Read Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series) Online

Authors: Marie Garner

Tags: #romance

Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)
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“You still don’t know anything about why your mom did what she did?”

“Not really.” Gwen saw something flicker in Eva’s eyes as she said it and knew Eva was keeping something from her.

“Nothing? You mean to tell me that the woman who left you this gorgeous house, who clearly took care of her possessions and didn’t forget her child—if the pictures on the fridge are any indication—left you nothing to tell you where her head was when she wanted you to be told she was dead.”

“Well,” Eva said, “not exactly. She left me this letter …”

Gwen stood up straighter. “A letter? Well what did it say?”

“I haven’t read it,” was mumbled, causing Gwen to lean closer to hear her.

Gwen was certain she had misunderstood Eva. “What?”

“I said I haven’t read it.” Eva looked down cringing, not wanting to see the expression on Gwen’s face.

Gwen’s exploded, hands waving wildly as she laid into Eva. “Why the hell not?! That could give you what you want! I can’t believe we are sitting here arguing over your mother when you have the answers you want but you haven’t fucking opened it!”

“I’m scared!” Eva screamed, causing Gwen to take a step back. “I am so fucking scared I can barely see straight! I don’t want to know why she chose to leave me. I have been over it and over it and nothing seems like it would be a good enough reason for me so I just don’t want to know.” She didn’t realize the tears were falling until Gwen pulled her in for a hug.

“Look,” Gwen lifted Eva’s head to look her in the eyes with determination. “I know that you don’t want to know what is going on with your mother, but you have been here for over a week. It’s time. I am not saying tonight, but soon. You need to know what she said and why, if for nothing else to give you some peace. I am done with the poor me act. You need to find out what she said so you can start making some decisions.”

“I know,” Eva said, wiping the tears and taking a deep breath.

“And go fuck that boy.” She chuckled. Leave it to Gwen to ruin a moment.



I can’t believe I am doing this
, Eva thought as she pulled into Aaron’s driveway. After showing Gwen the rest of the house, she practically pushed Eva out the door telling her to go get some from the hot boy because an orgasm would calm her down. She did need to get some, and she thought her body was going to combust if she didn’t have sex with him soon. It was just as well; Gwen looked like she needed to time alone, especially after Nick continued to call and text despite Gwen telling him to stop. But that was her problem and Eva didn’t want to think about being in the same situation as she knocked on the door.

Aaron opened the door with the phone up to his ear and she could hear a girl’s voice coming through the line.

“Hey, Sis, let me call you back.” He turned off the phone with his sister still speaking, sensing that this was it.

Eva knew there was no turning back as she walked into the door, watching him as he shut the door and stared at her for a beat before he grabbed her and pulled her to him.
, Eva thought, and thanked the powers that be as Aaron slammed his mouth over hers. She became his sole focus as he kissed her for several minutes before trailing his lips down her neck.

“I’m. Not. Stopping.” He punctuated each word with a kiss as he settled over her rapidly beating pulse. She tipped her head back to allow him better access as he licked and nipped, causing heat to settle between her legs.

“Good,” Eva whispered and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she tried to press closer.

He rubbed his fingers down her side, leaving goose bumps in his wake, and rested his hands on her hips. He captured her lips and pulled her closer while she instinctively widened her legs in response. Reaching between them, Aaron frantically unbuttoned her jeans, dipped his fingers in her panties, and plunged them into her cleft until both of them moaned simultaneously with need. She learned closer while he thrust his fingers in and out, the friction making her writhe with need.

“More,” she said, her hips moving to match his rhythm.

“More what?” He sucked on the side of her neck. “My fingers aren’t enough?” She moaned when he bit down.

“So … close …” Every word seemed to be forced from her as he continued his frantic pace hitting her sweet spot, ready to orgasm just before he removed his fingers with a loud pop.

“Not yet. I want to be inside you when you come the first time.” She wanted to kill him, her pussy aching in need. She could still feel the effects of his fingers and wanted it back. Before she could complain, he lifted her into her arms and walked her toward the bedroom. She licked the shell of his ear as he walked, causing him to lean against the wall when she bit down.

Before she knew it he laid her on the bed, looking down on her as he pulled his shirt over his head. She got up and started kissing him, her fingers at the button of his jeans to return the favor. She put her hands down his jeans to grip his manhood, feeling the length of him as she helped free him. She gripped him, leaning down to lick him. He jerked at the feel of her tongue, putting his hands to her head as she sucked greedily for several minutes before he pulled her back on a growl.

“Enough,” he said, helping her lie back so he could stare at her while he prepared himself. “Damn, baby.” He stroked himself off a couple of times. “You see this?” She could only stare, mesmerized at the sight in front of her. “That’s for you.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “All for you.” He guided himself to her opening, rubbing gently down the slit, and looked into her eyes once more as she nodded in agreement before he plunged into her buried to the hilt.

“So good,” she said as she thrust her hips to meet his as he started to move back and forth, “right there.” She groaned as he hit her clit.

“You like that, huh?” he whispered while continuing to kiss and nuzzle her neck before he took his fingers to massage her clit. “Come for me, baby.” He licked the shell of her ear before he bit down, causing her to come apart in his arms. He continued to push, enjoying the tightening of her walls around him, before he went slack with his own release. He lay on top of her, allowing himself to recover from the strength of his orgasm, before he flopped onto his back on the bed.

“Damn,” she whispered, turning over into his arms as she laid her head on his neck. He grunted in response, as though he didn’t have the energy to form a coherent thought. “That good?” She giggled, to which he grunted again before he got up to take care of the condom.

She heard the water running before he walked back in, unashamed of his nakedness, with a wet towel to wash her off. After taking care of business, he lay back down, pulling her gently to his chest before he pushed back her hair and kissed her gently while rubbing his hand down her arm.

“Give me a minute,” he said jokingly when she started to kiss his chest, wanting to continue to touch him, putting her lips along his amazing body.

“Just a minute?” she asked with a smile.

“Yeah,” he said, kissing her softly.

aron woke slowly, rubbing his arm down Eva’s back as she snuggled in closer to his chest. He had worn her out; he smiled, remembering both the night before as well as her energized reaction to their lovemaking. She clearly enjoyed sex and made no bones about it—something he was incredibly grateful for. He was really falling for this girl, and that never happened, but he didn’t know how to stop. He didn’t know if he even wanted to get out, but he knew that Eva made it clear she was only here temporarily. Looking down at her, with her hair fanned out over his chest and lying in his bed, all he thought was that she looked like she belonged. He kissed her forehead, causing her to do nothing other than grunt, so he started kissing down her neck to wake her up. Her first reaction was to swat at him, killing his Casanova vibe and causing him to pull out the big guns.

“Baby,” he whispered in her ear, chuckling softly when she tried to move her head out of way.

“Go away …” Or at least he thought it was “go away,” if you could understand the grumble as she burrowed her head in the pillow. He slid down the bed, getting closer to her ear.

“Get up,” he screamed, causing her to jerk upright in response and stare at him with hooded eyes.

“What the hell?! What time is it?” He could tell the minute she realized it was after seven with the way that her eyes widened.

“Oh shit! I was supposed to leave last night!” She sat up, frantically looking for her clothes, when Aaron started laughing at her. Eva glared at him. “You could help me find my clothes. Gwen is probably looking for me.” Like Gwen didn’t know where she was, but the way Eva was still searching for her clothes in a frenzy, he knew she wouldn’t listen to him.

“Look,” he said soothingly as he rubbed his hand down her arm, “you can’t do anything about spending the night now. And Gwen knows where you are, so just come back to bed.” He tried to bring her back down against him as she tried to pull back.

“I can’t,” she said but didn’t resist the second time he pulled her to him and kissed her.

“You can,” he said, kissing the shell of her ear before moving back to her lips. He ran his hands up her stomach before gently kneading her breast as she arched her back to welcome his tongue with a moan. “One more time,” he pulled her down and she whispered “yes,” ready to escape into oblivion again.



Aaron couldn’t stop touching Eva, his hands running through her hair as they lay in the bed, relaxing. He knew that he had to get up soon and go to the office, but he didn’t want to ruin the after sex glow in the air.

“Mmm,” she said, nuzzling on Aaron’s chest. “I guess Gwen knows that I didn’t come home last night,” she chuckled warily.

He laughed in return. “Probably not.” He kissed the top of her head. “So how does she like the house?”

She crossed her hands over his chest, propping her face on her hands to look up at him. “She likes the house, although that’s not why she came. She found out last week that her husband has been cheating on her with his assistant and she ran here to get away.”

“That’s awful.” He rubbed her back in comfort as much to keep his hands on her. “Is that why you were so upset yesterday?”

“Kinda.” She moved her face to the side so she didn’t have to look him in the eye. “Yesterday was just a shitty day all around. First Gwen called, then the stuff at your office, then I locked my keys in my car, and to top all that off I was so sexually frustrated I was about to blow a gasket.”

“Well at least one of your problems is solved.” He leaned down for a kiss, a sweet meeting of lips that was unlike the all-night sex fest that had consumed them earlier.

She smiled softly. “Thankfully. I almost hate to say this, because I don’t want to sound like a girl, but I have never felt this way before. I mean, last night was amazing, better than anything I could have asked for, and I am really scared that I am in this alone.”

Aaron felt nothing but relief and leaned down for a longer kiss, using his tongue to gain access to her mouth, deepening the kiss before he pulled back to reassure her.

“Baby…” he gripped her face in both of his “…I have been falling for you for a while. Every time that I was around you, all I felt was this overwhelming feeling like this was different, and I didn’t know what to do. My head has been spinning since that first horrible meeting when I met this gorgeous girl that I had no idea what do with. I am sorry that your mom died, but I can’t be sorry that it brought you here to me.” He smiled softly and kissed her again, loving the fact that she was so responsive. “The only thing that I want is for this situation to stop hurting you. That is why I really want to …”

BOOK: Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)
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