Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts (38 page)

BOOK: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts
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Falwell, Jerry.
Fasting: What the Bible Teaches
. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1981.
A study of biblical teaching about fasting centered on a call for a national fast to galvanize a return to traditional moral values in American politics and social policy.

Greenblatt, Robert B.
Search the Scriptures: Modern Medicine and Biblical Personages
. (Foreword by Henry King Stanford.) Carnforth Lancs, England: The Parthenon Press, 1985.
An interpretation of selected biblical events viewed through modern medical knowledge. Includes a brief chapter about fasting.

Grooms, J. O.
Soul-Winner’s Fast
. Lynchburg, Va.: Treasure Path to Soul Winning, Inc., 1979.
A six-month topical Scripture memory program based on 120 verses addressing various issues of fasting.

Kirban, Salem.
How to Keep Healthy and Happy by Fasting
. Huntingdon, Pa.: Salem Kirban, 1971.
A popular discussion of fasting for both health and spiritual reasons, with an emphasis on a weekly one-day fast for better health.

Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn.
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1971.
A classic study of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5—7) by a leading British expositor. Includes a sermon about fasting based on Matthew 6:16-18.

Murray, Andrew.
With Christ in the School of Prayer: Thoughts on Our Training for the Ministry of Intercession
. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1953.
A classic study on prayer by a respected Christian leader in the last century. Includes a chapter about fasting.

Porter, Douglas.
Investing in the Harvest
. Lynchburg, Va.: Church Growth Institute, 1991.
A stewardship campaign that incorporates a 40-hour fast. Includes a tract offering practical guidelines to be observed in a weekend fast.

Prince, Derek.
Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting
. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1973.
An exhortation to fast to change in the United States.

Rice, John R.
Prayer: Asking and Receiving
. Introduction by Oswald J. Smith. Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1942.
A comprehensive study about prayer by a leading evangelist/revivalist in the middle of this century. Includes a chapter about fasting.

Sanders, J. Oswald.
Prayer Power Unlimited
. Chicago: Moody Press, 1977.
A study of various aspects of personal prayer. Includes a chapter titled, “Should Christians Fast?”

Shelton, Herbert M.
Fasting Can Save Your Life
. Chicago: Natural Hygiene Press, 1978.
A popular discussion about fasting from a medical and health perspective. Advocates regular fasting to benefit health.

Towns, Elmer L.
Spiritual Factors of Church Growth
. Lynchburg, Va: Church Growth Institute, 1992.
A comprehensive study of various spiritual factors that influence church growth. Includes a chapter/lecture about fasting.

Wagner, C. Peter.
Warfare Prayer: How to Seek God’s Power and Protection in the Battle to Build His Kingdom
. Ventura, Calif.: Regal Books, 1992.
An introductory study about the role of prayer in spiritual warfare. Includes a brief discussion about how to begin the discipline of fasting.

Wallis, Arthur.
God’s Chosen Fast
. Fort Washington, Pa.: Christian Literature Crusade, 1969.
A study of the primary biblical texts addressing fasting and its benefits in the Christian life.

Wemp, C. Sumner.
How on Earth Can I Be Spiritual?
Nashville: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1978.
A popular study of various aspects of the spirit-filled life from a noncharismatic perspective. Includes a chapter about fasting.

BOOK: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts
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