Forever Yours, Sir (11 page)

Read Forever Yours, Sir Online

Authors: Laylah Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Mystery, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Forever Yours, Sir
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A yell of pleasure filled the room. Yep, he’d been
right; she liked a little pain mixed in with her pleasure. Her pussy was clenching around his fingers. She was close to coming.

moved down the bed until he lay on his stomach between her legs.

“No,” she protested, reaching down to put her hand over her mound.

“Excuse me?” he growled, grabbing hold of her hand.

“I-I need to shower first.”

He snorted. “Sex ain’t clean and pretty, sugar. It’s nasty and dirty. Since you disobeyed me and moved those hands, you get to participate. Hold yourself open for me.”

placed her fingers on her lower lips, forcing her to hold herself open to him.

Embarrassment filled her face even as she glared at him
. Very nice. He held back his laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such fun during sex.

He circled her opening with his tongue then dipped just the tip inside her.
Flicking her swollen clit with his thumb, he drove more of his tongue inside her. Her thighs trembled, little whimpers filling the room.

He glanced up at her and knew she couldn’t take much more.

Good. Just where he wanted her.

“What do you need?”

“You know what I need,” she grumbled.

unter barely managed to hold back his grin. Instead he stopped moving his fingers, stopped pleasuring her. He just stared up at her.

let out a frustrated groan.

“I need to come. Please, Hunter.”

Ahh, the sound of that please was like music to his ears. He started moving his fingers again, his thumb playing with her clit.

“I want you to hold onto the headboard again. This time, if you let you go I’m going to keep you on the edge of orgasm all night, understand?”

She nodded, moving her hands back. “I understand.”

So serious.
He leaned up and blew a raspberry on her belly.

She looked at him for a moment, startled
, before letting out a small giggle. He grinned at her.

He returned to her pussy, his focus entirely on making her come.
He sucked on her clit for a long moment before tapping at the underside with his tongue.

“Hunter, ohh,” she cried out.
A loud wail escaped her mouth as she came, her pussy clenching down on him.

“Good girl,” Hunter whispered as he lay on his side beside her. He cupped her mound, ju
st holding her. He kissed along her shoulder then up her neck.

“That was…indescribable.”

“Well, I’m going to take that as a compliment,” he whispered, licking his tongue over her lips.

He slipped a finger back inside her puss
y. “Nice and wet, but I think I can get you wetter.”

Cady groaned. “Hunter, no, I can’t
take another orgasm like that one.”

He raised a brow. “You can and you will. Cup your breast with your hand.”

She took her breast in her hand. Hunter sucked on her nipple, flicking the tip with his tongue as he pushed his finger slowly in and out of her pussy.

He withdrew his finger
from her pussy and drew her leg up against her stomach, then his hand returned to her pussy. He strummed her clit with his thumb as he pushed two fingers deep inside her, his mouth torturing her nipples.

“Hunter,” she cried out, her head thrashing from side to side.
Nice, very nice.

“I’m here, beautiful.”

He rolled her onto her right side. Climbing off the bed, he grabbed another condom from his wallet. Thank God he always kept a couple in there.

He slipped in behind her, pushing
his cock slowly inside her pussy.

“Relax, baby. Tell me if anything hurts and I’ll stop.”

“No, no, don’t stop.” She couldn’t bear that. “Please, just fuck me.”

“With pleasure.”

Hunter pushed himself, bit by agonizing bit, inside her. He wanted to move faster, to drive himself inside her. But he knew he’d come in seconds if he gave in to that urge. Instead he gradually built up speed. Using slow measured thrusts that soon grew quicker, more intense. He rubbed the top of her mound, knowing how sensitive her clit had to be by now. Reaching around, he tugged on each of her nipples, pulling on them until her breathing grew frantic, sweat glistening on her skin as he drove them both higher and higher.

“Come for me, babe,” he whispered, twisting her nipple slightly.

She let out a low, moaning sob as she came around his cock, her pussy clenching at him, eroding all of his self-control.

His thrusts grew harder, faster as he quickly followed her into bliss.
They both collapsed in a sweaty, exhausted heap on the bed. Hunter slowly pulled himself free from her, moving off the bed. He strode into the attached bathroom and got rid of the condom.

He returned, sliding into bed behind her. Spooning her, he placed his arm around her, cupping her breast.

“Go to sleep, beautiful. You’re exhausted.”

Chapter Five


Cady awoke to a growling stomach.
Her throbbing ankle quickly reminded her about the events of yesterday.

She glanced around the room, but there was no sign of Hunter. Her crutches were leaning against her bedside
table. She swung herself out of bed and stepped forward on her ankle. Shooting pain raced up her leg and brought tears to her eyes.

Okay, so maybe the crutches weren’t a bad idea. She grabbed them and made her way into the bathroom. She couldn’t believe Hunter had just snuck off like that. Had he even stayed the whole night or had he waited until s
he was asleep before taking off?

Well, he’d certainly made his point.

Last night had been nothing but sex. She was probably one in a long list of women who’d succumbed to lust around him. Her temper growing, she swung her way through the bedroom to the living area.

She came to a stop as she saw Hunter standing in her small kitchen.

“What are you doing?”

He turned, his hands filled with
two plates of food. “Well, I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.” He moved forward, placing the food on the small dining table. Luckily the apartment had come furnished or else all she’d likely have is a couple of camp chairs and a mattress.

“I thought you’d left.”

He frowned. “No, I woke up starving so I went and got us some bagels and coffee. I’m not much of a cook. How’s the ankle?”

“It’s okay.”

“Take a seat. I’ll get your pills.”

She sat, feeling a bit dazed. Hunter got her pills, putting them on the table along with a glass of water. He then pulled another chair around and raised her leg, setting it on the chair.

“Still a bit swollen. You’ll need to sit with it up today. Eat,” he urged.

you for doing this. You didn’t have to,” she said after eating half a bagel.

“Well, obviously not
, since you thought I’d ducked out while you were sleeping.” He sent her a chiding look and she lowered her gaze, shrugging.

houldn’t you be going to work?”

“I’ll go in later. Finish your breakfast.”

The rest of the food was eaten in silence. When they were finished, Hunter tidied up while Cady moved to the sofa.

Hunter helped her put her ankle up before pulling an armchair around so he was facing her.

“So, you planning on firing me?” she asked, growing nervous in the silence.

He raised an eyebrow. “
Why would I fire you?”

“You were pretty mad at me yesterday for not following your order.”

Hunter ran his hand over his face. “I was scared and I let my fear turn into anger. Particularly after I heard the whole story.”

“I made a decision based on the situation. I didn’t know that idiot was holding a gun to Josh’s head.”
Not that that would have changed anything. “Do you worry over all your employees like this?”

“No. But everyone else ha
s a background in the military or law enforcement. You’re inexperienced. You have good instincts and skills, but I should never have put you on that job.”

She could hear the self-recrimination
in his voice and barely refrained from hitting him over the head.

You’re such an idiot. It’s not like you knew that job was going to end up like that. Doran should have been halfway to Mexico. And this is my job. The job you hired me for. You wouldn’t treat any of the others like this, so I can only guess that my having a vagina is what’s getting me special treatment.”

“No, you being inexperienced is what is getting you treated like this.”

“Really? So what if I told you that I have some experience, would that make a difference?”

unter narrowed his gaze. “And what sort of experience would this be?” he drawled.

She thought about lying, but Gray would just tell him the truth eventually and then she’d really be in the shit.

“Did you hear the name I gave the cops last night?”

He nodded. “I was going to ask you why you lied to them
about your last name.”

“I didn’t lie to them.
My name really is Cady Franklin not Cady Scott.”

unter was silent for a long moment. “Explain,” he snapped, his voice tense.

“I didn’t lie to them, I lied to you. I’ve been using
a false last name for the last ten months.”


“Because I didn’t want anyone to find me.”

He sat forward suddenly. “Did someone hurt you? Are you
hiding from someone? An ex?”

Cady shook her head. “No, nothing like that. I, well, this is kind of painful to explain. I don’t like talking about the past.”

He fell back in the chair. “But you’re going to.” Pure demand.

Nodding, she took a deep breath. “My parents died when I was
seven. They were young when they had me, my mother had just turned seventeen and my dad was only a few months older. They lived with my grandmother until she died then we moved into the city. I don’t remember any of this, of course, but my great-aunt told me it all later. Anyway, they must have got in with a bad group of people or something because they both died of an overdose. I found them.”

“Jesus,” he said quietly, but she kept her gaze on her lap. She hated being pitied. “My neighbor had a daughter a year older
than me and we went to the same school. She’d pick me up after school and walk me home. She heard my screams and came running in. They were gone.”

“What happened to you after that?”

“I stayed with my neighbor for a while, but she couldn’t afford to keep me, so I went into foster care.”

“What about your great-aunt?”

“She wasn’t in the country. She was a missionary. I think she was in Africa at the time, looking after sick children. She came home and I went to live with her for a while, but she said I was too much work for her. I tried to be good, I really did. I think she just wanted to go back overseas and I was a burden holding her back. I went back into foster care. Most of the places I lived were good. But I was one kid of many, you know?”

She glanced up to find him staring at her intently.

“Must have been hard, being moved from place to place, having to learn new rules, having to go to a new school, to make friends.”

“I gave up. What was the point in making friends when I’d just have to leave them?”


Hunter’s heart ached for the child and it hurt for the woman sitting in front of him.
No wonder she found it so hard to open up to anyone, to trust. He could imagine her as a little girl, with her big brown eyes and her hair in pigtails. She must have felt so unwanted, particularly after her great-aunt abandoned her. The bitch.

Hunter’s childhood hadn’t been wonderful, but he’d had his sister and he’d had his friends. Still, he could relate to feeling unwanted.

“When I was fifteen I went to live with Moira.” A smile crossed her face, love entering her gaze. He caught his breath, wondering what he’d do if she ever looked at him that way. Probably get down on his knees and promise to give her the world.

“Who was Moira?”

“She was one of the good ones. I was living on the streets. I’d had trouble with my last foster home. I didn’t go looking for it, but trouble always seemed to find me. I was picked up by a couple of cops. I figured they’d take me back to the foster home, but they bought me a hot chocolate, they talked to me.”

The amazement and gratitude in her voice for that kindness shook him. No one should be so shocked by another human being showing them such simple kindness.

“They took me to Moira’s. She had three other foster kids but she didn’t hesitate, she just took me in. I lived with her for the next three years. I got through high school, even got a scholarship to college. Without her, I think I would have ended up back on the streets, doing God knows what. She died three years ago. I miss her.”

“So how did you end up back on the streets?” he asked.

“I decided that I wanted to help people like those cops had helped me. So after college I entered the police academy. I spent four years on the force.”

He stared at her in shock. “Why didn’t you tel
l me this before?”

She sighed. “Because I didn’t want anyone to know. Because I wanted to forget. Because I didn’t want to have to tell you how I fucked up and got my partner killed.”


Cady ran her hand over her face, looking exhausted. He felt guilty for pushing her, but he wasn’t about to
let her stop now.

“I’d been partnered with Rusty for more than two years. He used to joke that he was the only one who could handle me.” She snorted. “More like the other way
around. That man could not pick up after himself, his singing sounded like a cat with laryngitis and his jokes were terrible. But he was my partner and my best friend. I loved him.”

Hunter worked hard to keep the jealousy he felt from showing on his face. He was being an idiot. They both had pasts.

“You were sleeping with him.”

“What?” She looked up at him in surprise. “No, Rusty wasn’t into women.
He was gay. He was my family. He was there for me when Moira died, he always had my back. He knew I didn’t have any family, so he’d take me home to his during the holidays.” She smiled sadly. “At first I was overwhelmed by all the noise, there just seemed to be people everywhere, you know? But they all welcomed me in, like I was part of the family.”

She ran her hands over her thighs. “I
t was Rusty who took me to my first BDSM club. I was so surprised, I think I spent the whole night with my mouth open and my eyes wide. But what I saw there, it spoke to me. I wanted to experience it. Which shocked me, because I’ve never been able to trust easily. But I knew Rusty was there, plus I had my safe word.”

“And I bet you negotiated everything down to the last

She frowned. “Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

He smiled gently. “No, not if that gets you what you need. Tell me what happened with Rusty.”

Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them away. He fought the urge to lift her onto his lap and cuddle her close. He knew if he did that then he’d start kissing her, touching her, anything to take away her pain.

But he needed to hear this and she needed to tell him.

“I got him killed. It was a domestic disturbance call. When we got there, Rusty had a bad feeling. He was always having these feelings, he had good intuition. He called for back-up. We were in a
bad neighborhood, lots of crime. I usually listened to his instincts, but then I heard a woman scream. There was the sound of breaking glass. Rusty yelled at me to stay back. I should have done that. I should have listened to him, but I went blindly charging in and Rusty followed me.”

She swallowed heavily, tears thick in her voice.

“What happened?” he asked gently.

t was a meth house. Soon as they saw us, they started firing. Rusty pushed me down, covering me. He got hit by two bullets, one was caught by the vest he was wearing, but the other one managed to hit him where he wasn’t protected. There was so much blood. I fired back, but they were on the run once they’d seen they’d shot a cop. I tried to stop the blood flow, I tried to save him.” A sob broke from her throat and he gave in, moving to the sofa and scooping her up into his arms before sitting with her cuddled in his lap. He rocked her, crooning softly under his breath as she dug her face against his chest.

“Sorry,” she said, pulling back after a minute. Although her eyes were filled with tears, none of them had fallen.

“You don’t need to apologize. But, baby, you know that it wasn’t your fault, don’t you? It was the asshole with the gun.”

“If I’d listened to Rusty he’d still be alive.”

“So you think he could have just stood by and listened to a woman being abused? You think the only reason he went in there was because of you?”

She smiled. “You sound like Lucia, his sister. She said pretty much the same thing the other day to me. She was part of the reason I decided to take this job. She told me that Rusty would kick my ass for hiding the way I was and she’s right. He’d be the first person to tell me when I was acting like an idiot. Moira showed me that there were still good people out there, but it was Rusty who taught me to trust.”

And then he’d left her. Fuck. Had everyone she’d ever loved or trusted left her? No wonder she held herself back.

“After he died, I just fell apart. I hated myself. I started to wonder if it was me, you know?
If everyone left because of me? My parents, my aunt, Moira and now Rusty. I couldn’t deal with everything, being a cop no longer held any appeal; I couldn’t trust myself with another partner. Rusty’s family buried his body in Austin, so I moved there. I had some money saved up, but I didn’t feel like I deserved nice things, a good place to live. Rusty was dead, it wasn’t right for me to just carry on.”

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