Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again (8 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Yip

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. October

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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“I know, but it was dark.”

He couldn’t understand how she could be so relaxed at the moment. His control threatened to snap just sniffing her perfume. “No regrets?”

“No. Never. Not with you.”

His insides eased. But his palms still sweated. The animal in him needed her. He’d accepted that fact since he’d been home and realized what a mistake he’d made by walking away from her last time. But what were her intentions?

He maneuvered the truck into her driveway and went around to open her door. She took his hand and hopped out. He caught a flash of her velvety thighs, but her skirt slid back into place the moment her feet landed on the pavement. He swallowed hard, wrapped an arm around her waist, and led her to the door, his heart pounding wildly.

Her serenity drove him nuts. She took her time unlocking the door, turned on the foyer light, and placed her purse on the stand next to the door. She whirled around to face him. He stood there, watching her, his gaze trailing over her from head to toe. Then she broke into a grin and threw herself at him.

He caught her just as her mouth covered his. He groaned and hefted her up until her legs wrapped around his waist. “You’re driving me crazy.”

“That’s a compliment every woman loves to hear.”

He growled as he squeezed her ass and slammed her against the front door. He paused to apologize, but she just pulled his head back to her. Her roughness matched his. His inner being sang excitedly. He tore at her blouse, and a rip penetrated the air. Her breasts spilled from her bra as he yanked it out of the way, and his mouth latched onto the erect nipple. His fingers curled around her thigh and touched her center. He grunted at what he found. She was already wet and ready.

She tugged him to her other breast, whimpers escaping past her lips. The sounds fueled his desire. It comforted him to know she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and she encouraged his primitiveness. He slid a digit into her wetness and thrust in and out, drawing her essence around her clit. Each time he circled her engorged bud, she bucked and arched her back.

Her nails dug into his shoulder blades. “Damn you, take me!”

He paused. Hesitation gripped him then he coarsely said, “Get my wallet. Back pocket.”

She pressed her breasts into his face and managed to extract his wallet. Foraging through, she found the lone condom in its wrapper. After tearing it open above his head as he held her up with one hand, she undid his jeans and he pulled himself out with the other. He leaned her against the door and took the rubber from her, snapping it on with ease.

He stared into her eyes, searching for a sign she’d tell him no any second as he lifted her higher against the panel and rubbed his hardness against her center. Sensations tore up and down his spine. Exertion and fear made sweat pop on his forehead.

She reached down and guided him to her opening. He groaned the moment he breached her entrance. Her tightness gloved him, inviting him into her haven as he fed her inch after inch. She wiggled, trying to bear down on his whole length, but he gripped her bottom, controlling the movement.

“Matthew. Hurry!”

He jerked back at her impatience then laughed. “You’re really going to rush this right now?”

“Yes.” She brought her mouth down on his and nipped his lip before greedily kissing him and tugging at his hair. He gasped at the pain and welcomed it. Finally, with one push, he surged to her hilt, and they both cried out. The first slide had his knees shaking, the second drove him even wilder, until he threw away his control and took her as he’d always wanted to take her. Hard. Rough. And wild.

She cried out with each thrust. She bucked against him, drawing him back into her tight heat every time he slid out and pushed back in. Her passion and lack of restraint added to his need. Seeing her fly apart the first time left him breathless. Every ripple beat against his cock, as he continued to rock in and out of her.

He quickened his movements, allowing his own greed to control his actions, but his need to see her come again propelled his desire. He flicked her clit with his thumb and banged her harder against the door, with more force than he’d intended, but Jenesi didn’t shy from his touch. She screamed with each forceful shove into her.

When he felt the first shivers of her second orgasm, he threw himself into the maelstrom of sensations. Her inner muscles milked him until every tremor whiplashed through his body. His whole being shook with the force of his release.

Once he caught his breath, he kissed her softly, her hands running over his back. He found her touch comforting and calming.

“You okay, baby?” His voice came out more hoarse than he intended.

“Better than okay.” She gently bit his nose and smiled at him.

A realization struck him as he caught the glow in her eyes.

Jenesi was tough and sweet, but more than anything, she was his match.




Jenesi peeked an eye open and stuck her head out from under the covers. She reached over to check the time, and 8:41 blinked from the alarm clock on her nightstand. Stretching, she wiggled her bottom against Matthew, and he grumbled and pulled her tighter against him.

Happiness tingled through her as she reveled in the feel of his breath on her neck and his legs rubbing along hers. Even though parts of her body ached, she couldn’t help but smile as she recalled their night. She’d never had a lover who wasn’t afraid to handle her. Every man she’d been with had treated her like a delicate flower. She’d purposely teased Matthew and demanded he give in. The control and restraint he held bothered her. She just wouldn’t put up with it. She wanted his whole being.

They’d made love many times throughout the night, and even once in the living room when they’d had to go look for condoms. She’d never had to buy protection, since most of her dates came prepared, but like kids hunting for treats, they had raided her brother’s stash in his bathroom downstairs.

His fingers curled around her breast and his thumb flicked her nipple. “Sweetheart, you awake?”

“No.” She made a snoring sound, and he laughed into her shoulder as he maneuvered her onto her back and moved between her legs. His hardness rubbed against her, and her eyes widened. “Again?”

“I can’t help it.” He reached over to the nightstand and pulled out one of the rubbers. Quickly donning it, he teased his length against her clit before slowly breaching her entrance. Soreness made her wince, but she loved the feel of him filling her, moving inside her.

“You hurt?” he asked as he sat on his heels and drew her up onto his lap.

She circled an arm around his neck and gasped at his thickness. “Never too tender for you.”

He chuckled and gripped her hips to lift her up and then set her down on his shaft. “Good, because there’s no one else who is going to soothe my appetite like you do.”

She gasped with each motion, reveling in his hardness. His words registered, and her heart squeezed tight. She clamped her mouth shut, wanting to ask him how long he foresaw them together, how long before he’d get bored with her and move on. Instead, she just embraced him and allowed him to take her on the ride.

It wasn’t long before they both found their release and collapsed onto the bed. He brushed kisses over her skin, caressed her as if he couldn’t stop touching her, and murmured her name every so often.

If only their time together would never end….




“What is this?” Matt held the calendar in his hands. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it last night when they had come up to the bedroom, but then he’d been so focused on Jenesi, he hadn’t noticed anything else. Seeing himself bare, except for his dress white pants, holding a ball of fluff—he was never going to live this down. They might as well kill him for all the publicity he’d get now. But how had Jenesi gotten this?

She groaned and stretched underneath her covers.

He shook her shoulder. “Honey, wake up.”

She batted at him. The mattress dipped when he sat down. The sheet outlined her naked body, and his arousal rose. It amazed him how well they fit together, how well they moved together. He’d never had that with another woman, but then she was one surprise after another. He’d never been so relaxed and uninhibited with another human being before. Even after years of living in cramped quarters and facing harrowing challenges with his teammates, he’d never let his guard down. But with Jenesi….

“Jared’s home.”

She shot up and gasped. “Where?”

He laughed at her. Of course, she’d fear her brother coming back to find them together. He was a bit scared himself. He didn’t know how his best friend would take him sleeping with his baby sister. They were both protective of Jenesi, had always been, but Jared would be more worried about his intentions toward her than anything else. His best friend understood the sacrifices they had to make for family.

“You’re not funny.” She punched him in the arm.

“What is this?” He held up the calendar, open to his page.

Jenesi blinked then drew the covers over her head. A grumble slipped out from her.

“Why do you have this? And where did you get it?”

With a sigh, she flipped the covers to her chest. He caught the worry in her gaze before she bit down on her lip. “Liz gave it to me. Her friend was at the photo shoot and sent her an early copy.”

Matt sighed. Sooner or later, he would have to come to terms with what he’d done. He’d been coerced into posing for the calendar since the mayor’s wife did a lot to help the town and their family business. And he wouldn’t have liked to have the dog’s death on his conscience. He studied the calendar, not used to seeing himself in such a predicament. “I do look pretty good.”

She stilled then tackled him until he lay on his back. “I think so.”

Matthew threw the calendar to the floor and groaned. “What did I get myself into?”

“It’s for a good cause. Stop your bellyaching. Besides, you’re lucky, it’s not out yet…. But come next year, you’ll be plastered all over town.”

He tried to roll her off, but she pinned him to the mattress and covered his face with kisses.

“I’m never going to live this down. I can’t believe you have a copy. I haven’t even seen the pictures of the shoot.”

She chuckled and nipped his chin. “You should be glad there weren’t dart holes in your picture.”

He wrapped his arms around her and scowled. “You were going to throw darts at my picture?”

She shrugged and traced a circle over his collarbone. “I thought about it. Liz actually gave me the calendar the day you showed up on my porch when I was on my way out with Bart.”

His eyes narrowed at the mention of her boss. No matter that Jenesi had broken it off with the guy, he still worried her boss would pursue her once he wasn’t around. He pushed the thoughts away. He had this time with her now, and he wasn’t going to take it for granted. “How is Bartholomew doing?”

“I wouldn’t know.” Her tongue darted out and licked his bottom lip before he leaned in and gave her a hard kiss.

He dropped back to the mattress and covered his forehead with his arm. “They’re going to have copies of this at the party, aren’t they?”

She grinned. “It’s for a good cause. If you weren’t the town hero, saving Momo’s life….”

He glared and dug his fingers into her sides. She howled with laughter as he tickled her. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”

“Bring it on.” Jenesi bit his shoulder and straddled his hips. His arousal grew at the feel of her rubbing against him. His reaction to her amazed him, stronger than he’d ever anticipated it. He needed to make love to her as much as he needed to breathe.

He couldn’t imagine leaving her again…but their time together would be limited.




Chapter Nine



“Please don’t walk off too far. Remember to check in with your group leader, class.” Jenesi watched the kids scramble all over Hunt Farm’s pumpkin patch. She spotted her blond troublemaker glancing at her suspiciously, and she drew up her sternest glare. “Tyler, you’d better behave. Don’t you dare chuck that baby pumpkin at anyone.”

Tyler grinned and set the pumpkin down. At five, he looked angelic, yet she knew he was the devil incarnate. With a sigh, Jenesi nodded at the parent chaperones who had volunteered to attend their annual mini-field trip to Hunt Farm. Every child got to pick his own pumpkin and bring it back to class to carve and decorate.

She found her assistant in the midst of a few kids running around in circles, and laughed. “Karen.”

Her assistant pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Yes, Miss Coleman?”

“I’m going to say hi to the owner and will be back in a few minutes. Can you handle them?” Jenesi nodded at the kids.

“Of course. We’ll be fine.”

“Great.” With a wave, she started her trek to the house. She kept glancing over her shoulder to make sure no kids followed her or ventured off too far from their spot.

As she passed the barn, she waved to a few of the workers who were moving bales of hay and saddling the few horses they had. She breathed in the fresh air and couldn’t help the excitement of knowing she was going to see Matthew, even though he’d only left her a few hours ago, before she got ready for work.

Besides the girls’ night out with Liz, she’d spent the past two weeks with Matthew, going out to dinner, watching movies, taking hay rides around the farm, picnicking by the creek. And when they weren’t together, he was never far from her thoughts, especially since he’d text her ridiculous things throughout the day.

She’d stopped overanalyzing their relationship and worrying about what would happen next. It scared her how perfect everything was at the moment.

At the door, she knocked once, but got no answer. Without thought, she pushed the screen door open to see Matthew standing next to the kitchen table, his back to her. She grinned and slowly tiptoed toward him. He shoved his hand through his hair and cursed. She frowned, wondering what he was so focused on that he didn’t hear her. Usually, he would have caught her in the act before she could even reach him. Quietly sliding behind him, she gently clamped her hands over his eyes. He tensed then reached up and quickly closed his fingers around her wrists in a vise grip. She let out a yelp, and Matthew spun her arms over his head, bringing her roughly against him. Her ankles twisted to the side, but before she could fall, he pulled her up and curled her arms around his neck.

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