Fourth and Goal (15 page)

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Authors: Jami Davenport

BOOK: Fourth and Goal
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"I know."

Well, hell, she didn't have to agree so readily. “Rae, I don't want to hurt you again."

"I'm not that naive college girl."

His gut clenched as he trod on forbidden territory, picturing her with other men. God, he hated that visual. He'd make her forget those other men until they weren't even a blip on her sexual horizon.

"I know what the score is this time. Don't you? I don't want to hurt you."

She'd turned the tables on him. “Not a problem."

He gave it up. His resistance was screwed. He'd only been arguing to appease his conscience. “Tell me what turns you on.” If he was doomed to hell, he'd go down with pleasure.

"Honey, you do that naturally.” With a devilish smile, she rubbed his cock harder, slipping lower to caress his balls through his jeans. He grasped for some slice of sanity, but his ability to reason slid into the gutter and drowned.

"Let's get to business.” She propped one spiked heel on his crotch and rubbed his erection with the heel. Her dress rode up and exposed creamy white skin on her upper thighs. His head spun. His body screamed for release louder than a sold-out crowd at the Super Bowl. He couldn't ignore it any longer. Her knee was just inches from his chin.

"Oh, fuck."

"That's the idea.” If she intended to shock him, Rachel succeeded. The little vixen had grown up. Perhaps to her this was nothing but a physical affair. He should feel reassured, but somehow he didn't.

"Your turn, buster. Show me the goods.” She swung her foot off his lap and stood, hands on hips, her short little skirt riding up her fine ass.

Derek didn't have to be asked twice. He shot to his feet, whipped off his T-shirt, and threw it across the room. “You're next.” He watched expectantly, getting into this little game. Instead of taking off her dress, she tugged on his pants.

"Take them off."

He just about fell on his face trying to get the damn things down. Soon they joined his T-shirt in a pile in the corner. His mind forgot about the football game tomorrow. In fact, he'd be damned if he could remember who they were playing.

Grateful for a couple of nerve builders in the form of glasses of wine, Rachel relished the power she had over this man. It happened so seldom with men in her life. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and corded biceps, savoring the feel of his hard muscles. She fingered his nipples, and he moaned. His body shook with repressed need. He wouldn't need to repress it for long.

"You have too many clothes on.” Derek's dark gaze fixated on her dress.

"Then do something about it."

"Who are you and what did you do with Rachel?"

"I told you. I've changed. I grew up."

"Honey, I'm growing by the second.” He grinned, looking younger, more vulnerable. Guilt attempted to rear its ugly head, but she ignored it. Tonight Derek belonged to her. She'd forget her ambitions and obligations to family and live in the moment. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

Watching his face, Rachel reached around behind her back and unzipped the dress. She let it drop, exposing a lacy pink bra. The dress pooled around her waist, too tight to fall the rest of the way off without a little help. She reached behind and unhooked her bra and shrugged it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor. Derek's eyes dilated. He licked his lips.

"I think they've gotten bigger,” he croaked.

Pulling the clip out of her hair, she shook it loose. It fell over her shoulders and tickled her nipples. She put her hands under her breasts and pushed them together. He groaned a deep, tortured groan that resonated through his almost naked body. Never taking her eyes off his face, Rachel toyed with her nipples, pinching and plucking them, like she'd often done in the privacy of her bedroom late at night. Only she wasn't in the privacy of her bedroom now. She was performing for a rapt audience of one.

"Damn.” His voice was low, gravelly, sexy. It sent little pinpricks of sensations through her body. A thin layer of sweat beaded on his brow.

Emboldened, Rachel tugged the tight little dress over her hips and down her thighs, turning so Derek got a good view of her bare ass in the little piece of lace doubling as panties.

"Holy shit. Do you always wear underwear like that?"

Coming up behind her, Derek wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. His erection pressed against her butt. His mouth nipped and sucked and licked its way up her shoulders to her neck and her face. He filled his hands with her breasts as he kissed his way down her neck, shoulder blades, the small of her back. Kneeling, the devil nipped at her ass cheeks and coaxed her G-string down her long legs. Rachel tried to turn around, but he held her.

"Don't move."


"Mmmm. Yeah, you do have a nice butt.” He ran his large, strong hands up her ankles, knees, thighs, stopping short of paradise. She whimpered. “You always were hot for me, baby, weren't you?"

She nodded. Speech wasn't an option.

"Spread your legs. Good girl. Now bend over."

Frowning, she bent down and moved her legs apart. She put her hands on the couch for balance. Was he going to take her from behind? Right now? They hadn't even kissed yet.


She bent as low as she could, resting her head on the couch. The action exposed her pussy to him, moist and tingling with need. His strong fingers spread her folds apart; his mouth nibbled on her upper thighs. She shivered, holding her breath when his long index finger slid inside her.

"Damn, you're wet, Rae.” He took it easy. His finger was gentle as he pushed deeper into her tight little hole. It'd been so long, she'd probably be considered a born-again virgin. Of course, he didn't know that, and he wouldn't. Better he thought she got around and their liaison was nothing special, nothing but filling a physical need.

He took his time until he'd buried his finger inside her to his knuckle. She pushed back against his hand, changing the angle, helping him go deeper. Her clit throbbed, aching for his touch. He didn't neglect it. His thumb found the little nub. He thrust his finger in and out, faster and faster, all the while teasing her clit. The walls of her pussy clenched around his finger. She buried her head in the couch cushion and bit her knuckles as the world swirled around her.

"Dare. I—Oh my. Oh my. I—” She shuddered, pressed her head into the cushion, and gripped it with her fingers. The world started to drop away underneath. She poised on the edge.

He groaned. She was just about ready to come when he stopped. She cried out in protest and tried to stand. He held her down with a firm hand on her back.

"Getting a little greedy, aren't you?” Derek teased.

"I'm very greedy."

"Then this is for you, baby.” His fingers walked down her spine, counting every vertebra.

"How do you know what I like?"

"I know.” His mouth replaced his finger. He pushed his tongue inside her and thrust it in and out. A few seconds later she exploded into oblivion, floated around the cosmos for a while, and then was reborn.

He didn't give her much recovery time. Instead he flipped her onto her back on the couch and tore off his boxers. Panting, she stared at his large cock and tried to come back to earth so she could fly again.

"Rae, this ain't gonna be pretty. I don't have much control left."

Rachel gazed at him. His dark eyes blazed with undisguised lust. His body vibrated with pent-up frustration. His cock jerked in anticipation. She nodded. It was all the encouragement he needed.

"Oh, crap. Damn, I need a condom.” He glanced around frantically.

"Don't bother. I'm on the pill, assuming you're clean."

"Honey, I'm so clean, I squeak.” He threw his head heavenward. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"So, Dare, what are you waiting for? You're in the red zone; time to score."

He grasped her ankles and pulled them over her head, leaving her open and exposed. She felt the cool air on her swollen pussy. Then the warm tip of his cock touched her soaked entrance. The cords of his neck stood out from the strain of controlling himself as he slowly pushed inside. He gritted his teeth.

"You are so fucking tight, Rae. Just like I remember.” Sweat dampened his chest and mingled with hers. He withdrew, held himself for a moment, then sank into her again, a little deeper each time. Rachel tightened her muscles around him. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he groaned.

"Give it to me, big boy,” she begged.

"Oh yeah. You got it, baby.” He released her ankles, and she wrapped them around his waist.

Despite her wetness, she was so tight he had to go slow. Inch by heavenly inch, he filled her. Her muscles stretched around him. She felt a little discomfort, but it faded quickly. After a few more tries, he penetrated her completely. Buried balls-deep inside her, he pulled almost completely out, then paused. She shuddered, used her legs to pull him closer. He thrust deep inside her in one easy, slow stroke. He repeated the movement. Slow retreat. Pause. Hard, fast, deep stroke. Over and over again.

She tossed her head back and forth, driven crazy by his slow conquest. She needed more. Much more.

Supporting his weight on his elbows, his face filled her entire line of vision. His mouth covered hers. His tongue slipped inside. She kissed him back. Their tongues mated as wildly as their bodies, long and deep, in and out, building in intensity. She moaned. Her fingernails dug into his back. Her tongue tangoed with his. His slow, steady strokes picked up speed until his balls slapped against her pussy. She dug her heels into his back and angled her hips in an attempt to pull him deeper.

Their wet bodies slid over each other. Rachel ran her hands down his sides, then grabbed his fine ass. Adjusting her pelvis, she matched his wild rhythm. Derek's control disintegrated. He plunged into her over and over again with the velocity of a race car on the last lap of the Indy 500. The finish line loomed on the horizon.

Rachel teetered near the edge but didn't want to go alone. She urged him on, locked her ankles together, and hugged his body with her legs. Derek quivered and groaned. Rachel shattered into a million erotic pieces and cried out his name. He shot his load deep inside her, his cock jerking from the effort. His warmth filled her, overtook her, engulfed her.

They came together, climbing higher and higher, gravity not an issue, until their bodies united. Their minds melded. A bond that transcended the physical connected them. Eventually they floated on a soft cloud back to reality.

She held tightly to him, wrapped in his warmth, kissing his neck and mouth, and wondered how the hell she'd be able to keep her emotions out of this.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Thirteen
In the Zone

Derek woke feeling better than he had in a long time. Stretching lazily, he reached for Rachel and pulled her into his arms. She made a little purring sound and cuddled next to his chest. He stroked her long hair and kissed her cheek.

"Good mornin', darling,” he drawled in his fake imitation of a southern accent. He could stay like this forever.

"Good morning to you."

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did. What about you?” She ran her fingers down his chest, over his belly, until they circled his cock. It hardened on command, ready for a repeat performance.

"Oh yeah.” He rolled her onto her back and pushed her legs apart with his knee.

"Are you ready for breakfast?"

He chuckled and growled. “I need a little nourishment."

"So do I. Why don't you feed our appetites?"

She only had to ask once. When it came to feeding that type of appetite, he was a master chef and he'd treat her to a gourmet feast.

She lay beneath him, moving her body in a sultry dance meant to entice. Her green eyes captured his gaze, and he slipped into their warmth as a whirlpool of sensations assaulted him. He shoved aside the tender emotions that hinted this was more than mere sex. They had an agreement, a deal, an arrangement. No emotions allowed other than the most basic carnal ones.

Derek glanced at the clock. He didn't have much time, but he doubted it'd take long, judging by the tightness in his groin.

Rachel spread her legs wider, smiling up at him, inviting him. She beckoned him like a siren's call. His gaze glued to her face, he slid inside her, finding her wet and ready for him. He held himself deep and took a moment to savor the warmth surrounding his cock, pressing against it. Her eyes glittered with need, but she too held still, wrapped in the magic of the moment. To move would break the spell, yet he had to move, had to seek release, had to divert the tenderness overwhelming him into physical need.

He broke eye contact and looked down at their joined bodies. Gathering his wits—what there was of them—he began to move inside her. He intended to keep it under control, but urgency born of an insatiable need won him over. Rachel didn't appear to have any complaints.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his ass, and held on for an eight-second ride. His powerful thrusts matched her frenzied rhythm, and in minutes they'd left the bounds of earth. He came hard and fast, and she came with him.

Afterward he held her close and rested his head on her chest, content to listen to her heartbeat.

"You should get going. Shouldn't you be at the field pretty soon?"

"Huh?” Derek jerked his head to stare at the alarm. “Oh shit. I'd forgotten it was that late.” He shot up in bed, swung his leg over the side. Hesitating, he reached out to caress her cheek. “I'm sorry, baby. I have to go."

"I know."

He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. “Will you be at the game?"

"Of course, with your biggest fan, my loving brother Mitch.” She smiled.

He grinned. “See you there. I'll look for you."

"Good luck."

After the past several hours, he didn't need luck. His body hummed with energy. His mind was cleared of all the crap he'd been dragging around.

Today was his day.

Rachel waited until Derek's truck rumbled from the garage. She threw on her clothes and let herself out. Simon tagged along.

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