Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer) (34 page)

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it on your own and give me the highlights later. I need to think. We're going
to need a ship, possibly more than one. That rumor about Firefly is our best
bet." He sighed. It was one hell of a long shot. Then again, if it paid
off it would be a spectacular addition.

we get within range of her?" Sprite asked.

attached to my hide?" Irons teased.

like that, since I happen to be occupying it too at the moment," Sprite
answered. "You think the Launch is our best bet? Firefly is reported to be
across the system from us. It's not ready, and doesn't have the range. We'd
have to hitch a ride," Sprite reported. She pulled up a map of the system
and highlighted the probable last known position of Firefly and then overlaid
the range of the launch from Anvil. It fell short.

the Valdez tugs can't reach it." The AI laid another line showing how far
the tugs could push the launch. "If we ran them in series we might, but it
would be a one way trip for one of the tugs." She ran that plan and he
shrugged it off.

I get it. SO we need a longer range craft. A full system tug or pinnace."
He exhaled trying to think.

look into it and get back to you," Sprite said as the door opened. Logan
came in and tossed his cane in the corner.

see you've heard Admiral, if you're here to ask about the shields..."
Logan shook his head wearily. "Won't stop an angry gnat for long, we just
don't have the materials." Logan sighed as he tapped the replicator.
"Coffee? Or do you want something stronger?" he asked.

On second thought, yes, Coffee, I think it's going to be one of those
days," Irons replied. Logan gave him a knowing look and widening smile.

it looks that way," he chuckled. "Wanna bet the rats will try
deserting on the ship first chance they get?" He pointed up to the ceiling
as he handed the Admiral the steaming mug. Irons chuckled.

I'll bet they will. I'm actually hoping they do, it would clear some of the
dead weight out." He shook his head in thought.

we're really lucky the so called Port Admiral will join them," Logan
growled as he sat down. "Damn parasites." He shook his head.
"We've got three point defense lasers, a couple tractors, and the particle
shields, nothing to stand up to a ship. Even a pinnace could tear this station
a new one." Logan shook his head. "You think this is legit?" he

The Admiral took a sip of coffee and looked at it for a moment. He sighed then
met Logan's eyes. "Yes, there is something to it, that sounds right. Call
it a gut feeling for now. Io was running from a pirate when she picked me up. I
caught some references to other pirates preying on systems when I was on Io and
here on the station. It sounds right." He shook his head. "It was
only a matter of time before someone got smart and pulled a stunt like this. I
mean think about it!" He waved. "A couple ships could hold a world
hostage. Hammer them from above with rocks. Strip them clean. It could be a rogue
colony behind it or some greedy putz pulling the strings," he said

didn't we have this problem in our time? Looks like the more times change, the
more they stay the same," Logan grunted, studying his cup for a moment and
then gulped his coffee down.

nodded. "Yeah, sounds about right." He looked out the window.

Logan asked softly.

Irons went back to looking at Logan. The old man was staring, intent.
"She's our best shot. Possibly our only shot for that matter. Going to be
tight, getting in is just the easy part. Hell getting there is going to be a
pain." He shook his head. "Repairing her in time... Training a
crew." He sighed sitting back. "Damn."

door opened and Shelby came in. She tossed herself into a chair with a huff and
sigh, closing her eyes. "I miss anything important?" she asked after
a moment, opening her eyes.

father chuckled. "Nice to see you too honey. No, we're just trying to come
up with a game plan. Only one is viable now," he said with a grimace.

mean Firefly right?" Shelby studied her father then turned the look on the
Admiral. “You're serious about that? Admiral it's a long shot at best. Hail
Mary I think they called it?”

quick," Irons chuckled finishing his coffee.

after her mother that way," Logan replied.

buttering me up daddy and give. Are we going after her?" she asked
drumming her fingers on the tabletop impatiently.

probably," he replied.

I'm going." Shelby looked at her father. Irons opened his mouth then
closed it when Logan sighed shaking his head and held up a hand. 

use trying to convince her otherwise Admiral, once she sets her mind to
something, the entire universe better get out of the way." He smiled.
"Takes after her mom in that way too," he chuckled. Irons chuckled as

right, I've got to get the launch rebuilt and tested. We need a long range tug
to get us there, fuel, parts, and a crew." He looked over to Shelby.
"Other than you and I." She nodded. "You understand I am in
charge right?" Shelby stared.

a Federation Warship," Logan said softly to his daughter. Slowly she

want in, you can be in, but if you want command on her decks you’re going to
have to sign up." Logan sucked in a protesting breath as the Admiral
finished quietly. "I think you should know that starting now." He
locked eyes with her. Slowly she nodded, eyes glowing.

always wanted to rebuild the Federation, I thought it was a pipe dream until
now. I'm in." She smiled at him. The smile was more of a predators grin
with only a hint of humor.

Logan tried to protest.

looked over to her father. "We can talk about it if you want daddy, but
..." She left the thought hanging. Slowly her father deflated.

Stubborn.." He sighed. "See?" He turned to Irons who nodded
smiling a little.

need it. Check the crew for volunteers. Don't tell them for what. We're going
to need a range of specialties. Power, life support, EVA techs too, though I
can handle some of it if needed." He nodded as he stood. "I'm going
to check the launch and then get an update from Ops. let me know if you need
me." He smiled as he left.


Chapter 11


in here Admiral?" O'Reilly's voice echoed in the bay a few hours later.

grunted. "Right here." Over the past two weeks since the Io crew had
left him the launch he had spent a whopping five hours on her. It wasn't for
lack of trying to find the time, it was just that there were other more crucial
projects to work on. The crew of Io had left her cargo bay and passenger
section stuffed with parts they hadn't finished assembling. He had sorted it
out onto the deck and started to install it but it looked like someone had
gotten into mischief while he had been preoccupied.

see Sergio tried to help again." O'Reilly studied the plasma drive and
shook his head.

makes you say that?" The Admiral asked tightly as he tugged out a coupler
and set it aside.

wouldn't be pulling it apart. Not to mention swearing up a blue streak while
you did it. Besides I saw him in here trying to piece it together the other
night." O'Reilly replied cheerful. "Going to take her to a nearby
derelict?" he asked. "No, she doesn't have the legs or life support.
Silly me." He shook his head chuckling to himself. The Admiral paused and
studied the man. He seemed nervous, he was hiding his nervousness with humor.
"Do you have a crew in mind?" O'Reilly asked, clearing his throat.

you volunteering?" Irons asked, wiping a spot of grease off of the leading

actually, I think I will." He studied the man for a moment. "I'm not
crackers Admiral, if that's what you’re thinking. I just think I need to do
something to protect my family. And if that means stretching my neck out a bit
to try to get a ship or two?" O'Reilly shrugged.

keep that in mind," Irons smiled. "On one condition, keep Sergio AWAY
from that." He pointed to the launch. O'Reilly chuckled hands apart.

do my best Admiral. I suggest a lock," he waved to the door. 
"Seriously though, I'll do it." O'Reilly smiled at him.

You, me, Shelby, that's three," Irons shook his head.

forget Sergio, no way is he going to be left out. The lad has been drooling
over this craft since they delivered it," O'Reilly laughed. The Admiral

don't think that would go over well with the rest of the family," he said,
grimacing then running his hand though his hair.

true, but I think his mother would rather he went than put up with his whining
and moping." O'Reilly shook his head.

sound pretty sure of that." O'Reilly jumped as Mrs. Valdez came in.

can go. If that craft can fly." She waved a dishtowel to the launch then

the change of heart?" O'Reilly asked. "Not that I'm complaining or
anything..." He spread his hands apart as she turned on him.

going to ream him a new one over this latest escapade, but his father is right,
he is a man now, it's time I started loosening up a little." Suddenly she
was there in O'Reilly's face shaking a fist under his chin. "That stays
between us right?" She locked eyes with him until he gulped.

ma'am." She turned to the Admiral who nodded solemnly.

She stepped back and smoothed her apron. "Supper will be ready in a few
minutes. Admiral, you better wash up." She gave him a long look and he
chuckled. "I'll be right along." He shook his head laughing softly as
he followed them out.


took their seats around the conference table a few hours later and looked to
Enrique. The exec cleared his throat to begin.

gotten word from the Yacht, she's docked with Sergio. He's fine, a bit sore,
seems he had a pretty bad cramp the last couple hours, nothing serious."
Enrique shook his head as he continued. "They've vampired his tug and load
and should be at the station in about three hours. The news they are bringing
isn't good however," he said sitting down. "They took damage in
Agnosta, it seems they had a close call with a pirate before they crossed the
hyper wall. They are loaded with wounded." He looked over to the Doc who

the ship or planet or whatever?" she asked.

they never made it to orbit." Enrique shook his head.

are they handling it?”

sickbay is overwhelmed. Some are in stasis. Non criticals are in their bunks or
at their duty stations.”

word on the pirates?" someone asked.

much. Several ships are confirmed, but none of the crew were really paying
attention to gathering information. They were too busy, scared to death and
running across the system to our warp point to take careful readings." He
shook his head.

they could have run somewhere else," someone muttered.

here," several replied.

down folks," Enrique growled. "Look, I don't like it either, but what
is done is done, and at least we're getting a warning. I bet the people of
Agnosta didn't." He sighed as he sat back.

I mean they have an entire planet to hide on! What can we do!" the
communications tech waved her arms. "We're defenseless!" She shook
her head. "We can't hide! There are nineteen thousand people here!"

Admiral nodded. "We and the other colonies can step down power and life
support to low levels and try to hide, but if they have neutrino detectors or
just good intelligence that wont fool them for long." He looked at the
crew looking at him with a mix of hope and fear. "I need more information,
we need to know what we are up against, and we need more materials to work
with." He held up a tablet.

and Shelby are doing their part. The industrial replicators that were working
are back online. I've made a start at rebuilding the others, but I'm only one
person, I can't be in several places at the same time," he said. "But
the replicators are almost useless without the materials we need. We need special
materials, preferably processed. The material the Valdez family is bringing in
is nice, but it is in raw form and most of it is not the rare material we
need." He looked over to Enrique who nodded. "We've got some good
news on that front. We have several trade requests. It seems Knox's interview
with you bore some fruit. Most of it is for reactor or life support parts, but
we're charging a premium for it in raw or processed materials." He handed
the Admiral a tablet. "They're desperate so they are going with it. Logan
has already started building what we don't have on hand. Jorge is taking the
first shipment out to the nearest  colony at the start of next shift." He

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