Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC) (19 page)

BOOK: Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC)
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He easily flicks my button to my jean shorts, yanking them down my legs as I take my shirt off. Standing in just my black bra and small white thong with polka dots, he growls, clenching his jaw and starts to reach for my panties.

“I’m running out, no more snapping.” I pull back slightly pointing my finger, chastising him, as I know Ares will snap the strings easily like he usually does. I think it’s like a little fetish he has or something. If I’m wearing underwear, he wants them off, but he wants to break them in the process.

“I’ll buy you some more or you can just stop wearin’ the fuckin’ things.”

He winds his fingers in the thin band, yanking me into him and easily snaps the material. I quickly reach behind my back and unclasp my bra, just in case he decides to do the same up top. That material is much stronger, and I know it would hurt like hell.

He grins, watching me, eyes dancing with amusement, then crouches down some, kissing my neck and lightly nipping the tender underside flesh of my breasts. Opening his mouth wide he sucks my nipple and the surrounding area into his mouth, drawing deeply enough it causes a slight shock of pain to jolt straight into my core.

“Aghh, Ares!”

He pulls back, dark eyes hazed over with lust as he repeats it on my other breast, drawing deeply, causing me to moan out. He doesn’t try to keep me as quiet like 2 Piece does. Ares is almost the opposite, usually egging me on to be as loud as he can make me, while 2 Piece counteracts him, making me be quiet. The push and pull of them together drives me crazy inside whenever we’re intimate. It’s like they’re music notes working in sync. I hadn’t realized it until recently. I’ve always noticed how well they complimented each other, but thought maybe it was just my lack of experience in threesomes. Now I know it’s entirely more than that.

He releases my breast as he begins to make his way down, licking and nipping at my tummy, until he reaches my center. Ares lightly bites the top of my pussy, causing me to open my legs a little in response. Once they are opened the slightest bit, he shoves his face between my thighs, his beard scratching against my skin.

He sucks strongly on the delicate bud of my clit, making me nearly double over, grasping onto his shoulders tightly to keep upright, my fingers dig into his solid muscles. The pleasure is intense, so much so that my arms shoot up to his neck, where I wind my fingers into his dark locks, yanking on them.

He doesn’t stop though. It just excites him all the more. He wraps each one of my legs over his bulky shoulders keeping his face trained on my center.

Suddenly he stands up, gripping onto my ass cheeks with his huge paw like hands. I shriek out in surprise, bending so I don’t hit my head on the ceiling and he walks us to his bed. Once his feet touch the bed, his knees bend and my back hits the soft bed.

“Angel, fuck, I want you,” he gasps, breath fluttering over my throbbing core.

I gape at him, having never experienced a man able to do that to me before. He gives me that roguish grin before he dives back in at the juncture between my legs. Ares thrusts his tongue into my opening as far as he can, and it feels amazing. I’m so turned on I know my wetness must be coating his chin. He loves it like that though and has mentioned before he wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Jesus, that feels so awesome!”

“Not Jesus, even if you are an angel, babe,” he gruffly replies, his voice deliciously vibrating over each tender part below. “Fuckin’ sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted, just like sweet cream.”

I moan loudly, fighting my voice back from calling out as he plunges a finger into me and pushes me even closer to the brink.

“So close, so close!” I croon repeatedly, my eye’s rolling back in delightful surrender.

He plunges in a second finger and circles my clit with his tongue. He reaches up with his free hand and gives a hard pull on my nipple, sending a massive zing straight to my hotspot. It collides with other intense feelings of pleasure, and I see black with little white stars dancing throughout my vision and I explode in one hell of a great orgasm. Holy shit!

Huffing as I try to catch my breath, I gasp, “Ho-ly fu-ck!”

Ares chuckles, his voice thick with lust at my sated outburst. He climbs over my drained body like a limber cat.

Right when he’s hovering over me, primed and ready to take more of me, we’re interrupted by a harsh pounding on his door.

“Yo!” he bellows irritated and whipping his head towards the source.

The door opens, flooding the room with the cinnamon scent that floats through the clubhouse from the scented vent inserts. Cain’s dark head pokes in. “Yeah man, you need to come…oh fuck…my bad!” His eyes grow wide when they land on me underneath Ares and he realizes it’s really me. Cain quickly turns so his back is to us. “Sorry ‘bout that. Ares, you need to come now, bro. That phone is blowin’ the fuck up, and I don’t know when you’ll get another chance to talk to that fuckin’ fist.”

“Shit. Okay, give me just a sec to get my pants on.” He brushes a damp kiss across my lips, just long enough to leave the taste of myself there and jumps up, his long cock bobbing with his movements as he pulls his worn jeans back on.

“Everything okay?” I know I shouldn’t ask him. It’s none of my business, but I can’t stop it from slipping out. Thankfully he doesn’t take it as being nosey, or if he does, he brushes it off.

“Yep.” He grins at me again as he pulls his shirt over his head and then slips into his cut.

“You’ll let me know about Twist? I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but you’ll be safe, right?” I chatter away as he puts his boots on.

“Angel,” he whispers. His gaze softens as he takes the few steps back over to me and kisses me sweetly.

“You’ll be safe?” I repeat.

Briefly resting his forehead to mine,  he nods. His dark eyes peer into mine as if staring deeply in my soul, his long eyelashes dance as he stares deeply into my soul, “You know you and 2 are mine, right Avery?”

Do I know that? I’m pretty confident deep in my heart; I know that we belong with each other.

“We’re yours, Ares,” I whisper against his mouth, and he nips my bottom lip before pulling away.

“Then yeah, I’ll be safe, and tell 2 Piece to update you on Twist.”

“Thank you.” I get out, right as he slips out of the room and closes the door behind him. He’s never been one for sweet talk, and I have to admit I’m really loving this kinder side of him.


“Yo, brother. The phone?” I mumble as I catch up to Cain in the bar.

“Yeah, Brently answered. It’s the club phone.”

“For fuckin’ business? What kind of dick is this?”

Walking behind the bar, Brently nods toward the old white cordless phone resting on the shelf next to some glasses.

Inhaling deeply, I expel the breath clearing my thoughts, as I bring the receiver to my ear. “Yo?”

A gruff voice barks back angrily, “A gift from the Iron Fists. Your club is next.” The caller hangs up right as an explosion rocks the windows of the clubhouse.

The brothers hit the floor, quickly drawing weapons out of their boots and holsters. A few take them from the backs of their pants.

Cain turns to me gaping, “The fuck was that?”

Spin cocks his gun. “What’s the plan, VP?”

I snatch one of the loaded shotguns from beneath the bar and swiftly hop over the bar top. We keep a few shotguns behind the bar, just for a time such as this.

“Cain, you an’ me check this shit out real quick; Spin and Scratch go to the back door just in case any fucks try to breach club doors. Exterminator and Nightmare, grab the sniper rifles and post up on the windows, give us some cover. The rest of ya, you don’t let a single motherfucker get past this bar room.”

I’m met with nods and multiple yeps, you bets, and okays as brothers get into position, ready to defend the club. I follow Cain to the main door. He opens it slightly doing a quick scan.

“See anything?”

“Shit, bro! It was a fuckin’ car that blew up.”

A car? Turning back to the room, I ask, “Who the fuck was mannin’ the gate?”

Brently speaks up, “The newest prospect.” Right, I can’t even remember that dudes fuckin’ name right now. When I’m done here, I’m gonna be gutting that little twat for letting this shit play out.

“I think we’re good to bounce. I don’t see no one out there, but it doesn’t mean they ain’t hidin’ an’ shit.”

“Right. You take the right side, concentrate on your three o’clock. I’ll take the left and watch the nine o’clock.” I call back, “Night, Ex, watch our twelve.”

Exterminator grunts, “bet.”

Cain and I make our way out of the club doors and down the few steps, carefully approaching the green sedan all blown to shit and still on fire. There are body parts littered around the area, so clearly someone was in the damn vehicle.

The club door crashes open as Brently comes storming out, running down the stairs, screaming, “Seraphina! Oh God, no!”

“Brently, get back inside bro, it’s not fuckin’ clear!” Cain barks angrily, quickly taking in the yard of the compound, hoping the President’s son doesn’t get hurt.

“Noooo, baby, no!” His lip shakes as his knees hit the ground next to the upper half of a mangled body.

“Cain, give us some cover.” I step to Brently’s side.

“Brently, what is it?”

“It’-it’s fucking Seraphina!”

“The girl you were seeing a while back? The one mixed up with the Twisted Snakes?”

He nods as a couple of tears stream over his cheek.

“I thought she wasn’t around after that?”

“I-I sent her away. I wanted her to be safe. Look at her hands, Ares.”

I run my gaze over her scraped arms that have a few bigger chunks missing out of them until I make it to her wrists. They’re tied tightly together with some brown rope.

“She was fucking tied up. They hurt her, Ares,” he mutters,  his voice thick with anguish.

“I’m so sorry, prospect. You need to get inside though, till everything’s straight and we can actually talk.”

“Everything’s straight? Look at her,” he yells, “nothing is fucking straight!”

“I get it, Brently, I get it, but you need to get inside and let us take care of it.”

“You don’t get shit! You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about!”

“Listen you spoiled little fucking boy, I understand that you’re hurt. But you ain’t got no fuckin’ idea ‘bout my life, kid. Now as your VP, I’m tellin’ you, for fuck’s sake, get your ass inside that fucking clubhouse, now.”

Angrily he stands, but pauses and brushes his fingertips over her dirty cheek. “Poor, poor sweet Seraphina,” he whispers and walks away, shattered, back inside the club.

Fuck! Just what I need—more damn dead bodies to deal with. Running my hands over my own face, I eventually meet Cain’s concerned stare.

“What now, Ares? Everything seems quiet out here.”

“Call all the fuckin’ brothers that are not here and let them know what just happened. Tell the guys inside to do a perimeter check around the compound. I want to make sure that’s the only thing we gotta deal with. Call Smiles and tell him we need this to disappear before someone else sees this shit. I’ve gotta go check on our guests.”

“No problem,” he answers seriously, already on his phone calling Smiles to get rid of the debris.

Making my way around the back of the clubhouse, I head straight for the beat up shed. My stomach drops as I take in the chain swinging from the handles, the lock lying on the floor.

Bending, I pick up the heavy metal; it’s clear the lock was cut. I already know what to expect when I swing open the door.

Only I had no idea to expect the newest prospect to be strung up in the middle of the shed. He hangs naked, with a symbol burned into his flesh, my small torch lying at his feet. I hope the poor fool didn’t suffer too much.
I hadn’t even thought to call down to the gate yet. We have to get better security, to keep fuckers out. This is goddamn ridiculous.

As I approach him, my phone begins to vibrate “Yo?” I bark without first checking the ID.

“Brently just called, babbling some bullshit gibberish. My son sounds like he has lost his ever lovin’ fuckin’ mind. What the fuck’s goin’ down over there, VP?”

Christ, just what I need. Little boy blue tattling to his fuckin’ daddy, while I’ve got serious shit I need to get fuckin’ handled. I don’t have time to deal with this bullshit.

“There was a fuckin’ car bomb in the parking lot. Your boy came out screamin’ ‘bout it bein’ that bitch who ran with the Twisted Snakes. I thought we got rid of her along with the rest of them during that whole club raid we pulled on them a while back?”

“Hell no, Brently was head over heels for that snatch. Fuck, no wonder he was carrying on. What’s the plan then?”

“Well, I just got to the shed. Motherfuckers done split. The new prospect is here hanging in front of me with an “I and F” burned into his chest and stomach. We need to retaliate, no more fuckin’ around. This is a direct threat to the club. I’m so sick of seein’ people getting hurt because of these fuckin’ yo-yos.”

“I know that, brother, but you need to call a vote first. I’m gonna head up there as soon as Mona gets out of this chemo treatment, and I’ll help ya. I don’t like it that my club’s in disarray and I’m nowhere near it to help out.”

BOOK: Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC)
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