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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #menage, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense, #billionaire, #Police, #doctor

Forbidden Legacy

BOOK: Forbidden Legacy
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Forbidden Legacy

The Trinity Masters, Book Four

Mari Carr and Lila Dubois

Published by:

Farm Boy Press,
Los Angeles,
United States of America.

First electronic edition May 2014

Copyright © 2014 Mari Carr and Lila Dubois, all rights reserved

Cover by Valerie Tibbs (
Edited by Heidi Moore
Proofread by Sharon Muha (
Book formatted by Farm Boy Press

ISBN: 978-1-941641-04-0

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Publisher’s note:
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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Forbidden Legacy
The Trinity Masters Book Four

There’s power and passion in three

An enigmatic leader…

Harrison Adams has served as leader of the Trinity Masters for a decade. He’s always placed the group above his own needs—even when it comes to the one woman who calls to him. When a dangerous threat to the secret society surfaces, Harrison sets a plan in motion that could save the organization, but it comes with a price.

A steadfast woman…

Alexis turned down an invitation to join the Trinity Masters, afraid to relinquish control over her life, her future…her heart. That rejection means night after night of unrequited lust as she and Harrison are forced to ignore their desires. Her heart aching, she throws herself into her job and her difficult working relationship with her boss, Michael. He’s attractive and maddening, but Alexis has zero plans to give in to the crazy chemistry between them.

An improper proposal she can’t refuse…

Harrison asks Alexis to experiment in a
relationship with him and she agrees unable to take another moment of longing for him. Perhaps with a third around she’ll be able to keep her heart intact. She is completely unaware their third will be her infuriating boss, Michael. She couldn’t have known how giving herself to them would inflame her desires. Or how much she would enjoy submitting to them.

But when an evil man looking for revenge sets his sights on Harrison, time is the one thing none of them have. And it soon becomes apparent Harrison’s forbidden legacy could destroy them all…

Table of Contents

Forbidden Legacy


Title Page


Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven


Connect with Mari and Lila

The Trinity Masters
by Mari Carr and Lila Dubois

Full Position
by Mari Carr

BDSM Checklist
by L. Dubois

Dungeon Games
by Lexi Blake

Hot Ride
by Opal Carew

About the Authors

Additional Titles by Mari Carr

Additional Titles by Lila Dubois


The young man in the shadows stood a fair distance from the mourners, studying everyone who approached the widower. He lifted his camera and focused his long-range lens, zooming in until he had a clear shot of faces…and hands.

Hands, he had come to discover, told him more than faces. One of the gentlemen reached out to the widower, lifting his left hand to place it in a consoling fashion on the grieving man’s shoulder.

The young man snapped a picture and then looked in the viewfinder. A smile crossed his face. The ring. The symbol. It was there.

“Gotcha.” Another piece to the puzzle. Another fly captured in the web. He had been studying the symbol for nearly a year, tying it to a slew of rich and powerful people from current day all the way back to the American Revolution. While its significance wasn’t quite clear to him yet, he was close to discovering the secret. And he knew it was big.

He lifted the camera once more and snapped a few more shots of the dark-haired man. He’d upload the photos to his laptop at the hotel and run a facial-recognition scan using the hacker software he’d designed. By tonight, he’d have this man’s name and life story.

He studied the other people around the two caskets. Everyone at the small ceremony had an air about them—of wealth, position, power. His mother used to warn him about these sorts of people, claiming they were the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the ones to look out for. She’d had a good reason to believe that. Two of the wolves at this funeral had destroyed her life—and his. He was going to ensure they paid for it. Dearly.

Thoughts of his mother sent a surge of anger through him. He took a deep breath, finding a way to turn the heat to cool, the frustration to calculation. The villains were here in Boston and the means for their destruction were at hand. The first part of the punishment had already begun as he looked at the two caskets. His handiwork. The dead women were merely pawns in his game, and their deaths had certainly paid off.

He glanced at the widower, taking in his hunched posture. The man’s pain was almost tangible. The young man grinned. He intended to exploit that grief, turn it to his advantage. The widower was devastated, weakened by the loss. It would take very little effort to push the man completely over the edge and finish him off. But before he did, he intended to get answers from him.

Then he’d have the weapons needed to destroy the mastermind. Dr. Harrison Adams would suffer for his sins.

Harrison moved in to offer his condolences to the widower. His face was as familiar to him as his own. No picture was necessary. He had a whole wall full of shots of this bastard.

He had studied Harrison’s face at length over the past year, and soon he would discover the means to obliterate him. An eye for an eye. Harrison would lose everything by the time the young man was finished.

At long last, the wait was almost over.

It was time to strike.

Chapter One

Harrison leaned back and sighed heavily, awaiting the inevitable meeting. He’d sat in the Grand Master’s chair for nearly a decade, inheriting the prominent position when his seventy-three-year-old father suffered a debilitating stroke. Harrison Adams, only thirty-five at the time, had stepped in. The eldest child in his family had served as Grand Master for six generations. It was his legacy.

BOOK: Forbidden Legacy
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