Find Me (Truthful Lies Trilogy - Book Two) (35 page)

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Authors: Rachel Dunning

Tags: #chicklit, #brooklyn, #new adult, #ny

BOOK: Find Me (Truthful Lies Trilogy - Book Two)
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The photos disgust me. The redhead’s face
by Deck’s junk disgusts me. The orgasmic look of satisfaction on
this Tatiana’s face disgusts me. The other blonde’s tits and
almost-brown nipples disgust

And Declan in the middle of all of them
disgusts me.

Most of all, that there is even the
remotest possibility that it could all be a lie, that a woman of
this caliber—rich, sexy, tall, shapely, and no doubt highly
experienced—might be after
also disgusts me.

At the end of Deck’s story, I say, “I need
time. I need to process this.”

Deck hugs me, and I feel myself
Fear of
losing him? More analyses. So let’s just skip them. I flinch away,
and he feels it, and when he moves down to kiss me, I turn away my

No analysis required. It’s just a fact.


After he leaves, I call Trev. Trev confirms
what Deck said to me, and confirms that, in total, Deck was in with
the naked nukes for about two or three minutes.

And I want to believe him as well.

But would
believe the best friend of a cheating boyfriend?

This is no comment about Trev’s
personality. I love Trevor. And he
like a brother to me. So is Skate. They always will

But brothers also lie. In fact, brothers lie
more than friends. Because they’re more afraid to hurt you.

It’s also a comment on the inviolate bond
between men in trouble. I think you could run a pretty decent
analysis on that one if you wanted to.

But what would be the fucking point?


Vikki, however, has no opinion. “It really is
his word against hers, isn’t it? And a question of how much you
trust him. I can’t defend him, or even fight against him, because
there’s little evidence either way. Some of those photos are pretty
convincing. Others, well, they look a little odd.”

What they
prove is that he was in a room with three naked

“Yes, he didn’t deny that.”

No. And if he’d been lying, I guess he
could’ve said they were Photoshopped. You know, deny the
thing, instead of just some of

Vikki shrugs. “It really comes down to trust,
Blaze. Do you trust him when he says he didn’t do anything?”

I do.” And, inside my head, I add,
Sort of.


Weeks go by. At first, we act as friends.
None of the heat or passion of before. We go for coffees, for
drinks. We talk.

And I believe him. I believe his story. I
believe he was faithful.

What makes me believe him is not so much
what he does, but what this Tatiana

She doesn’t meet with me. She avoids me. I
call her, and she sounds hesitant.

I find out she’s married.
And that she was
married when this incident with Deck supposedly

I might have had doubts that Deck had
cheated, but I
that she’s
cheated! In a court of law, his testimony would stand up

We start kissing again, as if we were
dating once more—soft, gentle kisses.

Touching is difficult. It takes a few more
weeks before I let Deck take my top off again. I find myself
constantly watching him, watching how the girls react around him.
It doesn’t help that they react like dogs on heat. But is that his

I try. I do. And, finally, I let him touch
me like he used to touch me. I let his hand slide into my pants and
into me. I let the moisture seep from me, and let my head drop to
his colorful shoulder as he massages me and tells me he loves

My waist
—held up by his thrusting hand—moves to and fro
with every pump of his two fingers. I tighten, and liquid drips
down the inside of my leg.

I bite him. His movements are kind, and
can I
believe this boy?
Was it just the hurt? The confusion of the moment?

I feel the sting of pleasure clamp
my ass and legs.
I squeeze them. He presses lightly on my nub.

Our foreheads touch, then our noses. “Make
love to me,” I say. “Make love to me again.”

His right hand clamps to the back of my
neck, and I feel his head tremble. “I can’t, Blaze. Not until I
know that you trust me. That you believe me.”

I realize that believing
—in the absence of
any other evidence—is simply a decision I need to take. Something I
need to tell myself and then be done with. I force the words out of
my mouth, because no matter anything else, I know one thing: I love
him, and I know that he loves me.

Do I trust him? I say, “I do. I believe

As he enters me, on my bed, and as the
friction of his pulsing cock massage
s and electrifies me, I tell myself this again.
And again.

And again.

I clutch his shoulders, tighten my legs
around his magnificent ass.

My vag narrows, heat thrills me, sweat
washes over me. I groan, he groans. Tension builds and... “OH, GOD,

I burst. I hold onto him while it takes
over me, while I let the fears and pleasures and pains and
confusions and joys and loves and hates of the last few months just
roll over me.
Letting myself go to it

Letting myself

yriad images fly past me—the orgasm still ripping itself
into me:

Deck, just before our first
kiss, outside that concrete wall: “This must’ve been a heavy time
in your life...”

The contortions of his
first time we made love. How we held onto each other.

Bobbing his head
to Bieber over at
that party at the Upper East Side.

Standing between me and Tolek
. “Protecting me.”

And as these thoughts pummel me, as my vag
thrums and clamps and exquisite ecstasy slashes into me...I hear
him groan: Soft, tender...
Letting go

His eyes close, his head goes down. He
grumbles, “Uuuuuuuuurghhhhh.” And then, leans his head back, “Ah!

I feel him, inside me, thrashing,
away into

And just as I ho
ld him, he holds me.
Tight tight tight!

Holds me for dear

I wonder what pictures are going through
his own mind right now, as our bodies unite. What’s he

Still feeling it, still being
by it, I stroke his growing
hair. And I watch him. I force my eyes as I see the love in his
tightly shut eyes and twisting lips. Sweat beads and drips down his

He thrusts one more time into me, and I
feel it pull the last
of pleasure from me. And I watch it do the same for

He exhales. I laugh. “What are you laughing
at?” he says.

I rub his hair
. “I’m laughing at us.”

Really?” He’s out of breath. “We’re

No, we’re not.
But life is funny, how it throws everything in
your way so you can’t get what you want. And then, when it stops
throwing things, and you
it, you end up almost throwing it away.”

“And what is it that you want that you almost
threw away?”

I try and say it fast and lightheartedly,
but I end up quivering it out through a
shaking chin. And the faucet in my eyes goes on as
well: “You,” I choke. “
All I want is you.

Deck buries his forehead on my shoulder.
He doesn’t say anything. But I feel him trembling.
He holds me; so tight that I
struggle to breathe. And that’s OK. That’s absolutely

Because m
e and Deck—we’re good now.

We’re OK.

We’re still OK.

Life threw all it had at us, and we’re still
here. We’re still fighting.

And we’re A-OK.

Will we continue to be OK?

There’s a little more that happens.
doesn’t give up
easily. But remember I told you, right at the beginning, that he
tried to get away from me, and that I came back—bloody-mouthed and
bleary-eyed—and that I wouldn’t let that
go? Remember that?

Well, here we are

Let the fight
ing begin.

Are you ready to


Declan Cox

d love to tell you it was all smooth sailing from here. I’d
love to tell you that Tatiana Watkins forgot her defeat and moved
on with her life. (She didn’t.) I’d love to tell you that Trev
never lost his scholarship. (He did.) I’d love to tell you Skate
and Vikki hit it off right away, that Gina suddenly snapped out of
her hell, that the cops placed Dino at the scene of the crime and
had him in prison for arson...

I’d love to tell you that Blaze and I were
safe now.

Let me just tell you that, even if we
never heard from Tatiana again, Blaze and I would never be
again until she
could fully trust me. And she couldn’t. She wanted to, but she
couldn’t. And so it went, that as time went on, we learned that the
true enemies of our love were not Dino, Tatiana, Dalya D-Cup or
even Tolek Two Face.

It was us. Ourselves.

And so the inevitable




The story of Declan, Blaze, and their friends
continues (and completes) in Book Three. This book will be out
toward the end of April 2014 / early May 2014.

To receive
instant news of its release, please subscribe to
my blog here:

If you’d like to mail me personally for
any reason, you can reach me at:
[email protected]

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Also by Rachel Dunning:

Know Me, #1 Truthful Lies

Finding North, #1 Naïve Mistakes Trilogy

East Rising, #2 Naïve Mistakes Trilogy

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