Finn: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 10) (16 page)

BOOK: Finn: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 10)
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. For the moment, he had to stay focused on his own mission. Ahead, he saw some domes made of an amber-colored, translucent substance. He wanted to get inside those as well. They needed every scrap of information on the Gizzida if they were ever going to beat them.

Dev glanced to his side and saw his partner creeping expertly nearby. He didn’t know Taylor Cates very well, but he was well aware of the reputation of Squad Nine. The almost all-female squad of soldiers were very good at their jobs, and what he’d seen of Taylor so far hadn’t disabused him of that notion. She had a beautiful face, a tough body, and was a damn competent soldier.

He wasn’t used to having a partner and usually disliked having someone who slowed him down. Before Santha had fallen pregnant, he’d spent a little time in the field with her. She’d been easy to work with and after her time spent in the ruins of Sydney messing with the aliens, she’d been damn good at sneaking around.

But with Taylor, it was even easier. Dev found it a little disconcerting. The soldier seemed to anticipate him and was already where he needed her to be before he asked.

He raised his hand and gave her a signal. She nodded and turned right, slipping down between two large black buildings. As he followed her, he touched the wall of the closest building. It was made of some black substance that almost looked like thick, tough skin. Dev lifted his camera and snapped some shots.

Now, they needed to find a way inside so they could sneak in during the night. His plan was to spend the rest of the day snooping around, then find somewhere to hole up and rest. He and Taylor could take turns on watch. Then tonight, under the blanket of darkness, they’d slip inside the factories and see just what the hell the aliens were doing inside.

They moved farther down the tight alley. Ahead, he saw some large, cylindrical tanks that were made of that amber-like glass. At the base, they were striated with what looked like black veins. Inside the tanks he could see a red, glowing substance. If he had to guess, it was some sort of poison. The raptors liked their poison.

A moment later, Taylor jerked to a halt. She held up her hand and made a frantic signal. He watched as she ducked in behind a vat, crouching low. Dev did the same, hunkering down behind a black wall that cordoned off the tanks. His hands clenched on his carbine.

From somewhere out of his line of sight, he heard raptors grunting. He watched and waited. His heartbeat didn’t even increase. He’d spent far too much of his career trapped behind enemy lines, hiding, gathering intelligence, the enemy right on top of him. He couldn’t afford to panic. All he could do was his job. What he was best at.

He caught a glimpse of a raptor patrol as they passed the alley where he and Taylor were hiding. Big, scaled, and inhuman. They might walk on two legs but from what Dev could tell, the raptors lived to conquer and assimilate. They didn’t take the time to understand or learn. They just tried to mow over any species they deemed beneath them.

The patrol moved on, their footsteps and grunts fading away.

He signaled to Taylor and they moved out of their cover. He pointed ahead to the domes that he wanted them to investigate next. They progressed quickly, moving with utmost stealth. He watched as Taylor flowed silently forward.

They approached the domes and from inside he heard strange clanking noises. He frowned. What was going on inside?

He stepped forward and felt something beneath his foot depress. He froze.

Trap? Explosive? Maybe it was nothing. He searched the ground and only saw dirt.

Damn. He was caught out in the open. He couldn’t stay here.

Taylor crept closer. “What’s wrong?”

“Something moved under my foot.”

“Damn.” She crouched. “Explosive?”

“Don’t know.”

She probed the dirt. “I don’t see anything.”

Dev weighed up his options. “Back away. I’m going to move. If I go down, get out of here.”

He saw her eyes narrow, but she gave a nod and backed up a few steps.

Dev pulled in a deep breath and moved.

He dived away, rolling as he hit the dirt. There was no explosion. Instead, a terrible noise broke out around them. It was a regular, ear-piercing whooping sound.

. An alarm. “Taylor. We need to get out of here.”

Together, they started running back up the alley. Behind them, he heard the raptor patrol thundering back in their direction. A second later, raptor poison splattered the wall beside them.

Dev leaped, tackling Taylor to the ground. They rolled through the dirt and both came back up on their feet. Guttural shouts echoed off the walls. He pointed ahead and they sprinted off.

They broke free of the alley and rounded the corner of the building on their left. Not much farther. They needed to cross an open patch of ground and get back into the trees. The raptors didn’t like the trees and they could use it to their advantage to lose the aliens.

As they sprinted around another corner, Dev saw a row of raptor soldiers standing in formation ahead of them. Their weapons were held up and aimed at Dev and Taylor.

. Dev skidded to a halt. Taylor did the same, their boots making dirt spray up. They both whipped up their carbines. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw more raptors coming in from behind.

They were surrounded. They had nowhere to go.

Without a word, he and Taylor pressed their backs together, lifting their weapons. A raw helpless anger chewed at him.

“I’m not going down without a fight,” Taylor said fiercely.

“I couldn’t agree more.”

They both opened fire.

Dev focused on taking aim. The carbine’s laser whined. He took down as many raptors as he could and heard raptor shouts from all around them.

But there were too many and as several raptors got in close, Dev abandoned his carbine and pulled out his combat knife. He charged forward, leaped into the air, spinning as he did and swiping out with his knife.

He landed on the lead raptor, slamming the knife into the alien’s neck. They hit the ground, the raptor still beneath him.

A raptor charged from the right and Dev shifted, kicking at his opponent. His boot connected, making the raptor grunt. He was only a match for the taller, stronger alien because of the exoskeleton in his armor.

As he fought hand to hand with another raptor, he heard Taylor continue to fire. He and the raptor spun and he caught a glimpse of the raptor bodies littering the ground. The woman was damned impressive with her carbine.

Slamming a gloved fist into the face of another raptor, one thought moved through the back of Dev’s mind. Why weren’t the raptors firing on them?

But as the raptor’s clawed fist skimmed past his head, he focused on the fight.

Dev reversed his grip on his knife and slashed at the raptor’s unprotected chest. Another few parries and the raptor went down, clutching at his wounds. Dev saw more moving in.

Damn. For every raptor he and Taylor took down, more kept coming.

The next instant, something smashed into his head. With his ears ringing, he stumbled sideways. As he regained his balance, he heard Taylor cry out. He spun and saw that a giant raptor had grabbed her by the back of her armor and was shaking her mercilessly. Her carbine fell into the dirt and the raptor stepped on it, crushing it.

. Dev rushed forward to help, but another blow slammed into his back. He went down on his knees. Next, he felt a huge raptor boot smash into the back of his head.

Dev fell forward, smacking into the ground. He tasted blood and dirt in his mouth and he heaved in a breath. Pain radiated through him. Something hit the ground beside him. He saw Taylor flat on her belly. She turned her head, her eyes meeting his.

Then scaled hands yanked Dev up. His arms were wrenched behind his back violently and he felt cold cuffs circle his wrists. Another raptor was doing the same to Taylor.

They were shoved forward, their captors grunting at them. The raptors half dragged, half shoved them toward an arched doorway into the closest factory building.

“Why haven’t they killed us?” Taylor said.

Dev didn’t get a chance to reply. The raptor behind her smacked her in the face.

“Leave her alone,” Dev said quietly. “Or I’ll skin you and leave you to bleed.”

His raptor shook him. Hard. Taylor shook her head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

They were jerked to a stop at the door and one raptor touched some sort of panel beside the amber-glass structure. A second later, the door slid open and they were shoved inside.

Dev’s pulse spiked. Inside was hot and steamy, and filled with harsh smells. He looked up at the soaring roof above. The place was huge. He took it all in, trying to memorize every detail. Closest to them were huge black vats with steam wafting off them. Off to the left, he saw a row of squat, raptor vehicles being constructed. Raptors holding strange-looking tools stood beside them, working to complete the alien trucks.

He and Taylor were shoved forward again and his shoulder bumped against hers. He lowered his voice. “Taylor, are you okay?

“Fine,” she answered. “I hope you have a plan.”

“Not yet.” Dev took a second to admire her. There were no hysterics, no hint of panic.

They were led between a row of vats. Dev wished like hell he could pull his camera out and get some images, but right now he needed to be focused on how the hell he was going to get them out of this.

The raptors stopped in front of another doorway. Dev and Taylor were led into a narrow corridor. The walls were so black they seemed to absorb all light. They felt like they could suck the very soul out of a man.

Then Dev heard the sounds. Moans and screams echoed from somewhere deeper in the building. It sent a shiver down his spine. He looked at Taylor and saw her swallow, jaw tight.

Suddenly, they were yanked into another corridor and ahead he saw a row of cells with black, scaly bars. Dev peered forward trying to see if there were any occupants in the cells, but they looked empty.

The raptors stopped in front of the first cell. Their captors spoke for a second in their guttural language and then Dev felt hands tearing at his remaining weapons. His laser pistol was tossed on the floor and then the carbon fiber panels of his armor were roughly pulled off him. He saw Taylor struggling as her raptor did the same to her.

Soon their armor was just a pile of pieces on the floor. A raptor stepped in front of Dev and slashed out with its sharp claws. It left Dev’s shirt in tatters and then the alien tore the remnants off Dev. Another raptor knelt and yanked Dev’s boots off. That left him standing in his cargo pants with a bare chest and feet.

He looked over and saw Taylor rubbing her bare arms. She was wearing dark-blue cargo pants and a simple olive green tank top that showed off her toned arms.

One raptor shoved Dev inside the cell, and the second raptor nudged Taylor forward. She reacted, shoving her elbow back at the alien.

“Quit pushing me, you ugly mother—”

It gave her another harder shove and she stumbled inside the cell, colliding with Dev. He wrapped his arms around her to steady her.

The raptor slammed the cell door closed with a clang. He touched something else and Dev heard locks snapping shut.

Now they were locked in a cell with no weapons, shoes, or armor.

The raptor stared at them through the bars, its red eyes gleaming in the dim light. “Mate.”

Dev could barely make out the English word through the creature’s thick accent. He glanced at Taylor and saw her brow crease. He looked back at the creature. “What?”

“You mate.” The raptor waved a claw at them. “Procreate.”

Dev felt every muscle in his body tense in horror. He heard Taylor’s swift intake of breath and his arms tightened around her.
Oh, no. Bloody hell, no.

The raptor lifted its scaled weapon and aimed it at Taylor. “Mate or die.”


Finn climbed out of the shower and started to towel himself dry. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and grinned.

Despite a bit of swelling on the side of his face and some bruising across his chest, he was feeling pretty good. The injuries hadn’t even been bad enough for the doc to give him a shot of nanomeds. On top of that, he’d just had some wild shower sex.

Yep, life was pretty good.

The other thing that made him smile was the slim silhouette in the fog-shrouded shower behind him. She was washing her hair and singing.

Lia was a hell of a pilot, but she was a terrible singer.

His smile widened. But he loved it, he loved her.

Finn wrapped the towel around his waist. “Better hurry it along, Murphy. We’re due at the Command Center for debriefing in just under twenty minutes.”

As the water shut off, he grabbed another towel off the rack. Lia stepped out of the shower, all slim limbs and wet skin. She reached for the towel, but he pulled it out of her reach.

She mock-scowled at him. “You just told me to hurry up.”

“But you’re so pretty,” he said. “All that creamy skin. It makes me want to lick all the water drops off you, one by one.”

He saw heat flare in her eyes and he groaned. His cock pressed against the towel. He’d just had her, just slid inside her tight warmth, just listened to her cry out his name under the drum of the water.

Now he wanted her again.

He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. He lifted her and set her down on the edge of the vanity.

“Finn,” she murmured, pulling his towel away. “We’re going to be late for the debrief.”

He took her mouth with his, so damn grateful they were alive. “Don’t care. Now kiss me.”

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the overcrowded Command Center.

Finn’s gaze widened at the crowd. It looked like the entire Enclave was jammed in there. People spotted them, the crowd parting, and a wild cheer went up.

Lia’s fingers flexed on his hand and Finn smiled at the jubilant people. Among the crowd, he saw most of the squad soldiers, Selena with the gyr chick resting on her shoulder, Emerson and the majority of her medical team.

BOOK: Finn: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 10)
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