Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)
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She finds out you lied to her you’ll lose her anyway

God damn this was fucked up six ways to Sunday.





Keeley sat in the chair, knees drawn up to her chest as her chin rested on top of them. Dr. Sheffield tried again, “If you don’t talk, Miss Kincaid, this won’t go anywhere.”

Her gaze lifted to the pretty blue one attempting to get her to talk about what happened with Senator Caleb Reynolds. Keeley didn’t want to go back there, but she knew it was imperative for her to heal. Every time she attempted to utter a word though, she could feel his icy stare on her. Or was that Dr. Thompson’s, who sat in the room with them. The woman made her uncomfortable, as if she already knew her story and would find a way to torment her further with that information. How could that be? She didn’t know her, yet there was no shaking the red flags popping up when she glanced her way. She unfolded herself from the chair and walked toward the attractive red head. “What is it about you I don’t trust?” she boldly asked.

The doctor’s brow raised. “I can’t help you there, Keeley.”

In her name she heard a hint of an accent. One that raised the hairs on the back of her neck as she stared at the woman closer. Ms. Jones and Viviane came to mind. Could they be the same person? Was she now in a room with the woman who
her dead? Keeley’s hands shook violently and Dr. Sheffield didn’t miss the signals. She turned to the other doctor and ordered, “Carla, I think it’s best you leave. Now.”

“If you hold her, I can give her something to take off the edge,” she pulled out a syringe and Keeley screamed.

The room was suddenly crowded. Dr. Sheffield stood with her hands up in a stopping gesture. “She’s fine.” She reached over and pulled Keeley by the arm. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”

Keeley let her lead as they walked outside. She glanced back to see Dr. Thompson glaring at her. Not knowing what else to do, she tugged on the hand holding her arm. “She’s not who she says she is.”

“I need you to stay calm and walk.”

“Who are you, really?”

“Not now, Keeley.”

They were down a path along the trees before she stopped abruptly and turned. “I am legitimately a psychiatrist.”


“You are a smart girl. I’m with the good guys, that’s all you need to know.”

“Who is that woman?”

“We’re not sure yet.”

“So this is all a setup? You’re not here to help me get better?” Keeley heard the sadness in her own voice.

“Oh, that’s not true.” She grabbed her by the shoulders. “I’ve been specifically chosen to help you because I too am a survivor.”

Keeley blinked several times. “You’ve been an addict? You were held captive as a sex slave?”

“Yes and yes. My captors hooked me on the drugs as they used my body.”

Tears slid down Keeley’s face. “You really do know,” she gasped out and hit her knees.

“I really do, Keeley. And I also understand your needs are very real.”

Her eyes shot up. “You’re a masochist too?”

“In the simplest of terms, yes.”

“You have a sadist for a Dom.” Not a question, Keeley nailed it.

“I have a husband who loves me and provides what I need. But that’s a two-way street, Keeley.”


“Please call me Pamela.”

“Okay, Pamela. You can teach me?” Keeley stood at the excitement pumping through her veins.

“I can. Once we get you to the place you need to be, first,” she assured.

“I’ll do what it takes,” Keeley answered eagerly.

“Tell you what,” Pamela checked her watch, “I’ll meet you here after dinner and we can talk more.”

“Alright. But I can’t be with Dr. Thompson,” Keeley implored her to listen to the very real danger that woman posed.

“I agree. There will be someone with the two of you at all times. In the meantime, relax. Walk the grounds. Clear your head.”

“I’d really like a nap,” Keeley admitted.

Pamela looped her arm with Keeley’s. “Perfect. We’ll meet later.”


Keeley crawled onto the bed and noticed an envelope sitting there. She opened it and covered her mouth as she read it.

No matter what happens, I want you to FIGHT.

I love you, Tar.

She didn’t know when he wrote it, but flashes from her most recent stay in the hospital played through her memory. Keeley had to find him. If he’d had the note delivered but still didn’t contact her, then he was in trouble. She’d always known that. On a visceral level she knew he needed her. Keeley crept out along the hallway and outside without being noticed. The path she was on earlier with Pamela led down toward the ocean. Would make it easier to hide down there, she decided as once more, Keeley ran away. But this time, she did it for all the right reasons.



Tar was sleeping on the couch with his nephew across his broad chest. Lisa stared down at him remembering the feel of that magnificent body moving against hers. She loved her husband. But he never seemed to have time for her. And while he was in great shape, he wasn’t the masterpiece his brother was. Chase was a good man and a good father. She didn’t want any harm to come to him. He needed to come home from this safe and sound. No matter how wrong it was, though, she couldn’t deny that Tar always held a piece of her heart. Seeing him like this, his sweet side shining through, made her realize just how much she still cared for the man. Naughty thoughts of what it’d be like to have both brothers making love to her made her turn and leave. But not before she heard, “Keeley, hold on. I’m coming for you.”

Lisa knew there had to be someone after all this time. She leaned over to kiss her son’s head, but without any forethought brushed her lips against Tar’s. She’d thought he would lock onto her and deepen the kiss. Instead, he turned his head away with a, “I love you, Tigress.” Deciding to play along a little, she tried again and was shocked when angry green eyes flashed at hers. “The hell?” he growled.

“I’m so sorry. I was kissing Cole when you had a dream.” She played the blameless card so well she almost convinced herself.

He sat up holding the child close. “Shit. It’s me that should apologize.”

Lisa gave him a soft smile. “No harm done.”

Cole began to stir and she lifted her little boy into her arms. “Sleep well, Tarius.” She felt his gaze on her backside as she left. If Lisa had learned anything from seducing Chase, it was how to act the part of innocence. A wicked grin appeared as she began to plot on how to win Tar’s heart and yes, his amazing cock back to her. This Keeley he mentioned didn’t stand a chance.



Tar scrubbed his face. What the hell was that all about? He watched her walk away, dumbfounded. Did he mistake Lisa for Keeley in his dream? Searching his memory bank to see if there was evidence to prove that theory, he came up empty. Thank God! Problem was, he’d been fantasying about Keeley and, now more than ever before, he wanted to go to her. Explain himself. Apologize for his role in this disaster. Being around Lisa helped him recognize the difference in the situations. He wasn’t excusing Keeley’s actions. But he could forgive her. Would like to try again. Wanted to sink into her delectable body and show her how much he missed her. How much he loved her. Vow with each powerful thrust, he’d never give up on her again. His erection was downright painful as he stood, grabbing the cell phone they’d assigned him. On the second ring, he heard, “Rolston.”

“Mitch, get me the fuck out of here.”

“Have you finally seen the light?”

“What the hell? Look, I have no clue what you’re talking about,” he began to pace, “but I need to get to Keeley.”

“Whoa there, big guy. You’re on assignment.”

“Take me off,” Tar growled. “Matter of fact, consider this my resignation.”

“Got a feeling you’re gonna change your tune after you hear me out.”

The sudden scream brought Tar to high alert as he bolted toward the back bedroom, dropping his cell phone in the process. Lisa was deathly pale he noticed, taking in the room and trying to figure out why she was so upset. Didn’t take him long to put two and two together. A video was playing, and what was on it turned Tar’s stomach. Chase was locked down to some kind of specialized table with several women all over him. His voice garbled because one of them sat on his face. Another was riding him. Though all of that would’ve been disturbing, what had Tar’s body tensed in battle ready formation was the man underneath that table. It had an opening and Chase was being sodomized. His brother’s terror etched in his eyes sent a chair hurling through the air. The television fell over. Everything inside him wanted to rage and tear those responsible for raping his brother apart limb by limb. “Fucking hell,” he ground out.

Lisa sat rocking herself. She couldn’t believe that her sweet husband was in the midst of an orgy. “He wasn’t enjoying that, was he?”

“Oh my fucking God…Lisa!” Tar’s jaw clenched tight with his next words, “Chase was the victim. They were

She nodded vigorously with an attempt to convince herself Tar was right. But she couldn’t help that image of those women on his body in the throes of pleasure. “I-I don’t know what to say.”

His growl was low and menacing. “There’s nothing to say. Get up.”


“We’re leaving. You have five minutes,” he left the room to grab Cole.

One thing was very clear, whoever had Chase knew where his family was. Tar had no choice but to go off the grid until he knew who he could trust.



Where the hell did Tar go? Mitch had that niggling sensation that all hell broke loose. Right. He needed to get to Keeley and back to Los Angeles before he lost all control of this fucked-up operation. First he’d let the Strand brothers in on where he was heading. They seemed to be his only allies at the moment.

Mitch motioned for E to meet him in the kitchen. “Here’s where I want you, Nik, and Alex to meet me.” He fixed a hard stare on Even. “And I want
to bring your wife.”

“Hell no.” E stood stubbornly ignoring the command in Mitch’s voice.

“Wanna play that way? Yeah, let me show you who the Dom is. Lacey, would you come in here please.”

Even went after his throat, but Mitch’s training blocked the move. He found himself pinned underneath the SEAL with his airway blocked. Lacey came in and gasped. “What are you doing to him?!”

“Now then, you gonna play nice,” Mitch asked before E lost consciousness.

“Yesssss,” he hissed.

By the time E was on his feet, Nik and Alex were also there. Good. Made it easier for Mitch to hand out orders. “Even and Lacey, I need the two of you to go to this location and wait for further instructions. Lacey, your husband will explain everything on your drive south.” He spun around. “Nik, I need your contacts. Not the above the law ones. You feel me?”

“Copy that,” Nik replied, eyeing his little brother.

An unspoken, “
I’m fine
,” didn’t go unnoticed as Mitch turned to Alex. “I need you to work
the law. Here’s your contact in San Diego. Either take your wife and daughter with you, or find a safe place for them.”

Aimee walked in and was in Nik’s arms within a few seconds. “What do you want me to do?”

Nik looked over his shoulder at Mitch. “Can she come with me?”

“Your call, my man.”

He turned back to his precious wife. “Little one, I want you to stay with Franco and Gina.”

“No, Nikko. I need to be with you,” she pleaded.

His voice softened but there was steel in his gaze. “I have to know,” his hand stroking over her swollen tummy, “you’re both safe.”

Aimee didn’t like this one bit, but she knew in her condition it was best. “You better come home to me.”

“I promise, Lille.”

Alex and Sofie decided it was best if Ari went with Aimee. They moved like a well-oiled machine and left Carmel within the hour. All of them worried for each other, and all vowing to stay safe and return as a family. Mitch admired each of them for their willingness to help another, but most of all for their love and loyalty. He couldn’t help but hope that this mission didn’t harm any of these people he now considered friends.

Help me keep them protected
, he silently prayed.





Keeley walked along the water’s edge using the large rock formations as cover. Her numerous experiences with disappearing acts would serve her well. The facility she’d been in was voluntary, so she didn’t expect search and rescue to show up on the scene. Shock filled her when that was exactly what happened. She eased herself between the boulders and found a small cave to hide in and wait for dark. Only bad thing for her would be the tide. She continued to travel further inside, hoping to either find high ground or a way out. The darkness encompassed her along with her ever-present demon. “Yes, my dear, find the perfect spot to leave this life and join me.”

She fought to silence him but as her hand felt along the wall, she suddenly felt something sticky. The smell gave it away as she sniffed, blood. Was it hers? She flexed her fingers, made a fist, there was no pain, no sting. Either Keeley had grown too accustomed to agony or it belonged to someone else. An answer presented itself when she fell over something, or rather, someone. “Oh my God!” Scrambling to see if the person was alive. No! Not an adult, a child.

“Hello. Are you okay?” She tried desperately to find a pulse but only felt stickier residue. Her fingers finally reached a face where she traced along the neck in search of the carotid artery. A faint thump could be felt. Next Keeley laid her face against the child’s mouth, feeling for breath. There was none. She closed her eyes and tried to remember the steps of rescue breathing. Keeley drew a blank. Did she even know how to do it?

A dim light appeared ahead. Wasn’t much but enough that she could make out a few things. For one the little boy was injured, his leg broken along with his arm. Obvious with protruding bones. And she noticed a tiny amount of water around his head. Was that it? Water was trapped in his lungs? Another voice, Keeley still wasn’t very familiar with, began to give her instructions. She moved him to a flat-ish space on his back and again checked for breathing. Still not there. Then she placed the heel of her hand on his tiny breast bone, praying she didn’t break him further, and gave thirty compressions. Again, she opened his airway. “Come on, buddy, breathe for me!” The helicopter was getting closer, and she knew help was needed. But that still, firm voice gave her more to do. She covered the boy’s mouth with hers while pinching his nose closed and gave two breaths. He began to cough and she barely got out of the way as water erupted from him. Keeley knew she had to go flag that rescue crew and turned to get help.

For whatever reason, she turned back and realized with him vomiting like that he could choke. So she moved him to his side and scurried back to the outside. She climbed on top of a huge boulder and waved her arms as the spotlight caught her. Everything after that was a blur. She crawled back in to stay with the child and could see a distinct light around him. Noticing darkness was attempting to break through but more light would appear. These hallucinations of hers were getting downright creepy. As if an answer to that was given, she could make out figures and they were locked in a battle. The little boy’s eyes were open but she wasn’t sure if he could see what she did. Hoping she didn’t lose her head in the process, she crept over to him as the most surreal feeling enveloped them. “Can you tell me your name?” she asked gently, stroking his little face.

He blinked several times and reached forward. “Angels.”

“Your name is Angel?”

He shook his head no. “Right there,” he pointed.

She honestly didn’t know what she’d seen, but wasn’t convinced they were angels. The boy’s eyes widened when he looked right at her. “Devil,” he screamed just as another bright light hit their faces.

Help arrived and Keeley slowly moved out of their way, taking the opportunity to sneak out of sight while the men and women did their job to help that precious boy. But she couldn’t shake what he last said, “
” while his gaze locked on hers. Yeah, tell her something she didn’t know. He haunted her constantly. What the hell was she doing? Even if she found Tar, some sins just couldn’t be forgiven. Keeley sagged against a tree further down from all the commotion.

“You’re right, my pet,” the demon whispered. “Let me give you what you need.”

The sharp rock bit into her upper thigh. Keeley watched in a detached sort of way as her own hand controlled the movements. But as the blood began to trickle, she found that peace she’d been searching for. The control she needed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a lighted figure, one that stared at her and willed her to focus on him. She dropped the rock and looked down at the mess she made of herself. Tearing off the bottom portion of her shorts, she wrapped the wound with a sudden tenacity. “You can’t have me,” she spat out toward the demon and stood. Keeley looked back at the other man and he nodded his approval. She locked in to her determination and began the climb back up to the top. The helicopter left but she knew they’d come looking for her again.

“If they find you,” the demon hissed, “they’ll put you away in a mental intuition and throw away the key.”

She spun around and bellowed, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”



“What do you mean, ‘she’s gone’?” Mitch grit out while staring at Pamela.

“Took off. Left. Do you need me to spell it out for you?” she huffed, incensed.

“I fucking told you she was a runner,” he nearly spat the words at her.

“And I was watching her closely,” she fired back. “But in case you didn’t realize, this is an actual mental health facility and we had an emergency.”

“And because she was here of her own free will…”

“No one was contacted,” she finished.

“Fuckin’ A. What the hell am I to tell her family?”

“If I’d had that information, I would’ve informed them.”

He exhaled heavily. “I thought Even Strand was on the paperwork to contact in case of emergency.”

“No. There’s not a name listed there.”

Something didn’t sit right. “Show me, please.”

Sure enough, as Mitch pored over the admittance papers for Keeley, several pieces of pertinent information was missing. “I smell a rat.”

Pamela was leaning over Mitch reading. Her head shot up. “Thompson!”


But Dr. Sheffield was already out of the office. Mitch caught up with her. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“I’ve been suspicious of her since she arrived. I highly doubt the bitch’s name is Carla Thompson. She’s definitely a doctor, but I should’ve trusted my instincts. Or at least Keeley’s,” she answered in disgust.

For Keeley, herself, or both, Mitch wondered as they searched high and low for this Dr. Thompson. From the looks of things, Keeley wasn’t the only one skilled in disappearing without a trace. “Dammit!” Mitch roared.

“Keeley didn’t trust that woman. Neither did I. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Stupid on my part.” Then she gasped and turned horror-stricken eyes to his. “You don’t think Keeley was kidnapped, do you?”

“Again? God I hope not! How do you survive that more than once?”

Pamela shook her head. “I’m not sure you would.”

Mitch was on his smart phone as he paced. He couldn’t tell Keeley’s family he lost her.
Good Lord up above
give me something else to tell them
, he thought frantically. Pamela pulled him from his disturbing musings. “Oh my! Look at this!” She grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved her tablet in his face.

The news feed was showing a rescue of a little boy, but that wasn’t what had caught her attention or Mitch’s. It was the camera doing a sweep of the surrounding area and catching a small woman in the woods. She was limping, he noticed. Pamela was reading the story scrolling along the bottom.

Mystery woman rescues six-year-old Joseph Bailey from near death. Joey, as he’s known to his family, was separated from them on a hike along the trails. He’s recovering with a compound fracture to his leg and arm. Crews on the scene said that, “He would’ve drowned if this hero hadn’t come along when she did.” The family would like to thank this woman in person that Joey calls Angel.

By that time both Mitch and Pamela tuned out, focusing on where Keeley could’ve gone. He became a fury of motion. “If we saw this, odds are, so did the people after her.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“I don’t have time for you to grab your things,” he growled.

She stopped, hands on her hips. “I may be older. And a woman. But don’t assume I’m unable to take care of myself. Are we clear on that, Captain?”

He couldn’t stop the raise of his lips. “Affirmative, Ma’am.”



“You weren’t going to tell me?!” Lacey cried out in absolute fury.

“Sweetness, please, see this from my perspective.”

“Fuck you.”

“Hey. You have every right to be pissed off, but let me finish,” E pleaded with his wife.

“It is in your best interest to
talking.” Her hands were shaking and he noticed she was fighting back the tears.

God he loved her. And he wasn’t going to lose her over this. E pulled over along the tree line and turned in his seat. “I will not. You need to hear me out.”

“NO!” she roared and opened the door.

Before he could stop her, Lacey was marching into forest. Fuck a duck! With her damn luck, she’d find a cliff and go over. E wasn’t necessarily happy that he thought that, but recently his beloved wife had some nasty bad luck. He did what any good husband would do and went after her. Didn’t take long to locate her, crying on a fallen tree. “Are you hurt, baby?”

“Not physically,” she hiccupped.

Ouch! Talk about a verbal slap to the face. “I’m sorry.”

“That you were forced to tell me? Yeah, I figured that out.”

“Okay, I deserved that.” He moved closer to her and watched as she recoiled. That sight brought him to his knees in front of her. “Sweetness, I love you so damn much it hurts. I only wanted to protect you.”

She sighed. “I know. But don’t you understand how wrong it was?”

“I do now, yes,” he confessed, bringing her gaze to his. She searched his soul for several heart skipping moments. Lacey finally nodded her head.

E seized that window of opportunity and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I never meant to hurt you. God…damn, Lacey, I’d cut off my balls before intentionally harming you, physically, mentally, or emotionally.”

Fresh tears slid down her cheeks, pooling along her lips. “Please don’t. I’m rather partial to them.”

There she was, his very own sex goddess. He leaned into her and licked the saltiness off her mouth. Her lips parted and he took the invitation, devouring. But E needed to worship her and moved down her body.

Thank fuck she wore a dress.

With each nip of his teeth along her delicate skin, he undid another button until it gaped open to his desire drenched gaze. Lacey watched him taste and pay homage to each breast, sucking harshly on the tips through the thin satin. “God, E, do that to my pussy.”

His gaze shot up to hers. “That was naughty,” he approved. “Make me eat your pussy, Sweetness.”

Lacey ran her greedy fingers through his long hair while moving her hips up toward his face, then she pushed his head down. Her pussy made direct contact with his hungry open mouth. She held him in place and ground herself all over his face. His growls of approval sent shivers up her spine. E ate his wife with a ravenous appetite. The wetter she got, the more sounds she made, the closer to losing all control she came, made him take without mercy. She was close, oh-so close to falling over that edge, and E wanted every last drop. He reached up and pinched a nipple at the same time he put one finger inside her hot silk, rubbing her g-spot while putting another finger in her ass. She broke apart when he raked her clit with his teeth. Lacey was still drunk from passion as his head rose from between her legs, chin glistening. He licked his lips slowly. “The sweetest of desserts. Fuck, I could go for another round,” he growled before taking her mouth with his, making sure she tasted herself with each thrust of his tongue.

Lacey wanted his cock in her mouth and reached between them, stroking. He pulled away and gave a rasped, “Suck me off in the car.”

She nodded eagerly and began to button her dress, never taking her eyes off his. “Hurry,” she urged, taking his hand and rushing back toward the highway.

She had his dick free of its confines before he ever pulled back onto the road. “Greedy little bitch,” he whispered.

Lacey ran her fingers over his sensitive, wet slit and kissed the side of his mouth. “You forgot kinky.”

But Even never answered. He was fighting to keep the car on the road, wanting nothing more than to watch his wife’s head bob up and down on his cock. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck,” he growled, enjoying the spectacular blow job. He came sooner than he wanted and when she licked the side of his mouth, he tasted himself on her. “Later, I’m tying you up and spanking your fine ass as I fuck you senseless.”

“Hmm, I love your promises.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you always follow through.”

BOOK: Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)
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