Fated to be Mine (10 page)

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Authors: Jodie Larson

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Fated to be Mine
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“Junior account executive. They needed to add another spot with all the clients we’ve acquired and some of the larger accounts will be taking up more time than anticipated. I’m kind of nervous about it because I really don’t think I have the experience or the degree to do this sort of thing.”

His warm smile eases my fears slightly. “If they didn’t have confidence in your abilities they wouldn’t have picked you. You should trust their judgment on this. How long have you worked there?”

“Four years, but only as an assistant.” I try to look down again, but he brings his head down with mine, drawing my gaze back up.

“But you must have paid attention to everything your boss was doing. Who was it that recommended you?”

“It was Kara, my boss. She always had me drawing up the contracts for each account, sit in every meeting with her clients and watch as she closed each deal.”

He nods. “See. Then they definitely picked the right person for the job. A degree is just a piece of paper saying you spent a lot of money on an education that doesn’t quite prepare you for the working world. Trust me. The best way to gain experience is by actually doing it.”

That’s what Chris told me too. And now with Michael telling me the same thing I’m feeling much better about it. Just hearing that someone else believes in me means more than he could ever possibly know.

“I don’t know. I’m still pretty nervous about it and I’m afraid I’ll never live up to their expectations.”

He leans forward and gives me a reassuring smile. “I have confidence in you. You’ll be great, I just know it.”

I tilt my head to the side. “How do you know? We barely know each other.”

Michael takes a sip of his coffee and smirks. “Call it a hunch. I don’t see someone like you letting things get the best of you at work. You seem like the type who does everything by the letter. A problem-solver of sorts.”

“You’re pretty good at reading people,” I remark.

“It’s what I get paid to do.”

The tension I was previously feeling regarding my promotion lifts even more now that someone else has confidence in my abilities. We spend the next half hour laughing and exchanging work horror stories. I’m wiping away tears and gripping my stomach from laughing so hard. When I look at Michael, who’s doubled over with laughter, I notice the small dimples that appear when he smiles. And I like the way his eyes crinkle in the corners, making him look distinguished and carefree at the same time. The knot in my stomach loosens a little, letting me relax a bit more.

“Well, if we’re not careful we’re both going to be late for work, even though I would much rather sit here laughing with you than spend my day in court.”

We stand together and Michael grabs our empty cups from the table, tossing them and his oatmeal bowl in the trash. I struggle to get my new jacket on, but he comes up behind me and holds it open for me so I can easily slip my arms into the sleeves. He’s quite the gentleman. Does he have any flaws?

Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I walk up next to him and wait while he buttons his suit coat. He flashes me a quick smile, then picks up my hand and gently kisses the back of it. His lips are warm from the coffee although I’m sure they’d be warm without it too.

“Ready?” he asks.

I nod. “As I’ll ever be.”

Michael threads my arm into his as he escorts me out the door and down the sidewalk to our building. The cool, crisp October air hits us as we walk the short distance to our building. I can feel Michael’s body heat through my jacket, warming up my goose bumped skin instantly. Idly, I wonder if it’s more than just his heat that’s warming me up. Whatever it is I don’t want to dwell on it too much. We’re friends. Friends who walk down the street arm in arm and have coffee dates before work. Regular friend stuff, right?

We continue our journey of discovery with each other on the elevator ride up, laughing and comparing stories once again. It’s then I realize that he hasn’t let go of me since we left the coffee shop. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it or how I should act. But I push the strange new feelings aside, not wanting to make them more than what they really are or could be. I’ve done that once. I won’t do it again.

The doors open and Michael reluctantly lets me go. He walks me into the lobby area of my office and places his hands in his coat pockets. It’s quiet for a moment because we’re still trying to get to know each other and don’t know how we should say goodbye. So I decide to give him an awkward wave and smile, which he returns, making us both laugh.

“I’m glad you invited me out for coffee. It was fun.”

He smiles and pushes the call button for the elevator. “Same time again tomorrow?”

I nod. “Sure. I’d like that. Have fun in court today.”

Michael groans and pretends to hang himself with his tie, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth playfully. I clasp my hand over my mouth to stifle the giggle. He waves to me and I wave back before the doors close.

I slowly turn and begin walking toward my desk when a stern sounding voice yells at me as I turn the corner.

“Tessa Marie, you wait right there!”

Kara is practically sprinting behind me, her long blond ponytail swinging behind her. I glance at my watch and note that I’m on time, early even. What could she possibly be yelling at me about?

I turn and face her, thinking maybe this has something to do with seeing Michael by the elevator with me. I can feel the redness creep up my neck as I cock an eyebrow at her, hoping to throw her off balance.

“Really? Is the middle name necessary?”

Kara grabs my hand and practically drags me into her office, shutting the door behind her.

“It is absolutely necessary. Was that Michael I saw with you by the elevator?”

I nod. “Yes, that was him.”

Kara surprises me by letting out a whistle and waving a hand in front of her face.

“Wow, he’s kind of hot. Not Chris hot or Andrew hot, but he’s a damn close third.”

I roll my eyes and start to stand from the chair I was thrown into.

“Okay,” I say, dragging the word out slowly. “I don’t want to sit here and discuss my crazy life right now so I’m going to go to my desk and get some work done.”

Kara laughs and holds me back by my arm. “Come on, say it with me. Your
life. You know that thing you actually have now? I feel like a proud momma. Two guys fighting over you. Ah, every girl’s fantasy.”

She cannot be serious. I slap her arm and she rubs the spot, pretending to be hurt.

“First of all, no one is fighting over me. They don’t even know about each other and they don’t need to. Nothing is going on with either of them. Last time I checked I was still single. And second, I’m not looking for anything right now. Look what happened the last time I decided to word vomit all over a guy.”

Kara rolls her eyes and throws an arm over my shoulder, walking me back to my desk.

“You didn’t word vomit all over him so knock that shit off. Just be happy. That’s all I want for you right now.” She flashes a grin, showing me her less than honorable intentions behind it.

My eyes narrow in suspicion at her. “What are you planning you conniving little vixen?”

She bats her long eyelashes at me, putting on her most innocent looking face, which is comical enough as it is.

“Me? Conniving? Why Tessa I’m hurt. Shocked, even, that you would think I have something up my sleeve. Just for that I’m going back to my office to wallow in self-pity.”

“I know you. You have something planned. Spill it, Thomas, now.”

Kara sticks her tongue out at me and waves over her shoulder as she heads back to her office. Frustrating woman. She’s lucky I love her.

My morning flies by as I drown myself in work, getting things prepared for next week. Kara has been in and out of my cube, digging for details on my morning, which I refuse to give to fuel the fire. She’s up to no good. I just know it.

Around noon, a delivery guy appears around the corner carrying a vase filled with beautiful red roses and a clipboard.

“Miss Tessa Martin?”

I turn in my chair and nod. “Yes, I’m Tessa.”

He hands me the clipboard, points to where I need to sign and then gives me the vase.

“Have a good day, Miss.” He nods and retreats back the way he came.

I set the vase on my desk and lean in to absorb the delicate fragrance the flowers are giving off. Classic red. They’re pretty. Not my favorite, but still very beautiful. I hear Kara’s office door open and I count to three, waiting for her to find her perch on the corner of my desk.

“Lucky bitch! Who are they from?”

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t checked the card.”

I pluck the small cardboard square from the plastic stake and carefully read the very masculine writing.

I hand Kara the card and lean in to get another fix of the heavenly fragrance again.

“Wow. Coffee and flowers all in one day? The boy is definitely putting on the charm. You are one lucky girl.”

“It’s not what you’re thinking. I was telling him how nervous I am about my promotion and he probably sent these to help ease my mind. That’s all.”

There’s a weak smile on her face as she hands back the card. “It’s still very sweet of him.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m happy for you. Really. So are you seeing him again?”

“Tomorrow morning. We’re doing the coffee thing again.”

She nods and pushes herself up from my desk. A strange feeling still lingers in the air, like she’s holding something back from me, although I really don’t know what it could be.

“Kara, we’re not going out. We’re not even dating. We’re two friends who are having coffee together.” I don’t know why I feel the need to justify the situation with her, but she’s giving off this strange vibe and it’s making me uneasy.


She places her hand on my shoulder, nods once, and walks silently back to her office, closing the door behind her.

What was that all about? Maybe she’s having an off day with Chris? Or perhaps she put a scuff in her brand new Prada pumps. It’s hard to say with her. I just hope whatever it is gets worked out soon. I miss my perky friend.

I hate dinner. Why can’t it just make itself? Better yet, why can’t I just go without food because the hassle of doing this seemingly simple task is incredibly daunting right now? My head still aches from trying to figure out Kara’s strange mood this morning. Then there’s Andrew. It always comes back to him as I try to deal with my still lingering emotions where he’s concerned.

Which leads me to my current predicament, tapping my foot as I stare at the cupboard, unable to decide if I want the gourmet meal of Mac and Cheese or Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

A text alert sounds from my phone and I open it quickly. My breath catches when Andrew’s name appears. I glance at the clock and do a quick time conversion, realizing that it’s close to two in the morning in London right now.

Dearest Tessa. I love your bright smile. The one that lights up any room you are in, that shows off your dimples and the laugh lines around your perfect lips. A smile that allows others to see what I already know, which is just how beautiful you really are. ~A~

I read his message over and over again, taking his words straight into my aching heart. He loves my smile. And just as he described it, that same smile appears out of nowhere, smiling down onto my phone in hopes that he could see it where he is. My eyes close when an image of him flashes in my mind, whispering those beautiful words into my ear as his finger gently strokes my cheek, sparking a trail of fire in its path. It is the sweetest, most endearing message anyone has ever sent me.

I need to respond back. How could I not?

Thank you, Andrew. You should be sleeping right now. It’s so late over there. But I just wanted to let you know your text has brought that smile to my face. It was beautiful. ~T~

Abandoning my quest for food, I walk over to the couch and lower myself onto the arm. The red flowers sitting on my counter catch the corner of my eye, reminding me of my morning with Michael. My mind bounces between thoughts of Michael and then Andrew, noting the difference between the two. Not that I needed reminding. They are nothing alike.

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