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Authors: Jessica Silver

Finding Rebecca

BOOK: Finding Rebecca
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Finding Rebecca


Jessica Silver


All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2013
Passionate Pages Press

Chapter One


“This is the last box,” I said as I walked by the den where Kyle was watching television.

“You’re really going to just throw away the last twenty years?” he asked sarcastically, barely taking his attention away from the program.

“I’ve tried, Kyle. I can’t make things work without your help. I need more than what I’m getting here.”

“You’ll be back,” he said matter-of-factly. “You won’t be able to make it on your own.”

I put the house key on the table in the hall and walked out the door. If I had any reservations about my decision, they went away right then.

Kyle was my college sweetheart and we had married soon after I graduated. Just over a year after the wedding, Kayla came along. I couldn’t have been happier at that time. I had a great career, a beautiful daughter, and a caring husband After Kayla went away to college, Kyle seemed to give up on our marriage. We lived more like roommates than husband and wife. I had tried to make things work, but it seemed so one-sided. Frustration had led me to this place. A place that I never thought I would go.

I should have been sad as I loaded my belongings into the back of my SUV, but I wasn’t. I was actually relieved. The last few years of my life had been less than fulfilling. Everything had become almost robotic. Every morning I went to my office and performed the same mundane tasks. There wasn’t even any excitement at home anymore, and that was what I craved.

I was a little nervous, but the roar of the engine soothed me as I carefully drove out of my familiar suburban neighborhood and onto the interstate. Traffic was light and the four-hour trip seemed to go by quickly. I was pulling into the parking lot of my new apartment almost before I realized it.

Midtown Apartments were not completely unfamiliar to me. I had spent a week there getting everything set up for the move. All I had to do now was unpack the few boxes of my personal things and I would be set.

The voice behind me made me jump and I dropped the boxes that I had just picked up.

“Do you need a hand?”

I glanced over my shoulder at the young man. He was a little over six feet tall and had thick black hair. His dark eyes blended in with his dark olive complexion. I thought I might have seen him when I was here before, but wasn’t sure.

“I can get it, but thanks anyway,” I politely declined his offer.

“Let me help,” he persisted. “I promise I don’t bite.”

He was standing with his hands on his hips and flashing a huge toothy smile. I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

“Okay,” I gave in and handed him a stack of boxes. “I’m on the second floor.”

“I’m Neil,” he said as we walked up the stairs.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Rebecca. I would shake your hand, but I’d probably drop the boxes,” I joked.

“That’s okay. We can be formal later.”

I set the boxes down outside of apartment 206 and unlocked the door. I could smell Neil’s cologne as he walked past me to get inside. It was a manly scent, but not too harsh. I took a deep breath and enjoyed it a few seconds before picking up the stack of boxes and taking them inside.

Two more trips emptied out my SUV. Everything that I owned was neatly stacked in my new living room.

“I would offer you a drink, but the kitchen is empty,” I bashfully told Neil.

“That’s okay,” he grinned. “I’ll take a rain check.”

“At least have a seat and rest a minute,” I gestured to the sofa.

“I really have to go,” Neil said apologetically. “I’m meeting some people in a little while for drinks. You can join us if you like.”

“I think I’ll pass. I need to get unpacked.”

“If you change your mind, I live in 210. I’ll be leaving about eight.”

I watched Neil leave before collapsing on the sofa. His scent lingered for several minutes and I enjoyed it as I worked up the energy to attack the stack of boxes.

Once I finally crawled into bed, I was exhausted. I expected to fall into a deep sleep, but surprisingly, I was restless all night.

It all began with a realistic dream. I could almost feel the gentle touch of his large hands caressing my bare skin. My breath quickened as his fingers trailed along the curve of my breasts. The tingles traveled through my body as his warm lips moved from my neck to my collar bone. When he lifted the weight of his body off of mine, I was able to see his face. Those dark eyes yanked me from my sleep.

I chastised myself for the dream, but there was no doubt that I was excited. I could feel the warm dampness between my legs. I couldn’t understand why I was reacting that way to Neil. He was barely older than my daughter. Regardless, I couldn’t put him out of my mind. I finally gave up on sleep when I could see dawn breaking through the curtains.


Chapter Two


I was just putting away the last of the groceries when I heard the knock at the door. Puzzled at who it could be, I looked through the tiny hole before answering. Involuntarily, I smoothed down my long blonde hair and opened the door.

“We never had that formal introduction yesterday,” he said with a devious smile. “Hi. I’m Neil. I live down the hall in 210.”

I laughed out loud as he extended his hand to me.

“Nice to meet you, Neil,” I said, taking his hand. “I’m Rebecca. Won’t you come in?”

“You said you had an empty kitchen, so I picked up a couple of things for you. I wasn’t sure if you liked beer or wine, so I got both.”

“Actually, I like both,” I answered. “Why don’t you open a couple of the beers and I’ll get us some of mugs.”

“The bottle is fine with me,” Neil said as he set the bag down on the coffee table.

“I’m good with that too. Have a seat.”

“It looks like you got most everything unpacked last night,” he commented as he looked around the living room.

I was very curious about this young man. It seemed odd that a handsome man of his age would be so friendly with a woman my age. I’m sure he had plenty of girls his own age that would gladly spend time with him.

“Yeah. I worked pretty late getting everything organized.”

“You don’t have a husband to help you out?”

I took a long sip of the cold beer and thought hard before I answered his question. I knew the subject of a husband would come up eventually in my new life, but I didn’t expect it that soon.

“My husband and I are separated,” I finally said.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us, but Neil was the first to break it.

“How long have you been married?”

“Twenty years,” I said softly.

“Wow! That’s a long time. Mind if I ask what happened?”

I squirmed a little on the sofa. I had never spent a lot of time around younger people, much less younger men. I wasn’t sure how I should answer his question. One part of me wanted to tell him that I’d prefer not to talk about it, but another part welcomed the opportunity to confide in someone.

“We just grew apart, I guess. It happens a lot with couples, but I never thought it would happen with us.”

“That’s terrible that you invest so much in a relationship and it just goes away.”

Neil’s sympathy seemed genuine, but above that, I couldn’t stop thinking about the dreams from the night before. I was growing more and more uncomfortable, but I hoped it didn’t show.

“Yeah, but I can’t dwell on that. I need to move on,” I said. “Speaking of moving, could I enlist your help one more time?”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“I pulled everything off of the entertainment center and moved it out from the wall to hook everything up. With all the stuff back on it, it’s too heavy for me to move back by myself.”

“That’s easy enough to fix.”

I watched as Neil easily moved the heavy wooden shelves back against the wall. His muscles rippled under his tight shirt and I thought back to my dream again. It had been way too long since I had admired a man’s body and felt that twinge of excitement down below.

“I was about to cook when you knocked on the door. Would you like to stay for dinner? It’s the least I can do for all of your help.”

“I was glad to help, but that invitation sounds great,” Neil quickly answered.

“Good. I don’t know if I can cook for one. I haven’t had to do it in a long time. Make yourself at home and I’ll get things started.”

I was concentrating on the vegetables that I was slicing and didn’t hear Neil come into the kitchen. I jumped slightly when he spoke.

“It smells really good in here.”

“Thanks,” I replied without turning around. “I love to cook.”

“I thought you might like another beer,” he offered as he casually leaned against the kitchen counter and held one out to me.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?’ I teased him.

“If that’s what it takes,” he smiled slyly.

I was speechless as he took the knife from my hand and pulled me to him. His long arms wrapped around me and held me tightly. His body was rock hard against mine, including the bulge in his jeans. I tangled my fingers in his thick curls and held his head as his hot lips kissed every exposed inch of my neck. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears as the fire raged inside of me.

His hands gently cupped my face and he covered my mouth with his. His tongue probed inside and wrestled with mine. My hunger for him completely obscured any reservations that I might have had previously.

He rubbed the palms of his hands over the mounds of my breasts, causing my nipples to harden under my thin blouse. He knew he was arousing something inside of me that had lay dormant for a long time, which made him kiss me harder.

He fumbled with the buttons on my blouse briefly before giving up. I heard them click as they hit the floor when he ripped it open. I let the material fall from my shoulders and he unhooked the front clasp on my bra.

I couldn’t control the sharp breath when he gently bit one nipple and pinched the other. I had never felt such a sensation in my life. Every touch on my body seemed amplified.

I soon became an eager participant, tugging at his shirt. I pulled it over his head and exposed his rippled abs. My lips and tongue explored his tanned chest while he unbuttoned my jeans. They easily slid down my hips and lay in a rumpled pile around my ankles. My hand found its way inside his jeans. I could feel his erection throbbing as I stroked it through his boxers.

The ache between my thighs was growing stronger every second. I didn’t care if he fucked me right there in the kitchen. I just wanted to feel him inside of me. I was tortured by the lingering foreplay.

“You’re incredibly wet,” he whispered as he slid his hand between my legs.

He was right. My panties were soaked with my own excitement. I couldn’t have hid it if I had wanted.

Before I knew it, he had swept me up into his strong arms and was carrying me to the dining room table. The smooth oak top was cool against my hot skin when he laid me back on it. My jeans had fallen off when he picked me up and remained in a crumpled mess on the kitchen floor. I was sprawled on the table in nothing but my panties, which he quickly removed and tossed on the floor with the rest of my clothing.

I could feel Neil’s hands slowly moving up my bare legs. His fingers left a trail of heat everywhere they touched. All I could do was lie there and hope that he would end my agony soon.

He must have read my mind. He pulled me to the edge of the table and spread my legs wide. I felt him move in between them. I gasped when he slid inside of me. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. He slowly moved in and out of me and I could feel his large cock brushing the sides of my slick pussy. Every movement was excruciatingly pleasurable.

His hands continued to move around the rest of my naked body, squeezing my breasts and caressing my sides. Every nerve in my body was suddenly alive and the stimulation was almost more than I could stand. My chest was heaving with every breath and soft moans escaped my lips. I gripped the edge of the table so hard that my knuckles immediately turned white.

Neil’s hips began to move faster and I arched my back. His quicker thrusts pushed his length deeper inside of me. The head of his cock seemed to be pounding against my deepest wall.

“Oh God!” I cried out as my muscles clenched around his shaft.

I don’t know if it was the fact that I hadn’t had any type of sexual pleasure in so long or if it was that he was just that good, but I had never experienced an orgasm as strong or as quickly as that one. My entire body was convulsing in pure ecstasy, but he didn’t stop.

Neil broke the grip of my legs on his waist and lifted them into the air. I didn’t think it was possible, but he thrust even deeper inside of me. He leaned forward and continued to pound in and out of me, his weight rested on my legs and his sweat dripped onto my stomach.

A second wave or pleasure started to build inside of me and I couldn’t hold back the moans.. I could feel the muscles begin to contract around him. He grunted and made a long hard thrust. I felt the warmth of his cream shoot inside me. Another thrust and my own muscles responded with a strong contraction, as if they were milking his cock. I cried out, loudly this time, and bucked under his weight.

Neither of us could move, and I could barely catch my breath. So many thoughts ran through my head. What should I do at this point? Should I just get up, put my clothes on, and finish cooking dinner like nothing happened? Should I compliment him on his performance? I had no idea what the proper protocol was in this situation. As hard as it may be to believe, I had never been with anyone other than Kyle until that moment.

Neil slowly backed away from me and eased my legs down. I couldn’t muster the energy to sit upright, but he was kind enough to help me.

“Are you all right?” he asked tenderly.

“I think so,” was all I could get say in between breaths.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of his beautiful glistening body as he stood there in front of me. He tilted my head up with his strong fingers.

“That wasn’t what I came over here for,” he said. “You’re just incredibly beautiful and I got caught up in the moment.”

“I think it was mutual,” I whispered.

The moment was broken by the sound of the oven timer.

“I should check on dinner,” I said as I slid off the table and grabbed up my clothes from the floor.

I tried to put on my shirt, forgetting that the buttons were gone.

“I’m sorry about that,” Neil sheepishly said, looking at my shirt.

“It’s okay. It’s old anyway.”


BOOK: Finding Rebecca
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