Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs) (19 page)

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“Oh, yeah, maybe I’ll discover which you prefer. A little
twist or a tug.” Kane suited actions to his words, lightly twirling one nipple
while pinching at the other.

Alana gasped. Without giving her time to adjust to the
sensation, he added to it. His fingers grazed her clit. He watched her while he
continued to tease the sensitive flesh. A flush spread over her skin. Kane
worked at her breasts. His hands cupped her breasts before sweeping up to pluck
and tweak her nipples.

His fingers trailed over her stomach and down to her slick
opening. Her legs shifted restlessly. Sliding two fingers deep, he watched her
reactions. His thumb strummed over her clit. She responded so readily to them. As
he stared, her golden eyes turned even deeper gold. The lids lowered a little,
but the intensity couldn’t be concealed by her long lashes. She began to undulate
against his fingers.

“Please, Michael.” Her voice was soft and a little strained
and her hips rose.

The words were sweet, but he wanted more from her. Her hot
juices coated his fingers and palm. She wanted, but her desire could burn
higher. It would before he took her.

He kept up a steady, slow rhythm, pushing his fingers deep
and circling her clit with his thumb. She moaned softly. Her back arched, crushing
her breasts into Kane’s hands even though she tried to ride Michael’s fingers
to pleasure.

“When you give me those pleas, I’m going to fuck you hard.”
Michael twisted his fingers slightly inside of her. He rubbed lightly and her body
bucked up. Exciting her already tested the limits of his control.

“Damn it, Michael, now.” She glared as his hand stilled.

“Doesn’t sound like begging to me.” Kane tweaked her

Michael chuckled. Definitely not a plea, but he took it as a
promising sign. He hooked one of her legs over his arm. His thumb brushed
across her clit.

“I’m not going to give you what you want, baby, until you
give me the words.” Michael circled his thumb around her clit, keeping the
touch light and teasing.

She moaned. Her hands clenched and she surged up, matching
the rhythm of his. He took her higher, watching as the hunger inside her built.
Her jaw clenched and another moan tore from her. He knew she was trying to hold
back. Alana was nothing if not stubborn.

He let his fingers glide over her clit and stay there for a
moment. She was close and he wanted her to feel the edge of that climax and
know she wouldn’t be going over until he let her. He loved to see the
excitement sweep over her body, taking away the reservations she had about
them. If only they could keep them away that easily.

“Michael.” Her tongue swept over her lips and her body
arched upward in offering.

“You know what I want.” Although he ached for her, he wasn’t
giving her what she wanted until he heard those words. He worked two fingers
into her pussy and slowly withdrew them.

“Please, Michael,” she said. She lifted against his hand,
trying to take his fingers back into her slick channel. “Please, fuck me.”

Michael quickly rolled on the condom. He didn’t know how
long he would last, but he knew she’d go over almost the moment he entered her.
She was that close.

While Kane continued to tease and tug at her nipples,
Michael hooked her legs over his arms and stepped forward. His shaft nudged the
lips of her pussy. Even with the latex blunting the heat and slick warmth of
her juices, he had to take a deep breath for control before he slowly entered
her tight channel.

Michael couldn’t hold still for long. This wasn’t the time
for slow loving. It was time to show his woman that wizards claimed too.

“You’re mine.” Michael gripped her thighs a little tighter when
he withdrew. “Ours.”

He plunged deep and began to fuck her in a hard, grinding
rhythm. Her breasts bounced upward as his cock rammed forward. Her back bowed
as she drew closer to her climax. Her inner muscles clenched around him. His
teeth ground together and he fought the race to his own orgasm. He wanted her
to know this was where she belonged.

“This is where you’re staying, Alana.” He thrust hard,
drawing a gasp out of her.

The ripple of her inner walls over his cock drew him closer
to heaven. She cried out his name when she came. Her body quivered. Once she
found her pleasure, he pumped into her sweet pussy over and over. The climax
slammed over him. Fiery and intense, it left him shaking and satisfied.

They were definitely going to have to do this again. Knowing
their little cat, it might be necessary to get her to see she was theirs. He
didn’t mind that thought one bit at all. This time, no one was walking away.
They’d stay and they’d become mates in every sense.

Chapter Eighteen


Alana rubbed the back of her neck and looked back over her
shoulder. She couldn’t see anyone watching them, but she could feel the weight
of their stare. She strolled along between Michael and Kane down the street in
Devoe, but knew it wasn’t their presence that drew the stare. It probably wasn’t
even someone staring at her because they didn’t recognize her immediately.

She had a feeling she’d gained the attention of at least one
of the people responsible for the disappearances. It wasn’t necessarily a bad
thing, but it meant she’d have to be more on guard. If someone came after her,
it could put Michael and Kane in danger. The only upside was they’d learn more
about witches involved in this situation if they did.

“What’s wrong, Alana?” Michael grabbed her hand and held
onto it.

“Someone’s watching me. Hard.” She glanced over at him. “The
weight of the stare is getting on my nerves.”

Alana was surprised he’d noticed she was anxious. Then
again, they’d both been surprising her with their attentiveness since she’d
arrived. It drew her closer to them. They’d noticed she was having trouble
staying asleep and asked her what was wrong. She hadn’t lied about the cause. The
combination of worry about the people who had been kidnapped and frustration at
the lack of progress were at the heart of it. Tension and dreams kept waking

“Any idea who or where?” Michael glanced around them.

“Not in front of us. Somewhere behind us, but I haven’t been
able to spot anything so far.” Alana grimaced.

She couldn’t do anything about the watching until they
spotted who was staring or they tried something. Today, though, she was focused
on finding out what they knew now. Captain Parker had called and arranged a
meeting. He’d wanted to meet in Devoe. She had no idea why, but suspected it
was to keep the meeting from being known to the City Council in Corona City.
They probably had officers who told them everything he did. She was simply glad
she wasn’t the one who had to deal with that type of political bullshit.

Walking into the police station in Devoe, she swept a swift
glance around the lobby, noticing a few familiar faces. She greeted the people
she knew. Michael, Kane and Alana were allowed back through the security doors
and a patrol officer led them through the detectives’ office and back to Mark’s
office. Five of the detectives on duty lingered near the hall to Mark’s office.
Alana was sure they had something else they should be doing, but they were
looking busy. A couple were at one of the printers, but it wasn’t doing
anything and another stood near the bulletin board. One man stood near a door
marked supply closet, but hadn’t yet opened it to get anything.

The patrol officer knocked on the door. Alana stood behind
him. Mark had to know about the lingering listeners in the hall. She grinned and
wondered if he’d let them get away with it or if he’d call them on the

“Alana Cohl and Michael and Kane Sullivan are here,” the
officer said.

“Send them in,” Mark answered.

Alana stepped inside the room and walked to one of the
chairs in front of Mark’s desk. Kane and Michael followed and pulled up chairs
near hers.

“Wait a minute, Peters.” Mark stopped the patrol officer
from leaving. “Tell my detectives loitering in the hall out there that if they
have nothing better to do than listen and sneak, I’m sure the local schools
could use some extra safety officers for the next few days.”

Footsteps pounded in the hallway as there was a quick, loud
exodus before the door closed after Officer Peters. Alana laughed softly and
shook her head. That was worth the trip here even if they didn’t find out
anything good.

“Good to see you, Alana.” Mark smiled at her.

“Hi Mark.” She nodded to him and then turned her attention
to the Corona City chief of police. “How are you, Captain Parker?”

“I have been better, but we’ve learned a little since we
last spoke and I wanted to update you in person.” Noble Parker leaned back in
his seat and ran a hand through his hair.

“That sounds like a good plan. I hope you have some news
that will move us forward a little.” Alana braced her elbows on her thighs and
bent forward as she waited for Parker to speak.

“Well, Chief Whitesage was right. The blood was male. We ran
it through the every DNA database we can access. We didn’t get a hit.” Captain
Parker grimaced.

Alana was disappointed. She’d hoped the man would have a
record. It would have given them a step up on this investigation. She’d thought
that if the blood was male they’d have a good chance of having his DNA in the
system. They were too organized and too accomplished for this to be their first
time kidnapping someone. Now it seemed that if they had done this before, they
hadn’t been caught.

“You said you learned something. Was there more than they
haven’t been arrested and their DNA catalogued?” Mark asked with a frown on his

“Actually, yes, there was. We went back and re-interviewed
the people along the block and near the shops. We found some people who
remembered some information.” Parker seemed to enjoy prolonging the

“A dramatic pause is not necessary.” Mark leaned forward. “We’re
already waiting on the edge of our seats.”

“When we questioned some of the staff of the shops, we began
getting mentions of a vehicle, a van, which was seen multiple times over the
last few days. Several of the workers noticed it when they left for lunch and
again when they left work.” Captain Parker watched their reaction.

Alana frowned. That didn’t seem to fit in with the careful
tactics they’d used up to this point. “Are you sure it’s not a van someone recently
bought and actually belongs in the neighborhood? These guys don’t seem like the
type to hang around two or three days in a row looking for a victim.”

“Ah, but they didn’t have the opportunity at a female in the
two days before. No one was parked there. Not even any of the teenagers in the
neighborhood. So they didn’t have a chance to take anyone. She was the first
woman they had a chance to grab.” Parker leaned back in his chair, but the
tension in his body was obvious.

“How long were they there?” Mark asked.

“They were noticed, because the same vehicle was seen
driving through the area again and again. They didn’t drive into the shopping
area. They just drove by at different times of the day,” Parker said and sighed.

“Well, a blue van is something, but did they get any
specifics? How many people did these witnesses see in the van?” Mark dragged a
tablet computer over in front of him and made some notes on it.

“No specifics in make and the witnesses weren’t even
consistent in if it was a van or a minivan type vehicle. All of the witnesses
said there were at least two men in the van. They weren’t sure about more
because the back windows were tinted.” Parker shrugged.

“Did your witnesses give you anything other than blue? Dark
or light? Some citizens in Devoe have a few blue vans and it would be nice if I
didn’t have to look at every color blue suspiciously. And we can’t forget that
the van could be owned by someone in Corona City, so we can’t even limit it to
Devoe.” Mark drummed his fingers on the desk.

“Unfortunately, I got different answers. The darkness varied
from witness to witness. One said it was navy, the other said it was slate blue
and another said it was a metallic dark-blue.” Parker shook his head. “Not
helpful, I know.”

“It’s more than we had and at least my officers will have
something to look for although we have to be aware they may have other vehicles
available to them.” Mark shrugged.

“Were any of them able to give you anything about the men in
the car?” Alana sat forward and braced her forearms on her thighs.

“Maybe white.” Parker stood. “I wish I could have brought
you something solid.”

“It’s something.” Mark stood and shook Captain Parker’s
hand. “It gives us somewhere to begin.”

Alana stood and gave Captain Parker’s hand a firm pump. “Any
information is good. Thank you for coming to tell us.”

Noble Parker left. Kane curled an arm around Alana and
pulled her closer to him. She glanced back at him. He was smiling down at her.
His hand settled on her stomach.

“Are you ready to go? We’ve got plans. We’ll have to make a
few stops first, but tonight, it’s just you and us. No interruptions and no
drama.” Michael stepped so close to her she could feel the heat of his body.

“You know you probably just guaranteed we’re going to get
interrupted tonight.” She exhaled heavily and glared at him. Every time she
planned for a quiet night sure enough the world caught fire and everyone required
help putting it out.

“The only thing that will interrupt us tonight is another
kidnapping. We’ve made sure of it.” Kane chuckled and hugged her a little more.
She heard the confidence in his voice.

“I’ll believe it when it happens.” She wasn’t wasting a
moment with them since she was fairly sure they wouldn’t have all night.

“Get out of my office.” Mark’s voice cut through anything
Kane or Michael might have said in reply. “Take the lovey shit and get on with
your private night. I do have some work to do.”

“Don’t worry about it, baby. He’s just jealous. He can’t do
the lovey until he manages to get back in his woman’s good graces.” Kane
released Alana and began guiding her toward the door.

“Fuck you, Kane.” Mark’s voice was cheerful.

Alana looked back and saw him shaking his head. “Bye, Mark.”

“You’re lucky I like her otherwise there’d be a toxic leak
in your area tonight,” Mark called as Alana stepped out the door.

“Do you think that would work for speeding tickets?” Michael

“Move it. I want to get going before your jokes get us
interrupted tonight.” Alana grabbed Michael’s hand and tugged him through the

Michael laughed and closed the door. “Like I said, no
interruptions and no drama.”

* * * * *

Alana watched Michael and Kane set the table out on the
deck. She sat on a cushioned swing across from them and enjoyed the sunset. She
still didn’t know entirely what they were planning. As long as it involved the
sex they’d been hinting at since they’d gotten home, she didn’t mind. Steaks
sizzled on the grill and corn on the cob roasted nearby. They’d given her an
icy glass of lemonade and brought a chilled bottle of wine to the table. She
hadn’t done anything all afternoon. They hadn’t even let her help peel potatoes
or shuck the corn. She could get used to this.

“So what is this in honor of?” She gestured to the steaks
and the table.

Watching them tend the grill and go back to the kitchen, she
let her mind wander a little and it turned to the years they’d been apart. She
didn’t regret the work she’d done for the Protectorate. At times such as this,
she couldn’t help thinking about the years they could have had together. There
would have been some period when they’d have been separated even if she hadn’t
left. She had needed to find who she was and decide what she wanted to do. She
didn’t want to waste any more time.

“Remember how we were talking about how we hadn’t had a
normal relationship. No real dates or time together. Well, we thought this
would be a start.” Michael came and sat beside her.

“Well, I remember, but normal probably wasn’t happening even
if others had stayed out of our relationship. You’re wizards and I’m a Familiar
shifter. It would have been explosive and fast regardless.” Alana frowned. “The
connection between us is too strong for us to accept anything less than a full
mating. I don’t think we would have managed more than few dates.”

“You’re probably right, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have
them now.” Kane placed the steaks onto a platter and covered them. He removed
the corn on the cob, carried the dish over to the table and put it next to the

They ate and talked. The steaks were delicious. This dinner
actually felt like a date. She was surprised at the feeling, but somehow, it
was more intimate than the other times they’d eaten together. She hadn’t
thought it was possible. It was great and she didn’t want it to end.

When they drew her inside the house, she was a little
curious about what they planned next. From the look in their eyes, it wasn’t
simply to take her to bed and make love to her until she was a puddle of
purring kitty. Although she really wouldn’t mind that.

“Now, go sit down on the couch. We’ll bring you something to
drink.” Kane released her hand and patted her on the ass. She glanced at him,
but walked over to the couch.

She sat in the center seat and relaxed into the cushions to
wait for them to join her. They made quick work of bringing in the food and
dishes. Michael locked the doors to the deck and drew the fabric blinds over
the glass-paneled doors. She raised a brow. Kane came from the kitchen carrying
three glasses of wine. He sat down on her right side and Michael took the spot
on her left. Michael clicked on the television and cued up a popular sci-fi
movie from the DVR. She certainly hadn’t expected them to want to watch a film.

“I think I’ve already seen this one.”

“That’s good, because none of us will be watching it anyway.”
Kane smiled. “There’s no drive-in here and movie theaters have those pesky
rules so we’re going to have a very private-movie date.”

Anticipation coiled in her belly. “Sounds interesting. What
are we talking about here? Teasing or some serious satisfaction?”

“Well, we’ll start with the teasing and move onto satisfaction.”
Michael curled an arm around her shoulders. “I think maybe we’ll hear a purr

Kane turned toward her a little. “I want to hear more than
one tonight. I want to feel her purring after she’s screamed in satisfaction
and again after I’ve fucked her. If I’m lucky, I’ll hear those little rumbles
as she goes to sleep in utter contentment.”

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