Forsaken - Book 2 (Star Crossed MC Lovers) (6 page)

BOOK: Forsaken - Book 2 (Star Crossed MC Lovers)
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“But it’s one worth making.”

“No, you don’t get it! Loving me is a sin.”

“Then I’m taking a first class ticket to hell.”

He took three steps and pressed himself against me, not leaving an inch of my body untouched as he flattened his hands on the door by my head and dragged them up, flattening his chest against mine.

I couldn't breathe, couldn't remember why I'd ever left this thing between us. It was so fucking hot and right. I licked at his mouth and ground against him, wanting to drown in the scent of his lust. It was heady and sweet and left me dizzy, much like the soft lips and strong fingers of the hot man in front of me.

“Loving you has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” he said. “But I’d do it all over again.”

“I couldn’t stop loving you. Leaving you nearly destroyed me. Just hold me, Lucky and never let me go.”

“I’ve loved you all my life, Lena. I’m not going anywhere.”

Having him again in my arms felt like a dream. I couldn’t stop the tears  as emotion consumed me. I loved this man more than anything else in the world. He was the air I breathed. He was a part of me I couldn’t live without.  I would give up anything just to be with him.  

"Fuck," I mumbled and slid my hands up his extended arms, forcing him to trap my hands high above my head.

"Yeah, we should." He leaned down and brushed his nose along my jaw line as I started to pant. He was a little buzzed from the look of things, but the smell of liquor always was good on him.

"Please?" I whimpered again and lifted one leg, hooking it over his hips.

His dark eyes bore into mine as he licked  his lips. "I've missed you, Lena. You're mine. You know that, right?"

"For tonight." I slid down the front of his body, rocking myself against his hardness. "I need you. Don't deny me!"

"Never. Ever." He gave me a wicked smile before pulling back and dropping to his knees.

I reached over and tugged at his waistband as he worked to get my jeans off. The next few minutes were a frantic, clothes ripping event. By the time we were stark naked, both of us were panting loudly, our eyes wild with need; our hands roaming all over each other.

"Turn around and lift your leg." He spun me and pressed me to the door as he leaned in and ran his strong hand under my thigh. Lifting my leg gave him the space he needed to plunge into me. I was so wet it was almost embarrassing, but all thought left me as he pressed his cheek to my back and thrusted hard.

The cry that came out of me was only outdone by the delicious grunt that left him.

His teeth pressed into the side of my neck and he thrusted again, filling me completely and stretching me to fit his size.

"Fuck, girl. I've missed this like I might miss breathing." He reached around and squeezed one of my breasts as his other hand held my throat in a vice grip.

"Shut up and fuck me." I cried out as he started to fuck harder and faster, needing to have the moment never end, but knowing it would. Far too soon.

Chapter 4




Seeing her was almost too much, but making love to her, touching her deliciously curvaceous body... over the top. I forced myself inside of her again and ran my hands down her side, squeezing her thick ass and licking at the side of her throat. She smelled so good, so needy. I knew how bad I wanted her, but  she was just as horny as I was. It had been too long. Way too fucking long.

"Mine," I growled again just before I moved back enough to take her hips and start to work her deep and fast, like I knew she loved it. I had no fucking clue why she'd come to me, but I didn't care. I was going to make her scream my name at least once tonight. I wanted to hear it. Needed to.

"Yeah," she whispered through her moans.

"Come for me, Lena. Let me hear my name on your pretty pink tongue." I turned us, pulling out of her only long enough to force her down on top of the desk for me. I didn't waste any time taking my place; balls-deep inside of her again. She wanted sex? I was giving it to her like no other man could. My heart was too invested in the woman not to let her have any part of me she wanted.

"Oh, gosh!" She cried out as her muscles tightened and her hips undulated, causing her pretty ass to shake for me.

I squeezed her tightly and rocked into her as I angled my dick to hit her right where I knew she liked it. The sound of her riding the orgasm out was almost too much for me to handle. Hot wouldn't even start to cover it.

I realized that I didn't have a condom, which meant very little. I simply wouldn't come. It was about her, anyway. About her need. No way was I letting myself go inside of her with no possibility of us raising the child it might create together. I couldn't chance that.

She came hard, crying out my name over and over. Tears blurred my vision, but I forced them away, not letting myself dive into the emotional depravity that losing her had pulled me toward.

I pulled out and bent down, pressing kisses to her pretty ass and licking at her wetness, needing to taste her, to remember every part of her should she leave me again after the moment was over.

It only took a minute more and she released her second orgasm on my tongue. I drank every bit of her--wanting more, but knowing by the trembling of her pretty body that she'd had enough.

I kissed her ass one more time and stood up, turning to gather my clothes. "How did you find the place?"

"My grandma told me." She stood and turned to face me, sliding her hands behind her and looking like a fucking playgirl stretched out across my desk. She knew how hot she was.

I chuckled. "I love your grandmother. Wish I had one of my own. Love her funny jokes."

She laughed and moved to gather her clothes, too. It was a good thing; I was close to climbing on the desk and mounting her again. My body screamed for release, but I ignored it.

"Did you come?" She tugged her jeans up her legs as she licked at her lips.

"No, but it's all good. I didn't have a condom." I shrugged.

I pulled my shirt over my head and ran my fingers through my hair as I watched her. There wasn't a thing about her that didn't turn me into a raging inferno of lucky. Her dark skin and black hair were from her father's side, but the button nose, green eyes and pretty smile was the Irish part - her mother. She was built like a woman should be, not too tall, with nice-sized tits and curves that went on for days. My cock hardened painfully in my jeans, and I realized that even though the moment was over, I had a long night of fucking myself ahead of me.

"You've been with other women this last year. I know you." She gave me a cheeky grin, and where I wanted to be cute with her, something in me had died. She wasn't the same girl, and I most certainly wasn't the same man. Her abandoning me completely had left me broken, but not completely destroyed. Trusting her wasn't part of the deal. At least, not anymore.

"I wanted my life to be with you, remember?" I shrugged and tugged on my boots.

"I know that, but things are... complicated." Her voice softened, and there was no way I could look up at her. I was fooling myself to think I wasn't completely lost to her. I was. I just didn't want to admit it just yet.

"Yeah. They always are." I stretched and let out a yawn. "So what now, Lena? We shake hands and you go back to your life, and I go back to mine?"

"I'm not willing to let anything happen to you, Lucky." She moved toward me, but I held up my hand.

"I'm a grown man, girl. I'll decide what does and doesn't happen to me." I looked up in time to see her flinch at the anger in my voice.

"Very true." She slid her hands into her jeans pockets. "I'll leave you to it then."

I waited until she reached the door, which felt like it took far too long. She had to feel more than she was letting on. I was bubbling over with the need to beg her to love me, which was ridiculous. She already did. "If you ever change your mind. I still love you more than any man should love a woman."

Her shoulders slumped, and I swallowed the hot ball of devastation  lodged in my throat.

She glanced back at me. "Sex?"

"What?" I leaned against the desk, trying to appear far more casual than I was.

"I want sex. With you. Can that be all that we have for now?" She turned and bit at her lip as if awaiting my reply.

I thought about it for a minute, knowing good and damn well that I'd take anything she offered. I nodded and wrapped my arms around my chest.

"Yeah, we can be fuck-buddies, but just like the good old days... keep it on the down-low. You're not exactly idolized in my club." I winked at her and watched her go.

I waited a few minutes after she left to slump down in my chair and let my emotions go. I wasn't a kid anymore, but it felt like the weight of the world came crashing down on me. The need to hold her close, to warm up against her and promise her the world threatened to choke me. I cried for an hour or so, letting myself feel all the regret, the anger, the pain of losing her--only to gain part of her back.

Some part of me wanted to believe that the sex would turn back into our relationship – that it would lead to some kind of future, but I was too scared to hope. If it didn't work out, I'd lose more of myself than I ever thought possible. I wouldn't be the quality man the Stone Wolves wanted.

I would be a Black Heart--simply by nature.



I slept at the old warehouse, just because it was convenient, and my buzz was too much to drive back to the lodge. Besides, the place smelled like Selene and the sex we had earlier. I couldn't look around without seeing her spread out or hearing her moaning. The desire to take my time and explore her perfect body rode me hard. After a year of doing without, I was itching to get back to her. Trying to get to sleep was a fucking nightmare -- literally.

It was a rough night. Like racing down memory lane and getting kicked in the nuts ten times. But well worth it, anyhow. Good stuff.

I checked for texts. Dane wanted to have breakfast, and I was down for it. He would be a good distraction, and he'd mentioned something about getting more information on Rafael. After losing Lena a year before, my sole focus had been to take her father out of the picture. He was a  monster, and I knew without a doubt that he was part of the reason that we weren't together.

Pulling up to the Lunch Box Bar & Grill, I locked up my bike and walked in. One of the cute waitresses glanced up and smiled at me.

"Hey, Lucky. How are you, baby?"

"Good, Lizzy. You?" I waited to hear her reply, and then took my seat across from Dane. The look on his face was comical.

"How do you do that shit? It's unfair. Honestly. It is." He shook his head as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips.

"Do what?" I tried to give him an innocent look, but most likely failed at it.

"Do nothing and have every fucking female in the place sweet-talking your ugly ass?" Dane chuckled.

"I keep my ass covered. It's my face they like." I wagged my eyebrows and turned to glance up at Lizzy. "I'll take a coffee if you got some back there."

She smiled. "Anything for you."

Dane rolled his eyes at me the minute the girl left.

"I saw Lena last night." I worked to get my leather bomber off before sitting back.

"What? Where?" Dane leaned forward as if I'd told him some great secret. I knew in that moment, like I had many times before, that he was my best friend. He cared about me, and knew how much I missed my girl. He was genuinely interested in my wellbeing.

"She came to the garage. I guess Grandma gave her the info on our secret relationship." I chuckled and thanked Lizzy for the coffee. "We made love, and it was incredible, but that's all she wants from me."

"Is love?" Dane lifted his eyebrow.

"Sex, but in some ways, I think it's her way of saying that she wants to be with me, but can't."

"Wow, and here I thought you were the mack-daddy of the land for having pretty waitresses say hi to you and bat their eyelashes. You have the hottest girl in Pleasant Valley wanting to fuck you and not have to deal with the relationship woes that go with it? Crazy."

I growled softly. "Watch it. You know I'd take a relationship any day with Lena over a roll in the sack."

"This is true." He glanced around before turning his attention back to me. "And I guess she's having to steer clear of love because of her old man?"

"That would be my guess. Speaking of... what news did you have for me?" I picked up my coffee and took a tentative sip, enjoying the dark flavor .

"Keep it to yourself, of course." He watched me as I nodded. "This morning, a report came in that Zachary Banks is missing."

"Oh, wow. You think Rafael is involved?"

"Who else would it be?" Dane asked and moved back as his eggs and bacon were delivered.

Lizzy glanced down at me. "Anything for you today, sugar?"

"No, but thanks." I gave her a warm smile and chuckled as Dane watched her walk away.

"It's definitely Delgado. My guys on the force don't have a doubt, but we also don't have any evidence. If the mother fucker is good at one thing, it's covering his trail." Dane started to cut up his breakfast.

I turned to look out the window. "Yeah, we need to get on the inside. I'm not sure where this thing is heading with Lena, but I'll see after a little while if we can get her to come over to our side. She's got to know what a piece of shit her father is. Right?"

"Yeah, but sometimes we ignore things just because we love those around us too much to crucify them with the truth."

Dane's words sank into me, and I realized that I was soon to do that with Lena. Letting her use my cock for her pleasure sounded fun, but the truth of the matter was that it would only hurt both of us.

Maybe I should tell her no. 

I chuckled at the thought. That wasn't happening, which really made me no better than her when it came to ignoring the truth for the sake of love.

"Something funny?" Dane asked.

"Hmm?" I turned back to him. "Oh no, just thinking about her."

"You're right about her. We need her on our team to make this work. I'll talk to my guys today to see if I can pull up any additional shit on Rafael. Maybe if you slid in bits of information between fucking sessions, she'll listen to you. Hell, you're the only one she might listen to."

I ignored the tackiness of his comment and simply nodded. She might have listened a year before, but she'd forgotten how good we were together. Maybe it was time to remind her.

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