Flynn, Joyee - A Zane Po' Boy [The O'Hagan Way 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (8 page)

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - A Zane Po' Boy [The O'Hagan Way 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“So it’s frightening to have people you care about surround ya or gang up on ya,” Brian surmised with an understanding nod. “And fear not be logical so ya not knowing we would never harm ya either.”

“I guess.” I shrugged again. What else could I say to try and defend my fucked-up mind? “It’s not like I think you will hurt me or anything. But when I feel surrounded or ganged up on, I wig out. When I’m fighting demons, I have weapons and I’ll use them. With you guys, it’s more an instinct to run. That’s why I wouldn’t let you claim me when we met.”

“Ya thought we would hurt ya?” Banning asked, his eyes wide with shock.

“No, but there was two against my one, and I freaked. I needed a moment to think and you misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I just meant I couldn’t jump right into mating. I needed time to process that I had two mates. And I felt you needed to know the truth about my past before claiming me as well.”

“We’re so sorry,” Brian whispered, his eyes overflowing with tears. Eventually one spilled over and slid down his cheek. “We totally flew off the handle and jumped to conclusions. We should have been better mates and listened to you.”

“We all made mistakes on this one. I just needed you to understand when you blew up why I couldn’t go after you then. I thought—”

“Ya might be walking right into the same situation like ya past with the way we acted.” Banning looked as if he’d been kicked in the nuts he was in so much pain, but I wasn’t going to lie. I nodded, glancing back down at my plate.

“I couldn’t make my feet move. I couldn’t go after you. I was so scared,” I whispered, feeling as if someone should take away my badass warrior card. “And you both got so mad. Two of you to my one and I froze.”

“We understand. We knew we misunderstood ya and walked away. Once Isaac told us we didn’t hear ya right, we were never mad ya didn’t come after us.” Brian shook his head in frustration. “Hell, I wouldn’t have come after us either.”

“I just needed you to know why I didn’t run after you. I thought it was important you understand.” It seemed they already did even without my additional explanation. I started to feel foolish, like the guy who shares too much when not asked or appropriate. And I didn’t know what to do.

“I be glad ya told us,” Brian said with a smile. “It’s important that we know about each other so we don’t inadvertently hurt each other again.”

“I feel stupid telling you now. You weren’t mad at me anyways,” I mumbled, stuffing the rest of my food in my mouth so I was occupied.

“No, we needed to know this, Zane,” Banning replied firmly. “And I want to ask how ya ended up at the warrior compound. Ya made it sound like there was more to the story.”

“Yeah, there is.” I glanced up at them and sighed in defeat. Both their faces were serious, as if letting me know there was no way I was getting out of this one. “I transitioned. How old I was, I don’t know. Maybe fifteen or sixteen, the doctors guessed.”

“What age do ya say ya are?” Brian asked gently.

“Isaac deemed me to be sixteen when we met so he could teach me how to drive. He was the first friend I made when I came to the compound. So that makes me ninety-nine. I’ll be one hundred on New Year’s.”

“That be ya birthday?” Brian was trying so hard, but it was a sensitive topic.

“I don’t know. Isaac gave me that one because he said it was the time for new beginnings and was trying to make me leave my past behind me.”

“He be a good, smart friend.” Banning gave me a warm smile, and suddenly I didn’t feel so stupid. “So, ya were saying about ya transition.” He was trying not to be intrusive, which I appreciated, but he was still curious.

“Most warriors are born of warrior family, like the Mariuses. I was an anomaly. It was a rough transition, mostly because of the living conditions my parents kept us in. But when I was done, I look a lot like I do now, too tall for the weight on me, not filled out yet. My parents were
. They beat me badly and kicked me out, screaming that I was nothing but a shameful bastard.”

Brian gasped, his hand fluttering to his mouth. Banning was the one to speak.

“It be an honor for a warrior to be born in a family.”

“Not to my fucked-up family.” I chuckled bitterly. “I wandered around New York City, where I was from, until I smelled other vampires. I followed the scent and they called the East Coast Council. They sent someone for me, and I was taken back to the warrior compound. After they helped me, giving me the blood and food I needed, I started training.”

“How long after your transition did you finally get blood?” Brian asked quietly. I knew why he did. We needed it immediately after, our bodies hurting and craving it.

“A week.” Both my mates winced, understanding the immense pain it had caused me. “And the rest is history, so to speak.” I glanced down at my empty plate, unable to watch as their expressions turned to pity…like everyone’s did when they heard my story.

Chapter 5


Our mate was in such pain that I didn’t even realize what I was going to do until I was already doing it. I stood and closed the space between us, taking his plate and setting it back on the table. Then I moved back to the bed. It wasn’t as soft as I would have liked, but the comforter and the pillows were soft and inviting, a pretty shade of green, too. I pushed Zane to lie down on one side of it before crawling on the other side.

“We stay on this side, no surrounding ya,” I said gently when he gazed up at me with questioning eyes. “No biting or claiming. We’re just gonna ease ya into getting comfortable with both of us near ya.”

“I don’t know how,” he whispered, his face filling with fear.

“Just like ya did earlier,” Brian replied as he joined me on the bed. “We make ya feel uncomfortable in any way and ya tell us. We won’t judge ya or get mad, me mate.”

“Okay.” Zane nodded and took a shaky breath, letting it out slowly as he relaxed back against the pillows on the bed. I was lying horizontally across the top of the bed as Brian sat toward the bottom, rubbing his hand up Zane’s leg in comfort. I moved me hands up his chest, scooting a little closer.

“We’d never hurt ya,” I said quietly as I lowered me face down to his. He nodded before tilting his head ever so slightly so his lips met mine. Just as it was earlier, the kiss was explosive for one so calm. I wanted to take everything so much further and fuck our mate into the mattress, but he needed gentle and slow. Neither were me strong points, but I was willing to try for him.

I moved me hands to the bottom of his shirt, giving him ample time to stop me. When he didn’t I slowly tucked me fingers beneath the cotton fabric and peeled it off of him, breaking the kiss for a second so I could get it over his head. Then I whipped off me own shirt and moved for more contact with him. Zane growled and deepened the kiss. I let him take control, knowing he needed it more than anything right then.

When his hips lifted, I glanced down and saw Brian had lost his shirt as well and was removing our mate’s pants. I felt a thrill of relief run through me. This could work. Our mate wouldn’t shut us out always as long as we were patient with him.

“Can I rim ya, me mate?” Brian asked in between kisses along Zane’s now-naked thighs.

“Yes please,” he groaned, his whole body giving a shudder, anticipating the pleasure.

“And I will blow ya,” I purred as I started licking me way along his collarbone.

“Okay,” our mate almost squeaked. I smiled to myself. That was a high pitch for such a big man, and we were the cause of it. That was a total ego boost. And I also realized if he’d had problems with too many people around him at once, then he’d never had two men please him at once. I liked that we were giving our mate something he’d never had before.

I really fucking liked it.

Brian moved between Zane’s legs, pushing them back and to the side so he could get at our mate’s hole. That was a sight I wanted to see very badly, but it would have to wait. Our mate needed slow and a little tenderness.

I kissed me way down his chest, stopping to play with his nipples a bit. I admired how they had become perky pink discs in his aroused state. Then I kept moving down, licking along every muscle and healing wound I saw. Zane was panting and moaning, his dark green eyes echoing the lust in mine and his head thrashing from side to side. His blond hair was damp, and I noticed some beads of sweat dripping down his temple. I knew he was getting close. Time to stop teasing him or I’d miss the whole show.

Moving his left leg back toward Brian and over me twin’s shoulder, I swallowed down Zane’s cock. He cried out and came up off the bed. If that didn’t make a man feel like a god, I didn’t know what did. I applied gentle pressure on his swollen, throbbing flesh. I wanted to do a cartwheel and the jig at the same time. I was finally getting to be intimate with our mate!

It didn’t take long for Zane to come. He tugged on me hair, which was also slick with sweat from me exertions, giving me the warning. I shook me head and sucked on him harder. He screamed our names and shot down me throat. I swallowed every drop, moaning in pleasure. I couldn’t even imagine how great his blood would taste if I enjoyed his cum this much.

When he was cleaned up, I pulled back off of him, his softening cock leaving me mouth with a loud pop. Brian was smiling at a job well done as he sat up, three of his fingers still inside of Zane. It seemed he ate our mate’s ass while fingering it as well. No wonder Zane was so quick on the draw.

Glancing up at him, I saw Zane’s eyes were wide, glazed over as he gasped for air. “Brian, fuck me,” Zane panted as he took me head and pulled me toward him. “I want to suck you off, too.”

“Won’t that be too much? Both of us at once already?” Brian asked hesitantly. I shot him a glance. Why did he have to always be so damn understanding? I cared for Zane, too. It wasn’t me fault I didn’t always know the right thing to say. I would have taken Zane at his word and trusted that he knew what he was ready for.

“You’re both on the same side of me,” Zane answered with a smile. His breathing had returned to normal. “I can handle that, and I want to please my mates as they did me.”

“Oh thank fuck,” Brian groaned, pulling his fingers out of Zane’s ass and using the extra slick on his cock. I must have missed where he’d gotten lube from, but it didn’t matter when I realized Zane was trying to bring me closer to his mouth as his big hand pressed on the small of me back. I was about to get me own fun.

Though, if I was willing to be petty and admit it…it bugged me that Brian was getting to have sex with Zane first. And then suddenly I didn’t care. Zane wrapped his lips around me cock and I couldn’t have cared if the room was burning down around us.

I braced me hands against the wall when he slid one of me legs over his chest to straddle him. Me hips and body were screaming to thrust. It took every ounce of control not to. I couldn’t risk hurting me mate, most importantly. Secondly, if he felt that I was pushing him too hard, he might wig out and that would undo everything we’d been trying to do.

It was also incredibly difficult because Brian was pounding into his ass at such a fast pace I had trouble keeping me balance. It wasn’t like I was straddling a little guy. Oh no, me mate had a broad, sexy chest. I did the best I could while enjoying me blow job, deciding holding back was well worth the pleasure I was getting.

And it was a
of pleasure. Zane knew what he was doing. It made me wonder how many men he’d been with. Pushing aside the disturbing thought, I tried to focus on me mate, taking in all of the perfect features that made up his face and the sweat glistening in his hair. It got easier the closer to climaxing I got.

“Fuck! Ya mouth be heaven,” I groaned, me sac drawing up against me body. I heard Brian cry out behind me and smelled our mate’s release. That was all it took to throw me into me orgasm. “Zane!”

I came down his throat, moaning as he kept sucking as each wave hit me. I didn’t realize how tightly wound I was until I finally felt sated, relaxed. When I was spent, I quickly fell to the side of him, careful not to fall on his face or hurt him.

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - A Zane Po' Boy [The O'Hagan Way 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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