Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation (74 page)

BOOK: Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation
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literary attack on mother over her negro lover
literary mythologizing of
living in Lamothe Fénélon in later years
living in Paris
loses virginity
marriage to Fairbairn
Moore as substitute father
parental background
photographs of
political activism
press interest in
publishing of first volume of poetry (
publishing of
relationship with father
relationship with mother
and Second World War
sets up own publishing company (The Hours Press) and books published
settles in London in later years
and sex
studio (Fitz)
support for Communism
and surrealist movement
thinness of
‘To the E.T. Restaurant’
travels and places visited
‘Voyages North’
war correspondent during Spanish Civil War

Cust, Harry


Daggett, Mabel Potter

Dame aux Camélias, La

Dame, Die

Dancers, The

D’Annunzio, Gabriele

Daven, André

de Acosta, Mercedes

de Herrera, Nana

de la Salle, Duchesse

de Maré, Rolf

Dean, Basil

Dekler, Bertrand

Dekler, Clementine

Dekler, Malvina

Dekobra, Maurice

Denis, Maurice

Derval, Paul

Desborough, Lady

Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich

Dietrich, Marlene

Dinks, Mama


Dix, Dorothy

Dixie Steppers

Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall

Dos Passos, John

Douglas, Louis

Douglas, Norman

du Maurier, Daphne

du Maurier, Gerald

Dudley, Caroline

Duncan, Isadora

Dutch cap


Eagles, Jeanne

Edward VII, King

Egorova, Lubov

Eiffel Tower (restaurant) (London)

Eliot, T.S.

The Waste Land

Ellington, Duke

Ellis, Havelock

Emery, John

Evans, Agatha


Exciters, The

Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs (1925) (Paris)


Fairbairn, Sydney

Fairbanks Jr, Douglas

Fallen Angels

fan magazines

Farrer, Dawn

fashion industry

Fellowes, Daisy


feminism, and flapper

Figaro, Le

film industry

First World War

end of

Fitzgerald, Edward (father)

Fitzgerald, Frances Scott (daughter)

Fitzgerald, Mollie (mother)

Fitzgerald, Scott

The Beautiful and the Damned
‘Bernice Bobs Her Hair’
courtship with Zelda
and drinking
essay on jazz age
film scripts
on the flapper
Flappers and Philosophers
friendship with Hemingway
frustrations and struggles over writing
The Great Gatsby
importance of Zelda to his writing and use of her letters/journals as source for novels
initial failure in selling of fiction
The Last Tycoon
life in New York
marriage to and relationship with Zelda
Fitzgerald, Zelda
selling of writing
Tender is the Night
This Side of Paradise
and Zelda’s ballet expectations
and Zelda’s mental health
and Zelda’s writing

Fitzgerald, Scottie (daughter)

Fitzgerald, Zelda (née Sayre)

articles written
attempt at fresh start in Wilmington (Delaware) and creative activity
attitude towards lesbianism
bad behaviour and rebelliousness of in early years
ballet obsession
birth of daughter and motherhood
Caesar’s Things
in Capri
childhood and upbringing
courtship with Scott
criticism of by Hemingway
death and burial
and death of father
and death of Scott
deterioration of mental health and admission to psychiatric hospital
dress style
and drinking
eczema suffered
‘Eulogy of the Flapper’
in French Riviera
’The Girl who had Some Talent’
and Hollywood
living in New York
living in Paris
marriage to and relationship with Scott
in Milan
The Model
moves to Long Island
painting and art studies
pelvic infections
in Rome
rows and reconciliations with Scott
in Sainte-Raphaël
Save Me the Waltz
short stories written
sleeping pill overdose
throws herself down some steps
turns down invitation from Sedova to perform in opera company
view of Hemingway
‘What Became of the Flappers’

Flanner, Janet


and feminism
seen as social threat

Flapper, The

Florence, Aunt

Folies Bergère


Forsaking All Others

Fortuny, Mariano

French, Sir John

French Union for Women’s Suffrage

Freud, Sigmund


Garbo, Greta

Garden of Eden

Garnett, David

Gavrilov, Alexander

General Strike (1926)

Gerlach, Max

Gest, Morris

Gibson Girl

Gide, André

Gish, Lilian

Glorious Adventure, The

Glyn, Elinor

Gold Diggers

Gone With the Wind

Gorski, Boris

Graham, Sheilah

Gramont, Élisabeth de

Graves, Robert

Green Hat, The

Grenfell, Julian

Griffith, Hubert

Griffiths, D.W.

Guérin, Jean

Guevera, Chile

Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, Crown Prince

Guy’s Hospital (London)


Haardt, Sarah

Hall, Radclyffe

The Well of Loneliness

Hamnett, Nina


Harper’s Bazar

Harris, Frank

Hart-Davis, Sybil

Hearts of the World

Hellman, Lillian

Hemingway, Ernest

The Sun Also Rises

Hemingway, Hadley

Henderson, Dell

Henry, Sir Edward

Henson, Gladys

Her Cardboard Lover

Herbert, Sidney

Hersey, Marie

His House in Order

Hoff, Maxine

Hofmannsthal, Raimund von

Holland, Ruth

The Lost Generation


Hopkins, Claude

Horner, Edward

Hours Press, The

Howard, Brian

Howland, Jobyna

Hoyningen-Huene, George

Hoyt, Morton

Hoyt, Nancy

Hudgins, Johnny

Hughes, Langston

Hutchinson, Mary

Hutchinson, St John

Huxley, Aldous

Antic Hay
Crome Yellow
Point Counter Point
Those Barren Leaves


In Banville

Irvine, St John


Jackson, Bee

James, Henry


John, Augustus

John, Gwen

Johnson, James P.

Jones, Dyer

Joplin, Scott

Joyce, James

Jozan, Edouard

Julian, James


Kahn, Otto

Kalman, Xandra

Kellerman, Annette

Keppel, Alice

Kessler, Harry

King, Martin Luther

Other books

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Cthulhu Lives!: An Eldritch Tribute to H. P. Lovecraft by Tim Dedopulos, John Reppion, Greg Stolze, Lynne Hardy, Gabor Csigas, Gethin A. Lynes
Silver Bullets by Elmer Mendoza, Mark Fried
A Geek Girl's Guide to Arsenic by Julie Anne Lindsey
Hitler's Olympics by Christopher Hilton
Messenger in the Mist by Aubrie Dionne
The Calm Before The Swarm by Michael McBride