.”

“Bloody hell, why do you do that”? I growled at him as I started to nibble across his jaw.

“Do what?”

“Pour rocket fuel on my arousal. Now I just wanna fuck the hell out of you instead of idolise you.”

He scoffed and moved my face to look up at him with a touch of his finger under my chin, “You have a dirty mouth. It needs punishing.” I shivered when his fingers curled around my hair and he yanked my head back further, “Now take your reprimand like a good little girl and feast on my cock.”

“Such punishment is hard to take,” I complained as I feigned upset. “However will I get through this?”

The groan that he released when I sheathed his delicious cock with my lips brought a new level of lust crashing over me. His dirty words and erotic moans were always my undoing. He knew what I needed, accepted it and encouraged my beast to play with his, invited our demons to dance to the rhythm of our fucking.

“Shit, babe.” He groaned louder when I rotated the ball of his piercing with the tip of my tongue and cupped his balls in the palm of my hand. “That’s it Frankie, take it all.” He rasped as I slid my mouth down the full length of him, loosening the back of my throat to accommodate the size of him. His hips rocked as his need drove him and he fucked my mouth relentlessly, his fingers guiding my head as he chased the pleasure ride.


I was suddenly on my back, my dress thrown up around my chest and his face buried between my legs as his tongue drove deep inside me. “Ahh, shit!” My back arched as he hurled shot after shot of ecstasy through each of my muscles, his fingers sliding in and out of me at a torturous pace as his tongue did wicked things to my clit.

I drove my fingers through the thickness of his gorgeous hair, holding his face to me as I demanded my own pleasure. “God, you always taste so damn good,” he moaned against my hot flesh. “You taste like pure fucking sex, Capella. Sheer fucking heaven.”

“Fuck me, Tate.” I snarled at him with need. “I need you.”

He smirked as his body slid up mine until his face was level with mine and his cock nudged inside me. We both sighed deeply as we joined, as paradise once again welcomed us. “So beautiful,” he whispered as he moved slowly. “So perfect, my Capella.”

His eyes locked me down, refused mine closure as he directed me through our union. “I love you so much, Frankie. Every day my heart beats a little stronger every time you look at me.”

He took my hand in his and slid it down between us until he encouraged me to wrap my fingers around his shaft as it slid out of me. He encompassed my fingers with his own so we both felt each of his slow pushes and pulls. “You feel that, baby? You feel what we are, how we fit together. We’re made for each other, like a pearl in an oyster; we were created to be together, formed for me to protect your treasure.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him, “What are you doing?”

He looked a little offended and I gulped when he stilled, “I’m being romantic.”

I nodded slowly but didn’t respond. He narrowed his eyes on me, “What?”


“Come on,” he urged when I refused to voice my thoughts.

“Well, it’s just… can’t you be romantic after? Like hold me tight and all that soppy shit, but right now I really need you to fuck the damn life out of me.”

He stared at me as his chest heaved but I smirked when I felt his cock swell inside me. “You want fucking?”

I nodded, “Like our lives depend on it.”

“Hard?” he asked as he pulled out.

“My beast is knocking on the fucking door, Tate. Let her out to play, she misses you.”

He slammed into me so hard I yelped but gasped at the intense bliss that surged through my core. The animal inside growled and broke free. I pushed at him, flipped him onto his back and rode us both into hell.

I was sure the stars blushed as Tate’s filthy praises filled the silence of the field and the sound of slapping flesh echoed around us. We took each other harder than ever before, both of us exploding so powerfully we both struggled to breathe as my mind shot off in different directions.


I smiled as his head dropped to my shoulder and he groaned in exhaustion. “Now tell me you love me.”

He laughed at me as he snuggled in deeper, “Oh now you want the soppy shit.”

“Yes, now I want romantic. I think after you just took me like an animal I deserve that. You horrid beast.”

He scoffed and slid out of me before pulling me into his side, “Babe, your beast is as horrid as mine.”

I beamed up at him as he kissed the tip of my nose and slid his palm over my cheek, “My beast fucking loves you.”

He scowled at me and tapped my chin, “I thought you wanted romance.”

“I do, but I didn’t say
did romance.”

He shook his head then narrowed his eyes on me, “By the way, a little birdie told me you quit your job today.”

I pursed my lips and pouted, “I presume the little bird is Mags. I wanted to tell you.”

He shrugged, “Doesn’t matter who tells me. I just wanna know why.”

I paused, my nerves trembling with how he would accept my news. “Well, uhh…”


“Well I was offered another job.”

He frowned and shifted me so I was sat on his lap and looking directly at him. “Tell me,” he ordered.

I shivered as his dominant side demanded my secrets. “I’m now the official legal advisor, accountant, and… other things for the Shadows.”

His eyes widened as he stared at me, “You’re working for Pop?”

“I am. I have my first assignment in the morning.”

“Assignment? This isn’t Mission Impossible, babe.”

“Well, I’ve been training with Travis. Christ that man is bloody gruelling.”

Tate growled at me and I smirked, “Christ, don’t worry. There’s only you that gets me hot.”

“I don’t care. You train with Travis then I’m there. No way does he touch you without me witnessing where he puts his damn hands.” I laughed at him, nudging him with my elbow but secretly enjoying his jealous side. “So come on,” he prompted. “What’s this

I smirked and tipped my head as I fluttered my eyelashes at him, “Well your father thought my first job should be something personal, something that I would enjoy.”

“Yes, and…”

“I have a lunch date with Cassandra Knight.”

“What the hell?”

I kissed him on the lips, “Trust me.”

“I do trust you but are you sure this is what you want?”

I sighed as I ran my finger down his cheek slowly, “Well in the words of George Orwell; to survive it is often necessary to fight; and to fight you have to dirty yourself.” I quoted.

Tate scoffed, “Then I’m the god damned filthiest man on the planet and in the words of Tate Nardini, I look forward to working with you my vivid little star.”

“And I look forward to shadowing your sin, master.”

He grinned at me, “Oooh I like that, master sounds perfect.”

He rolled me over until he hovered over me. His teeth pulled at my bottom lip and enticed a groan from me, “I’ve come to accept what life has been trying to tell me.”

“What’s that?” he whispered in my ear as the tip of his nose traced my moles.

“That your Capella can’t shine without the darkness.”

He leaned back and smiled at me gently, “And my darkness is empty with you my Capella.”

I cupped his cheek and smiled up at him, “Come on, show me how much you worship me…” I brushed my lips over his as I held his gaze, “…Jesus.”

I didn’t laugh for long.


The End




Finally Heaven

A Room 103 Novel



D H Sidebottom


‘Don’t cry because it’s over,

Smile because it happened.’



I’m sure Adam could see the race of my heart through my pupils, never mind the single dots of perspiration giving away my nerves across the bridge of my nose. His wide eyes were searching mine, his shock and panic joining the small hint of excitement. I understood the panic but it was the faint suggestion of elation that worried me.


“I…” His mouth snapped back shut. He continued to stare at me and all I could give him was a small smile, more of a grimace actually.

I sat, or rather fell into, the chair opposite him and lowered my eyes to his feet. His Converse were the green ones and I tilted my head to study them, checking out the scuff marks and the brown stain I hoped wasn’t dog shit, if he’d trampled crap through my hallway and soiled the new carpet he’d find his fraying shoelaces around his neck.

“Zoe, I…” He shrugged again and I exhaled slowly.

“Yeah.” It was all I could manage, my shock as thick as his. “Don’t worry about it. I… I’ll be…” I groaned and ran my fingers through the length of my hair and closed my eyes, “Shit, Adam. What the hell…”

“Hey,” he whispered. I opened my eyes and found him crouched before me, his eyes soft and caring as a small smile touched his lips. “We’ll sort it, Zoe. I’m here for you, I promise.”

I returned his smile and nodded. I knew he would keep to his word, yet my heart didn’t soar or even beat as I looked at him, “Yeah.”

He knelt up and placed his forehead softly against mine. “We’ll be fine,” he promised as he slid his head back and kissed my forehead.


“Well this is cosy…”

I groaned as my heart soared and thumped against my chest. Adam shot backwards and stared towards the hallway over my head. “What the hell?” I watched the many emotions cross his face, the shock, the puzzlement and then the recognition. “
!… You’re…”

“And you are?” Daniel asked with a snort of aversion.

“Daniel,” I scolded but all I heard was a snort. “Do you ever knock?”

“What the fuck for?” he asked with a chuckle. “I like to surprise you. You like me to surprise
… especially in the middle of the night. You’ve never complained before, Ink.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed at his pet name, or rather his ‘statement’ to Adam that he knew me well enough to provide me with a pet name. Adam’s brow furrowed before he shot me a look - one that said ‘Okay Zoe, how many men do you let into your bed at night?’

BOOK: Fragile Truths
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