Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C. (8 page)

BOOK: Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C.
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Shit, what the hell was he thinking? He shouldn’t be wanting to place a claim on the woman, but he did. Just something that meant he had an exclusive right to her body and her cooking. He thought with grim satisfaction at the thought.

“She’ll be back later tonight. Then tomorrow she can read to you Max. Tonight I will do it.” Tick told the boy, who sat with his little arms crossed and a pout on his lips, even though he wanted the same thing.

Charity walked into the room making him want to rush her right back up to her room and demand that she change. Had she lost her mind with that white sundress? He wondered, his hands clenching the arms of the chair he sat in as he gritted his teeth.

He wanted to rip that dress off her and take her against the nearest surface. Holy shit, he was hard as a rock, and ready to kill anyone who looked at her. Only he wasn’t able to do any of those things and that really pissed him off.

Charity walked into the room a bit out of sorts. Since she’d told Tick about her date this morning he’d been acting like a freaking dick. He’d walked into the house and hour late demanding that she feed him, and when she’d asked him to serve him and Max so she could get ready he’d refused. She’d managed to get their dinner on the table then gone up to get ready. Now she was standing here with the two of them looking pissed and she didn’t even really want to go anymore.

She sighed, but she was going. They weren’t a permanent part of her life and she needed to see if Travis could be. Beside Travis was nice and she should like him better than the dickhead who’d hardly spoken two words to her all damned day. He was being a total dick, and she didn’t understand why. He was being slightly inconvenienced sure, but not so badly that he had to act like such a prick. She knew he’d planned to go over to Ratchet’s to play poker tonight. He could have asked Maria, Colt’s old lady to watch Max tonight.

“Well, I should be home by ten. You don’t have to wait up for me.” Charity said awkwardly.

“I’ll be awake. Call if you’re going to be late.” He growled, glaring at her from the chair he sat in. Max was sitting on the floor with his building blocks ignoring her.

“Okay.” She said, hearing a knock at the door. That must be Travis, she thought. “Goodnight, Max.”

Max ignored her just shaking his head a little and not looking at her. It made her feel as if she was betraying both the man and the boy. What the hell was wrong with her, she thought. Shaking her head, she headed for the door without another glace at them.


Tick glared at the prick who was helping Charity into his car. He wanted to go out there and demand she get her ass back inside, but he didn’t have a right to. He almost wanted to roar he was so angry.

“Dad, why’d you let her go out with that jerk?” Max asked.

Tick turned looking at his son in surprise. “What?” he asked a little dumbfounded.

“She’s our girl now. Why’d you let her go out with him?” He demanded.

“Our girl?” He asked.

“Yeah, you call her the same thing you did mom. She’s our girl now.” Max said, using some logic that only made sense to him.

For a minute he couldn’t figure out what he was talking about then he realized that he’d called Vivi baby girl too. Shit, he hadn’t even realized that until Max pointed it out. He was actually surprised that Max remembered. He’d only been four when his mother died.

“Oh, buddy. She’s just here for a little while, and we can’t keep her.” Tick told him, not sure what else to say.

“You like her don’t you dad?” The boy asked.

“Yeah, I like her.” Tick agreed.

“So then why can’t we keep her?” He tilted his head looking up at Tick with a puzzled expression.

Tick tried to think of an answer the boy would understand. He didn’t want to upset him, but they weren’t going to keep Charity. It didn’t matter how bad he’d like to. It just couldn’t happen, or could it, he wondered.

“Son, Charity’s not a pet. We have to let her go if she wants to. She’s just helping us out for a little while.”

“That’s stupid. I like her and you like her and she likes us, so she should just stay here with us.” Max informed him crossing his little arms across his chest, again. Tick didn’t see a flaw in the boy’s logic. Other than the fact that she was on a date with that prat that is. That was a big flaw.


It was a little over thirty minutes later, and he’d just put Max to bed when he got the call.

“Hello.” Tick answered on the third ring.

“Hey, we may have a lead on your problem. Guy in the area is said to have the skinny according to Tiny. Names Vickers, he lives over by the Miller place. Go over there tonight and see what the hell he knows.” Bone told him. He agreed and hung up calling Ratchet.

“What’s up?” Ratchet asked

“Have a bead on some info. Wanna come with me to have a little chat?” Tick asked.

“Yeah, what about Max? Want me to call Colt to send Maria over?” Ratchet asked.

Tick thought about that for a moment. Humm…that was the way to interrupt her date without having to be a total dick.

“Nah, Charity can do it.” Tick said, grinning.

“Isn’t she on a date?” Ratchet questioned.

“Yep,” He said a little gleefully, maybe a bit too gleefully.

“I see.” Ratchet chuckled. Then after a pause asked. “Her being on a date is eating you up isn’t it?”

“What? Hell no, I just like being a dick because she’s a pain in the ass.” He denied.

“Uh-huh, I’ll be there in thirty.” Ratchet chuckled as he hung up the phone, the bastard.

He called Charity. She answered on the third ring. “What’s wrong? Is Max okay?” She asked her voice a little panicked.

“He’s fine.” He assured her. “Just need you to come back here. I gotta take care of some business.”

“Can’t Maria come and handle it till I get home?” Charity asked.

“No, come home, now.” He roared into the phone, unhappy that she was questioning him.

“Are you kidding me? Why are you acting like such a dick?” She asked.

“Just get your ass back here. Lover boy, can take you out another night. I need you here and your brother put me in charge of this punishment, so get your ass back here.” Tick didn’t want to argue with her she needed to get her ass back here and away from that dickhead. He didn’t want that man touching her.

“Fine, asshole.” Charity hung up.

He got ready then waited in the living room for them to show up. The two of them walked up on the porch, and Tick seethed when the man looked like he was going to kiss her again. Yeah that was not fucking happening, he thought walking to the door. Ripping it open, he stormed out onto the porch.

“Took you long enough. Look she needs to watch the kid so leave.” Tick growled, moving down the stairs to his bike, which was parked beside the red sports car in his driveway.

“Sorry about him.” Charity said, grimacing at Travis. “He’s in a bad mood tonight.”

“It’s okay. I get it, but I’ll call you in two weeks. I have to head out of town for a bit. When I get back we’ll have to see if we can end our date on a better note.” Travis ran his hand down her cheek, smiling.

She smiled back, “Okay.” She agreed, before turning to head inside.

Tick seethed with anger, and thought about what the man had said. Yeah, he wasn’t going out with his girl again. That prat would discover that when Tick took her in hand, he thought. He’d realized that he was going to take her, and that little bastard wasn’t going near her ever again.

Chapter 10


Charity couldn’t believe that Tick had acted like such a dick last night. She was really pissed, and when he got back she was going to call him on his bullshit. Max was at Maria and Colts house with Connor this morning. She was in the kitchen cleaning when she heard Tick’s motorcycle. Wiping her hands on the dish towel, she headed for the door. He was just entering when she walked into the living room.

“What the hell is wrong with you, asshole?” Charity yelled, not even allowing him to set his things down.

“Charity, not now.” Tick ignored her and walked up the stairs headed to his room.

He’d had a shit night, and he was tired. He didn’t want to deal with any bullshit. The man who they’d gone to see had little information on the man or men who were causing all the trouble. He didn’t know what they looked like or what they were up to. He’d only really been about to tell them that whoever they were they had been part of the Headhunter MC. Which left them right where they’d been a few days ago. Nowhere near figuring out who was causing all these issues at the farm.

He was tired and he needed some sleep before he headed out to work on the tractor. He stored his gun and knife in his dresser, turning to go into the bathroom. Charity grabbed his arm demanding his attention. He’d had enough two seconds into her impassioned speech.

“Not now? That’s all you have to say to me Tick? Not now? Fuck you, asshole. You’re going to talk to me and explain why you couldn’t ask Colt or Maria to come over here to stay with Max for a freaking hour. Admit it you just wanted to ruin my dat-” Charity’s words were cut off by Tick’s mouth slamming down on hers. She tried to turn her head to get away, but he just brushed his tongue against her lips. Making her gasp. His tongue used that small opening to thrust inside her mouth. His hands grabbed her hips jerking her closer.

Tick was on fire suddenly. He’d been dying to get inside her for weeks now, and her screaming at him when he was in a bad mood had been the last straw. He wasn’t going to stop now that he’d finally touched her again. He growled, his hands holding her to him as he devoured her mouth. He was out of control. He needed to take her against the nearest surface, and thankfully that was a bed. He turned with her in his arms, crowding her back towards the bed. She moaned allowing him to manhandle her.

Charity couldn’t help it she’d been dying to feel this she realized, feeling his hands on her hips, for weeks. He’d been inadvertently teasing her with all the gentle touches over the past few weeks, and that passionate kiss they’d shared hadn’t help cool her down. Her body became liquid and pliant, and she moaned. The man’s kiss was stealing her sanity, she couldn’t take it. She needed to stop him, he wasn’t the right man for her. Only she was pulling his head to her, and she allowed him to turn her crowding her back towards what she knew was the bed.

“I warned you.” He growled against her lips, barely letting her up for air. Her only response was a deep moan.

Tick needed to touch her, he wanted her naked, now. He was so hard he could barely breathe. She tasted like heaven and he wasn’t about to deny himself any part of that gift. He backed her up till she fell back on the bed. He looked down at her lying across the bed his cock throbbing in his pants. He knew that he would take her. He pulled on his cut, removing it, still watching her lying on the bed. Her eyes still slightly glazed from the pleasure his kiss had stirred inside her. He removed his shirt too before lying on the bed bedside her his hand sliding under her shirt slowly reaching for her bare breast beneath her shirt.

Charity had tumbled back on the bed breathless from his kiss, her heart pounding in her ears. She watched him standing above her looking. She knew she should protest, try to get up, but she just couldn’t seem to find the will power. The man was dead sexy, and as she watched him remove his cut and shirt she couldn’t deny that she wanted him. He moved onto the bed beside her and her breath caught. She felt his hand sliding across her abdomen his fingers moving to take possession of her right breast.

As the heated hand covered her breast, she knew that she was going to let this happen. She was going to let him fuck her. And she knew that’s all it would be to him, but she wasn’t sure that was all it was for her. Only she couldn’t stop him, she needed this, she needed him. His fingers rolled her nipple making her body arch off the bed. He leaned forward taking her other nipple into his mouth shirt and all. He sucked her, making her moan.

She held his head to her, her other hand moving to his shoulder, sliding over the smooth flesh of his back. She felt his hand moving to lift her shirt, he groaned, pressing his hard cock against her leg.

Tick was so hard he throbbed with a painful ache, his hand slid to the edge of her shirt sliding it up. His mouth still sucking on her cloth covered breast. He pulled his mouth away from her quickly ripping the shirt up before falling back to that breast, again sucking hard. His tongue slid across her nipple, his teeth raking the tip. He felt her move wiggling to get closer, he liked that. He wanted her wet, ready, and open. He felt almost ferial, with the needs he was feeling to touch, to own. His body was clenched so tight his skin hurt.

She moved against him, her hands running across his back making him almost groan. He needed her little hands on him, all over him. He managed to pull back looking at her beside him on the bed her shirt lifted, her nipples hard, her bare skin still glistened with the moisture from his mouth. His hands tugged at her shirt, finally ripping it off her head then they were at the snap on her jean shorts, tugging. He wanted her naked in his bed. He almost growled at the visceral feelings of need seeing her like this evoked.

   Her eyes watched him, heavy lidded. He ran his hand over her hips, his eyes taking in her wet nest of curls covered by her purple lace panties. He placed his hand over her stomach, not sure if he would last long enough to get inside her. He felt like a school boy looking at his first woman. His cock was throbbing so hard he almost couldn’t stand it. He leaned forward his mouth kissing her stomach then moved slowly up her torso to take her other breast into his mouth, sucking. He felt rather than heard her whimper, her hands moved over his chest, her fingers finding his nipple. She rolled his nipple as he had hers, making his teeth run over hers.

BOOK: Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C.
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