Read Fatal Desire Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

Fatal Desire (7 page)

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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A fit of laughter erupted from beside him. “What the hell did you do to piss them off?”

Caleb snarled. “Wish I fucking knew. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go summon a goddess.” He flashed away, confident that no matter what happened, Diego would make sure Lileta was safe. Even though they could never mate, she still belonged to him and deserved his protection. It was probably the only thing he could give her.

He entered the Cave of the Gods and walked toward its center, stopping at the water’s edge. He knelt and pulled a large ruby from his pocket, placing it on the rock in front of him. He began the chant, calling his goddess to him.

He waited. Nothing.

“Something’s wrong.” The gods always appeared. It was their own law that dictated they came to this place when summoned. He repeated the chant again. This time the flex of power brushed over his skin, but he knew it wasn’t Qadira. He jumped up and spun on his heels to view the god who stood behind him.


The deity stepped forward. His body clad in jeans and a black Pink Floyd T-shirt. Caleb stifled a laugh.
So the God is a rocker?

“Where is she? Did she not come when summoned?” His jaw muscles flexed and his pulse beat at his temple.

“No, I have summoned twice.”

“Do it again,” Zarek growled.

Caleb flinched. He wasn’t afraid of anything, except for Zarek. The god could smite him down in a heartbeat if he so desired. Caleb wasn’t about to give him any reason to desire his demise.

“Yes, My Lord.” He dropped to his knees and began the chant.

Silence, not even the water droplets dared make a sound. It was as if every molecule of Vandeldor could feel the god’s wrath.

“I don’t understand, My Lord. Why does she not come?” Caleb dared break the silence.

“Why do you seek her?”

The Draki remained on his knees; it seemed like the smart thing to do. “My Lord, I—”

“Tell me!” His voice echoed through the cave. Rocks crumbled, fell to the ground.

“I wanted to know why my chosen mate is a Kothar Demon.”

The god glared at him, and his eyes swirled like sapphires and coal. “I’m sorry, but it seems my wife, your goddess, is missing.”

Caleb jumped to his feet. “What do you mean missing?”

Zarek ran his hand through his raven locks. “Fucking missing. Do you need a damn dictionary?”

“I understand missing, just not how a goddess becomes such.” He tried hard to keep his voice even as he watched Zarek pace. The god was about to lose it any second. Caleb pondered how he would feel if Lileta came up missing and found the sensation distasteful. He suddenly had a great deal of sympathy for Zarek and the urge to lay his eyes on his own mate.

“I’ve no clue how, it just is. I can’t find her anywhere, and she doesn’t answer my calls. When I heard her summoned, I came here to see if she would show up.” Zarek grabbed Caleb by the arm. “You’re coming with me.”

* * * *

Lileta was busy helping Cassie unpack the last box when the air charged with static. Her gaze landed on Caleb, and her heart stopped. His six foot frame clad in black leather pants, black T-shirt and combat boots looked dangerously sexy. A dagger strapped to his thigh and the snarl on his lips indicated he was ready for battle. The sight caused her blood to run hot. Distracted by the delicious picture he made, it took her a moment to realize another handsome man stood next to him, one she didn’t recognize. The same height as Caleb, he looked much like him except his hair was brown instead of dark blond and his eyes were lighter in color. He carried himself in the same manner. Possibly a brother? Her gaze continued to the third man and she gasped.

Cassie stepped forward and threw her arms around the god. “Zarek, what brings you here?”

He kissed the top of her head. “How are you, daughter?”

She looked up at him and beamed. “I’m good.” Rubbed her belly. “And Ariana is doing well.”

He flashed a smile. “I’m happy to hear that. However, I’m afraid I have some bad news. Call the others please.”

Cassie took a step back, her face pale. “Yes, of course.”

Within seconds, the room filled with five imposing warriors. Marcus strode toward Cassie and placed a protective arm around her shoulder.

Aidyn stepped forward. “Zarek.” He bent on one knee. “How may we serve you, My Lord?”

“My wife is missing. Find her.”

Aidyn arched a brow. “My Lord, how does a goddess go missing?”

Zarek lowered his head so he could stare down his guardian king. “If I fucking knew, I’d find her myself. All I know is I can’t sense her anywhere and she does not heed my call.”

Caleb cleared his throat. “I tried to summon her in the caves, but she failed to show.”

Lileta wondered if Caleb had summoned the goddess in order to try to break their bond. The thought should please her, but for some reason, she found the idea left her angry. Did he not think her good enough to be his mate? Of course, he didn’t; he already thought of her as weak. A Draki such as himself would want a strong female, one who could fight beside him if necessary and one who would bear his children. She clenched her jaw.
Why do I even care?

The room fell silent. Everyone knew Qadira’s body would have been pulled from wherever she was and sent to the caves. The choice was not hers to make. Could a goddess die? Yes, it was possible. This whole scenario left a bitter taste in the back of Lileta’s mouth. She couldn’t help wondering if Odage was somehow involved. Before she could voice her opinion, the air shifted again and a winged warrior stared at them from across the room.
She’d heard about Zarek’s personal warrior but had never seen him.

If he walked in the human world, he could easily be mistaken for the boy next door. Tousled blond hair and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen glanced around the room. His bare chest packed with muscle and sinew. Hell, his muscles had muscles. A pair of faded jeans with a hole in the knee sat low on his hips and black biker boots finished the ensemble. The only thing that told he wasn’t the boy next door were the large pair of wings protruding from his back. The feathers so black they glistened with a rainbow of colors.

“Gabriel, have you found her?” Zarek demanded.

“No, and I’m afraid I have more disturbing news,” Gabriel replied.

Zarek’s fangs descended. “What now?” His agitation slid across Lileta’s skin like a sheet of sandpaper.

“Hell’s Gate remains locked. However, several fissures have erupted along the perimeter. We contain one, and another takes it place.”

Zarek fisted his hands and waved them in the air. “Fucking Lowan. I wonder what is stopping him from opening the gate.”

“Whispers in Hell say the amulet and Cassandra’s blood were not enough,” Gabriel stretched out his wings and gave them a shake. “However, he has enough strength to let loose some of his minions. I believe that’s the reason why the fissures have formed.”

“Someone kill that son of a bitch and find my wife,” Zarek growled, glass shattering in the distance.

“Why the fuck don’t you kill him yourself?”

“Baal!” Cassie and Lileta cried in unison.

Lileta ran to her brother and gave a pleading look.
Don’t anger the god for crying out loud.

His gaze caught hers. “It’s a perfectly legit question.”

Zarek narrowed his gaze on the demon, his nostrils flared. “If I could enter his realm, I would. Some things are bigger than even I.” He looked around the room. “You all have your orders. I’m leaving before I take entire leave of my senses and destroy this whole fucking planet!”

He vanished.

A woman’s cry echoed through the room.


Chapter Seven




Odage found himself sucked from his daughter’s grasp. He fought to no avail, unable to hang on to her small frame. Tears stung his eyes as he watched Leria’s face disappear. Back in front of Qadira’s cell, he clenched his jaw.

“Odage, I hope you enjoyed your little visit. Now, I require the goddess be brought to me,” Lowan’s voice thundered.

He stared through the hair that fell over his eyes, his lip curled. “Why do you not simply take her? You seem to have no problems shifting me from one location to another.”

Acrid smoke closed in around his neck. “I have my reasons. Obey me, or the child dies!”

“As you wish, My Lord.” Claws dug into his palms as he fought to control his temper. Blood splattered the floor, the pain he inflicted his only solace. “Oroumea?” His ghoul wife was the only one he trusted other than his commanding officer Caleb. He didn’t think even the other Draki would understand the kidnapping of his goddess.

“Good, I knew you would see it my way. I’ll send you an escort shortly.”

Qadira glided to the cage door, still ever the elegant lady. “Odage, release me, and I can help you.”

He refused to meet her gaze. “No one can help me now.”

“He will never let your daughter go.”

“For the time being, she is alive; that is all that matters.” He moved from the room when he sensed his wife nearing. In the corridor, he sucked in a deep breath and regained his composure. It was time to try to right a wrong while he still maintained a small amount of sanity.

“Darling, you called.”

“Yes, I must take the goddess to Lowan. Take the women to Caleb, he will see to them.” He wasn’t sure if Caleb would know what to do with the pregnant humans, but he would figure it out. Odage had bigger issues now than worrying about creating bastard children for Lowan to lord over.

“Of course. You will find me upon your return?”

He stared into her red eyes. “Yes.” He only hoped he did come back. He was about to walk into Hell itself. It didn’t take long for his escort to arrive. He took one look and blanched.


* * * *

“Cassie.” Marcus yelled.

Everyone turned to witness Cassie clutching her belly, eyes big as saucers. Her breaths came in short gasps. “I think the baby’s ready.”

Lileta moved toward them. “What can I do?”

“I need to get her back home,” Marcus said.

Caleb stepped forward. “Diego and I will go now and make sure the area is secure.”

“I’ll go with them,” Baal called out, and the three men disappeared.

Marcus’s pleading gaze met Lileta’s. “I’ll be right back and let you know if it’s okay to leave,” she whispered.

“Thank you.”

She flashed and found herself at the entrance to the cave. The two dragons soared above her, Baal coming up from behind. “There is no sign of life here; I think it’s safe for them to return.” Lileta nodded then left, praying everything went without a hitch. This birth could not come at a worse time.

Back at the guardian’s home, she heard Cassie give out another cry.

“Marcus, the area is protected. Let me take you.”

“Are you sure you’re strong enough to flash the three of us?” Cassie asked.

Actually, she wasn’t sure, but there was only one way to find out. It would be faster than waiting for Marcus to open a portal. The demons were the only species capable of flashing between realms without the need of a gateway.

“We’ll give it a try.”

The warrior scooped his mate off her feet, and Lileta touched his arm. Before they could vanish, Aidyn stepped up.

“Good luck.”

They nodded and flashed from the room.

She took them directly to the bowels of the cavern, where the warming pools were located. Marcus sat Cassie on a nearby bolder and began to unbutton her shirt. Lileta turned her back.

“I’ll wait outside.” She wanted to give them some privacy. After all, this was their moment and she wasn’t even family.

“No, please stay,” Marcus begged. “I need someone to help watch over my mate and daughter.”

She was taken aback by his request and turned to face him. “Are you sure? I can just as easily guard you from outside.”

“Lileta, I have, on many occasions, had to trust your brother with my life. I do not hesitate to trust you with those that are most precious to me. Stay and witness the birth of a miracle.” The look in his eyes told her he was sincere.

She nodded. “I’ll just step over here where I’m out of the way.” She moved into the shadows, touched by the guardian’s gesture.

Marcus turned his attention back to his mate. “Concentrate on your breathing. Connect with her, she will be frightened,” Marcus said.

Cassie shook her head. “Sorry, I seem to have forgotten everything you told me.”

He smiled. “It’s all right; your mind has been occupied.” He finished removing her shirt. “Can you stand for me, love?”

She placed her hands on his shoulders as he knelt in front of her. “Normally, you would be stripping me for other reasons,” she giggled.

He pulled off her pants. “Oh don’t worry, love, we have a lifetime for pleasures of the flesh.” He leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her extended belly. “And many more children.”

Lileta felt her cheeks grow hot. It was obvious these two loved each other very much, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to know such joy. Would Caleb love her like that?
Stupid! Why are you even thinking about him?
They were not compatible, so even having children was out of the question. Besides, he had come here earlier to ask the goddess to break their bond.

Marcus rose and began to disrobe. Lileta gasped, but before she could turn away, he scooped up his mate and walked into the water, maneuvering to a spot where the rock gently sloped down to form a seating area. He sat Cassie on a the rock so her entire belly was submersed then positioned himself next to her, his hand touching her stomach.

“You’re doing a good job, love. Our daughter has calmed.”

Cassie flashed him a smile. “I can’t believe she is finally coming to us. Oh Marcus, how are we going to shield her from all that’s going on?”

“We’ve discussed this. The two of you will go with Zarek.”

Lileta had heard of the decision to send mother and child off to the gods and thought it was a smart move. No one knew what would happen when Lowan or Odage found out there was a guardian baby. In this case, safety was best.

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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