Final Days (27 page)

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Authors: C. L. Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Final Days
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“You can.  Um, if you want to, you can do it tonight.”

“You need more time to adjust to this, Alisa.  I promise, though, you are going to love being vampire.”

She still didn’t know if she could believe it.  But right now, every thought went out of her head as he arrived between her legs, and with joy, because she was able to do it, she lifted them up to let him in.  He played with her, pulled and tongued her until her feet came down on his back and she lifted higher while he held her gently in hands that she knew would always take care of her.  Sweeping beyond the edge of the first orgasm she’d had in several months, her mind swept to something he said earlier.  That they would do this every night for ten centuries.  It made the orgasm hit harder, then a second one pulling her upward again.  But it wasn’t enough.

The sensation of sexual pleasure didn’t satisfy Alisa.  She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back up the bed with her.

“Get inside me.  I need to feel you inside me.”

Her hands went to his cock, which was hard and ready.

“You need me,” she whispered.

“I’ve needed you since October. 
Every night.  I don’t want to hurt you, baby, but it’s been since then.  I haven’t relieved myself since you’ve been gone.”

“Get inside me. 

Koen thrust,
slowly fitting himself in her, and once he was in, he stopped and just felt her.   He gathered her in his arms and held her, arms tight around her body, his cock nestled inside, and didn’t move. 

Alisa felt the tears on her own face as he held her and cried.

“I was so afraid she took you from me forever.”

All of the days spent missing him in Brazil, Alisa hadn’t realized how much more painful it had been for him.  Because at least she had known he was safe.  He hadn’t know
n the same about her.  All the pain that woman caused…

“We’re together now. 
Forever.”  And suddenly, she believed everything he’d told her.  Because she trusted him more than anything in her life, which meant everything he told her was the truth. 

“You’re going to be inside me just like this for hundreds of years,” she said quietly, with awe.

He lifted his head and kissed her then as he started to move inside her.  “Forever, my love.”

His slow strokes were so erotic, the heat and friction so intense, they both came moments later, inextricably bound, physically and spiritually in a sensation neither one of them had ever experienced before. 
They were reminded that the universe had chosen them for each other, that destiny had already spoken.

Alisa kissed Koen’s face gently on the forehead, the chin, his nose, each cheek, and then on the lips.

“You belong to me,” she said, as he curled her against him and their bodies melted into each other.  They were both finally where they belonged.

They slept through the night, the following day, and next night.   Neither had slept well in months, and now that they were back together, safe in each other’s arms, their hearts and minds relieved of worry and pain, they rested for the first time in m
any days. 

Alisa woke first, and pushed up to look at Koen sleeping beside her.  Everything that had happened since the night she’d gone to have dinner with Percy, seemed like a dream, a nightmare. 
An illusion. 
seemed real.  Now, back in her home with Koen beside her, everything should feel okay and normal again.  But it didn’t. 
Not after what Koen revealed to her before they slept.

Carefully, she got out of the bed, wrapped a light robe around her and walked to
her balcony.  She wanted to feel the air on her skin after so many months never seeing daylight or breathing fresh air.  Normally, she would just open the French doors and go on out.  But some kind of heavy metal shutters were locked and crossed in front of the opening. 
What the hell?

She shook her head as she looked them over and figured out how to unlatch them and get outside. 
Nothing normal anymore.

Except the scarlet around the edge of the city skyline.
  Except that apparently the sun
always rise, and here it came, spreading light over Chicago and washing away the artificial lights that glowed from so many tall buildings.  A light breeze tugged her robe and lifted her hair.  It was spring now, she’d missed winter. 

Alisa considered the past few days since her rescue.  Her life had taken another wild turn.  So much so, she put her hand on the back of her neck and smiled.  She should have whiplash.  Bringing that hand back down, she watched the fingers while she moved them back and
forth, made a fist, then snapped her thumb and middle finger.  It was amazing.

Koen had told her something impossible.  And yet here she stood,
stood, and walked
, when she shouldn’t have been able to.  He told her he was a vampire.  He had to drink blood.  Impossible.  His blood could heal her of the devastating disease of ALS. 
And he would turn her into one too so they could live together for centuries. 

“Impossible,” she whispered.

The sun felt incredible.  She dropped into her lounge chair and sighed.

Koen had rescued her.  He loved her, she knew that, and she loved him just as deeply.  No matter where her life went from here, it would be incomplete without him.  So she would accept anything he insisted and take care of him, as he had done for her. 

She glanced back at the heavy doors pulled only wide enough for her to slide past.

He couldn’t be a vampire, they just didn’t exist.

The morning air was wonderful, but it was still a little nippy so she entered the living room
, closed the French doors, looked at the alien shutters and secured them again. 
Nothing normal anymore.

Her vampire was still asleep and only moaned as she crawled back in bed and scooted up against him.  Seconds later, she was asleep again.






A scraping sound woke her some time later.  Alisa rolled over, reaching for Koen, but she was alone in the big bed.  She sat up and wiped gently at her right eye that seemed fuzzy.   More sounds filtered in through the partially closed bedroom door, so she got out of bed and walked down the hall.

Koen looked up at her as she entered the room.

“Hi, lady.
  You slept well.  So did I.  It’s been two days of marathon sleep.  I’m ravenous and I know you must be too.”

He’d pushed her furniture back and laid a blanket down on the floor.  On the blanket, surrounded by lit candles, a buffet of food waited in various containers with wine glasses and plates beside each other.

Koen pulled her forward.

“Breakfast buffet.
  You may as well get accustomed to it.  Vampires eat a lot of food on rising.  Come here, baby.”

He seated her in front of one of the plates and sat beside her.

“I think I have all your favorites covered.”

Alisa looked over the display
ed food.  He did.  And he was right.  She was starved.

“This is beautiful.  I can see you’re a romantic.”

“You bring it out in me.  Go ahead.” 

She began to fill her plate, and looked at all the calories on it when she was finished.

“Holy shit.  If I’m truly healed, I’d better stop eating everything in sight.”

“No, you’d better get used to eating everything in sight and then some.  Vampires have to consume ridiculous amounts of calories because we burn them so quickly.  Alisa, I want to show you what I mean.  Will you come with me after we eat?”

Alisa laid the sweetened toast she was eating back on her plate and touched his face.  “Koen, I would go anywhere with you anytime.   Vampire or not, I trust you.  Strangely, even from the beginning, I never doubted you.”

“Brilliant woman.
  First, though, let’s enjoy.  I am about five thousand calories low already tonight.”

Alisa just stared at him.




An hour later, dressed in snug jeans, a soft sweater, and her favorite stiletto-heeled boots that she thought she
would never be able to wear again, Alisa stood at the door to the stairwell on the first floor of the Willis Tower.

“I want to take you to the top of this building,” Koen told her.

Glancing down at the high-heeled boots, Alisa gave him a pained look.

“I wish you would have warned me.”


“Because this is the tallest building in Chicago and I’m wearing five inch heels.”

“Doesn’t matter, my love.  Your feet won’t touch the ground.”

He swept her into his arms, and used vampire speed to fly up the stairs, all ninety plus floors, until they arrived, faster than was possible, on the observation deck overlooking the city from every direction.

Even though she was carried the entire way, when Koen lowered Alisa, she was winded and stunned.  Her eyes shot to his face.

“What the hell was that, Koen?”

His expression was serious now.  “That was a demonstration.  I know I’ve asked a lot for you to believe in something so bizarre, so out of your experience, you feel confused enough to wonder if you’re sane or if I’m insane.  This is vampire hyper speed, a way of moving through air by displacing it, a way we move so quickly, it’s hard for people to see us move at all.  For you to really understand what I am, to really believe it, I needed to show you something that we can do that is so extraordinary, it can’t be disputed.  Quite a ride, isn’t it?”

Alisa was speechless.  She looked around her at the empty
Skydeck and calculated it couldn’t have taken more than four or five minutes for him to carry both of them up all those flights of stairs.  Turning to Koen, she punched him in the chest.

“Just warn a girl next time you decide to teach her a lesson.”

“I agree.  You understand, though?  Vampires can do many things humans cannot do.  You’ll learn as you join my family.  I just needed to show you something to help you understand.  To adapt to this news.”


The view from here was breathtaking, although the hyper speeding had already done that to her.  Alisa looked around at this city she’d loved, aware that she would probably be leaving it soon to go with Koen.  A moment of sadness faded when she looked at Koen, who was also looking over the sparkling city lights below.

“Isn’t this place closed this late at night?”

“Not to vampires.  Locks don’t bother us.  And we can use a simple method we call compulsion to control humans.  I know what you’re thinking, but most of us use it only to keep our secret or make life easier.”

“So we’re alone up here. No one else will come.”

He looked at her, leaning against the railing.  “No, no one else will come here.”

Alisa nodded, and walked up to Koen.  “I want you to make love to me, and I want you to drink from me.  I know you want to, I’ve seen you looking at my neck.  You linger there when you lick me.  And I’m curious about it.”

Koen’s heartbeat picked up.  

Alisa sat on a bench and pulled off her right boot, then her left.  Koen didn’t move as she slipped her jeans down, the pale beige sweater dropped just below her hips and he couldn’t see if she was wearing panties.  She stood and walked back to him.

“I’m not,” she said quietly. 

He was hard and straining already before she grabbed the waistband of his jeans, popped the button and violently yanked the zipper down.  She caressed him as she slid his cock free and rolled her fingers over the tip.

Koen lifted her then and she put her legs around his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  She rode him while he moved them over to one of the Ledge observation boxes
, all glass walls and a glass floor, suspended out away from the building.  It was one of the most exhilarating places in the city, and he thought it was the perfect place to make love with her and take her blood for the first time.

her against the glass wall, he pushed her long loose hair away from her face and looked into her eyes.

“You’re sure?”

“More than anything.  You really need this, don’t you?”

“More than anything,” he parroted, and
pushed into her, as deeply as he could, over and over, and just before he felt as if he might come, he licked her neck and hesitated.

“Now, baby,” she whispered.

Koen struck, fast, pierced her soft skin, the bite so quick she felt only a brief pain and then felt his tongue moving against her as he drew on her.  She’d been just on the edge of an orgasm, but it changed, intensified, became hotter and deeper, and when she began to spasm, her body writhing upward, he thrust one last time and they both came explosively.  It was the most erotic experience of her life. 

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