[Forbidden book 02] Forbidden Rapture (8 page)

BOOK: [Forbidden book 02] Forbidden Rapture
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She had her back to him, which was just what he wanted.

Dane slowly walked towards her. With each step, his cock

became harder and harder. When she spotted him, he pounced

upon her.

Dane rushed her, pressed her up against the wet tile, face

first. He picked up her left leg and in one fluid motion entered her

hot pussy from behind.

Samara gasped loudly as Dane thrust repeatedly into her. He

fucked her hard and moved his other hand around to her clit.

Keeping the motion going, he opened her up, and flicked her hard

clit with his finger. She moaned and pressed back against him.


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

“You’re my wife, Samara,” Dane huffed in her ear, slamming

into her as hard as he could. “Say it.” She shook her head no.

“Say it, or I’m going to spank your clit.”

“What?” she squeaked.

Dane jerked her from the wall and forced her down to her

hands and knees and stopped moving within her. Now, with two

free hands, he held her sweet pussy lips open with one hand and

with the other he gave her hard clit a tap.

“Dane!” she yelled.

He gave her another tap, “Say it or the tapping only gets


“Are you out of your mind?”

A harder tap and her head went down and her pussy

tightened around his cock. “Don’t come yet, baby. I’m not done

with you.”

One more slap and Dane was once more thrusting hard into

her. Every few seconds, he would slap her clit and follow it up with

a slight pinch. Each time he did so, she would tighten up around

him, almost squeezing his climax from his damn dick!

“Tell me you’re mine,” he moaned, closing his eyes tight,

trying to push the orgasm back. “Say it, or I’ll make sure neither

one of us comes.”

“Come on!”

He slapped her clit five fast times and rotated his hips,

grinding his rock-hard cock into her. Samara cried out and pushed

back against him, but he held her still with ease.

“It’s just three simple words,” he huffed in her ear. “You can

do it.”

“I hate you!” she screamed.

Dane laughed low in her ear, “That’s not it.”

He moved again, kept one hand on her clit, and moved the

other between the folds of her rear. He found the tiny ring to her

ass and teased it. Anal sex was one of his favorites, but not many

of his past lovers wanted to play like that.

Dane fucked her slow, moved her own juices back and rolled

her clit between two fingers at the same time. It was tortuous for

him as well, but he knew the wait was going to be worth it in the


He kept teasing her ass with one finger and kept moving very

slowly into her. She would push back, and squeeze down on him,


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

which tested his control immensely. But Dane held his climax at

bay. He wasn’t going to give in too easy at least he was going to

try like hell not to.

Oh, I’m going to come soon!
Dane bit his lower lip. A chill

raced down his spine and pooled between his legs. He could feel

the swelling starting, the beginning of his climax, and he couldn’t

seem to control it.

So instead of fighting it, he went with the flow. He slipped one

finger as far into her ass as he could, pinched her clit, and

pumped hard and fast. Samara screamed. Her pussy tightened

over his cock and she pushed back against him. He swelled inside

her, yelling his own release. Pulse after pulse of his seed shot out

of him, deep into her. He couldn’t get a grip on the sensations that

hit. He couldn’t control a fucking thing. Hell, he couldn’t even stop

himself from climaxing.

They both fell to the wet floor, him on top of her. Dane couldn’t

seem to catch his breath or move. Every part of his body felt alive

and tingled.

admit it,” he panted.

“We’ll see,” she breathed out. Her statement had Dane

laughing and rolling off of her at the same time.

* * * *

Ryland lay face down on a cold floor. His face was pressed

into the wood by a foot to the back of his head. He hurt

everywhere, especially his ribs. He half-expected one of them to

be broken, just like he was pretty damn sure his nose was.

He hated having to come here tonight to inform “the watcher”

that Samara had been taken. It was the last thing he wanted to

do, but he knew he had to. If he found out any other way, well

Lord only knew what punishment Ryland would’ve suffered.

“You disappoint me, Ryland.” The man in the shadow, which

was what Ryland called him in his head, strolled in front of

Ryland’s face as another person held his head up by his hair. “I

thought we had a deal and a very clear understanding.”

“We do,” Ryland muttered. Talking or answering any kind of

questions was damn near impossible when you had your face

shoved into the floor.

“Well, then I must be mistaken. Your daughter is not at home

you said, but at the Compound becoming someone’s whore?” The

calm in his voice gave Ryland the damn chills. He was scared.


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

Real fucking scared. “Oh, and I discover by my other

acquaintance, that your other daughter has been shipped off as

well, making her untouchable also. He made a tsking sound. “Too

bad for you, my friend.”

The foot at the back of his neck moved, but Ryland didn’t get

up. “I only sent Makayla away so that she would be safe. I didn’t

want anyone to come messing with her.”

“I’m sure.” The sound of his shoes moving away had Ryland

glancing up. “But, unfortunately, I don’t believe you,” he sighed,

and sat back down into the darkest part of the room. “So how are

you going to convince me otherwise?”

A big hand grabbed the back of his neck, or more like the shirt

at the back of the neck. Roughly, he was shoved over to a chair

and forced to sit down, with the one who held and beat him

standing right behind him.

“Makayla hasn’t been touched,” Ryland spoke fast. “That’s

why I sent her away. I knew that you might be interested in her

later on.”

“Really?” he sounded bored. “Funny, but I was interested in

Samara. She was a special pick.” The way he said “special” had

Ryland shivering. He just hoped like hell he didn’t piss his pants.

“What do you know?”

“She was requested to the Compound, taken from the house,

and presented at the fall party,” the one behind Ryland answered.

“Dane Knight married her. They’ll be there until morning.”

“Now, we definitely have a problem, Ryland.” A snap of a

finger and the one standing behind Ryland bent over, and hit his

hand with a hammer. Ryland screamed out in pain as his hand

was broken. “I paid you for a virgin.” Now he sounded dangerous.

“Paid you a lot of money and expected you to keep my property

safe and intact. Now, I’m out money and have no virgin. This

disappoints me Ryland. It disappoints me greatly.”

Ryland held his broken hand, tears falling freely down his

face. He bit his lower lip to suppress any sound. “I’ll—I’ll do

whatever you want,” Ryland had a hell of a time speaking. The

pain was unbearable.

“Oh, I have no doubt you will.” Once more he stood up, but it

wasn’t Ryland his attention was fixed on. “You’ve had dealings

with this Dane Knight, I take it.”

“I know him,” the one standing behind him answered. “He’s


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

associated with some powerful people in Treece. Two being

Blaine Cedric and Darius Alistair.”

“Impressive. I want to know everything there is to know about

Dane Knight. Samara is now worthless, but there might be some

hope for her sister. Find out where the sister is. She may be of

some use, but I’ll have to check.”

“What about him?”The man pointed at Ryland.

Ryland held his breath, fearing the worst. He didn’t want to die

and he was now thinking that he made a deal with the devil; a

deal that he couldn’t get out of. He had made a deal that just

might bury him alive.

“Get his hand fixed. He might need to use it.” Once more,

Ryland was jerked to his feet. He was pushed towards the door,

only to stop. “Cameron. I’m depending on you. Don’t let me


“No sir, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll get you what

you want and I’ll have tons of fun doing it.”


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

Chapter Six

Dane woke to the sun shining in his face, a warm body

pressed up against him, and hot food that made his stomach

growl. He opened his eyes and glanced down at the foot of the

bed. On the table was breakfast.

He reached towards the night stand for his wristwatch that he

left before the party, to see what time it was. It was already eight

in the morning. He groaned, took a deep breath, and slipped from

the bed without disturbing Samara. Dane went into the bathroom

for a quick shower. Once finished, he dressed in a pair of jeans

and one of his silk shirts before he went back to the bed to get her


“Samara.” She rolled onto her stomach and Dane couldn’t

resist kissing her back and pulling the sheet away. He ran the

back of his hands down her spine to the curve of her ass before

raising his hand and swatting her.

“What the hell!” She rose up on one hand, hair in her face.

“Time to get up. Food is here and it’s hot.” He walked away,

heading over to the table and sitting down with a sigh.

Samara swung her legs over the side of the bed, wrapped the

sheet around her body, and brushed hair from her face. “What

time is it?”

“It’s a little after eight.”

“God, I feel like I’ve got a hangover.” She bent over and

rubbed her forehead. “I’ve never slept this late before.”

“This is late?” He frowned. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What

time do you usually get up?”

Samara stood up and looked around the bed. She picked up

the blanket, and tossed the pillows around. It appeared like she

was looking for the robe or something. “I usually get up between

four and five in the morning. Where’s the robe?”

“No clue.”


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

She shrugged, turned, and surprised him by heading over to

him, holding the sheet close to her chest, but she didn’t sit down

next to him. She sat across from him, as usual.

“So you get up before the crack of dawn. Why?” Dane started

picking up lids to the food spread out on the table.

Eggs, pancakes, sausage, toast, croissant rolls, orange juice,

coffee, and fruit were spread out on the table. Dane half-figured it

was more food than Samara usually got to eat. He watched her

closely. Her eyes got bigger just by looking at the food, and saw

her lick her lips several times.

“You can eat whatever you want,” he told her. “I’m not going

to take any of it away.”

“Do I look that bad?”

“You look like a girl that hasn’t eaten in a very long time.”

She sighed, her shoulders slumping. “I told you last night. My

father usually got to eat everything first. Makayla and I only got

what was left, and most of the time it wasn’t much. So I gave it to


“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged. “Nothing for you to sorry about. My father is a

bastard, plain and simple. I mean, he was always a dick, but when

my mother left us, he really changed.”

“Where’d your mother go?”

Samara picked up a grape and put it into her mouth. Dane

picked up the pitcher of juice and poured her a large glass. “Don’t

know. I just woke up one day, and she was gone. Never could

understand how she could just leave us with him.”

“Well, maybe I can see if we can find her.” He saw the hope in

her eyes. “But first, I want you to eat and eat until you’re full.”

Dane saw a twitch of her lips, almost like she was going to

smile but held it back.

She ate slowly and hesitantly at first. About an hour after the

meal was delivered, the door unlocked and opened again. In

came the servants with towels over their arms and one large box.

“Well it looks like that’s my cue to take off,” Dane stood up

and stretched. “The final pampering of our time at the Compound

begins.” He took her hand, helped her up to her feet, and brought

her knuckles up to his lips for a quick kiss. “It’s time for your bath.”

He backed up, keeping a hold on her hand until the last second.

“She’s all yours. Take good care of her.”


Forbidden Rapture: Tales of the Forbidden, Book 2, Jaden Sinclair

* * * *

Samara didn’t move, only stared at Dane as he backed out of

the room. Once the door closed, the young women came up to

her, two taking hold of her arms and leading her into the


A hot, scented bubble bath was drawn for her. The whole

room filled with the scent of tropical flowers. She soaked for a bit,

BOOK: [Forbidden book 02] Forbidden Rapture
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