FILTHY ENGLISH: Romantic Tryst - BOOK 1 (2 page)

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Minutes after, she walked down the street to the bus stop as fast as she could, she only slowed down when she knew that JP couldn’t see her from the window.

Now with the fresh air from the early night and without him around, she could think clearly. And she couldn’t believe what had just happened, she had the best sexual experience of her life and met perhaps the man of her life, she didn’t know why but she just knew it.

But she couldn’t believe he could be the one.

Maybe because JP was so different from any other man she ever met in her life, he is determined, confident, and an alpha male who doesn’t let go what he wants. He has a power of domination over her that she can’t explain and never experienced that with any other man.

She fell asleep with his smell around her and she dreamt of him.

Everything had started like any other day, Carolina has lived in London for 3 years now, after living in southern Europe.

London is famous for always being cloudy and cold, but today is a spring day and the sun dawns joy and warms the soul of those who live and visit the city.

Carolina decided to take a long walk in the centre of the city on her day off, she was ready to relieve stress from work.

Carolina just loved long walks along the river alone and get lost in the middle of the touristic crowd.

Carolina’s sons are 18 and 20 years old, they are already in an age where they prefer to do things with their friends rather than with their mother and she understands and doesn’t mind.

The youngest is Leo, he is shyer than his brother proving to be more intellectual and introverted.

While Alex is more social, he uses kind words on subjects who are interested in him and he is very wise when it comes to decisions, he always makes nice comments to any person with whom he spoke. Carolina knows he will make a good leader one day.

But the boys supported their mother in all decisions she made in life, her sons are her best friends and she is very proud of them. 

Carolina is 43 years old, she likes exercising regularly and keeping fit was a daily goal for her, she loves feeling good about herself. The outlined body still looked young, propositional breasts to her body stands out, small waist, elegant legs, and small hands with slender fingers. She looked better than many young girls.

She has been divorced for 12 years now and after the divorce, her priority has always been her kids.

A past with lack of relationship experience, the few she had, nothing made her think of getting marry again.

Since she arrived in London, she had only one boyfriend, he was Norwegian, and he worked in the fashion sector. As a traditional Norwegian, he was tall, blonde, with light blue eyes and a beautiful smile; he was always very relaxed in his life, very polite to her and those around him. But she could never fall in love with him, she wondered why; he was always a great guy, but for Carolina, there was something missing.

Sometimes she finds herself thinking that she will never fall in love again making her feel empty of the feelings for a man.

Arriving at Trafalgar square, after a long walk, she admired the three staircases giving access to the National Gallery and sat on the grand staircase in the middle to rest for a bit, along with other people who were already sitting everywhere.

Enjoying the view, Carolina looked at her phone to see if she has any messages from her boys or if someone had called her, but there was nothing, which is a good sign.

Feeling her muscles in her legs still contracting, she decides to rest a little more, choosing to distract herself with a new iPhone application which her boys downloaded for her to enjoy. Saying, she should get a boyfriend instead of worrying so much about them.

Once she had figured out how to work with the application, she found out it was really easy, actually just needed to slide her finger to the left meaning she wasn’t interested, sliding with the finger to the right would mean she is interested in the man in the photo, and all this only based on a couple of photos.

Easy enough
– She thought.

As she sees photos from men available in her area, she sees a photo with a man’s face drawing her attention.

He is not gorgeous
- she thought -
but he is not ugly either.

The photo showed only the face of a man the same age as Carolina. He has something but she can’t identify exactly what it was. Looking for a few minutes, she saw his intense gaze, what really caught Carolina’s attention was his intense blue eyes, they were somehow filled with a hypnotic power, his expression was hard and authoritative, almost touching arrogance, but not quite.

She slides her finger to the left, opting for no.

Carolina returned home physically tired but at the same time psychologically much lighter, receiving fresh air, even in the middle of the city and seeing thousands of people was for Carolina very relaxing.


At night, sometimes when she fell asleep and entered into the world of dreams, she dreamed of him.

The man she’s in love with.


She dreamt she is with the man sitting by the water, barefooted on the sand facing each other; he touches Carolina’s face gently with his hand, he is staring at her with his passionate blue eyes.

In the dream, she feels incredibly loved, when she woke up, she can still sense the most amazing feeling.

In her dreams she doesn’t know where the beach is, she only sees the light yellow sand, the beach surrounding has some rocks, no houses to be seen, just a cliff of rocks and then a huge desert beach.

She remembered there was a black Range Rover on top of the beach, with the front wheels on the rocks, next to a wooden pathway already with its colour eaten up by the sun. She knew the Jeep was his.


Carolina was never able to see with clarity his face because of the brightness of the dream, she thought it came from the sun, but she wasn’t sure.

In the dream, she could sometimes stare at his blue eyes just for a few seconds, sometimes she could even see his beard and his figure against the sun, revealed a tall and defined body figure.

There was never more than that, she could never go beyond that, sometimes she tried harder to see him better in the dream, always struggling to see him in a much clearer way, but the light wouldn’t let her.

She was sure that in the dream there was a mutual feeling, she felt that they liked each other very much by the way they were looking at each other.


In real life, Carolina has only a few friends and they were always very engaged with family and Carolina didn’t feel it’s right to bother them and challenge them to go out with her for dinner or see a movie. And the other reason is that she has a very different taste from her friends, they didn’t really appreciate going out to fancy restaurants, or watch a play in the west end. That was Carolina’s best night out.

Most of the time she wants to go out, she goes out with her sons and sometimes she goes out alone, as it happens regularly. She got used to it and she doesn’t mind, although like everybody else, she misses romantic dinners, walks in the park or going to a museum on a date. It’s so much fun.

By the next day arriving at work 15 minutes before 9 a.m., she had plenty of time to send messages to the boys to make sure they are well.

Once she knows they were good, she decides to open the application in her iPhone again, and there it is, the photo from this arrogant man with the hypnotic blue eyes from the previous day.

From what she had read on the application, when she opts for no, that person should no longer appear, but why was he there again, she couldn’t understand. It’s almost saying:

"I will continue to show up until you say yes."

Carolina felt the urge to meet him, his expression...his eyes...she chose to slide her finger to the right, giving the final yes.

Moments later emerged the photo of Carolina and JP (with their initials) as a match.

From now on they could exchange messages if they wished.

Carolina had to admit that the photos taken by JP could have been taken by a professional. He has very good quality photos and yet he didn’t look like a model. It was a bit confusing because in the photos he wasn’t comfortable enough to be a model, but with his physical features, yes, definitely he could be a model or an actor, he even resembles the American actor Patrick Dempsey.

While Carolina was heading back home after work, she remembered to check if she has a message from JP. She opened the application, and there it was, the message she was waiting for with his brief presentation.

"Hello my name is JP, single, I am professionally very successful. I spend half of my time in London and the other half on the other side of the Atlantic, I am rich and I can transform your life far much better. As I have a very intense professional life, I am just looking for fun."

If Carolina had accepted the first impression that she had with his look in the photographs to be just a little arrogant, certainly from his writing he acts as such.

It was probably a dead end, it would most likely lead to nowhere, but she was curious and she wanted to know where it was going, replying:

"Are you a Sugar Daddy? I'm Carolina, I live in London, divorced, working in marketing. I am looking for a relationship with consistency”

Minutes later, she received another message from him:

"I've never needed to be a sugar daddy, but I wouldn’t mind being because I have lots of money. By the way, I love your photos, you're very sexy, and I would like to see more, can I see more of you? I’ll send my photos as well, they are all recent. Tell me what you think."

After the first message, many others followed and lots of photos were shared.

He explained that after the birth of his daughter, he fell in love with a 50-year-old woman; she was a divorced mother with teenage children.

He said he had never been in love before and he never felt anything like it, he was terrified by the intensity of that feeling that he was experiencing. And at the same time, he couldn’t live with a guilty conscience for leaving the long-time partner and his newborn daughter to be with another woman.

Their relationship was pure passion, he said. He felt completely addicted to that older woman, but wasn’t able to deal with his feelings; their relationship was consumed by great moments and really bad ones, he was struggling on a daily basis with that, as she walked away from him every time they have the slightest discussion, leaving him heartbroken. She walked away for the last time almost six months ago and didn’t return to him.

Because they were two single people, Carolina and JP, finally agreed to meet and whatever happened would be nothing but sex, no illusions for anyone, no drama and no future. And for Carolina, that was the perfect opportunity to turn a hidden fetish come true, meet a man, have sex and walk away as if nothing happened.


Carolina decided to ask him directly instead of trying to guess what could be the true situation behind his attitude.

JP gave her a completely unexpected answer for which Carolina was not prepared at all to hear, saying:

“If you want to make sure that I'm telling you the truth that there is no woman in my life right now, come to my house and see it with your own eyes.”

Carolina went.


From that day Carolina’s life would change forever.




Since that date, she had with JP she couldn’t stop thinking about everything that happened in that encounter, she went through all the details over and over again, triggering in her neurological system a feeling of anxiety with a mixture of excitement and desire for repeating the experience.

She wakes up every day hoping that JP would send her a message or call her just to say "hi" after having been together.

But he never contacted her again.

Saturday finally arrived but Carolina didn’t hear anything from JP.

She knows he doesn’t want to see her again, because if he wanted to, he would have already contacted her.

But Carolina was already completely in love and ignored the obvious signs. Still, she contacted him.

JP answered her that unfortunately, he can’t make it, but he would like to see her again as soon as possible.

Days and weeks go by without any contact from JP to set another date.

She decided, to send a message one month later to let him know that she would be moving on, hoping unconsciously to rip a reaction out of him:

"Hello, I know you don’t want to see me again, but I want you to know that I loved meeting you. Goodbye."

Taking Carolina completely by surprise JP answered her the next minute:

"Where do you think you're going? We are not done yet"

Looking at his message, her hope was instantly renewed and she couldn’t resist asking:

"I don’t understand, if we aren’t done yet why are we not together?!"

"Because I'm in New York," He said.

With a breath of relief, she smiled, after all, he was only engaged with work and she thought all this time, he wasn’t interested in her and he's just out of the country.

Again she ignored all the red flags coming from the bottom of her brain just because she was already madly in love with him.

Another month passes by, two months, failing to reschedule another date, JP never gave Carolina the opportunity to talk in person, and he didn’t show any interest in repeating the extraordinary sex they had together. They only keep contact through text messages and sometimes sexting.

Carolina started to get anxious and angry with him, she didn’t know how to handle the situation, because she never meet a man like him:
Oh that filthy English, how could I be so stupid and believe in him? Making me trust in him, because he said in my eyes he would like to see me again and be together on a regular basis, but he lied. And in the middle of everything, how is he capable of filling my mind with dirty thoughts, putting me on fire for him.

Whenever Carolina thought about him and how he treated her, the angrier she got.

Carolina, at this point, knew already what had happened between them meant nothing to him, he was still in love with the other woman, although she kept playing him in the palm of her hand and what had happened between JP and Carolina had been only one time and there was no chance of repeating it.

She couldn’t forgive herself, for not being able to talk to him and ask that they should spend more time together to get to know each other better.

Being conscious, she loved an illusion, a fantasy from her head, she didn’t know who that man in real life was that she had fallen in love with.

Trying to forget JP at all cost, Carolina accepted social invitations to distract herself from failed affair. Days later in one of the events, she was invited, almost weekly but never shows up, she finds one of her social friends she’d met previously, they were not intimate and they talked only about events, twice.

In fact, Carolina knew Tess was a highly recommended professional in matchmaking, bringing couples together who otherwise wouldn’t get to know in any other way, and that is what Carolina needs right now, an expert to find her the man of her dreams.

As soon Tess hears Carolina’s words, she was so thrilled about it, that she would start searching immediately for the right guy for Carolina. Tess knew Carolina was a great challenge for her, due to Carolina’s requirements:

“I agree to help you, but I will only introduce you to one man, that’s all that it takes.”

Carolina smiled, thinking that it was highly unlikely that Tess could introduce her to the right man and spot-on with just one date. However, she didn’t say anything to Tess, making her believe that it was possible.

“I know you don’t believe in me, but I will proof it to you, you will see,”

Tess said almost as if she was reading Carolina’s mind.

Carolina agreed, taking the time to make her profile and to submit the man’s profile that she was looking for in a written form, giving it to Tess for a detailed analysis.

They agreed to meet the next day for lunch.

During lunch, Carolina explained what she really liked and thought her perfect man would need to be, she talked about her life, goals and priorities.

Tess was asking questions that sometimes didn’t seem to make any sense to Carolina, but she answered them anyway, while Tess wrote down everything.

Two days after, the matchmaker found the man for Carolina, a charming gentleman, with the same goals in life as Carolina, he wants to get marry, raise a family and be very successful.

Tess sent to Carolina a complete profile of the man in question in a long e-mail.

Carolina opened the email and read his profile.

He was exactly the kind of man she loved, wanted and needed.

But was it really? Could it be so easy?

Or will he be just another guy saying everything that you want to hear, and in the end nothing will be what it looks like or worse, there is no spark between them.

Carolina was very apprehensive about meeting another man because she was completely convinced, it would fail from the start. And there was the issue, she didn’t want to make the same mistake she did with JP, she didn’t want to go that road ever again. She learned her lesson the hardest way.

Nowadays men find women so easy, they think that sex always comes first before anything else, that's why relationships don’t work today or have such limited time
- She thought, remembering Tess’ advice on how to behave on a first date, she thought about what happened between her and JP. She had lived with that experience, and didn’t intend to repeat it.


Time heals everything, even broken hearts.

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