Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) (4 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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He did without question. Placing the bags on the counter, he rounded to face Abby. Her stomach plummeted to her feet as she met his dashing gaze head on. Swallowing hard, she searched for the strength to push the pounding blood from her ears. She was desperate to hear his answer when she asked him to help her fix up the ranch.

“Tyler, I know, I mean I heard.” She stopped and pinched the bridge of her nose with her forefinger and thumb, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. She was sounding like a bubbling idiot. If only she’d practiced, maybe she wouldn’t sound so ridiculous. “I’m sorry, what I meant to ask was if you were still looking for employment? Sophia tells me you had inquired to work here when my father was alive.”

He nodded, and the muscles in his jaw flexed. “I did, but your father said he had everything under control.”

Abby glanced to the other side of the kitchen and saw Sophia smiling at her. The sight of her gawking at them had her anxious, so she turned and walked into the living room and thankfully, Tyler followed her. “Well, I’m sure you’ve heard that my father died less than a month ago and left Paradise Ranch to me.”

He took off his hat and held it close to his chest. “Yes, I heard, and I’m truly sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” she replied, but didn’t let it break her concentration. “Tyler, unlike my father, I very much know that things are way out of control here. I could use some help restoring the property.” She stiffened her spine. “Would you be interested in working for me?”

She had expected a desperate man like Tyler Boyd to jump all over her offer, but when he didn’t respond immediately, she began to wonder if she’d overstepped her bounds. An overwhelming urge to run away kicked her square in the gut. She was no businesswoman, and this was way out of her comfort zone.

She’d never imagined owning anything in her life as she’d always been in the shadow of her mother, but here she was doing her best to make things work and she’d already managed to screw up by offering employment to a man who clearly didn’t want to work for her. Could she really blame him?
She had no skills to manage and run a lemonade stand, let alone a thousand-acre ranch. It must be obvious to an experienced man like Tyler Boyd what a mess he would be assuming if he helped her. Surely, no sane person would want that type of responsibility. What was she thinking taking on such a prodigious responsibility?

“Are you all right, Abby?” he asked, tilting his head down to catch her gaze.

Shaking her head as if confused, she said, “What?”

He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes, staring seriously at her. “I was just telling you that I’d be more than willing to help you, but I was hoping to find a place where my brothers and I could work together.”

She felt like smacking herself right in the head. How could she have been so stupid? She knew his family was a packaged deal. Damn, she really needed to chill out before she gave herself a heart attack. “Oh, right. I forgot that part. I’d be more than willing to provide lodging and pay for your brothers as well. I would truly like to get Paradise Ranch in the condition it should be. Like my father, I want to raise prizewinning horses and have cattle that other ranchers will beg for.” She smiled and then realized just how excited and overly ambitious she sounded.

Tyler’s posture straightened, showing his towering height. His six-foot-four frame hovered over her as he extended his hand for her to shake. With a smile, she took it. His warm, calloused palms had her legs quivering. She could see clearly how a man built like Tyler Boyd would be perfect for hard labor. Not to mention hot, sweaty sex.

Stop that!

Never had a man looked more attractive to her. The light and excitement in his eyes warmed her straight to her soul. He asked, “When would you like us to start?”

“There’s no time like the present.”

With a subtle nod, he said, “All right, I’ll call my brothers and we’ll get set up today.”

“Wonderful.” She clapped her hands together. “I look forward to meeting them and getting started.” The excitement filling her chest was overwhelming, and left her feeling slightly giddy.

“One more thing, Abby,” he mentioned as he reached out and gently brushed the backs of his knuckles over her bruised cheek. She sucked in a breath as his fingers caressed her skin and she briefly closed her eyes. “Do you know who that man was that attacked you last night?”

A shudder ran up her spine. The excitement had suddenly been washed away by dread and despair. “No, why do you ask?”

“I haven’t been in Temptation long, but I’ve never heard of anyone being assaulted before last night. It struck me as odd that you would arrive in town and suddenly have some deranged man trying to hurt you. I thought maybe…”

His voice trailed off and she knew what he was thinking. Deep down she’d thought it, too. Her ex had found her. How, she had no idea, but she doubted if it was Jackson, he’d go away quietly. Her adventures in misfortune may just be beginning.

“Honestly, Tyler, I don’t know who attacked me.” She tried to smile, but the lie wouldn’t reach her lips. If she were truthful, she’d tell the man that was about to live on her property about the dangers Jackson Cole presented.

If it even was Jack.

She wouldn’t give Tyler a reason to not accept her offer. That might be selfish on her part, but no matter the guilt, she wasn’t going to let her ex or her mother ruin her life anymore.

“When I drove through town I noticed your car was still at the market, would you allow me to go and get that for you when I pick up my brother’s?”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Don’t be silly, Abby,” Sophia chimed in from around the corner. “Besides, the man just offered and we’ve got a lot of cooking to do with three hungry men to feed.”

Feeling outnumbered, Abby strolled to her purse, grabbed her keys, and slowly handed them to him. Smiling, she said, “Thank you, Tyler.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Abby. I’ve been interviewing at ranches left and right with no promise in sight until I met you. I won’t disappoint you. I promise.”

Abby didn’t think he could disappoint her with anything he did. The touch of his rough hand as it slid into hers was as perfect as a new day. A flutter of joy filled her heart once more as he gazed down at her. For the first time Abby wasn’t hiding in the shadows. She was standing on her own and loving every minute of it.

“I’d like to get started on the fence today if you don’t mind. Keeping the livestock from wondering outside the property should be my first priority. My youngest brother, Hunter, is great with horses, and will tend to the cattle. Besides helping me when needed, Cooper is a manager of sorts. If you’ve got anything you want him to look over like books, record keeping, or anything, just let me know and I’ll point him your way when I get back.”

Abby’s heart fluttered. She honestly couldn’t believe her luck. She’d found the perfect ranch hands just by meeting Tyler Boyd. Who would have thought finding help would’ve been as easy as getting her ass handed to her at a small town market. “That would be great. My father wasn’t very good at record keeping toward the end, and I really can’t make heads or tails of his finances.”

She followed him onto the porch, closing the front door behind her. “Tyler, I hope I’m not prying too much when I ask this, but I heard your mother was also traveling with you and your brothers?”

He nodded. “Yes, my mother found work waitressing at the diner. She’s great in a kitchen, but you already have Sophia helping out, and I hear she’s quite the catch.” He winked at her.

She lowered her gaze to avoid his boyish cuteness. She explained, “She was engaged to my father. I’m hoping she might shed some light on things for me.”

“Shed some light on what?” The second he asked, his face paled. “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s none of my business. I shouldn’t have asked. I just find myself extremely curious about you, Abby Blake.”

Meeting his gaze once again, she said, “Funny you should say that, Tyler Boyd. I find myself extremely curious about you, too.” They shared a tender laugh. “I grew up here, but it wasn’t what you might think a childhood on a ranch would be like. My mother was not really the ‘working the land’ kind of woman, and she never wanted a life like that for me.”

He propped himself up against the front porch post and folded his arms over his chest. “And yet, here you are.”

Nodding, Abby smiled. “Exactly. My mother would die if she knew what I was up to. I’m sure she’ll figure it out soon enough.”

“I take it your mother and father divorced?”

“Oh yes, she couldn’t get away from Temptation fast enough. She hauled my butt to Dallas and put me in the best schools money could buy, married a rich doctor, and started living the life she always wanted.”

Tyler shifted his weight to the side as she made her way to stand beside him, resting her hands on the railing. “You don’t sound impressed by all that.”

Abby scoffed. “Me? Hell no. I liked the land, love it really, but my mother never allowed me the opportunity to find out what I loved most about it.”

“You didn’t spend any time here at Paradise Ranch with your father?”

A disappointing shiver charged through her heart. “Sadly, no. My mother kept me under lock and key. I guess my father just got tired of fighting with her.”

His voice dipped low as he said, “Sounds like you got tired of fighting with her, too.”

He was right. Abby had gotten tired of her mother’s games, and finally given up her pursuit to see her father. It was easier that way. “I did. I was looking for an out, and when I received the information that my father passed away, he’d given that to me. I think it was his way of healing me and also sticking it to my mother.” She smiled. “She needs a good sticking.” Instantly, her eyes swelled and her hand covered her mouth. Giggling, she admitted, “Wow, I don’t know where that came from. I’m so sorry, that was completely inappropriate.” She should be mortified, but she couldn’t stop giggling.

If she were being honest with herself, she was the one who needed a good sticking, and she’d gladly accept an offer from Tyler any time. A romp in the fields might be kind of fun. Making love under the stars had always been a fantasy of hers. Making love to a man who cherished her, even for just a night, would be a welcomed change.

Dear God, why does my mind always venture to sex or his fine ass? I really need to stop doing that.

He chuckled. “I like your smile, Abby. It’s genuine, and your eyes sparkle when you laugh or talk about your father.”

All her thoughts fled as Tyler’s words bumped around in her mind. She felt compelled to kiss him, just a gentle press of the lips to see if he was as sweet as she imagined he was.

She took a step closer to him. “Thank you,” was all she managed to say. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her tongue danced behind her lips.

He softly touched her chin. His index finger cradled beneath her jaw while his thumb caressed her bottom lip. He slowly drew his hand away. “You’re more than welcome.” He tilted his hat and within a few long strides was at his truck, jumping in and driving down the gravel road.

She was sure going to have her hands full, fixing up this place. More importantly, she was going to have her hands full trying to keep from jumping Tyler Boyd behind the barn.

Smiling, she turned to see Sophia standing with her arms folded over her chest, looking like any mother would at her daughter. She grinned, and Abby knew she’d watched her and Tyler’s interaction.

“He’s something else, isn’t he?” Sophia asked.

“Yes, he’s very nice.”

Sophia chuckled. “Wait until you meet the other two. Darling, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

Chapter Three

“Oh, dear God in Heaven,” Abby muttered with her mouth hanging open as she watched Tyler’s brothers emerge from the pickup truck. As promised, Tyler had driven her car back and parked it under the nearest tree.

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)
10.13Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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