Read For Authentication Purposes Online

Authors: Amber L. Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

For Authentication Purposes (10 page)

BOOK: For Authentication Purposes
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Frank’s voice startled me, and I took a deep breath, letting it out and sighing as I realized how damp my panties were all of a sudden. Just from thoughts of Warner alone.


“I’m coming,” I yelled back, snickering a little at the innuendo.

Wardo was turning me into a perv.

“Yeah, Frank. I’m right here.” I was winded as I turned the corner into his bedroom.

He appraised me with suspicion. “Who is he?”

“Who is

His eyes narrowed. “The guy that has you singing god-awful hippie music from the seventies in my house.”

“It’s not from the sixties?” I asked and folded my arms in challenge.

“I bought the 45 in 1972. Of course I know what year that damn song came out.” He coughed out a laugh and returned to giving me the stink eye. “What’s his name?”

Shrugging, I turned a little and scuffed my toe against the carpet in his room. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re almost glowing, and that can only mean one thing for a girl your age.”

I batted my lashes, being playful. “I got my menses and I’m finally a woman?”

He scowled. “Go ahead and try to deny it, but I know. I know when a woman has gotten hers.”

“Frank, come on. I don’t think we should have this discussion—”

He cut me off. “Pish! Lynda had that look on her face after our second date. Pink cheeks and walking all funny.” His smile was wicked. “Damn, she was flexible.”

“Okay, that’s enough.” I waved my hands for him to stop. “I need to change your bedpan, and I don’t want you going into cardiac arrest from getting your first chubby in ten years while I’m doing it. The cleanup would be awful.”

I walked to the side of the bed and made a move to lift his blanket when his frail hand came down on my own. Glancing from the thin, pale skin of his knuckles, coated with liver spots, back to his face, I tilted my head in question. His eyes searched mine and the smile faded from his lips.

“Just make sure he treats you right, Dawn.”

I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded, patting his hand a couple of times. “I will, Frank.” Because everything Warner was doing with me already felt right.

The thought confused me more than anything else.


Blair ran into the house almost an hour late, apologizing all over herself for it.

“It’s fine, Blair. It’s just that I have a class, you know? If I’m late too many times I’m going to get into trouble, and I need to stay in school. So please just remember that if you decide to stop off at the bookstore on the way home again.” I motioned to the bag in her hand as I stepped by her.

Word was that there was a huge rush on a preorder of a book that was deemed shocking and controversial. The rumor was that the book was so explicit that there was a call to ban it. But distribution had been pushed through, and stores everywhere were getting limited amounts of copies. The fuss was over the fact that the novel was based on true events surrounding a college professor and a student engaging in a torrid affair for a couple of years. The big shocker was that the professor was a woman. And the student was a male. Just seventeen years old when it all started.

My mind struggled to understand what the student could have seen in a woman well over twice his age. I couldn’t imagine being with one of my teachers. Especially Gunther, with his halitosis and super-obvious toupee. Most of our teachers smelled like old coffee and popcorn. Maybe it was just night school that was that way.

I rushed into class to secure my spot at the lab table, just to be met with a piece of paper taped to it saying that seats would need to be used elsewhere. There was a water leak directly above it. Yellow plastic buckets surrounded all four legs, and I grumbled under my breath as I took the remaining table in the back corner for Warner and me.

The table to the right was empty as well, and the lighting wasn’t as good as it was toward the front. One of the fluorescents was always buzzing and blinking, and I prepped myself to have a migraine by the time class was over.

Class was ten minutes into session when Warner arrived. He looked harried and kept his head tucked into his chest as he made his way back to where I was sitting with our lab information. He shrugged off his jacket and nodded to me once in acknowledgment.

“Hey,” I said, leaning back and taking him in. He looked different.

He glanced up from his paper and then back down. “Hey.”

It was weird, but I was kind of, I don’t know, worried about him. “Are you okay?”

Warner just nodded and looked over the notes again.

I leaned into his ear, hoping to make him smile. “So you were wrong about that ‘Brandy’ song.”

“How so?” His eyes never lifted from the paper.

“It’s from the seventies, not the sixties.”

A slight smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. “Is that right?”


His eyes slid over and met mine. “You were paying attention, I see. I didn’t think you’d care enough to figure it out.”

I laughed a bit and shifted my stool closer to his. I felt like playing with him a little. “Oh, I’m a very fast learner. I’ve been paying attention.” It seemed fun enough, teasing with him in public like that. After all, the only thing we’d done outside of my apartment was the vibrator shopping.

Gunther called our attention to the front of the room and announced a quick video that he wanted us to watch. We all put our pencils down to face the white board while he loaded it into the VCR attached to the television on a rolling cart.

“You’d think this college would have enough money to buy at least one DVD player.” Warner’s voice was thick with irritation.

The lights went down and the film started, but I couldn’t hear a damn thing. The buzzing in my ears from being next to Warner was intolerable. My entire body was trying to angle his way because it knew he brought the pleasure.

I leaned on my elbow, scooting closer to his side with my stool. He glanced my way and then back at the movie.

“Do you have any gum?” I whispered, letting my hair fall onto the tabletop.

He nodded and matched the volume of my voice. “In my pocket.” I watched him make a movement like he was going to get it for me but I hit it out of the way with my own. His eyes went wide with surprise. “What are you doing?” he asked, moving his face closer to mine behind my curtain of hair.

“Getting gum.” I watched his eyes focus on my lips as I slipped my hand into his pocket. Sure enough, there was gum in there—as well the silhouette of his dick resting against his thigh. I pulled the pack out along with the remainder of his pant pocket, leaving it there instead of putting it back.

Warner swallowed once, and I slipped a piece of gum into my mouth before I leaned down and reached for my purse, keeping my face hovering just above his thighs.

“I’m being serious.” He leaned closer. “What the hell are you doing?”

I didn’t answer. Instead I slid my hand over his zipper and up to the button on his jeans. He wasn’t wearing a belt so it was easy access and quiet. Warner watched as I reached over for the lotion I had pulled out of my purse and slathered it onto my hands, making wet noises between my palms as I did.

A quick glance at his crotch revealed that the noises were getting to him, and I pressed my lips together to stifle a grin then wiggled my fingers at him. “Looks like I used too much.” My focus was on his lap. “It would be a shame to waste it.” Without another word, I pushed my hand in the top of his jeans, into his boxers, and felt my fingers make contact with the warm flesh of his thigh.

He adjusted himself on the stool, letting his knees widen a little, and his hips pulsed forward under the table. With another push into his jeans, my fingers found the smooth hardness of his cock, and I did an internal fist pump as I encircled it and squeezed it in my palm. With my other hand, I pushed the elastic waistband of his underwear down and pressed my lips together to stop from moaning at the sight of his dick outside his pants.

Warner dropped his shoulders and pressed his elbows to the table as his palms cupped his chin and his fingers pressed into his mouth.

No one was near us, but it felt so dangerous anyway. I was beyond turned on at the moment. Risking a little more closeness, I swiveled in my stool and set one foot behind him on the highest metal rung underneath his seat. My other knee grazed his thigh as I propped my chin on my hand above the table and stroked him long and slow once below it.

Something in me wanted to have some control over our situation. But another part of me wanted to make him feel good because it had looked like he was having a pretty shitty day when he’d walked into class. He made me feel better with orgasms—couldn’t I return the favor?

He turned his face toward me then moved his fingers to exhale and let his eyes close before opening them again. “I knew you were a dirty girl deep down, Bunny.”

I picked up my pace, feeling powerful. My whole body was turned on, and I could feel the heat settle into my cheeks as I held my breath and exhaled to keep my wits about me.

His fingers slid down his face and landed without a sound on the table as he gripped the edge of it. I felt his hips surge upward once, then his hand was on my knee and he squeezed. My heart was racing, and I was pretty sure I was leaking through my jeans with how turned on I was by my bravado. I could see from the corner of my eye that the video was starting to wrap up because the notes were popping up for us to write down. But I couldn’t pay attention to anything else other than the speed of Warner’s breaths and the steady way his eyes bore into mine.

His right hand landed on mine working him over, and he whispered that he was coming. My motions sped up and the buzzing increased, as did the steady thumping of my heart in my ears and the rush of blood through my cheeks. I pumped him faster, harder, and squeezed as tight as I could. He leaned closer to me, making my hand almost immobile around him, caught in between the soft skin of his stomach and the rough texture of his denim. “I said calm down.”

Heat flushed up my chest—I wasn’t as good at this as I thought I was. But with the slower movement he thrust his hips upward, gripped my hand, and stopped me from pumping him. He rocked into my hand slower and there was a second where he swelled in my palm and then slid my fingers up to cup the head before his face fell forward. He kissed me behind my wall of hair, and grunted into my mouth as my hand grew wet with his cum.

I took in a shallow breath and relaxed my fingers around him just in time to hear Gunther get up from his desk and move to the television to retrieve the tape. Warner held eye contact as the lights came up and we both turned away from one another. I slithered my hand from his jeans, and he shifted his situation, appraising how much sticky wet splooge was in his pants.

I looked around for something to wipe my hand on but came up with nothing. I shrugged, wiped it on the inside of my hoodie, and pressed my thighs together to appease the new ache that had grown there.

Class was dismissed, but we stayed right where we were.

“I bet my balls smell like apples now.”

“Sorry. It was the only thing I had.”

He laughed and changed the subject while he buttoned his jeans. “I heard you talked to my stepsister. And told them about being my fruit fly partner.”

“What was I supposed to say? It’s true. We’re doing fruit fly stuff.”

Warner smiled, broad and sure. Leaning into my ear, he breathed out once, and I heard him lick his lips. “What’s wrong, Bunny? Candace and Nolan don’t know that fruit fly is code for vibrators and an awesome hand job?”

My chin lowered to my chest, and I laughed, shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it all. “It was good?”

His eyes, when I looked up, were full of truth and encouragement. “Besides beating the hell out of my balls? Top three I’ve ever had.”

I slapped his arm and turned forward in my seat, red-faced. “Arrogant prick.”

“Is that a new nickname? I don’t like it as much as the first one.” The way he leered was shameful. “Want to go get something to eat? I’m starving.”

“If you want.”

“Perfect. I know a place that has the world’s best burgers.”

BOOK: For Authentication Purposes
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