Fated to be Mine (21 page)

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Authors: Jodie Larson

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Fated to be Mine
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my face, pulling me from the peaceful slumber I was enjoying. Waking up in my warm bed is definitely preferred over the cold hard floor. Having Andrew’s arms wrapped around me isn’t quite so bad either. A girl could get used to waking up like this. My focus narrows to only Andrew as his lips travel across my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, finally landing upon my lips, brushing them ever so softly until a contented sigh escapes. His fingers trail a pattern across my stomach as I blink into his heavenly sapphire eyes, way too bright and shiny for this early in the morning.

“I love looking into your eyes the first thing in the morning,” he whispers, placing his lips against mine again. My fingers entwine with the ones caressing my stomach, keeping him pinned to me because I don’t want him to let me go. Not yet.

“Good morning. How long have you been up?”

I crane my neck to check the time on my alarm clock, but it’s a futile effort. Andrew quickly brings my attention back to him. Well, sort of. His mouth blazes a trail down my extended neck, nipping and sucking as he explores the area thoroughly.

“Not long. I just wanted to be the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes this morning.”

He lifts his head up, brushing back a few snarled tendrils behind my ear. The back of his hand sweeps across my cheek, causing my eyelids to flutter like a hummingbird’s wings. The sensations his touch brings will never get old and I can only hope they never go away either.

Our hands travel lovingly across each other’s bodies, my fingers trail up his arm, his hand runs around to press against the small of my back, pulling me flush against him. Soon my fingers are tangled in his hair, letting the dark silky strands run through them. Andrew closes his eyes and I focus on his lashes as they fan out against his cheek. He hasn’t shaved since Friday, which has created some seriously sexy stubble.

His words come back to me, waking up my foggy brain which is still half asleep. He wants to be the first thing I see every morning? For a man who supposedly didn’t return my affections only three weeks ago, he certainly has become well versed in saying just the right things. And would it truly be that much of a hardship to look into his face every morning? Okay, twist my arm. I’ll suffer through that for the rest of my life if I have to.

Reluctantly I pull away from his touch, needing to start our day, even though staying here in bed would be ideal. However, if we stay here, I know where we’ll end up and that cannot happen yet. Not until I have my mind straight and my ducks in a row, so to speak.

We both sit up in bed, the covers falling from our bodies, revealing my nightshirt and his sculpted bare chest. Suddenly it’s too warm in here as my eyes travel across the expanse of tanned skin, washing over every defined muscle until they reach where his lower half stays hidden beneath the sheet. I try to avert my eyes before Andrew notices me blatantly staring at him, but I’m too late. His quiet chuckle dances around us and my cheeks redden with embarrassment. Andrew lifts my hand to his lips, softening the mood even though his eyes are still dancing with amusement.

“Are you hungry?” I ask. His eyes spark and a slow grin appears on his face.

“Famished. What did you have in mind?” He’s using his sex voice and it’s killing me to have to deny him. Part of me thinks he’s doing this on purpose, trying to get a rise out of me, or attempting to get me to cave. Deep down I know he wouldn’t do that. Andrew knows the importance of why I’m doing this the way I am. He wants me to be sure and without a doubt that whomever I choose is the one for me.

Andrew wets his lower lip and I withhold a groan in response. Damn him. My lips quirk up in a smile and I shrug. “Well, since we had Cream of Wheat yesterday I thought we should eat Honey Nut Cheerios today.”

I’m laughing as Andrew moans loudly, throwing his arm over his eyes and falling back onto the pillow in a rather overdramatic fashion, making me laugh even harder. Picking up my pillow, I playfully smack him in the stomach with it. He laughs and retaliates by pulling me down to him, my body stretching fully over his.

“What am I going to do with you?” Andrew smiles, making my heart pick up speed slightly. “Promise me you’ll buy some real food soon. I’d hate to think about what you do for lunches and dinners when I’m not around.” He cups my face, looking deep into my eyes, allowing me to see his concern and sincerity for my wellbeing. Having someone worry over me is too new and I really don’t know how to handle it. No one has ever truly cared if I had enough clothes or ate enough food before. It’s a difficult concept to grasp at times, but I’m hoping the longer I stay around those types of people, the easier it will become.

“Okay, I promise. I’ll go grocery shopping soon. But until then it’s Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast.” I lean down to kiss his nose, making the both of us smile before I hop off the bed so we can get ready for the day.

While Andrew is busy in the shower, I notice the laundry hamper is almost full as I pick up a few stray dirty clothes from the floor. Is it really Sunday today? Where has the weekend gone? I swear Andrew just got here and now it’s time for him to leave already. A dull ache strikes my chest when I realize I don’t want him to go. Everything about this weekend has been so relaxed and unrushed. It’s exactly what we needed, what I needed, to prove to myself that Andrew and I can be more than a physical attraction. That we can be two people who care for each other, listen to their thoughts and dreams, encourage them to follow the path they want. And knowing we have that connection without anything physical is essential to any possible relationship.

When Andrew walks back into the room, fresh from his shower, all chaste thoughts of this weekend vanish. He’s clad in only a towel, hung low on his hips while beads of water disappear into it as they run down his chest and back. My mouth feels like Niagara Falls and subconsciously I remind myself not to drool. I’ve seen this man naked before but not like this. Not in my bedroom. Not with my towel wrapped around his narrow waist.

Lucky towel.

Andrew raises a brow at me and smirks. “Thinking of anything good?” He adjusts the towel with one hand while reaching into his overnight bag that’s sitting on the edge of my bed. I blink, repeatedly, praying for my voice to find me and not sound like some stupid horny little teenager.

“Yeah,” I squeak.

Well, so much for that. If Andrew couldn’t guess what I was thinking about before, he most certainly is aware of it now.

Then he drops his towel.




My heart goes into arrest as he stands there in all his glory. The water droplets are still running down his chest due to his damp hair and my eyes follow their trail, no longer getting absorbed by the towel that was around his waist. No, they travel further down, down into regions that make my body scream with pleasure. I mentally record the image of his naked body in my room for use at a later date. I want this picture to be the first thing I see whenever I close my eyes or blink.

The spell is broken as he slides his boxer briefs over his hips, blocking my view of his … assets. I blink several times, willing my higher brain function to return.

Hello? Brain?

Radio silence.

It may need a few more minutes to recuperate.

Andrew slides his jeans on, leaving the top button undone, sending another round of shocks to my heart. I’m about to stride over to him and throw him down on my bed, no sex rule be damned, when my phone begins ringing on the table next to my bed. My brow furrows when I see whose name it is across the screen.


“Tessa, good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you,” my dad says.

He sounds different. He sounds … happy. Happy to hear from me? I want to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming.

“No, you didn’t wake me. I’ve been up for a while.” There’s an awkward pause between us. I wish it weren't so weird to talk to my dad. “So, what’s going on?”

Andrew creates a pleasing distraction as I watch him get dressed. Only he could make putting socks on sexy. But my dad’s voice on the other line brings me back to the subject at hand.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come to the house for dinner tonight.”

Oh boy, another family fun night with my dad and Sharon. I must admit that things with my dad have been more pleasant lately, but after the stunt Sharon pulled at her birthday party I just don’t trust that she’ll hold back her opinions anymore. Apprehension shoots through my system, almost like a Botox injection, rendering me paralyzed as a million other things I’d rather do stream through my head. But he is trying and I can’t discredit him for that. It’s my own hang-ups I need to get over now. Well, mine and Sharon’s. I can only work on my end. The other part is up to her.

I swallow harshly and nod as if he could see it. “Sure, dinner sounds good. What time would you like me there?”

The Sunday paper rustles in the background, indicating that he’s at the breakfast table enjoying his morning coffee. It’s a very standard, typical, mundane thing to do. It’s just not how I see my dad, even though I know he is just a regular guy.

“Does six o’clock work for you?”

“Six works just fine. I guess I’ll see you around then.”

“See you tonight Tessa. I’m really looking forward to it. Have a good rest of the day,” he says. There’s a hint of a smile in his voice and for the second time I’m stunned into silence this morning.

“You too. Bye, Dad.”

I hit end and toss the phone on my bed before sinking down next to Andrew. His fingers run through my hair as I lean my head against his shoulder. When his lips press against my forehead, I sigh and snuggle closer to his neck.

“Dinner with your dad tonight?”

I nod. “Yeah. Seems to be an every other weekend thing lately. I just hope to survive it.”

Andrew doesn’t say anything. He knows I just need a moment to sort through it. It helps that Andrew already knows the situation between my dad and me. He knows how strained it is, how distant the two of us are. But the distance seems to be closing, as evident by the recent events. He seems more open to a relationship, starting with just a simple conversation and inviting me to places without any ulterior motives. The party was my first indication that perhaps he’s ready to actually be a dad to me and not out of pity or obligation. And now with this early morning invitation, we seem to be making strides in the right direction. Maybe he really does want to be in my life and vice versa.

With one last kiss on my head, Andrew stands, bringing me with him. “Come, let me make you the best bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios you’ve ever had.”

Andrew stayed with me until the very last minute. We cleaned and danced, lounged and read, he even walked with me down the block to do my laundry. It was the best Sunday I’ve had in a long time, even if we didn’t do anything spectacular.

But now as we drive to go get my car from the parking ramp, my nerves start to kick in. I have the sudden urge to flee, or better yet, have Andrew take me with him so I don’t have to go to that house. Andrew must notice my discomfort because he places a gentle hand on my bouncing knee, instantly relaxing it.

“You’ll be fine, love. I promise.”

I marginally turn my head to look at him. “You think so?”

He nods. “I know so. You’re stronger than you think you are Tessa. And you said so yourself, the last few weeks have been encouraging with your dad reaching out to you. I think he’s really trying to make up for his lack of parenting skills from your younger years. You should let him try at least. What’s the harm in that?”

My lips twist to the side as I consider it. “I guess there’s no harm in letting him try to be a real dad. But honestly it’s not him that scares me. It’s Sharon.”

Andrew cups my chin, tilting it up so I can look into his eyes. “Don’t worry about her either. Your dad will see her for who she truly is.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. No one in their right mind would ever pick that shrew over you.”

He leans forward, pressing his lips against mine as we stay seated in the front seats of his rental car. My body relaxes, allowing Andrew to soothe my frayed nerves. I’m not sure what it is about Andrew that gives me a calming effect so effortlessly, but I love it.

We pull away and my eyes follow Andrew as he exits the car to open the door for me. As I slide out of the front seat, I’m instantly pulled into him as he ravishes my mouth while pressing me against the side of the car. Our hands cup each other’s face, binding us to the kiss, making sure that there’s always contact between us. Emotions begin building inside me, begging to be released. Unspoken words float around in my head and travel down to my throat, pleading to be spoken.

But I can’t and I won’t. Not yet. I need just a little more time to figure out if this is really going to work between us.

As much as it pains me to do so, I pull back but he doesn’t let me go far. He keeps his forehead pressed against mine, our combined breaths meeting in the space between. His eyes are squeezed tight and a look of pain goes across his face.

“I’m finding it difficult to let you go right now. I don’t want this to end. This weekend was … it was …”

“It was perfect,” I say, finishing his sentence. Those blazing blue eyes find mine and I watch as his lips curl into a smile.

“Perfect. Exactly. When can I see you again?” he asks, still stroking my hair with his hands.

“We still have our regular lunch dates, unless you’ve got meetings planned this week.”

Andrew pulls back and walks us over to the driver’s side door of my car. “Unfortunately I do. But I don’t want to miss any time with you.”

“We’ll figure something out,” I reassure him. And we will because if I didn't see Andrew every day it could very well break me.

Andrew nods before cradling my head in his hands. “This was the best weekend I’ve had so far. I can’t wait to have many, many more with you, love.”

I grab his waist, wrapping my arms around him. I pull him close to me, letting myself cave to my desire to be near him at all times. This is harder than I thought it would be. I don’t want to let him go either but this is the way it must be for now.

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