Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (8 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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Don’t thank me honey.” She
said as she walked out. I hurried to get dressed. I didn’t know how
to tell Kierce about anything, so I decided not to. I walked
downstairs and he was already sitting at the breakfast table, as
well as Tae.

Good morning Kierce.” I
said to him.

Good morning my love.” He
said back. He looked a little upset for some reason. I tried not to
pay attention right now. I didn’t want to feel his feelings. We ate
breakfast real quick and were ready to head out to school. I needed
some major catching up to do.

I’ll see you after Tae.” I
told him. All he did was nod. I got up to put my coat on, and left
with Kierce. He didn’t have his car today, and I was happy of that.
I needed some fresh air.

Kierce, I didn’t want to
tell you this, but I think I should.” I said forcefully.

Okay my love, what may it
be?” He asked.

I don’t want you thinking I
love you any less because of this, but it is something that
happened, and I don’t regret it.” I spoke truthfully. He could tell
it was something big, but probably not as big as it really

Tae and I have connected in
a way you and I haven’t.” I said. Knowing he’d know exactly what I

You, connected?” He asked,
looking away. “You got physically involved?” He asked more. Before
I could answer, he went off. “How could you do this Amabel? How
could you do such a thing to me? If you love me, you would not have
done that! This is wrong! Just because you are the last watcher, it
doesn’t mean you can do whatever you wish! Think about others than
yourself!” he screamed, and ran off.

Kierce, stop please! I’m
sorry!” I screamed back, in tears, trying to run after him, but he
was too fast. I was now in the middle of the street, in tears of
the thought that I may have lost him. It was stupid of me to
connect with Tae in that way, but how is it any wrong? Tae has
loved me all his life, he is
with me. It was everything I have wanted and so
much more. How could I be in such a wrong? I was not
Kierce, therefore he
should not have ran off like that. Angry is one thing, but leaving
me again is not. I was sick of him always running off. Sick of him
being so dramatic.

I knew I couldn’t let this bother me. I had
school to catch up with and worry about Kierce’s father coming here
to kill me. I needed to enhance my powers, and soon.

I came up to the school and it has already
started. I didn’t realize I spent so much time crying after Kierce
ran off. I entered the building and headed straight for my first
class. No one really paid attention to me today since I kind of sat
there unnoticed. Zayley couldn’t let me go though.

Hey there stranger.” She
said.” I’m not even going to ask you what happened.” She added.
Zayley knew me the best, and I liked that about having her as a
friend. She kept me company for the rest and it kind of brought my
mood up. I loved being distracted from everything that was going
on. We talked about the dance and threw a few jokes around. Soon
enough, school was over and I couldn’t wait to go home and relax. I
hate to admit it, but sleeping is my only way out.

Chapter Seven – Connected


The dance is soon coming up,
and I don’t want anything to ruin it. Surely it’s not the prom, but
I want to attend it with as much excitement. I promised Zayley I’d
go shopping with her, and that’s what I will do. I still can’t
believe Kierce hasn’t showed back up. I wonder where he is. As of
now, all I want is to put aside all the action and tension that is
going on between Kierce and Tae. I mean, Kierce doesn’t want to
hurt me, so I shouldn’t be worried about him taking me away
somewhere and presenting me to his father. I hope not, because I’m
not ready for any of this. I can’t tell the difference between
what’s in my head and my heart. I feel too much too decide. Maybe
if I control the power of feelings, I can know exactly what I want.
Thinking about it, maybe I do love Kierce more. I have known him
for a little while longer now, and I am attracted to him in every
way possible. Maybe it won’t be so bad being a hunter.
Amabel, no, you can’t say that!
Damn it, I need to control who gets in my head

Tae! You can’t do that!” I
yelled, as if he is in the other room. Surely though, he

My love, I cannot bear you
loving Kierce not to mention you being one of them. I have
protected you my whole life from them, you can’t tell me you love
someone who killed your father!” He yelled back at me. I can’t
believe what he said.

You’re trying to bring my
father into this? Kierce didn’t kill him!” I can’t believe this.
He’s trying to blame Kierce for his father’s actions. The hunters
want to be just as free as anyone else. Wait, they don’t hurt
anyone though right?

I’m sorry I have invaded
your privacy, I promise it won’t happen again. I just can’t bear
any of this. I can’t think of losing you like that.” He spoke
softly now, and I can feel his pain once more.

Tae, I’m not sure what I
feel anymore. I’m just trying to make sense of things. I feel so
much that I don’t know which feelings are mine or of others. You
must understand this.” I spoke to him.

Yes, you’re right.
Hopefully you don’t make a decision until everything is sorted out.
I will be waiting by your side my love.” He answered back. I feel a
little better because now he’s not in as much pain, but I need to
get away. I need time alone with my friends. Hopefully the dance
will do it.


I hear my phone ring, it’s Zayley. Just the
person I want to talk to. “Hey Zay, what’s up?” I answered.

Hey Amabel! So, I was
thinking about the dance, and I can’t wait any longer. When are we
going shopping? I was thinking of going up town to that cute little
store with all the formal wear. What do you think?” She

Yeah that sounds good
actually. Can you borrow your mother’s car? I really don’t feel
like walking that far.” Thinking about it, the walk can even be
good for me, but it’s a Friday, and as little as this town is, the
strange ones always come out at night.

Yes, I don’t think she’ll
mind. I’ll pick you up around six. We can shop our hearts out, and
maybe get something to eat after. See you then!” She hung up.
Zayley never waits for me to say bye. Hopefully this dance is worth
it though. I don’t want to spend too much on a dress I’ll never
wear again.

While waiting for Zayley, I think I should go
talk to my mother. It sounds like the right thing to do. As I’m
starting to walk downstairs, I can smell her cooking dinner. It was
lasagna night. I’m not all that hungry, so it doesn’t smell as
appetizing as it should.

Hey mom, I think we should
talk.” I spoke to her. She turned to me not looking as worried as
before. “I want to know how my father died and why do the watchers
make the hunters hide.” I said more than asked.

Amabel.” My mother said,
walking towards the dining room and sat down. “Hundreds of years
ago, the hunters were cruel. They killed and sucked the blood out
of anyone they wanted to. The watchers came about to stop the
madness. Watchers have powers to stop the hunters from hurting
people. Over the last few decades the hunters have made a law to
only feed on humans that volunteer and any animal that was not
going instinct. After the law was made, one hunter has broken it.
The watchers did not tolerate it, and banded every hunter to walk
the streets of any country. They felt like it was wrong, and wanted
revenge. They killed every watcher to get their revenge, including
your father. As of today, I don’t know what they are capable of and
I don’t know their intentions. That’s why I have been protecting
you. Tae says they don’t want to hurt you but only to make you one
of them. That is why they probably sent Kierce. He’s the youngest
hunter as of now, and it doesn’t seem like he wants to hurt you. It
seems like he has found interest in you, but I don’t know how much
the father knows yet.” She hesitated. “Kierce’s father is a very
powerful hunter, and if something doesn’t go his way, he won’t
hesitate to kill anyone.” She said. This is horrible. I am falling
for a hunter whose father may want to tear me to shreds if I don’t
agree to join them. I wonder if Tae knows this.

Mother, what do we do now?”
I asked.

Amabel, you don’t have to
worry about a thing right now. I know Kierce will warn me if his
father makes any plans to take action. You have to promise me
something though.” She said.

What is it mother?” I
asked. Curious on what she can possibly want me to promise her
right now.

Please don’t hurt Tae in
anyway. He has lost everything, and I don’t think he can take to
lose you as well.” She spoke. This makes me kind of nervous. I
don’t know exactly what she means by losing me. Does she mean
choosing Kierce and be a hunter, or his father killing me? I don’t
want to know.

My phone rings, it’s Zayley. “Hey Zay, are
you here yet?” I asked.

Yes, come outside and don’t
forget the big bucks!” She said and hung up. I don’t even have big
bucks, so I don’t know what she’s quiet talking about. I walk
outside and there’s Zayley in her mother’s black truck. It’s not
one of those old pick-up trucks, it was more of now a days trucks
with the bed of it covered. I got in the car.

Hey Zay, you ready? I

Ready as always.” She
answered, and we drove off. The streets were dark and no one was
really out besides all the teenagers in the town. All of the houses
were equally spread apart with fences almost in front of every one
of them. It was really no different here then from the small towns
in Massachusetts. The trees are naked and covered in snow. It’s
nice out tonight. It doesn’t feel as cold as always. In a way, I’m
looking forward to the shopping trip with Zayley. After a couple of
minutes of silence, Zayley finally spoke.

Hey so, when are you going
to fill me in on this Kierce guy?” She asked. I don’t get why she
keeps asking me about him but I guess she’s as curious as any other
girl in my school. He really is stunning and his pale skin makes
any girl attracted to him.

Well, we have kissed.”
Dreading the fact that I just told her this. Only if she knew that
Tae popped in the picture and he is bonded to me, but that’s
another day’s topic.

He kissed you? Oh my god!
Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked me curiously.

Well, it’s kind of
confusing right now, but yes, he kissed me down at the glaciers. It
was… pretty amazing.” I answered honestly. It
everything I’d picture it to be.
In a beautiful setting, down near the water and an amazing
electrifying kiss.

Gosh you’re so lucky. I
can’t wait to find someone who’ll sweep me off my feet.” She said
normally, not out of jealousy at all.

You’ll find him one day,
but Kierce and I aren’t dating. I don’t think.” I said. I don’t
think we are only because Tae and I kissed as well, and more. This
is horrible. I either didn’t have any guy in my life and now two at

You don’t think?” She
asked, a little more curious now. As she asks, we pull up to the
store. Good, because I don’t want to answer that right

Yeah, we’ll talk some other
time about this. Let’s go shopping!” I said, sounding excited. We
got out of the car and walked inside. The store isn’t big, but
packed with every type of dress I can possibly imagine. They are
all along the walls with accessories and shoes in the middle. I
can’t possibly think of what I want to try on first.

Oh my god, look at this
one!” Zayley screamed and ran to the dress she had her eye on. It’s
a strapless light pink dress with a matching lace around the waist.
I liked it, but pink isn’t really my color.

I think it’ll look nice on
you, go try it on.” I said. I really do think it’ll look nice on
her. As she goes to try it on, I’m going to try to find one for
myself. I started looking on one side of the wall and out of a
sudden, I hear a bang from the front of the store. I turn to look
and it’s a strange looking man, staring straight at me. He has long
black hair dressed in all black clothes. If I knew any better, he
looks like a killer more than anything.

The last watcher, you are
coming with me.” He spoke. Whoa, this isn’t good

Who are you?” I asked. “I’m
not going anywhere with you!” I yelled. He didn’t seem like he
cared. I wonder where Tae is.
Tae, I need
Why doesn’t this work when I need it
to. The man is now stepping towards me, yet no one seems to notice
that he’s about to do something to me, or just plainly kidnap me.
He’s getting closer and closer. “Who are you!” I demanded more than
asked this time. Still, I got no answer. His dark hair now covered
most of his face as he came closer to me.
Tae, come on, I know I told you not to invade my privacy but
right about now I wouldn’t mind.
I still
got no answer from Tae. He’s bonded to me, shouldn’t he feel my
fear or something? The man got closer and closer. His slow steps
made it seem like forever. All I can see is his eyes. Similar to
Kierce’s actually. They’re more orange and a slight of green in the
back. It couldn’t be. Could it? It is. It’s Kierce’s father. He’s
coming to get me, right now. His hair slowly drifted off of his
eyes, I can’t resist but look into them. Everything went silent,
followed by darkness.

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