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Authors: Paulette Oakes

Fool That I Am (14 page)

BOOK: Fool That I Am
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“Absolutely, Mr. Worthington. I will pass your message on to
Daniel Petrosky and he will be looking forward to your membership with The
Silver Knight. Thank you again for your help in this matter,” Hank Nelson
replied before hanging up the phone with a satisfied grin.



The rest of the week flew by for Billie. Along with her
regular hectic schedule of work and kids, she was also fielding multiple calls
and text messages from Daniel, Diana, Inga, and Marcus to work out the kinks in
the show. Since there was so much left to do and rehearsals that needed to be
done, Billie took a rare two days off from work on Thursday and Friday in order
to go to Louisville and prepare. Chad had initially agreed to keep the kids and
take them school as well as keeping them for his full weekend, but had backed
out via text at the last minute with no explanation. As was typical for him, he
wouldn’t answer her desperate and angry phone calls or texts and she refused to
track him down through his mother or Sam. Thankfully, her parents were more
than happy to keep their grandkids for an extended visit with promises of
making cookies and drinking hot chocolate.

Daniel had generously offered to put her up in a hotel for
Thursday and Friday night during rehearsals, never once asking her to stay with
him in his home. She was grateful for his thoughtfulness and her heart warmed
toward him even more. He was so patient with her and never pressed her to go
further than she was willing to go. He was such a gentleman, and for that she
was ready to reward him. If all went well during the performance Saturday
night, she was going to ask him to take her home…for the night. Connie was
right: she had to take a step forward with him or let him go altogether. Daniel
was everything she could ever want in a man, and his kisses made her breath
catch and her heart race. She was ready for the next step forward in her life
with a man who wanted her, even if she still wanted someone else.

Thursday was a whirlwind of activity as all the performers
gathered at the club to rehearse. Billie had a wonderful time watching,
listening, and getting to know the other acts. Johnny Bello was, as usual, his
flirty and charming self, even if he affected a boozy, womanizing stereotype of
Dean Martin. Lana St. John, a petite young woman with a stylish blonde pixie
haircut and delicate features, was a classically-trained pianist that
specialized in more modern pop and folk music much like Zooey Deschanel. She
was shy until she gained the stage and began to play the piano while her
lilting voice carried across the club to enchant those that listened. Marcus
and his band, the Move Kings, were a rowdy group of men across the spectrum of
race and age who had been playing together for years. They would be playing for
both Johnny’s set and for Billie’s act, as well as, accompanying Lana on a few
of hers.

Even though it was a Christmas-themed concert, they all
decided that an entire night of just Christmas music would be tedious and
boring. Each of the performers chose two holiday songs to sing, and then chose
other songs that they felt would showcase their talents the best. Billie, being
the new kid on the block, allowed the other performers to choose their
favorites first, then selected her own songs. Johnny, to no one’s surprise,
White Christmas
and also asked Lana to accompany him on
Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth
as sung by David Bowie and Bing Crosby.
It was one of Billie’s favorite songs and they performed it wonderfully. Lana
then chose
Silent Night
which brought goose bumps to Billie’s arms when
her pure, angelic voice mixed with her haunting melody on the piano. Billie,
other than her duet with Johnny, decided on
Have Yourself a Merry Little
, which was her other favorite carol since it spoke of being with
your loved ones during the holidays.

 Daniel and Diana were frequent visitors to the
rehearsals offering encouragement, critique, advice, and applause. Per
“Valerie’s” request, Daniel maintained a professional demeanor in front of the
other acts, even though it was common knowledge that they were seeing each
other outside of the club. This was made apparent during their casual lunch
that had been catered and delivered to the club by a local deli.

As they were chatting over bites of chicken salad sandwiches
and homemade salt and vinegar chips, Lana said, “So Valerie, what’s it like to
be dating Kentucky’s most eligible bachelor? I bet it’s amazing and exciting,
isn’t it? Has he lavished you with lots of expensive gifts?” She was so young and
shiny, like a new penny, and full of romantic ideas about love.

Billie, still not used to being called by her stage name,
replied thoughtfully, “Well, we haven’t been seeing each other that long, Lana.
He’s a wonderful man and very generous, but I’m not interested in his money. In
fact,” she confessed, “I’m actually pretty intimidated by his wealth.”

Johnny, having blatantly eavesdropped on their conversation,
added his two cents. “Come now, Valerie. You can’t expect me to believe that a
man with loaded pockets isn’t what you want. Isn’t that what all girls dream
of? A rich, handsome man to sweep them off their feet and take care of their
every need?”

Billie narrowed her eyes on the Italian older man with
alcohol-soaked breath. “Maybe girls dream of that, but most
realize that they can take care of themselves just fine. It doesn’t take long
before we realize that what may appear to be a knight in shining armor is
really just an idiot wearing aluminum foil.”

Marcus, the band, and Lana laughed uproariously while Johnny
grinned sheepishly and toasted her with his drink. Billie softened her sharp
words with a smile and they spent the rest of the day in companionable high
spirits as they sang and practiced their placement and sets.

By the time rehearsals ended for the day, Billie was
pleasantly exhausted, but still eager to go out with Daniel. Rightly sensing
that she wasn’t up for anything high profile, he took her to the cinema to see
the latest action flick starring Jason Statham followed by a quiet dinner at a
cozy little Asian fusion bistro. The night was crisp, but not so cold that it
prevented them from strolling down the bustling 4
Street with
other young couples looking for a good time. They talked, laughed, and stopped
to listen to a few live bands before Daniel called for a cab to take them back
to her hotel room at The Brown Hotel.

Standing in front of her door, he gazed into Billie’s lovely
face that was pink with the cold and couldn’t stop himself from lowering his
face to hers to kiss her tenderly. She eagerly kissed him back and did not
protest when he slipped his arms around her and pulled her into his body while
deepening the kiss. She was so soft and her lips tasted like apple-flavored
Chap Stick. But even though she responded to his touch, he still felt that
there was a fire and a passion that was missing. Far from discouraging him, he
thrilled to the challenge of winning her over. He was a man that always got
what he wanted, and what he wanted was her.




Friday and Saturday went by in a whirlwind of activity.
Billie relented on her stance of not using the built-in spa at the club,
especially since Lana was participating, too. The two ladies spent several
hours being pampered with volcanic hot stone massages, facials, pedicures, and
manicures. As they sat in neighboring chairs with their feet soaking in hot,
bubbling water while sipping mimosas and enjoying the warm, aromatic neck wrap,
the two singers relaxed and allowed themselves to be pampered.

Releasing a long, satisfied sigh, Billie wondered aloud,
“Why on earth do people do drugs when they can just go to the spa? I can’t
imagine anything making me feel more relaxed and blissful than this.”

Taking a sip of her drink, Lana replied, “Well, I can think
of one thing, but this is definitely a close second!”

Billie laughed lightly at the younger woman’s wiggling
eyebrows. “You must have had better luck than I have, then. I can’t remember
ever having sex that was better than that massage earlier.”

Lana goggled at her comically. “Oh, Valerie! I don’t know if
I should feel sorry for you, or book your masseuse! What about Daniel?”

Billie could have slapped herself upside the head for
opening her big mouth. However, Lana had proven to be honest and refreshingly
open about her life with Billie the last two days, so she decided to return the
favor. “Daniel and I are taking things slowly, so I can’t use him as a
comparison. Even at this stage in my life, I have very little experience in
that area. I met my ex-husband when we were still in high school, so he was my
first and only up until our divorce three years ago. In that time, there have
been a few others, but nothing I would call earth-shattering.”

Lana cast pitying eyes on her. “I’m so sorry to hear that,
Val. Now I kind of feel like a slut, because I’m already in the double digits
and I’m just twenty-three years old. Maybe Daniel will be the one to finally
show you what all the fuss is about! I know plenty of women that would love to
find out for sure,” she said with a saucy wink.

Billie didn’t take any offense at the perky woman’s words.
Actually, she kind of hoped that the younger girl was right. The only thing
that scared her was that she had only felt that all-consuming passion once in
her life: when she had been pulled into Sam’s arms that fateful night all those
weeks ago. No matter how many kisses and embraces she shared with Daniel, it
never came close to making her feel like she had that one time with Sam. Oh,
her heart beat faster and she enjoyed his caresses, but they didn’t set her on
fire. That was just fine with Billie, though. That kind of emotion couldn’t be
controlled or predicted. What she had with Daniel was reliable and steadfast.
At least she wouldn’t be left devastated if things didn’t work out between
them. She could make it out relatively unscathed.

Somehow that thought didn’t sit as well with her as it
should have as she spent another quiet evening in Daniel’s company, this time
sitting in a jazz club sipping wine and meeting new people. She really liked
him as a person and could tell he liked her, too. That could be enough,
couldn’t it? She didn’t have to have the fireworks and chemistry, did she? No,
she didn’t need that in her life. She’d had enough drama and heartache to last
her three lifetimes. This was better. Daniel was steady and reliable. He was
safe. Yet even that thought brought her little comfort as she lay in her bed
that night and thought of someone else.



“Dude, I still can’t believe you scored us two tickets to
get into The Silver Knight!” Chad exclaimed for what seemed like the millionth

Derrick nodded absently, not caring to reply again as he
pulled his black Dodge pickup into the valet parking. After handing off the
keys to a young, liveried employee wearing black and silver, Sam and Chad made
their way into the club and followed the well-dressed crowd toward the double
doors marked “The Platinum King.” Both men were dressed to the nines with Chad
sporting a rented tux, paid for by Sam, of course, and Sam wearing a tailored,
designer suit that he purchased just for this occasion. He had even allowed his
mother to give him a proper haircut, too, so that he would blend better with
the wealthy crowd. Chad, always hyper-aware of his appearance, was already
flashing his charming smile at any woman who looked his way.

When they reached the doors of the club, he gave his name to
the beautiful blonde-haired woman with a list and she directed them to their
table. He couldn’t help but be impressed by the sheer elegant atmosphere of the
place. With the round tables set up on a tiered decline toward the stage, it
reminded him of all the Rat Pack movies he had watched as a kid. The staff had
done a wonderful job decorating the room with festive greenery, red
poinsettias, twinkling lights, and centerpieces of holly wreaths with a large,
red pillar candles flickering with soft light. The crowded room held a definite
air of festivity as the rich and powerful talked, laughed, drank, and ate.

Sam and Chad found themselves sitting at a large round table
with several other people that greeted them with friendly encouragement to
introduce themselves. It wasn’t long before Sam was deep in conversation with another
man at the table who owned a large architectural firm in Louisville. They
discussed the state of construction since the recession and how Worthington
Construction was a growing firm until Sam ended up with a business card and a
promise from the man to contact him the next time a bid was on the table. Chad,
meanwhile, had managed to charm his way into the good graces of one of the
cougars at the table who had diamonds dripping from her throat, wrist, and
fingers. Sam tried not to roll his eyes at his friend’s obvious ploy to butter
up a rich, older woman.

Before he knew it, dinner was being served and he devoured
every bite of the succulent beef tenderloin, white cheddar scalloped potatoes,
and fresh green beans with almond slivers. The conversation was engaging, the
food delicious, and the drinks free-flowing and ice cold. In fact, Chad was
well on his way to being soused as he polished off his third Jack and Coke.
Since he knew he had to drive, Sam took it easy and sipped his drink slowly
before switching to regular soda. Plus, he wanted to be sober enough to keep
Chad from showing his ass if he got too drunk.

Promptly at eight, the club lights were lowered even more,
and a wave of anticipation went through the crowd as the spotlight shone on the
old-fashioned microphone stand in the center of the stage. At this signal, a
suave man that could have stepped off the pages of
squeezed through
the curtains and approached the mic.

With a wide grin and self-deprecating wave to the crowd when
a few wolf-whistles and clapping broke out, the man addressed them, “Good
evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to The Platinum King for our first
annual Christmas Gala benefiting St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital!”

At this, the crowd broke into excited applause with more
whistling and cheers. “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Daniel
Petrosky and I am the owner of this fine establishment. Tonight, we have some
of your favorite club performers on the stage for a very special show. First,
we’ll start the evening with the ethereal and haunting melodies sung by Lana
St. John!” Daniel paused for more clapping and cheers.  Pausing for
another moment to build up the excitement, he continued, “Then prepare
yourselves for our favorite crooner and lady-swooner, Johnny Bello!” After this
announcement, many of the women in the crowd cheered loudly and clapped.
“Finally, by popular demand, we will close our show with the newest performer,
the sexy and soulful Valerie Jones!” he belted. Wild applause, cheers, hoots,
and whistles split the air causing Sam and Chad to look around with

When the noise had died down some, Daniel continued, “As
usual, we have the hugely talented Marcus and the Move Kings in the house
tonight to accompany our singers. We hope that everyone enjoys the show and
please feel free to dance, sing along, and most importantly, have a wonderful

Applause thundered across the club as he exited the stage.
The heavy red velvet curtains were pulled back to reveal a large stage with a
full band including a baby grand piano, drum set, guitars, brass section, and
even a few strings. The crowd grew hushed with an expectant feel as a petite,
pixie of a woman wearing a strapless, green sequined gown stood frozen in the
middle of the stage with her eyes closed. Very softly, one of the band members
began to play on a violin while a percussionist gently set the chimes to
dancing. Suddenly, her head lifted, her eyes opened to reveal pale blue irises
surrounded with long lashes, and she began to sing, “Silent night, holy night,
all is calm, all is bright,” as her pure, clear voice cut through the last of
the murmurs in the crowd. She held them spellbound for several moments as she
slowly walked over to the piano and began to play along with the song. Sam had
chills running up his spine and Chad’s eyes were riveted to where she sat at
the piano. After that song, she played more modern fare along the lines of
Norah Jones, Sarah McLachlan, and Alicia Keys. Her voice and her performance
gave the feeling of warmth, love, and innocence that drew people in and
captured their attention. The younger crowd especially seemed to enjoy her
since her music was more familiar to them. In between songs, she spoke eagerly
and quickly with her eyes crinkling with her smile.

After much applause and many different songs, she addressed
the crowd. “I want to thank all of you so much for your support and efforts in
contributing to the children’s hospital. It was my pleasure to entertain you
this evening, but now we are down to my last song,” she said, smiling prettily
when many of the audience members groaned audibly. “This is one of my very
favorite Christmas songs,” she continued, her fingers stroking the keys
reverently. “Please welcome our next performer, Johnny Bello, to the stage so
he can sing with me!”

Wild cries rose from the crowd as a tall, older man dressed
in a retro tuxedo strolled out onto the stage to join her by her piano. He
waved gallantly, flashing his startlingly white teeth in a wide grin. When the
crowd quieted, Lana continued to play as they jointly began to sing, “Come they
told me, pa rum pum pum pum, a newborn king to see, pa rum pum pum pum…” After
the chorus, Johnny continued to softly sing the same words as Lana’s crystal
voice rose above his to sing, “Peace on Earth, can it be, years from now,
perhaps we’ll see…” Marcus and Move Kings played along until the melody swelled
at the bridge. When they finished the song, the club erupted in wild applause
as Lana approached the middle of the stage, curtsied, and blew kisses to the

 After she had exited the stage, Johnny approached the
mic and took several moments to speak to the crowd, flirt with the ladies, and
toast the men before he gave Marcus the cue to begin. At the band director’s
cue, they began to play a familiar tune. Sam smiled in anticipation as he began
to sing, “How lucky can one guy be, I kissed her and she kissed me, like a
fella once said, ain’t that a kick in the head…”  The women went wild as
he swaggered and crooned, winked and blew kisses, all while portraying every
stereotype of Rat Pack Italian heartthrob from the tumbler of scotch in his
hand to the fedora on his head. Sam had to admit that he was quite good and did
all the old songs justice, especially when he filled the dance floor while
Strangers in the Night
. Chad eagerly took advantage of the
lovely “hostesses” that strolled around the room and had already partnered with
three different women while swaying across the floor. Sam politely declined
several offers from the women employed by the club, but did take a spin with an
older woman from his table when her gray-haired husband nodded off during

After about 45 minutes of hit songs, Johnny began to wind
down. Sam was having a great time and Chad was now fully into his cups, but so
far he had managed to not embarrass himself or Sam…yet. After another few
moments flirting with the crowd, Johnny said, “Folks, it’s been pure magic
being with you tonight. For my final number, I would like to sing a little
Christmas song for you, but I think I may need some help. What do you say we
bring Valerie Jones out to sing it with me?” Loud, thunderous applause, sharp
whistles, and even a few shouts greeted his words. Laughing roguishly, Johnny
winked and said, “I know just how you feel, fellas. Not only is she beautiful,
but she sings like a dream, too. Please welcome to the stage, Miss Valerie

The band struck up a song as Sam’s pulse inexplicably began
to speed up. The noise level increased as a stunning, curvaceous woman with
long waves of shiny brunette hair sashayed onto the stage. She was wearing a
form-hugging red halter dress with a plunging neckline studded with crystal-cut
gems, a wide band of the same gems forming a band underneath her breasts, yet
leaving most of her back, shoulders, and arms completely bare. The dress was
long, trailing on the stage, but a slit traveled all the way up to mid-thigh
giving stealthy glimpses of her long, tanned leg and sparkling silver heels.
Her eyes were smoky dark and her lipstick and fingernails were a matching red
to her dress and a fortune in diamonds dangled from her earlobes. She was sex
on heels as she waved at the crowd, and she was also very familiar.

As Valerie Jones began sing “I really can’t stay” and Johnny
answered, “But baby, it’s cold outside”, Sam sat in stunned silence. Chad had
no such problem. With slurred incredulity, he exclaimed, “What the fuck is
Billie doing on the stage?”

Burt Coomer, the architect at their table, leaned closer to
Sam and said, “She’s amazing, isn’t she? This is the third time I’ve heard her
perform and she still makes my jaw drop, too.”

Sam snapped his mouth closed and watched in awe as the woman
he’d loved for years became a different person on the stage. Valerie Jones was
a sultry tease as her bedroom voice mixed naturally with that of the crooner.
She cut her eyes at Johnny, ran her hand along his chest, and even leaned back
against him to look up at him in invitation. Gazing around the audience, he
took in the enraptured, lustful eyes of the male, and even a few female,
audience members until his eyes landed on a familiar face. Across the room, he
could see Connie Vasquez running her foot up the leg of some guy that looked
like he just stepped out of the octagon. He should have known she would be

The enthusiastic applause of the audience as Johnny made his
exit finally seemed to snap him out of his shock. As “Valerie” began to sing
Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
, he turned to Chad who was downing the
last of his drink without ever taking his eyes from the stage.

“If she had ever looked like that while we were still
married, I would have never cheated on her,” he slurred drunkenly.

Before Sam could rebuke him or defend her in any way, the
cougar that Chad had flirted with earlier leaned in closer to him and said,
“Wait a minute. Did you just say that you used to be married to Valerie Jones?”

“No,” Sam said at the same time Chad said, “Yes.” They
glared at each other for several moments before Chad drunkenly scooted his chair
closer to the woman’s. In a false whisper, he slurred, “But her name isn’t
really Valerie Jones.”

A bright gleam of fierce curiosity sparked in her eyes as
she replied, “I don’t believe we were properly introduced. My name is Tanya
Delaney and I would love to buy you another drink, Mr….?”

Chad stifled a burp before replying, “Hardesty. Chad
Hardesty, at your service, madam,” he grinned smarmily as she flagged down a

Sam felt his blood pressure begin to climb as he stood up
and stalked away from the table in search of answers.

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