Forever (16 page)

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Christian

BOOK: Forever
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“Dear God …” She couldn’t finish, couldn’t find the words. It was already too late. Dayne was so badly hurt that she didn’t know where to begin.

John took her hands in his and finished the prayer. “I’ve seen You work miracles, Lord. I’ve seen You allow life in little Hayley, and I’ve seen you take the woman I love home to heaven.” For a moment his emotions seemed to prevent him from speaking. After several seconds he coughed and continued.

“Lord, Dayne is only beginning to live. He has found You and us and Katy …

all in the same season of life. Please-” his tone grew desperate-“please, God, heal his wounds, his brain, and his leg. Breathe life into Dayne so we see a dramatic change in the morning. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Katy couldn’t speak. She thanked John with her eyes; then she leaned over and hugged him. She wasn’t sure how she stepped out of the car and made it to the front door. Jenny and Jim met

124 her there. Their ashenfaces told her they already knew. They “Katy … oh, honey.” enny wrapped her arms around her and held her close.

“I’m sony. The story’s all over the TV.” TV? Katy sagged against Jenny. How could they? The same paparazzi who had caused the accident were now providing the networks with pictures and video? Couldn’t they give Dayne pristrength.

She searched enny’s face. Jim stood on Katy’s other side, his hand on her shoulder. Katy tried to focus. “What …

“It’s bad.” Jenny looked hesitant. “He’s in intensive care.”

“I know. John Baxter got a call from Randi Wells.” Katy felt faint again. She walked slowly down a short hallway toward the kitchen and great room. The television was on, and she wanted to see it for herself. Maybe the information they’d heard was wrong. Maybe the new would say Dame hadn’t been injured but only stuck in traffic after a fender bender. Something like She rubbed her temples as she took a seat directly in front of the Flanigans’

big-screen TV. Jenny and Jim took the spots on either side of her. They didn’t have to wait long. A woman anchor appeared on the screen beneath a banner that read

Katy held her breath. No, God … no, please.

Using the tone reserved for grave matters, the anchor drew a slow breath and began. “Actor Dayne I Aatthews is fighting for his life in a Santa Monica hospital tonight, victim of a paparazzi chase gone awry.” She gave the details of the crash, the same ones John had explained to Katy earlier. “Tonight doctors are trying to prevent amputation of Matthews’ left leg.” The station cut to a clip of a doctor speaking before a throng of reporters and photographers. “Dayne Matthews’ condition is extremely critical.” He made a straight line of his lips and hesiFOREVER

faces told her mediately so the enny wrapped I -y. The story’s al inst Jenny. How

the accident in video? Coulc er

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must’ve left the play immediately so the

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what are they saying?”


“Dayne Matthews in Critical Condition.”


tated. “We’re doing what we can, but several of his injuries are life threatening.”

Back to the anchor. “Dayne Matthews’ agent said he expects another press conference from doctors in the morning. The accident is sadly reminiscent of the one that took the life of Princess Diana.” She paused. “In other news …”

Jim clicked the TV off, but Katy barely noticed. She could no longer lie to herself, convince herself for another breath, another moment, that maybe the facts were wrong or that it wasn’t such a serious accident after all.

She collapsed in Jenny’s arms, and finally her tears came. Floods of them, desperate for a way to release the sorrow building inside her, filling her heart. She would find a way to exist between now and four in the morning, and then she would pray with every passing second that by the time she reached Dayne’s side, he would still be alive. Because the accident, the details of his injuries, his prognosis-none of the information she’d already heard had been wrong or exaggerated.

Katy had no idea how long she stayed in Jenny’s arms, sobbing, aching for Dayne to walk in and tell her it was a horrible mistake. But it wasn’t, so there was nothing left to say.

The TV news had said it all.



THE MIX of emotions had become an angry churning sea, and Ashley Baxter Blake was so far underwater she couldn’t see her way to daylight. Landon had called the fire station and asked for a few days off so he could watch the boys and Ashley could join her dad and Katy in LA. Ashley was grateful. She couldn’t imagine coming this far in the search for Dayne only to lose him.

It was four o’clock Sunday morning, chilly and still a long way from sunrise, when Ashley and her dad pulled into the Flanigans’ circular drive.

Katy appeared and jogged to the car. She had just one small suitcase.

Ashley opened her door, stepped out, and met Katy’s terrified eyes. “I’m so sorry, Katy.”

“We have to get there.”

“Yes.” Ashley could barely stand up under the rush of sorrow.

The two of them hugged, and Katy took the backseat.

As they pulled out, she leaned up and directed her question at Ashley and her father. “Have you heard anything?”


Ashley watched her dad’s reaction. His face was a mask of thinly veiled fear. “I spoke to his doctor half an hour ago. So far they’ve been able to save his leg, but he’s not out of the woods. Infection’s a big threat.”

“What about . .” Katy was breathless. She sounded scared to death. “What about his head injury?”

“He’s in a coma. They removed fluid late last night, but swelling in his brain could still be a problem.”

Ashley leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Swelling in his brain? A coma?

Infection that could result in Dayne’s losing his leg? Every bit of dialogue was like something from a horrific nightmare. And all because the paparazzi wanted a photograph. The situation was maddening, and Ashley intended to do something about it. After all, Luke was practically a lawyer. Maybe they could file a lawsuit against the tabloids, ordering them to keep their distance from now on.

Something had to be done. Otherwise even if Dayne survived, they’d only chase him into another dangerous situation.

She angled herself so she could see Katy better. Her friend was shivering, her arms crossed tightly in front of her. Ashley wished with everything in her that she could whisk them back in time and find some way to protect Dayne, some way to undo the damage. She reached back and put her hand on Katy’s knee. “The paparazzi did this before, didn’t they? When you were in LA for the trial?”

“Yes.” Katy’s teeth were chattering. “They ran us off the road.”

Ashley knew the rest of the story. The incident had convinced Dayne that his lifestyle was too difficult for Katy, too dangerous. They had called off their relationship, and things didn’t work out until Dayne surprised her with an engagement ring over the Fourth of July holiday and shared his plans to move to Indiana.

Her older brother was anxious to live in Bloomington, marry Katy, and become a part of the Baxter family. Dayne had told her 127

so himself the last time he was in town. “All the insanity is about to calm down.” He had smiled at the others around the table at the Baxter house. “I feel like my real life’s just about to start.”

His words haunted Ashley as they neared the airport in silence, and another concern began to take root, but it wasn’t one she wanted to talk about near Katy. Katy had enough to worry about.

They arrived at the airport and boarded the plane as part of the last group of passengers. Ashley was seated by her father, and Katy was a few rows up. They’d been the only seats left on the plane when her dad booked the tickets.

When the plane reached its cruising altitude, Ashley turned to her father and voiced the concern that had stayed with her since the drive to the airport.

“What about the media?”

Her father nodded, his eyes filled with a knowing. “I’ve thought about that.”


“What can we do?” Her dad didn’t look fazed. “The doctor knows we’re coming; he knows we’re family.”

“Immediate family?” Ashley was stunned.

“Yes. That’s the only way we’ll have access to Dayne.”

Ashley could barely take it in. All along this had been the obstacle, the barrier between having an open relationship with Dayne and keeping every conversation and contact a secret. Ashley hadn’t cared, but what about the others? Everything was happening so fast-the accident, the trip to Los Angeles.

Certainly the media would wonder who they were and why they were allowed in Dayne’s hospital room. “Have you talked to the others?”

“Yes. None of them had any issue with it.”

Ashley held her breath. “Even Luke?”

“He didn’t say much. I think he was in shock.”

Ashley exhaled and kept her mouth shut. Her recent conversations with Luke told her that maybe his reaction was more


Ashley watched her dad’s reaction. His face was a mask of thinly veiled fear. “I spoke to his doctor half an hour ago. So far they’ve been able to save his leg, but he’s not out of the woods. Infection’s a big threat.”

“What about …” Katy was breathless. She sounded scared to death. “What about his head injury?”

“He’s in a coma. They removed fluid late last night, but swelling in his brain could still be a problem.”

Ashley leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Swelling in his brain? A coma?

Infection that could result in Dayne’s losing his leg? Every bit of dialogue was like something from a horrific nightmare. And all because the paparazzi wanted a photograph. The situation was maddening, and Ashley intended to do something about it. After all, Luke was practically a lawyer. Maybe they could file a lawsuit against the tabloids, ordering them to keep their distance from now on.

Something had to be done. Otherwise even if Dayne survived, they’d only chase him into another dangerous situation.

She angled herself so she could see Katy better. Her friend was shivering, her arms crossed tightly in front of her. Ashley wished with everything in her that she could whisk them back in time and find some way to protect Dayne, some way to undo the damage. She reached back and put her hand on Katy’s knee. “The paparazzi did this before, didn’t they? When you were in LA for the trial?”

“Yes.” Katy’s teeth were chattering. “They ran us off the road.”

Ashley knew the rest of the story. The incident had convinced Dayne that his lifestyle was too difficult for Katy, too dangerous. They had called off their relationship, and things didn’t work out until Dayne surprised her with an engagement ring over the Fourth of July holiday and shared his plans to move to Indiana.

t ler older brother was anxious to live in Bloomington, marr\ 1

so himself the last time he was in town. “All the insanity is about to calm down.” He had smiled at the others around the table at the Baxter house. “I feel like my real life’s just about to start.”

His words haunted Ashley as they neared the airport in silence, and another concern began to take root, but it wasn’t one she wanted to talk about near Katy. Katy had enough to worry about.

They arrived at the airport and boarded the plane as part of the last group of passengers. Ashley was seated by her father, and Katy was a few rows up. They’d been the only seats left on the plane when her dad booked the tickets.

When the plane reached its cruising altitude, Ashley turned to her father and voiced the concern that had stayed with her since the drive to the airport.

“What about the media?”

Her father nodded, his eyes filled with a knowing. “I’ve thought about that.”


“What can we do?” Her dad didn’t look fazed. “The doctor knows we’re coming; he knows we’re family.”

“Immediate family?” Ashley was stunned.

“Yes. That’s the only way we’ll have access to Dayne.”

Ashley could barely take it in. All along this had been the obstacle, the barrier between having an open relationship with Dayne and keeping every conversation and contact a secret. Ashley hadn’t cared, but what about the others? Everything was happening so fast-the accident, the trip to Los Angeles.

Certainly the media would wonder who they were and why they were allowed in Dayne’s hospital room. “Have you talked to the others?”

“Yes. None of them had any issue with it.”

Ashley held her breath. “Even Luke?”

“He didn’t say much. I think he was in shock.”

Ashley exhaled and kept her mouth shut. Her recent conver sations with Luke told her that maybe his reaction was mon


than shock. Luke didn’t want his name publicly linked with hi older brother’s.

At least not yet. Anyway, the last thing the% needed to worry about was the tension Luke had been feeling

Her dad pinched the bridge of his nose, and Ashley realized he was fighting tears. “All that matters is Dayne. If the med turn on us, so be it.” He swallowed, finding his composure. ii the paparazzi figure it out, maybe we can take the heat off him.”

A sense of awe came over Ashley. Her father wasn’t only inter ested in Dayne, anxious for a relationship with him. His feeling,, were much stronger than that.

Her dad loved Dayne, and now— faced with losing him-he would throw himself at the mercy o I the tabloids if it meant helping his son.

Ashley put her hand on her father’s and gave it a gentle pat. “God’ll take care of us, whatever happens.”

“Yes. That’s what I’ve always believed.” He drew a long breath. “Dayne was the one who worried about our privacy.” He slid his fingers around hers. “I have nothing to hide. Dayne’s my son. He’s always been my son.”

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