Final Days (17 page)

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Authors: C. L. Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Final Days
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The middle of the country, hidden among the mass of humans.
  It was where she would begin.





Ahmose knew the second he arrived at her dwelling when the door wouldn’t open that she was gone.  They
were moments too late.  Windari was quick, clever, and motivated because she knew he would have killed her.  A forever death.  This crime, the murder of a first blood, was unpardonable. 

He entered the abandoned dwelling, saw her personal items and flew into a rage.  He destroyed everything in sight.  In minutes, the room was wrecked and he dropped on a twisted piece of couch, trying to control the rage that still sizzled inside.   Lifting his eyes, he saw Chione standing in the doorway.

“I’m sorry you had to see me lose control.  It isn’t dignified,” he apologized.

She walked toward
s him, carefully stepping over remnants of the room’s furnishings.

“It might not be dignified, but it was justified.  I would have done the same.  She’s gone, then.”

He nodded.  “I’ll find her, though.  We’ll never stop looking.  Chione, what the fuck was wrong with her?  How could she be capable of this?  What did I miss?”

“Windari has always wanted you.  You never realized it?  I’ve known for centuries.  But you were never taken with her, so I just thought of it as unrequited love.  She should have moved past it by now.  Obviously, she has not.  But I, too, would have never have thought her sick enough to hurt anyone.  I guess we don’t know what is really happening in someone’s mind.”

“Are they safe?  Am I going to have to be afraid for Star and our children?”

“I don’t think so.  But I agree with you.  We must find her.  While I think she’s too smart to try to come back here, Windari cannot be trusted.”

“There isn’t a corner she can hide in that I won’t find her.”  Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he hit auto dial.

Cheirro, hi.  It was Windari who tried to murder Star.  I want you to build an army to find her.  Whatever the fuck it takes.  Nothing is too expensive or drastic.  And I’d like hourly updates, all right?”  He rung off and looked at Chione, standing elegantly by a broken row of mirrors.

“He’ll make sure everything is watched.  He’s the best security man I’ve ever known, and exceptional
ly good at tracking.  If anyone can find her, especially with our resources, it’s Cheirro.”

“If I can be of help, let me know.  Well, I’ll return to Star.  Good day, master.”  She turned to go.


Turning back, she answered.  “Yes, master?”

“You may call me Ahmose.”

Chione paused in the doorway.  She bowed and walked out, thinking how much things were changing now in this community and wondered how much they would change in the future.  She wasn’t sure she could call him by his name.  It had never been about hierarchy or
subservience, that was never the case.  It had been about respect for his position as leader of her people.  Now that he had requested it, she would try.





Windari had arrived in Chicago just an hour before the sun rose and hurried to a large hotel she knew must have interior rooms.  Once she found one and was secure, she ordered massive amounts of food, making certain everyone was compelled to forget she existed.  She had already wiped the memories of anyone she dealt with at both airports and had their security staff destroy the cameras in the entire concourse in Africa.
  She had to be as thorough as Ahmose’s security teams would be.

Now, after the stress and traveling, she was ravenous.  American food was diverse and really greasy.  But it hit the spot so that she could l
ie down and try to rest.

, best laid plans had failed.  How was any of this possible?  She knew the cut was fatal.  She’d felt the bitch’s lifeforce leave.  That little vampire had been truly dead. 

Was it Ahmose?  As a leader of the children of the moon, was it possible he had magics no one knew about?  The question h
ung in the air.  Could he bring back the dead?

Although that didn’t explain the other mystery of how Tamesine had survived the same injury centuries ago.  Eventually, she would figure it out.

Her first goal was to secure a home, far from any chance of detection by supernaturals.  Then she needed to alter her appearance so that even if her image were captured on a camera, they could never identify her.  She needed to make a couple of blood-bonds to service her and protect her interests during daylight.

And she needed a new name. 
Something sexy, different.  Eternal. 

It struck her. 
Mercury.  Cold on one side, hot on the other, a planet that rode too close to the sun.  Like she always had.  A long journey all by its lonesome.  It fit her.  Mercury?  That was it.

For all that this exile was tragic, she was a little excited about starting out somewhere new.  She couldn’t believe how exhilarated she felt.  Perhaps this was her destiny after all. 
A new world for Windari. 

If she could stay alive.







A new world.
An amazing one!

Two blood-bonds had prepared an abandoned warehouse downtown as a temporary dwelling for Windari.  They worked tirelessly without sleep for two days to create something she thought would marginally suffice for someone of her standing, even for the few weeks or a month it would take to find a permanent residence.  She already felt lonely with only these humans around for company.

The sex had been dreadful.  These American men seemed poorly trained in the art of love.  Windari was accustomed to the best, so she taught her blood-bonds some tricks that surprised them.  She had to admit they learned quickly and things had improved last night significantly.

“I will need a lot of sexual service,” she informed them. “I hope you’re up to it.”

The tallest of the two, a man who told her his name was Martin, although she just called him Number One, was built well with equipment that performed much better than the smaller man, who was passive and seemed as if he would be more comfortable in a bank than a woman’s sex.

She was happiest with the huge television
Number Two brought in while she rested last night.  He called it a smart TV and showed her what it could do.

“Outstanding,” she proclaimed, watching the brilliant colors on the 60 inch screen. 

The community in Zambia had a central meeting room with a television, but it wasn’t used a lot.  Now, trapped inside with no one to spend time with, she was delighted with the programs and internet access.  It appeared the community was far behind the times technologically.

Tomorrow night, she was going to get out and see this city.  Number
One had picked up some modern clothes for her. 

Trying on the new clothing, she shook her head wildly, her hair dancing in all directions.   Instead of long blonde curls, her hair was now milk chocolate and no more than three inches long. 
Such freedom!
  This new life felt like a revival.  It was a good thing since she was stuck out here permanently away from her clan.

Stretched out on the comfortable sofa with several bags of American chips surrounding her, Windari watched Number One approach.  He was sexy in a different way than her last lovers.  She’d chosen him for his thickly muscled arms and chest, and although at first she hadn’t cared for his shaved head, now she quite thought she liked it.

“Anything else, mistress?” he asked, addressing her as she had instructed them to do.

She looked him up and down.
Yes, there was.

“Remove your clothes and kneel.  Remember that technique I showed you last night?”

He nodded while undressing.  She watched his cock growing before her eyes, pleased he was excited to service her.

“Do that.  And show me your best work.”

“Absolutely, mistress.”  He smiled and dropped between her open legs.  As she reached for an onion-flavored potato chip, she watched his wide shoulders as he worked.  Yes, he was getting good at this.  She tilted her head and considered the large man using his tongue effectively for her.  It had been a long time since she’d let a man enter her because she waited for Ahmose.  But that possibility was gone now. This man was very happy to service her orally since that was all she allowed.  His hands creeped up onto her thighs and caressed the skin around her sex.  She should let him enter her.  It had been so long since she’d felt a man move inside her. 

“Number One.
  Come with me.”

Windari pushed off the sofa, leading him to her new bed.

“I want you to enter me.  Now I like it fast, hard, and rough.  Think you can perform well enough?”

His smile split open.  “Yes I do, mistress.”

She opened her legs wide.  “Get to work.”



The next night
the air was much cooler, which was going to take some getting used to.  Windari loved the knee-high stiletto-heeled boots she was wearing with tight fitting jeans that showed off her body.  The sweater she’d chosen was cut so low, her bright blue bra showed above the neckline and highlighted her excellent cleavage.  It all worked perfectly with her short hair finger-combed into spikes.

“I’m sexier than I’ve ever been,” she said to her image reflected back from her new wall of mirrors.  “No one is going to recognize me from any camera.  So I’m safe to explore this city.  Number One, come with me.”

“Mistress,” he said and followed her out of the building.

Windari enjoyed every moment of their walk through her newly adopted home.  She loved the tall buildings, the noise,
the scents.   People in every shape and size passed busily all around her.

“Fascinating,” she murmured.

“A lot happens here,” Martin told her.

“I can see that.  I’m starving.  Take me to the best restaurant in the city.”

“The hottest place in town for the past three months is called
The Lion’s Bone
.  It’s in an old building on the edge of downtown, and when you get there, it looks like a run-down abandoned building.  But then I guess when you get inside, its elegant and classy.  I’ve never been there, it’s the most expensive place in town.  But I think you need a reservation and I think they’re booked pretty far out.”

“That isn’t a problem.  Let’s go.”



They were, of course, seated right away.  As Windari settled into a rose-colored plush chair, and reached for a menu, she flinched.

What the hell?  There was a first blood vampire in this room.  She went on alert, the dagger she’d tucked into her tall boot palmed.  Her head swiveled and she stopped on a huge man in the corner of the room.  He was raising a glass to his lips as his eyes moved up and he saw her staring at him.

It was the child of the sun who had first visited her village in Africa to search for Starla.  Koen.  That was his name.  He glanced at her, then away, back to his companion.

Windari shifted her eyes to the small woman across from him. 
Human.  Very pretty.  She was looking up at him with the sweetest smile.  She was in love with him.

He hadn’t recognized her.  Windari had blocked her lifeforce as she left the village, so no one could read her nature.  Obviously, her disguise worked.  And since he was here before she was, she assumed he wasn’t following her.  So, was she safe? 
Probably not.  Ultimately any contact with vampires was dangerous.   Memories were fragile and unpredictable, and he might remember seeing her at some point.

But for now, she would have a nice meal,
then disappear.  He was preoccupied anyway with the human female.  What was it with these very powerful men falling for weak humans?  Yes, she was pretty, but not as stunning as Windari.  Yet this Koen had been only properly polite when he’d met her in the garden that first night in her village.

Maybe the human had the same posit
ion for Koen as Number One had for her, as an escort and to service the insatiable sexual needs of first bloods.   She searched him, sizing up every visible inch of him.  She’d been obsessed with Ahmose for so long, she had neglected all other males.  This one could take care of her needs, that was apparent.  He was as big as Ahmose.  Number One had done an admirable job with intercourse last night, but Windari wanted
man.  She wanted a first blood. 

Could she approach him?   With her highly altered appearance, he might not recognize her at all.  Although when they had sex, he would know she was first blood.  The sexual connection would reveal her nature as vampire.  By then, though, she would have charmed him enough that he would stay with her.  The only part that concerned her was his friendship with the Shoazan and Ahmose.  It was risky.

It didn’t matter to her.  She wanted him.   Her sex ached now, needing his cock inside her, and she wanted to see that big body naked.   She felt the moistness between her legs surge.  Damn, she wanted that vampire!

She was going to do it.  Tonight, he would be pleasuring her in her bed.




Koen leaned in and placed his fingertips lightly against her lips
.  The incorrigible man!
  He’d done the same thing this evening to wake her.  Only it had been a different set of lips and had led to a ticklefest followed by serious lovemaking.   She was going to tell him tonight that she loved him.  That she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.  And she was going to tell him how long that might be. 

Tonight, she would disclose her secret and find out if he loved her enough to ride through this storm with her.  She couldn’t blame him if he bailed.  People were wired to protect their hearts.
  But she didn’t believe that would happen.   With every touch, every glance, every word, Koen showed her how much he loved her.  Tonight, it would be settled.

Alisa curled her tongue around one of his fingers as she curled her fingers around his hand.  Her eyes lifted and captured his.  Their eyes locked on each other, unbroken, until a loud voice punctured the moment.

They both looked up at the same moment.

“Hi. Look, can I speak to you?  Got a second?”

A stunning woman with perfect features and striking hair stood there, transfixed on Koen.  Her sweater revealed half her breasts and her jeans looked like they were painted on.  Alisa couldn’t help herself, she knew this woman was interested in her man and she suddenly felt extremely protective and possessive.  Where did this woman come from?

Alisa moved her gaze to Koen’s face and was surprised to see he was studying the beautiful interloper.  His eyes moved back and forth across her features with a puzzled look.

“Can I speak with you?”   The woman repeated.

Alisa waited for him to ask her what she wanted, but he looked at Alisa as he got up.

“Baby, I’ll be right back.”

And he followed her out of the restaurant.  Alisa wondered if she should be worried.  This was the second weird reaction she’d witnessed with him and another woman.  What the hell was going on between them?  In truth, although she was in love with him, and really
trust him, she actually knew very little about him.  Now, she was feeling uneasy and a little sick.




Koen stopped and turned to Windari as soon as they were beyond earshot of anyone else. 

  He inquired.  Then, “No. The other one.  From Africa.  Right?”

Fuck!  He recognized her.  He must know her sister well to be able to recognize her face so easily.  Well, he must not know what happened in Zambia, he wasn’t hostile or on alert.

Smiling disarmingly, Windari nodded.  “Yes.  My name is Mercury. I thought I recognized you in the restaurant.  Just wanted to say hi.  I didn’t know if your companion knew your circumstance.”

He wasn’t on alert, but he was cautious.  Slowly, he responded.  “No.  She doesn’t.”  He paused.  “Why do you block your lifeforce?”

“We always do when we leave the village.  For protection.  Or just an old custom from a thousand years ago.  I’m not sure.  You noticed that the village is archaic in many ways.”

“I found it charming.”

“Yes, of course I agree.  Listen, I’m alone here for the first time in this city.  I wondered, would you like to come to my dwelling and keep me company tonight?”

He couldn’t possibly decline
.  Yet he shook his head.

“I’m sorry, the woman I am with…”

“Is human,” Windari finished with barely concealed distain.

He saw it, and his expression became guarded.

“Is human.  And she is mine.  So the answer is no. You would do well to be more cautious in your judgments.”

was telling
about judgments? 
He was
choosing an insect over a goddess!
  But it wouldn’t be wise to say tell him that now.

“I apologize.  I meant no offense.  It
’s just, I’m lonely.  I need first blood companionship.  One night?  Please?”

“My woman would take it highly amiss.  You,” He began to walk away.  “Have a good night.”

If Windari could have done it, she would have knocked him the hell out.  But he was larger and likely more powerful than she was.   Choose your battles, she reminded herself.





When Koen rejoined Alisa, she was completely immersed in eating her meal that had arrived while Koen was gone.  He tried to catch her eye but she wouldn’t look up.   She reached for a piece of focaccia bread and he took her hand, so she
finally did.

“What do you think just happened out there?” he asked her.

Alisa slowly withdrew her hand, her bright blue eyes pinning him.

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