Foreplay: A Succubus Diaries Prequel (2 page)

BOOK: Foreplay: A Succubus Diaries Prequel
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“I’m sorry,” he said in a voice that implied that he was anything but. “You remind me of someone…and I’m afraid that’s going to be your undoing. I hope you’l forgive me someday.”

He leaned in.

I shoved my fist against his cheek. What was he talking about? Why was he leaning in to kiss me?

Except it wasn’t a kiss. When he hauled me against him, his mouth went to my throat. I barely had a chance to protest before

His mouth burned hot against my neck, and there was a sharp sensation, like a bite.

Except that was stupid, because what kind of man bites drunk women in an al ey? The sensation passed within seconds, leaving a wave of sensations that I could only describe as…orgasmic.

My toes curled in my shoes, calves clenching, and my arms wrapped around him as he continued to suck at my throat, the bite-induced orgasm rol ing through me. Holy jeez! I didn’t know if I wanted him to stop or keep going – not that I could stop him. I gasped – I might have sobbed a little.

I probably even blacked out.

The next thing I knew, dawn was threading the sky as I stared up, wondering where the evening had gone. The dark stranger was helping me to my feet and straightening the col ar of my jacket. I stared at him dizzily, my body stil throbbing with want and need. My knees felt weak.


“Al part of the plan, Princess.” He looked at my shirt, then unbuttoned it down to my bra, exposing my pathetic cleavage. “Want to go visit an old friend? Say yes.”

“Yes?” I mumbled, stil dazed and completely out of it. I needed to lean against something…or sit down.

Something. My body wasn’t working properly. Al the bones had been sucked out by his mouth.

“Come on,” he said, and I let him pul me along.

The world began to blur after that. I had no idea how many streets we’d wandered down, or what time it was. My feet should have hurt, but I didn’t feel them. My neck stil tingled with his strange biting kiss, and the world had receded into a very pleasurable fog. So pleasurable that anything that brushed against my skin caused me to quiver with erotic excitement, and my pulse pounded low in my hips.

“We’re here,” the stranger whispered in my ear.

I couldn't seem to shake the sensual fog off of my brain.

Here where? I was standing on the sidewalk, the wind brushing against my heated skin. Through large glass windows I saw a bar, nearly empty. It was total y swanky, with gilt edging on al the furniture and soft lighting. A large guy sat at the far end of the bar with his back to the window I currently peered through.

“See that man?” my new friend whispered. “He wants to kiss you.”

He did? I pressed my face against the glass, trying to get a better look at him. Just the thought of a strange man wanting to kiss me made my body tremble with a strange lust. The guy at the other bar hadn’t wanted me…but this one did? Through the fog in my head, that seemed like a good idea. I headed for the door.

“Wait,” said my friend, grabbing my hand. “Before I let you go…promise that you’l come back and see me tonight.”

I stared at him, uncomprehending. “Tonight?”

“If my luck goes as planned, you’l be spending the day with that guy there.” He stroked my face, then fixed my messy curls, as if doting on a prized dol . “It’s fate, Princess. For you to run across my path tonight, and for it to be that particular night for him – these things don’t happen by chance.” His hand gripped my shoulder, almost desperately. “We’l see what comes of this. And you’l come back to see me tonight…if you want your purse back.”

He held up my black and pink handbag.

“Hey,” I began to protest.

He lifted a finger to his lips, silencing me. “I’l give it back.

Just meet me tonight once you’re done with him, and we’l finish our business together.” With that, he more or less shoved me into the bar.

I stumbled into the darkness. This must have been one of those al night bars, because it was a lot darker in here than it was outside. But I liked the dark. It made me feel…


Actual y, I felt naughty anyhow. My entire body throbbed with some sort of strange need. My skin felt tense, limbs aching.

Head was stil foggy, alas.

“Can I get you something to drink?” the bartender asked, giving me a skeptical look.

Given that it was so early in the morning, he was probably checking to see if I was drunk or not.

I certainly was. Way, way drunk.

“A martini. Dry,” I said, surprised at how clear my voice sounded. That was odd, given that the fog in my brain wouldn’t go away. Maybe the fog was from something other than alcohol? I took the martini from the bartender and picked out the olive, as was my habit. It rol ed against my tongue in an almost sensual manner, and I made a smal noise of delight in my throat.

The bartender stared at me.

Okay, I was acting weird. But for some reason, the part of my brain that usual y cared had turned off. I simply gave him a teasing smile and downed the drink. So good. So cold. I needed another. The heat in me didn’t seem to be slowing down.

"Another?” The bartender gave me a smile and took the glass away.

How many more drinks could I afford? I reached for my purse to pul out my wal et – drat. The other guy stil had it. I paused, stricken despite the fog in my head.

“May I?”

A rich, mel ow voice touched my ears, and I looked up to stare into the most beautiful blue eyes I’d ever seen. He was a blond god – tal , tanned, with a hint of a smile playing on his mouth. I smiled back at him, and the fog in my head seemed to clear the way for something else – lust.

My gaze slipped to his mouth and I licked my lips.

He pul ed out some money and tossed it on the bar, signaling the bartender to refil our drinks. Another martini glass was placed in front of me, but I barely glanced at it.

Staring at the hot guy in front of me made the hot, aching throbbing in my body feel a little better , better than the martini had.

“I’m Noah,” he said by way of introduction, and gave me a charming smile. He real y did have the bluest eyes. I found them almost hypnotic. “You look like you’ve been here al night, but I don’t recal seeing you. What makes a pretty girl hang out in a bar at five in the morning on a Monday?”

“I got passed over for a promotion,” I began, then shook my head. My clothes felt tight, and I ran my hands down my front. His gaze slid to my gaping col ar. “That’s why I went out drinking. But I came to this bar for you.”

He gave me a polite but puzzled smile. “I see–”

The smile did me in. With the fog and my blood singing in my veins, I got up from my chair and crossed the two feet between us to plant my lips on his. God, he tasted good.

His mouth was warm and tasted faintly of coffee laced with rum. My hands wrapped in his hair and I continued to kiss him hungrily, the singing in my veins demanding more.

When his hands slid around my waist and he began to kiss me back, I moved onto his lap, straddling him over the barstool.

Somewhere, in the back of the fog, the bartender cleared his throat.

“Sorry,” Noah said, pul ing away from my hungry mouth. I began to lick along his jaw line instead. “I think we’re leaving,” he told the bartender. I wasn’t paying much attention. He tasted so good – I wanted to put my mouth on him everywhere.

“I'm cal ing you a cab, miss,” he said. “You don’t seem to have your purse with you.”

When he tried to put me in the cab's backseat, I clung to Noah’s front, pul ing him down on top of me.

He chuckled in my ear, the sound making my hips rise in anticipation. “Don’t want to leave?”

“No,” I said, kissing his mouth again. “Can we go back to your room?” The thought made my body explode with desire. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

He glanced over at the cab driver. Then, he looked back at me. “Do you want to go back to my room?”

“I want you,” I said. Both me and the fog did. “I’m not drunk. I just want you.”

“Wel then,” he said, his blue eyes flaring. He pul ed me out of the cab and his hand cupped my ass. “Can I get your name?”


Though the fog didn’t leave my mind, I was distracted enough that it didn’t matter. Noah and I made love for hours.

On the bed. On the floor. In the shower once, I was pretty sure, but it was hard to tel . The burning desire that had made me throw myself at him didn’t seem to be going away: no matter how many times we had sex, I couldn’t quench the hunger burning inside of me. We final y passed out at some point, with me col apsing on top of him.

I woke a few hours later, ice cold. I was stil spread atop Noah, who was passed out underneath me. The fog had returned, stronger than ever. In a haze, I began to dress.

Shirt. Skirt.

Shoes. Bra. I couldn’t find my underpants or my pantyhose, so I left them behind. I wanted to wake Noah, but the fog in my mind wouldn’t let me think. Al I could focus on was how cold the room was. I tried to rub my arms, but my limbs were sluggish.

I was supposed to meet the other guy, wasn’t I?

remembered someone holding up my purse and tel ing me that I would get it back when I met him again. I stumbled out of Noah’s room and down the elevator into the lobby. No stranger, no purse. I wandered into the street and stumbled – my shoes, which had been difficult to walk in last night, were almost impossible now. My feet felt numb, like blocks

of ice. Something was wrong with me, but the fog in my head wouldn’t process what it was. Unsure where to go, I stumbled into the al ey behind the hotel. An al ey was where I’d met him before…

“There you are,” a voice whispered against my ear, warm hands cupping my shoulders.

He was so warm, and I was so very cold. “You came back.

Good girl.”

“Purse,” I mumbled. Even my tongue was finding it hard to move. What was wrong with


My dark stranger slid around me, his coat rustling. With his warm hands, he tilted my head back, letting me rest against his shoulder. “First, one final kiss to send you off.”

Again, the piercing bite against my neck. But this time, instead of that feverish pleasure, I felt the numbness spreading. My limbs grew even colder – my body felt like one big icicle. I whimpered, too weak to do anything else.

“Shhh,” he said, stroking my hair. “The hurt won’t last long.

Soon you’l go to sleep. And when you wake up, we’l see each other again. I’ve got an entirely new world to show you, Princess.” He touched my cheek in an almost tender gesture. “Fate has brought you back to me.”

A siren sounded in the distance, and my dark stranger cursed.

Tension rippled through him, and his hand clenched on my arm. I wanted to pul away from him, but the world was growing dim. Was I…was I dying? Or just passing out? I was so cold and the world was so foggy that it was hard to tel .

“Change of plans, Princess.” He kissed my cheek. then picked me up and cradled me in his arms like a limp puppet.

As the blackness swam over my eyes, an awful, sour smel fil ed my nostrils. I struggled to stay awake as he laid me atop something soft and squishy, and I stared up at him as he peered down at me. I was in some sort of box. A stinky box fil ed with puffy plastic things.

He reached overhead for a lid, and it began to grow dark in my box. “Don’t worry, Princess.” He glanced down the street as the sound of the siren grew louder. “By the time you wake up again, you won’t remember a thing. This wil just be a long-gone nightmare.”

“Wait,” I croaked, as the lid began to close. “Why are you doing this?”

He grinned down at me, a rakish smile crossing his face.

He grinned down at me, a rakish smile crossing his face.

“My dear, where else would one hide a body?”

With that, the lid slammed shut.

And as the last of my mind faded out, I realized that the jerk had left me in a Dumpster.

Not the end...

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BOOK: Foreplay: A Succubus Diaries Prequel
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