Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2)
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“Then let me in,” he demanded, followed by a more tender, “I won’t hurt you. I swear it. I won’t do anything you don’t like or invade memories you aren’t willing to share. I only want to get closer to you—to make you feel good while you’re making me feel
Trust me, Milena?”

He was giving me his best, most innocent choirboy-lost-in-the-mall eyes. “Please? I promise to be good and play nice.”

I knew I’d probably live to regret it, but I didn’t have the willpower to say no to him in that moment. I realized he needed this. He craved control, yes, but more than that, he yearned for intimacy. Connection. He wanted my trust.

He was a powerful Alpha. But he was also a lost, damaged little boy. One who had broken most of his toys, set fire to Alcaeus’ home, and torn apart his own nanny for unwittingly killing his mommy. He was a ruthless destroyer—begging me to trust him to be good and play nice.

Maybe … maybe he just needed someone to have faith in him that he could be trusted to play nice?

Either way, he wouldn’t harm me. I was certain I believed that.

I nodded slowly. “O-kay …”

His entry was subtle—as far as my sensing him internally, at least. Yet I knew the moment he’d gained access from the way his eyes rolled back into his head and he groaned with rapturous delight, in a manner disturbingly akin to a drug addict finally getting his long-awaited fix.

At first, I feared I’d made a most critical error, as he proceeded to laugh, from the belly, fully and heartily, and yet with a resonance of deviance—a measure of irreverence that reminded me of the obvious fact that I’d just granted the ultimate supernatural bad boy unrestricted access to my mind once more.

And he was naked. And I was on my knees in a dark, creepy wine cellar, desperately aroused and waiting for him to put his cock back in my mouth.

Possibly I’d made a bad call.

” he chanted, an impish smirk gracing his sensuous lips. “You are definitely my favorite addiction. And I do need my fix now. Rest assured, though, princess, I will keep my word and play nice with you.
fucking nice.”

An involuntary shiver ran down my spine at his words. Followed by a warm, comforting, masculine hand. I startled and looked over my shoulder, only to find nothing but darkness and shelves upon shelves of wine bottles behind me in the distance. I raised confused eyes back to Alex.

“Remember the time I touched you in the kitchen?” he asked softly, raking his fingers through the hair at my scalp. “The morning you awoke from your coma?”

Oh, dear Lord

help me

His flirtatious grin stretched. “I’ll be paying close attention. I’ll stop anything you don’t like, okay?”

He didn’t wait for my nod of agreement. “As you were, angel,” he enjoined, tapping his wet cock against my semi-parted lips. Unblinkingly, I obliged, taking him inside of my mouth and picking up right where I’d left off.

It started out easy—a loving stroke here, a rub there. One invisible hand … then two … three. It was relaxing. Soothing. And soon there were six of his phantom hands massaging me at once, working the tension from my muscles, helping me to unwind as I bobbed up and down on his shaft, humming my appreciation for their attention.

But then a warm, unseen hand materialized between my bare thighs, beneath my dress. Followed by another hand rubbing my naked ass. And when a long, hot tongue slid boldly up my slit, I lost my rhythm entirely and nearly choked myself on Alex’s big penis as my leg muscles gave way and I half fell forward into him.

More masculine hands—real or phantom—caught me, and eased me down onto all fours as Alex simultaneously went down onto his knees before me in order to remain inside of my mouth. I heard myself moan-mewl in aroused apprehension as Alessandra’s pretty silk dress was shredded from my body next.

“You’re okay,” Alex reassured, his voice hoarse. “I’ll stop anytime you want.”

In truth, I didn’t want him to stop at all. It was all outrageously arousing—albeit somewhat disturbingly different. Perhaps deviant? And part of me remained unsure of whether or not I was okay with it. Still, another part was secretly praying an invisible erection would be breaching my throbbing wet hole soon.

My slutty she-wolf was in absolute heaven, rejoicing in the sensation of so many hands petting her, tongues licking her.
That settled my deviant question.

I had little time to contemplate it further when firm lips latched onto my clit and began to suck so hard I screamed over Alex’s plunging dick as one, then two fingers filled me, churning rapidly and setting off my orgasm. The only sound louder than my muffled screaming was Alex’s continuous growling.

More unseen tongues lapped up the juices dripping down the insides of my thighs as countless phantom hands stroked me, more fingers slid through my sodden folds, working me from the front and rear, spreading my slickness in all directions, touching me in places I’d never contemplated before, much less considered liking.

Another thick digit entered and stretched me. Hot mouths sucked my nipples to hard peaks and tongues teased my engorged bundle of nerves through a drawn-out orgasm as I grunted and gurgled over Alex’s huge shaft, tears of ecstasy streaming down my cheeks.

All rhythm and finesse gone, I gave up and allowed Alex to set the pace, let him take my mouth as fast and as deeply as he desired. I was in a state of complete sensory overload when I heard him warn me that he was going to finish in my mouth—providing me the opportunity to bail out if I didn’t want that.

I did want it.
And I let him know how much through our mind connection.

Pinching my clitoris hard between phantom fingers, Alex groan-mumbled what a perfect mouthfuck I was, and I came apart, slobbering over his length as I felt him finally lose his own control. And not for a moment did I hesitate to swallow when he told me to as he held my head steady and jerked his hips, unloading his hot, syrupy thick burden into the back of my throat in successive thrusts, grunting and swearing as he spent himself inside my mouth.

I was amazed to find he tasted so good—his seed a gratifying balm to my throat as I gulped it down, filling me with a sense of satisfaction while I still felt an undeniable craving for more of his superhuman essence. Suffice it to say, the entire experience was
like any of the fellatio stories my girlfriends had ever shared.

And I continued to suck his cock like my absent sanity depended upon it when he told me that if I licked him well enough to get him good and hard again he would come between my legs next. He’d never actually grown soft—it’d been more of a transition from steel hard to rock hard—but I threw all my effort and newfound talent into it just the same, as I’d grown desperate to feel him inside of me, stretching me beyond what his teasing, phantom fingers would permit.

Then, to my dismay, the invisible hands and mouths abruptly ceased. And before I could object, Alex was wresting my avid mouth from his cock and lifting me off the ground. “Enough, baby.”

“No, that’s not fair!”

I was a wreck, my hands and knees dirty, every muscle in my naked, sweaty body trembling with exhaustion. And now angry tears threatened to fall as my emotions teetered between anticipation and disappointment.

His chest rumbled and shook as he crushed me against him, cupping my ass as I wrapped my legs high around his waist. I felt, more so than saw, the smile on his lips in the darkness as he proceeded to kiss every inch of damp skin covering my face and neck.

“Mm-mmm … princess, you know I don’t subscribe to your theoretical concept of fairness. But I do fucking adore you. Cherish everything that you are with a distraction that is maddening.” The sincerity of his words speared my heart. “So I will happily grant you any request that you believe to be fair in this moment.”

As he spoke, he lowered me, grinding my wet center into his unforgiving abdominal muscles along the way, until the bulbous head of his cock was nudging at my slick entrance. “This what you want?” he breathed.

I nodded into his shoulder.

“You trust me?”

The softly spoken, loaded question bounced around in my head.
Could I?
I hesitated.

“I don’t believe you want your first time to be in this cold, dark wine cellar, baby.”

My head snapped up and tilted back to face his. “
Yes, I do!”

His generous lips arched upward in the darkness and I felt a nascent tenderness, an infinite longing I’d never experienced before, spread outward from my chest throughout my entire being. My fingers tightened their grip on his shoulders. My legs locked around his waist.

Maybe my wolf wasn’t the only lovesick bitch in this twisted relationship.

“Well,” he said, “I don’t.” His grin expanded, along with the warmth that had begun to seep into my heart, permeating every lonely, darkened corner that had never been fully accessed before. “Close your eyes. I’m going to take you somewhere I think you’ll like better.”


It looked real.
Smelled real. Each distinct scent was so achingly familiar. Yet it couldn’t be.

I closed and reopened my eyes, my mind spinning, attempting to make sense of it all as I took in the blessed sight of my bedroom. It looked the same. And yet, it was so much …

Everything in it looked smaller. All of my furniture had somehow shrunk since I’d been away.

Alex squeezed my ass and chuckled against the crown of my head, and I realized it was because of him. His enormous presence was stealing up all of the space, making everything seem diminutive by comparison.

I heard myself blubbering “home,” over and over, as Alex lowered me crosswise onto my very own bed, my legs still hooked around his waist. My vision clouded with tears as he bent over me from his standing position, murmuring that everything was going to be okay; that I was safe.

“Home? I’m really home? How? It’s real?”

“Yes. It’s real.” Even at a whisper, his voice seemed bigger, sounded deeper than before as it resonated off my bedroom walls. “Home,” he affirmed.
are home.”





Werelock Evolution, Book 3

Oracles foretold that the ascension of the next vessel would unleash enough discord and controversy to incite a vicious feud between the strongest of the werelock species—but that it would be the untimely death of a guilty innocent caught between two rival packs that ultimately sparked a great war between those opposing factions.

An unforgivable sacrifice—destined to unearth a wrath so black as to obliterate light. Ushering forth the war of the century, the rise of a blind warrior, and the dawn of a decade without light.

In a game of survival amid conniving, bloodthirsty supernatural opponents, it’s the player no one saw coming who will change all the rules …

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BOOK: Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2)
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