Read Finding Us Online

Authors: Megan Smith,Sarah Jones,Sommer Stein,Toski Covey

Finding Us (15 page)

BOOK: Finding Us
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Jasmine has no idea just how beautiful she is when she lets go of everything. I want her to be mine but how can I make that happen? She can’t be mine. Once she finds out the truth about what I had planned she’ll never forgive me. I set out to hurt her and her family. I’m mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted after all these years. I just want to find peace again in my life and right now, everything is pushing me to Jasmine.




Knox’s tongue swirling in my mouth has my blood pounding in my ears, my heart is beating so hard against my chest, I swear Knox can feel it, and my knees are trembling. Reluctantly I pull my now swollen lips from Knox.

I rest my forehead against his chest, “Knox,”

He takes a deep breath, “I know. Let’s get out of here ok?”

I lift my head, give him a smile and he grabs my hand. We get about halfway to the car and the clouds decide to open up on us.

I squeal, “Its freezing.” The rain is cold against my heated skin. Knox hits the unlock button to his car and takes a few steps ahead of me to open the door for me. I slip in and reach over to open his door. He climbs in and runs a hand through his rain soaked hair and now it’s standing up all over the place.

I laugh because he has one piece on the top of his head that reminds me of alfalfa, so I reach over to brush it down but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his embrace. His tongue traces the soft fullness of my lips. His hands are everywhere on me. Running down my shoulder to my waist, he slowly brings them up to rest just below my bra. He waits for approval before taking the next step.

I grab the back of his head and bring him in for a hard kiss and he takes that as an answer to move his hands. He cups my right breast and gently brushes the pad of his thumb over my nipple, causing it to strain against the lace.

My breathing accelerates and that’s all the courage Knox needs to make his next move. He reaches up, tucks a finger under the strap of my tank top and slips it off my shoulder. It hangs at my elbow now and Knox reaches for the cup of my bra to free my breast. He stares at it for just a second before taking it into his mouth.

I hiss as his warm tongue makes circles around the nipple. Knox bites down on my nipple, hard but not too hard, and my back arches towards him. He looks up at me with hooded, lustful, blue eyes and I see the hunger that burns in them. I shiver at the thoughts running rampant through my mind about going further with Knox.


I take a deep breath to steady my erratic heartbeat.

“We should go.” Knox says as he pulls up my bra.

I wink at him, “Yeah, we probably should. I’m sure no one wants a show.”

“This isn’t over.” He states matter-of-factly. The underlying sensuality of his words captivates me and my legs start to tremble.

When we pull up to the house it’s quiet and all the lights are off but the front porch.

“Looks like everyone decided to go out without us.” Knox says as he shuts the car off.

I don’t make an attempt to get out of the car right away.

“You ok?”

I give him a small smile, “Yeah. Perfect actually. Thank you for taking me there today.”

Knox gets out of the car without answering and stalks over to my side. The rain has let up. He opens the door and bends down, and then places an arm under my arms and knees to scoop me out. He bumps the car door closed and leads us to the house. “Can you open the door?”

I reach down and turn the door knob; the door opens with a little push. Knox again bumps the door closed with his ass. I think he’s going to set me down but instead he takes the stairs two at a time with me still holding on to him.

We walk into Knox’s dark room; the only light coming in is from the moon shining in from the windows. He slowly lets my legs down and the back of my legs brush up against the bed.

His hungry expression makes my body vibrate with liquid fire from all the pent up sexual tension from the garden.

I reach up to cup Knox’s face and place a soft kiss on his lips. I let my fingertips run from his cheeks, down his neck and start to unbutton his shirt. After I’ve discarded it I reach down to the defined bulge in his black cargo shorts. I got a feel of it back at the garden so I smile through the kiss knowing he’s probably had a hard on the whole time.

Knox hisses and shifts to add more pressure. Things are different now than they were in his office at Club Mango. Then we were in the moment, now we are fully aware of what’s about to take place.

I turn and push Knox back against the bed and reach for his belt. He grabs my hand when I finally get it unbuckled. “We don’t have to do this, just let me hold you.”

My eyes mist over from his thoughtfulness, he doesn’t want to push anything on me.

I want this and I want it with him. I’m not going to screw him, not here, not now, but there is no reason why we can’t have a little fun. I unfasten his pants and start to pull them down and he helps by lifting his hips. He springs free from his boxer briefs, thick and heavy.

I swallow and Knox chuckles at my reaction to the size of him. I slowly wrap my hand around his cock and Knox moans. A delicious heat settles over my body. My panties are soaked, wetter than I have ever been before.

Desire rushes through me and I bite down on my lip. I’m experienced and I know what I’m doing but the fact that I’m doing this with Knox makes me nervous. What if he doesn’t want anything to do with me after this? What if by doing this it makes our relationship real? Do I want that with Knox? I take a calming breath and push those thoughts aside for now; it’s too late to back out.

My heart is beating so fast against my chest.

“Damn, Jas.” He moans as I slide my fist down and all the way back up his shaft. “Fuck.”

The corner of my lip pulls up in a smile and I stroke him again, just as slow as before but with a little more pressure. His groan sounds tortured, like he’s battling himself again. I don’t want to lose him or this connection we have right now.

I sink down to my knees between his strong thighs and reach up to cup his balls, caressing them gently. His legs start shaking and he puts a fist up to his mouth and bites down on it. I hold the base of him and dart my tongue out to lick the tip, swirling my tongue around his head. His cock jumps and his legs tense. He lowers the hand that he was biting and runs it though my hair that is still braided. I circle the tip of him again before taking him fully in my mouth.

“Ah, fuck…”

Fueled by his groans of satisfaction I keep going. I’m doing this to him, me. I don’t feel like he expects me to do this or even wants me to do this.

“Jas…” He moans my name and I hum against him. “Oh, shit…” Knox lifts his hips off the bed, setting the tempo. I hum again and take everything he gives me. His free hand grips the comforter and he squeezes his eyes shut tightly.

“Jas…ahh…I’m gonna come, baby.” He moans my name again. “If you don’t want me to come in your mouth you’ve gotta stop right now.” I suck a little harder and its Knox’s undoing as he yells out my name. His hips jerk as his release hits and I drink everything he has to the last drop.

His grip on my hair loosens and I pull back with a smug smile on my face. I climb to my feet and grab for the button down shirt that Knox had on earlier. I hear him taking a few deep breaths, trying to slow down his racing heart. I turn and strip my damp tank top off. I reach behind my back to unfasten my bra but Knox’s warm hands stop me. My head falls back against his chest and I feel his still hammering heartbeat. He unhooks my bra and slowly slides it off one shoulder and then the other one before it falls to the floor.

I stand in only a black pair of lacy underwear before Knox. He rests his callused hands on either side of my hips and gently starts to rock us both to the beat of the music. I didn’t even realize he had turned it on.

“You ok?” He asks before placing a kiss on my shoulder.

“Perfect.” I reach back with my right hand and squeeze his thigh.

His hand slides from my hips and his fingertips dip into the front of my panties. My skin breaks out with goose bumps and I start to tremble.

“Relax.” Knox says between kisses on my shoulder.

His hand slips further down. A moan of ecstasy slips from my lips, I just can’t help it. The anticipation of what’s to come is slowly killing me. His fingers brush the bared skin between my legs and Knox lets out a curse. Before I even realize what’s happening he has me pushed up against the wall just next to the windows.

Knox kisses me until I’m completely breathless and then steps back, but only slightly so that he has enough room to slide my panties off. They fall to the floor and when I think Knox is bending over to pick them up he reaches behind my right knee and lifts it over his shoulder and he quickly grabs my other leg and does the same. My hands go around his neck as he stands with me straddling his face. I feel his hot breath against my core and my whole body trembles. Knox leans his head forward inch by tortuous inch and places a kiss on my clit. My legs immediately tense around his neck.

“Knox…” I hiss between clenched teeth. My head falls back with a thump against the wall.

He sucks on those bundles of nerves until I feel like I’m going to come apart but he doesn’t let up, his tongue pierces into my opening. “Ah…fuck!” I cry out as my hips buck.

Knox’s fingers dig into my ass as he holds me closer to his face. He licks from front to back and then back again and then sucks my clit into his hot mouth and I come completely undone. My back arches, my hips push against his mouth and I scream his name as my release tears from me. All I can see is white stars.

I’m dizzy, breathless, and utterly lifeless.

Knox just rocked my fucking world.



Jasmine is absolutely fucking perfect. Her body responded to everything I gave it with no hesitation. This girl just gave herself to me.

There is no way I can go through with the plan now that I’ve had a taste of her. It’s impossible. I can’t even believe that she’s a Jennings. She is the complete opposite of what I had her pegged for. She’s caring, passionate, feisty and independent. Jasmine isn’t the pompous bitch I thought she was.




Monday morning, Fourth of July, arrives way to fast. Knox and I lie in his bed, a tangled mess of limbs. We’ve been awake for a little while but both of us are too content to get up and start the day, our last day here. Knox is rubbing circles on my bare shoulder. My head is resting on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart.

If you would have asked me before we left if I ever thought anything would happen between Knox and me, I would have laughed in your face. I was avoiding getting anywhere near Knox and now as I lie here I wonder why that was. Yeah, he was chasing me, probably some sick twisted game of his, but our time together here has changed all that. I no longer feel the need to keep him at a distance. I don’t feel like he’s going to try and control me. Knox puts me first, cares about me. I can spread my wings and learn how to fly on my own even with him by my side.

Knox, when his guard is down, is sexy, caring, sweet and down to Earth. I like this Knox a lot but the second that door opens to the rest of the world he goes back to the Knox everyone knows, the smug, guarded and head strong, complicated man. I know he has a story; it must be deep because no one talks about it. The closest I got was Rhea and Cade telling me it was Knox’s story to tell and that was it.

BOOK: Finding Us
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