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Authors: S. K. Hartley

Tags: #College, #Transferred and Read

Finding You (10 page)

BOOK: Finding You
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“I’m sorry I bruised your ego, do you need me to rub it better?” I said with a smile.

Neva James you are playing with fire!

“Baby, you can’t say shit like that to me.” He said on a groan. “Do you have any fucking idea how tempting your damn lips are?”

“I don’t know, maybe you should show me.” I said as my eyes drifted to his lips which looked so damn edible right now.

He smiled before wrapping his fingers around my neck, pulling me closer stopping just mere inches away as he slowly ran his tongue over my bottom lip, and Sealing his lips over mine, causing me to quiver from his touch as he growled. “So damn sweet.”

As soon as his lips touched mine, thoughts of Logan’s lips on mine flashed before me, the way his kiss could be as light as feathers but still give me chills, or the way he would whisper my name. But Angel’s kiss, this kiss was completely different. It was filled with a mixture of vulnerability and dominance. It was so erotic, sinful, raw and carnal.

I was playing with fire and I could already feel the burn. It was scalding, and I loved it.

The erotic sensation of Angel biting down hard on my bottom lip pulled me out of my Logan-filled thoughts as I moaned into his mouth, spurring him on as I opened my mouth, giving his eager tongue entry to explore. He tasted amazing. The mixture of coffee and pure sin was so damn erotic. The taste of coffee was bitter against my tongue. Angel was just like coffee, strong, bitter, and so damn delicious. His kisses were like a caffeine high, racy, unhinged and oh, so addictive.

His tongue struck mine playfully, causing me to groan as I took his tongue between my lips, taking control. As I sucked on his tongue, Angel made the sexiest noise I had ever heard, a deep throaty moan. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I laced my fingers around his neck, brushing my fingertips through his hair, he moaned in response, causing me to smile against his mouth. Feeling confident, I raked my nails through his hair as I scratched his scalp, taunting him, pushing him. It must have worked. I felt his palm quickly find the base of my back, pulling me closer.

His fingers splayed out on to the curve of my back before slowly traveling upwards, brushing my shoulder as both hands rested on my face. It was enough to snap me back. The reminder of Logan touching my face exactly like Angel was doing danced before my eyes. Quickly pulling away, I broke the kiss as Angel groaned in protest.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized, looking straight into his amazing eyes. “I’ve got to go. I need to get ready for class.” I said, trying to hold back a smile as I noticed Angels lips were now lined with my gloss. Reaching out I ran the pad of my thumb over his plump bottom lip, causing Angel’s eyes to light up and sparkle as he took my thumb between his teeth and bit the pad, hard. I drew a breath before he soothed the sting with his tongue.

“I’ll see you tomorrow in class.” He said, taking my thumb out of his mouth with a POP before making his way down the sidewalk.

Breathe, Neva!

Staring at my now lukewarm coffee, I decided against drinking the rest of it. I will never be able to drink coffee again without thinking about tasting it on Angel’s tongue. I checked the time on my phone, 11:15 am, good I still had time to get Low out of her coma and start the inquisition.

Walking in to the coffee shop, I made my way to the counter, ordered two strong coffees for Tate and Low and, of course, a blueberry muffin. Suddenly, there was an ear piercing shriek that rattled through my brain, bringing back the banging throb of my hangover. Turning around, I spotted Georgia Mathews cackling with a group of over-enthusiastic girls, all wearing matching designer clothes. Gag me!

Georgia Mathews was your typical rich bitch, her dad had a lot of money – practically owned half of the town, her mother was a ‘socialite’ – Whatever that means! And Georgia gets whatever the hell she wants, that included endless trips to the salon, spa weekends and really expensive shopping sprees. She would look half decent if she just toned down … everything? Today her salon aided, blonde hair fell loosely down her back, her face was flawless with minimal makeup, she was around 5ft 7 in heels, and she had a figure of a model and the fashion sense of one too. Oh, and let’s not forget the money to go with it.

I couldn’t stand her. Georgia and Logan had dated when they were in high school, but Logan broke it off when he walked in on her with another guy while she was on her knees. How classy!

Was that a hint of jealousy I could feel? No, of course not.

“Logan.” Georgia shrieked, as I snapped my head round to see a very worn out Logan with his hand in a bandage.

Oh shit, what do I do now?

He wanted ‘time’ and we were standing in the same damn coffee shop. Only now Logan was here with her.

“Hey, baby.” The words stung as I registered Logan’s voice. I looked over, big mistake, and felt tears sting my eyes as Logan planted a kiss on Georgia’s lips. I needed to get out of there. My world was spinning, but I couldn’t tell if it was the after effects of the tequila or from what I just saw. There was no time to question it, I needed to leave.

I quickly paid for the coffees and muffin and made my way to the door with my head bowed and my eyes fixed to the floor, avoiding any eye contact. When the door finally came into view, I sighed with relief that nobody had spotted me. It was only when I got outside that I looked over my shoulder. I nearly split in two watching Georgia kiss Logan’s face, I needed to go. I couldn’t look at Logan a moment longer. I walked away from the coffee shop without a backward glance, knowing that if I did, I would crumble.

I was in a daze as I made my way back to the dorm room, only when I reached SWC I slowly cracked, as sob escaped me as I took the stairs to the second floor, needing the enclosed space of my room. When I finally got in there I found a still-passed-out Tate sprawled across Low’s bed as I heard the shower running. Ah, the tequila zombie has awoken. Thank god, because I really needed my best friend right now.

I quickly wiped away a stray tear that had escaped. I didn’t want Tate to see me crying, the last time he did, he kicked the crap out of some boy because he pulled my hair. I dread to think what would happen if he found out that Logan and I had kissed.

Tate was still snoring like a damn fog horn as I made my way over to my bed. Placing the coffees on the bedside cabinet, I quietly got onto Low’s bed, crawling into the nook of his arm and placed my head on his chest. Reaching out for his hand I placed my hand in his, interlocking our fingers together. I used to love doing this with dad. He was always so warm and comforting, and right now, I needed to feel close to him, and Tate was the next best thing.

When dad died, Tate tried his best to take over the role of man of the house. He would cook, clean and make sure mom wasn’t a quivering wreck while getting me ready for school. He did an amazing job of looking after mom and I. I loved him so much for it.

Tate stirred and groaned in his sleep, I chuckled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which made his eyes open quickly and look to my direction.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” He asked in a sleepy voice as him arm tightened around me.

“Nothing, I’m fine … I just needed a cuddle.” I said, trying to hide the crack in my voice. But Tate must have heard it as he sat us up on the bed quickly, looking me straight in the eyes.

“Something is wrong, you have been crying.” He said as he wiped away the moisture from underneath my eyes “Who do I have to kill?”

“Nobody, I’m fine.”


“Just cramps.”

Another lie.

But my answer seemed to make him smile as he moved to open Low’s bedside cabinet and pull out some pain killers, throwing them to me before giving me a kiss on my forehead. God, I love him!

Placing my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes for a moment, only to flick them back open again when I heard Tate groan. I quickly realized what he was groaning at when I noticed him watching Low walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a skimpy towel.

“Why is everything so damn loud?” She asked, taking my head from Tate’s shoulder, I couldn’t help but notice my brother eye-fucking my best friend.

Rubbing her temples, Low slowly made her way to the closet for some clothes. No amount of coffee was going to clear her hangover. But mine felt like it was slapping me right back in the face when Tate said the one name that could stop my heart instantly.

“Anyone hear from Logan? He’s not answering my calls and Ace is blowing up my phone about the hole in his wall.” He said, looking concerned. Logan and Tate were more like brothers than best friends.

“Nope, why did the ass punch the wall anyway?” Low asked from the closet.

“No idea. Have you spoken to him, Neva?” Tate asked turning to face me, oh shit.

“Erm, yeah. I saw him at the coffee shop this morning.” I said as I watched my brother stuff his face with the blueberry muffin, completely oblivious to the battle that was going on in my head. “He was with Georgia.” I added.

Tate instantly started choking on his muffin while Low came out of the closet, looking at me wide-eyed.

“What do you mean ‘he was with Georgia’?” Tate asked when he had finally stopped choking.

“Exactly what I said, he was at the coffee shop with Georgia.”

“He wouldn’t go there again, would he?” Low asked as she scrunched her nose in disgust.

“No, he’s not
stupid.” Tate deadpanned. “Are you sure they were there together?”

“Look they are either dating or just screwing. Logan kissed her and called her ‘baby’.”

As soon as his name left my lips, my voice broke. No I can’t cry, not in front of Tate. But Low must have suspected something when her head snapped to my direction, oh shit. This isn’t good.

“Tate, I need to get some things ready for class, can you call me later?” Low asked, turning to my brother. Well, if I didn’t know Low and Tate were together before, I certainly do now!

“Sure, laters.” He called as he pulled me from the bed, giving me a quick hug. He walked out of the door, leaving just Low and me. I quickly stopped breathing when Low’s serious eyes met mine, crap!

Grabbing me by the wrist she sat next to me on the bed. I couldn’t look at her, but I could feel her eyes on me, willing me to talk.

“Spill, Nev.” Low said quickly, grabbing my face in her right hand, forcing me to look at her. Sighing, I didn’t know where to start, but I knew Low wouldn’t give up until I told her what was going on.

“I kissed Logan.” I blurted out, pulling my face out of her hands and standing. I was sure I heard her whisper something along the lines of ‘holy shit.’ Oh yeah, holy shit was right, but there was more and I needed to get it out, I needed to tell somebody.

“And I kissed Angel.” I said as I started pacing, looking over at Low, who was obviously having a hard time taking in what I had just revealed.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Low. Please?” I pleaded, I needed her to understand. I really needed my best friend right now.

“You need to give me a minute to process this. I’m still kind of shocked you kissed Logan, never mind Angel.” She said, still wide eyed at my revelation.

“Why are you surprised about Logan and not Angel?” I asked. I certainly didn’t visualize the conversation going like this.

“Logan is a grade ‘A’ man whore and a complete ass, he has shown how much he is those things after running back to Georgia after kissing you!” She said, her voice rising a few octaves. “But Angel? Christ, he’s just sex on a stick. Plus, he has that whole bad boy thing about him, yummy!” She added while fanning herself.

But she didn’t know what I did to Logan to make him run back into Georgia’s arms, she didn’t understand what happened. I don’t think I understand it either.

“You can’t blame Logan for that, it was my fault.” I said, watching her closely as she raised her eyebrow in question. “He sort of saw me kissing Angel.” I said as I buried my head in my hands.

“Hey, this isn’t your fault, Neva. Look at me.” She said, while prying my fingers away from my face. “Did Logan ask you out?” She asked, no he didn’t. I shook my head. “Well then, he is an even bigger ass because he is just jealous that you kissed Angel and no doubt that scene in the coffee shop was to make you jealous.” She said pointing her finger at me.

“What do I do now?” I asked, God this was stupid.

“That’s up to you, Neva. But just remember a leopard never changes its spots.”

She was right, why would Logan change for me? There was no doubt I wanted Logan, to feel his lips against mine again, but I will not be made the fool. But I wasn’t finished with Low just yet.

“Thanks Low.” I said giving her a hug before pulling back to look at her in the face with a stern expression. “So how long have you been screwing my brother?” I asked as I watched a blush cover her from head to toe. Wow, I had never seen Low blush in all the time I had known her.

“Oh God, I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?” She asked, looking like she was about to cry.

“Of course I’m not, I think it’s sweet.” I said reassuring her. After all, if anyone could put my brother in check it was Low. “I just wish you would have told me sooner.”

BOOK: Finding You
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