Read Forbidden Indulgences Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Forbidden Indulgences (6 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Indulgences
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“I need a shower and you’re in it.”

“Take a shower downstairs.”

“I prefer this one. The pressure is much better.”

“I’m almost done.”

Pushing himself away from the counter, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs and pushed them down. Ivy’s eyes went wide as she watched his cock jerk alive, slowly thickening and growing to attention. “We can share.”

Realizing she’d been staring, she pulled her gaze away from his dick and met his eyes, which were twinkling with humor. “But…”

He didn’t give her time to protest as he crossed the room in two long strides, pulled the curtain open on the other end of the shower and stepped in.

“Whoa, wait, but…”





Ethan’s eyes scanned her, from her feet and slowly up until he reached her face. Her body was incredible, a shapely hourglass with just enough fat to give her a soft look; he was still having a hard time grasping the fact it was her. He had to admire the amount of hard work it must have taken to achieve what she did – he was damned proud of her. By the time his eyes landed on her face, her cheeks were a deep crimson colour.

As much as she pretended to be brazen and forward, the way she attempted to cover herself as he looked at her showed she still had the shyness in her he remembered from before she left. And he was happy for that. While he loved the changes in her, he’d cared for her before she left because she was a good, modest, fun person. It would have been a shame for that to have changed.

“Care to pass the shampoo?” He extended his hand to her and waited, his grin widening as she reached for the shampoo behind her and with a hand that trembled passed it to him. He intentionally dropped the bottle and it landed at her toes. “Shit. Clumsy.” He closed the distance between them and bent until his face was level with her mound, the stream of water now hitting them both.

His cock jerked and throbbed. Maybe this was a bad idea. Correction, this was a very bad idea. He’d intended on making her suffer, but the suffering seemed to be one-sided. The temptation became too much. Leaning forward he pressed his lips to her mound and she uttered a little strangled, moan-like sound as her hands slid to his shoulders and her fingers dug in.

He wasn’t sure if she wanted him to continue or not, but that wasn’t the plan. The plan was to tease her, payback for the previous evening. He slowly kissed his way up her body, not stopping at her breasts despite the temptation, until his lips were covering hers.

Her hands slid around his neck, and she pressed herself tight to him as she gave herself into the kiss. Her lips and tongue tasted of fresh spearmint and the soft moans she made against his lips as their lips and tongues duelled tested every ounce of his restraint. There was nothing he wanted more than to hoist her up and onto his hips and slam into her, fucking her against the wall of the shower.

But then a thought came to mind – one he hadn’t even considered. Was she still a virgin? He was pretty certain she was when she left for college, but that was well over a year ago, surely she’d had boyfriends at school. The thought of some random, faceless man fucking her pissed him off. He knew he shouldn’t be envious, he’d fucked more than his fair share of women. Hell, when he and Trey were younger and stupid, it was a competition to see who could fuck the hottest girl. In retrospect, it seemed like such a stupid and shallow thing to do – the ambitions of a teenaged boy, he supposed.

He groaned inwardly. He had to stop this before he no longer had control over himself or the willpower to end it. If she was still a virgin he didn’t want to take her virginity against the shower wall. Pulling away from her, he took a step back and squirted a dollop of shampoo into his hand and lathered up his hair.

“Ummm. Ethan?” she chewed at her lower lip, her gaze lowered to the shower floor.

“Oh, sorry. Want me to shampoo your hair?”

“I already did.”

He shrugged, grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. His thinking was that not seeing the suds and water glistening over her breasts and mound would help lower his anxiety, but seeing her naked backside gave him thoughts of bending her over and ramming into her from behind.

“Yeah, but did you condition? It’s all about the conditioner.”

“Ummm.” Her voice trembled, her breathing ragged as a slight laugh escaped her lips. He loved it. Every time she inhaled sharply it sent a surge of desire through him.

Placing the shampoo on the ledge to his right he leaned over her and grabbed the conditioner bottle. He quickly lathered up her silky strands, piling them onto the top of her head when done. He did his best to make the naked shower with her as platonic as possible. It was hard – fucking hard, but by the time they exited he was smiling on the inside. There was no doubt in his mind she’d be spending much of the day replaying the shower in her head – alas, so would he.






Chapter 6



I’m the worst seductress ever
, she groaned inwardly as she entered the living room with three beers in her hands. She passed one each to Ethan and Trey and kept the third for herself as she plunked herself down on the coffee table in front of them.

For a girl who had spent months planning and had her sights on getting revenge on the two playboys of Portland, Ivy was having some serious doubts on her plan. She didn’t expect the men to have changed and she certainly didn’t expect to have such intense feelings – both emotional and physical – toward them. They were amazing in different ways, Ethan was quiet and intense, while Trey was wild, yet tender.

She’d gone through the scenarios on how to approach the men about the threesome, but none of them seemed to be ideal. Maybe if she weren’t falling for them both, but she was, which made making this work even more important. Her motives may have changed, but the end game was still the same.

So she’d made a decision; just say it and let the chips fall as they may. This needed to be brought up before an actual relationship developed between her and one of them. It had been so hard remaining a cool distance from them the past day after the intimate afternoon with Trey and night with Ethan. The only thing she knew for sure was that it needed to be brought up now otherwise rivalry might come between them. Her plan was never to come between their friendship, she couldn’t be that vindictive.

“So ummm.” The conversation between the two men stopped and they turned their attention to her, neither one of them saying anything.

Just say it Ivy!

“What’s up?” Trey asked, a smile forming on his lips.

“Yeah, spill it,” Ethan chimed in.

She took a deep breath in and released it in a loud huff. “Have you guys ever shared a girl?”

Their smiles faded and they stared blankly at her.

She paused, a part of her wanting to chicken out of the whole idea. “Ever? Like…”

Trey leaned forward on the sofa and braced his elbows on his knees. “When you say, share, you mean?”

“Like fucked one at the same time?” Ethan supplied, also leaning forward, eyeing her intently.

Oh this is hard. Oh my God, so much harder than I expected!

“You mean…” Trey’s brow furrowed as he pressed his fingertips together and slapped the heels of his palms together. “Balls slapping together double fucking?”

“No.” Ethan glanced over at Trey and shook his head. “No. We’ve never double fucked anyone. Is that really what you mean? Is that what you’ve been learning at college?”

“Wha–” Her mouth fell open. “No! I’ve never…” She ran a hand through her auburn hair. She could still feel Ethan’s fingertips massaging her scalp that morning, it had been a horrible distraction the entire day. “I’m just asking.”

“But why?” Trey asked, staring at her, his expression remaining blank. She hated that his expression was blank, she desperately wanted to know what he was thinking, good, bad or otherwise.

“Yeah, why bring it up?” Ethan added.

Just say it Ivy, what’s the worst that could happen
, a voice at the back of her mind said,
aside from them thinking you’re some sex freak and ruining what you’ve gotten back from them.

“I want to.”

Their mouths fell open in unison and snapped shut in unison. They looked at each other, foreheads creasing. It was Ethan who broke the silence. “Ivy, we’re not gay, babes.”

“Just because you share a girl doesn’t mean you’re gay.”

Trey pressed his fingertips together and made the slapping sound with the heels of his palms. “Balls. Slapping.” He stopped the slapping motion and jerked his thumb toward Ethan. “And I don’t want that dude’s dick in my face.”

“Your balls won’t slap together, Trey,” Ivy protested. “And why would his dick be in your face?”

“I don’t know. Not sure I’m too keen on finding out.” He grabbed his beer and downed it. 

“I need more beer,” Ethan announced, standing and exiting the living room without asking Ivy or Trey if they wanted anything.

Trey leaned forward and his gaze caught Ivy’s. “Are you serious?”

Ivy didn’t think her face could grow any hotter. She was so embarrassed she was actually beginning to perspire.
Well, no turning back now
. “Yes.”

“But you’ve never…”

She shook her head. “I want to though.”

Trey took her hands in his, forcing her gaze up to meet his again. “Why? I mean… Shit.” He released her hands and raked a hand through his hair.





She was going to give him a fucking heart attack. Maybe that was her plan after all, kill him via shock. Ethan opened a fresh bottle of beer and chugged half of it down immediately. Him, her and Trey? He’d envisioned her and him a thousand times, it felt like anyhow, since she came home, but Trey never entered the picture.

Admittedly, it wasn’t the most
idea. Sure, he wasn’t keen on the whole “balls on balls” action that might be a possible side effect of the act, but it wasn’t completely unappealing. It’s not like Trey would be sucking his cock or anything. It would be all about her and he could only imagine the noises she’d make, the moans, the screams of pleasure. The thought was causing his cock to thicken. He finished the remainder of the beer, grabbed three more from the fridge and made his way back to the living room. Ethan gave Trey and Ivy new beers and sat back down on the sofa with his.

The thought that they’d been going through a ridiculous amount of beer crossed his mind for a fleeting moment. Although he anticipated many more in the near future considering the bombshell she’d dropped on him.

“If we could get past the mechanics of the act. Aren’t we forgetting a very major thing?”

Trey and Ivy’s eyes shifted to him, neither one speaking, both waiting for him to continue.

“Who gets Ivy? I mean, is this just a quick fuck deal or…”

“What do you mean, man?” Trey asked after a moment of silence.

“I mean, who’s she really going to be with? Are we all going to be fuck buddies or is a relationship going to develop and one of us be an alternate to spice things up?” He looked directly at Ivy. “I’m past one-night stands and random fucks. I’m looking for the woman to spend the rest of my life with.”

“We both are Ethan,” Trey assured him, “but isn’t that getting ahead of things a little bit? Neither one of us even knows what’s running through her head right now.”

“No, I don’t think it is. I think it’s sensible to consider what happens after. Just so there are no misunderstandings.” Both men looked directly at Ivy, awaiting an answer.

Ivy looked from Ethan to Trey and back again. She raked her fingers through her hair and Ethan could see her hand shaking. He’d never seen her so nervous; not before taking her SATs, not before her prom, not even when she told him she was in love with him. “I want you both, in every way.”

Trey blew out a loud huff of air and flopped back into the sofa. After taking a drink from the beer Ethan gave him, he cut his eyes over at Ethan. “What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll be able to process this after the shock wears off.” Ethan redirected his attention to Ivy. “Have you even had sex yet?”

Ivy huffed and scowled at him.

Ethan froze with his beer halfway to his lips, the his realization flaring up in his eyes. “You have had sex, right?” Sure, he’d suspected, but having her confirm his suspicions…

She got that uneasy look again, fidgeting with the family ring on her left middle finger – it contained the stones for her, her mother, him and his father. The ring had been a graduation present from him. It surprised him that she was still wearing it and hadn’t pawned it or thrown it into the trash compactor after what happened between them.

Surprises are a dime a dozen today, I guess
, he mused.

“Rock, paper, scissors on who gets her virginity,” Trey joked, but his chuckling stopped immediately when Ethan shot him a dirty look and he pretended to have an intense interest in the list of ingredients on the beer label. “Just messing around,” he grumbled under his breath.

“It’s not like I’m completely stupid on sex. I’ve had oral. And I’ve used my vibrators more times than I can count. I’ve just not actually had a real penis –”

“Okay, stop.” Ethan put his hand out. “We get it. Your pussy has seen some action. We get it. Although I’d like to know who these fuckers are that you sucked the cock of.”

“Ethan!” Ivy glared at him. “It’s none of your business. I don’t ask you about all the women you’ve fucked. And I’m pretty sure your count is astronomical.”

“Don’t believe the hype,” Trey cut in and chuckled.

“Not helping, Trey.” Ethan gave his head a shake.





“This was a bad idea, forget it guys.” Ivy slipped from the coffee table and onto the sofa, between the men. “Let’s just watch a movie or something.” She grabbed the remote and began flipping through the channels, but slowed when she came to the adult channel, which featured a woman sandwiched between two men.

“First the books and now porn, Ivy,” Ethan said and then cleared his throat.

“See, their balls aren’t slapping together,” Ivy pointed out, her index finger wagging at the television screen. “Not a single male body part is touching.” She left the channel on for another minute, letting it sink in for the guys before switching to a new channel to a romantic comedy.

Not a single person spoke; they all pretended to watch the movie. However, if asked what it was about none of the three would be able to give an answer. At least not a correct answer.


BOOK: Forbidden Indulgences
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