Fall To Pieces: Broken #2 (The Broken Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Fall To Pieces: Broken #2 (The Broken Series)
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I could have sworn I heard Lee mutter,
“Can I?”
but I wasn’t certain, so I got up and made some coffee.


“So, how are you feeling, after today?” I asked placing a cup of decaf in front of her. “You tired?”

Resting her elbows on the table; she curled
her fingers around her cup, and sighed heavily. “Okay I guess. Physically, I feel fine. Emotionally, I’m a wreck.”

I’d been waiting for Lee to talk to me; to open up. Now she was, and I hadn’t a fucking clue
, what to say.

She continued quickly. “I am happy you came with me today, Kyle. It felt right, like I’m not completely alone. I mean, I know I’m not, but it was nice to have you with me. It fitted, you know?”

Sitting down, I nodded and pulled one of her hands into mine.

“Yeah, I really do. I liked it too, Lee. It felt good to me.”

I paused for a second; racking my brain for something to say that would fit the situation, yet, not entirely freak her out. “You were amazing today, princess.”

She snorted, and shook her head at me. “Oh yeah
, it’s such an amazing thing, to lie on the flat of my back.”

I chose to ignore the sexual innuendos
, that raced through my brain.

“You were,” I said.
“Seeing the baby on that screen, knowing that my son or daughter is growing inside of you as we speak, that is definitely an amazing thing. You are incredible.” 

She had a pained look on her face and I feared I’d said something stupid and fucked it up again, but what she said next
, took the air right out of my lungs.

“I’m sorry
, Kyle.”

She squeezed my hand and continued. “I was unfair to you. I punished you because I was hurt, and I used our baby as a weapon. It was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have stopped you from coming to the hospital. This is your child
, as much as it is mine. It was cruel of me, to keep you away from him.”

I couldn’t speak for a moment
, while I registered what she was saying.

“You think that’s why I’m here
, don’t you?” I asked her.

The look on Lee’s face confirmed my fears.

I clasped her chin forcing her to look at me.

“I want you,” I told her. “Not because of the baby, or some twisted sense of guilt. I’m here with you, fighting for you, because I want you. The baby is a bonus that I’m fucking thrilled about. But, even if you weren’t pregnant, I would still be here, with you. I don’t want to be any place else.”

She leaned into my hand. “Why, Kyle? I haven’t exactly made life easy for you.”

I got up and walked over to her chair.

Crouching in front of her, I brushed my lips against her shoulder.

“Because I’m in love with you, that’s why. You think it’s all about the baby, but you don’t see. You don’t get it. I fucking adore you. I love you so much it burns.”

I paused and moved closer to her, cupping her cheek.

“Lee, when I told you that you ruined me, I meant it. You have. I’m
done, baby. You fucking own me. I’m yours. I couldn’t be more yours, baby.”

Lee looked down at me, her eyes full of tears. She let out a choked sob.

“You do?” she whispered.

I nodded. “Yeah, I do, I always have.”

“You’ve never said it.” She shook her head. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Kyle, I’ve spent months believing that you don’t love me. I’ve based decisions on the notion, that you’d never love me.”

I shrugged apologetically. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m shit with words.”

“But you do love me?” she asked nervously. “You are in love with me?”

“I’m desperately in, I undoubtedly do, and I fervently will, forever.”

“You’re not shit with words,” she muttered, smiling through her tears.

Happy tears, I hoped.

Unable to resist, I slid my hand behind her neck, and pulled her face to mine.

Our lips brushed once, then twice, before I deepened the kiss, running my tongue across her lower lip until she groaned and opened up for me.

Her hands slipped around my neck to cradle my head, as I put everything I had, into kissing her.

Stroking her cheek with my thumb, I wiped away the dampness under her eyes.

I pulled back to look at her.

“Why are you crying
, princess?”

She sniffled as she played with the hair at the nape of my neck. “You need a haircut.”

Okay, not what I was expecting…

“I’ll get on that,” I chuckled, brushing my lips against hers lightly.

Lee sighed loudly and leaned into me.

“I just miss you so much. But I’m so scared. My brain is screaming at me to run. And my heart…Is saying don’t you dare.”

I rubbed her lip with my thumb, stroked her hair. I couldn’t help myself.

“Which one is winning?” I whispered, almost afraid of her answer, but needing it
, just as badly.

I needed a break, just one tiny opening into Lee’s heart.

If she’d just let me back in, I could show her, prove to her I was good enough; could be good enough for her.

She sighed. “I should tell you my brain. That would be the smart thing to say.”

My fucking heart was ripping to shreds from her words. I turned my face away, and nodded.

Lee placed her palm on my cheek, forcing me to look at her.

“But I’m not a liar,” she whispered. “So, I won’t tell you that.”

My lips covered hers before she could change her mind.

“I still need time,” she muttered, pulling away from my mouth.

I nodded, and pulled her mouth back to mine. I’d agree to anything, as long as she kept letting me kiss her.

“I’ll give you anything you want,” I vowed, between kisses. “Just give me a little hope. Tell me there’s a chance.”

Pulling back
, I stared into her eyes. “Say it, princess. Tell me you’ll try, and I’ll give you whatever the hell you want.”

Lee closed her eyes, as she sighed shakily. “I’ll try.”

“I won’t let you down again.”

My face broke into the biggest fucking smile ever. “I mean it, baby, I’ll never let you down again.”

Lee nodded, as a small, shy smile, crept across her face. “If we are going to do this, Kyle, then we need to take it slow.”

She held my hands in hers, and then smiled softly. “I love you, too, Kyle. I want to be with you. I just need you to go slow with me. Be gentle, and please, please don’t hurt me.”









We were going to do this.

I couldn’t keep the goofy smile from my face.

Kyle was my boyfriend. And he loved me. My boyfriend, was in love with me.

His words earlier tonight
, were still dancing around in my head.

I had the strongest urge to get out of bed and sneak into his room. He had that effect on me.

But we needed to take this slowly.








I had hope.

I had a huge motherfucking pile of hope, churning around inside of me, and it was all because of, and direct
ed towards, the girl curled up on my lap.

I couldn’t believe how many of the small detai
ls I’d forgotten, in the months since I’d last held Lee in my arms.

I’d forgotten about the small, strawberry shaped birth mark she had behind her ear, hidden by her soft brown curls.

The small, silver scar on her baby toe, where she’d told me she gotten two stitches as a child; I’d forgotten that, too.

I hadn’t appreciated how right, or how perfect her head felt
, when tucked in the crook of my arm, or the softness of her hair against my chest.

Her skin felt like silk, and smelled like strawberries.

Never again, would I forget the little things.

Lee stirred, and I prayed for her to stay asleep. I wasn’t ready to give her up.

Since I’d-rather belatedly-told her how I felt last week, we had been spending time together,
a lot
of time together.

She was trying, and I was respecting the hell out of that.

We hadn’t done much of anything, besides kissing, but that didn’t bother me in the slightest.

Well, it bothered my dick, and I’d had to take a
of cold showers, but this, spending time with her, lying with her; it made the whole blue-balls deal, completely worth it.

“Hi,” she whispered, stretching out her body, before curling back into my side. “I guess I’m never going to get to see the end of that movie.”

I grinned, and pulled her closer. “Ah, you know what they say, third times a charm.”

This was the second night in a row we’d watched The Notebook.

Well, I had watched the film; Lee had fallen asleep half way through, both times, thank god, because I’d wept like a pussy when old-Ally died,
both times

“I should go back to my room,” she said quietly, and I tightened my arm around her.

This was the moment I dreaded each night.

“Don’t go,” I whispered. “Stay with me tonight.”

“Kyle,” she sighed, pulling herself up on her elbow, to look at my face. “That’s not a good idea. We’re supposed to be taking this slow. Baby steps…”

“I won’t touch you,” I promised, cupping her neck. “I won’t lay a finger on you, if you don’t want me to. Just sleep in my bed with me, I need you close right now.”

Lee groaned. “I want you to touch me. That’s the problem.”

Shaking her head, she kissed my forehead, before throwing off the covers and climbing out of bed. “Goodnight
, Kyle.”

Groaning, I twisted onto my stomach, pressing my weight down on my hands, in a bid to bury my raging hard on, and keep my hands from grabbing Lee, and dragging her back to my bed.









Drawing on all my courage, I made my way down the corridor of the hotel, towards Kyle’s office.

I’d been hoping to speak to him about going back to work
, with a few days.

I was feeling good, my feet were a little puffy from the extra weight, but I was certainly well enough to be working.

And considering we were on
friendlier terms-boyfriend and girlfriend terms- I figured now was the time to strike.

Unfortunately for me, Kyle had been away for the past four days.

There had been an emergency with the hotel in New York, and he had flown out last Sunday to deal with the problem.

e’d called me on my new phone, countless times each day, but I hadn’t been able to work up the nerve to ask him. He’d told me he was coming home on Thursday, so here I was.

Bracing myself, I smoothed down my blue, flared, knee-length dress, and knocked on the door of his office. I heard some shuffling, before his familiar voice beckoned me inside.

“This better be important,” Kyle muttered, leaning over, studying the paperwork on his desk.

“Hey,” I said when he made no move to look up.

Kyle’s head snapped up. Surprise encompassed his features.

“Princess, what are you doing here? You okay?”

He pushed his chair back and made to stand.

“No, sit please,” I urged, as I walked on wobbly knees to his desk, lowering myself awkwardly into the chair on the other side of his desk. “I’m here on business. I have a proposition for you.”

Kyle frowned for a moment, his brow creasing, as he stretched his back. “Okay…Shoot.”

I inhaled a steadying breath, before speaking.

“Firstly, I would like to thank you for your hospitality in having me stay with you, and for your generosity in paying my hospital bills. But I feel…”

“Hold up,” Kyle interrupted, holding up a hand. “You want to thank me for my what?”

“Your generosity and hospitality,” I repeated, wanting to get on with my proposition.

Kyle pulled at his tie and shook his head. “Yeah, I thought that’s what you said.”

Standing up, he ran a hand through his hair before rolling his shirt sleeves to his elbows. “Why?”


I was puzzled, unsure how to answer him. I thought I’d told him.

“Um, for letting me stay at your house, and for paying my bills.”

Kyle shook his head slowly. “No, baby, you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific.”

Okay, I had no clue of what he wanted to know.

“I’m not following you,” I admitted, rubbing my forehead.

Kyle came around his desk to where I was sitting
, and rested himself in front of me.

“I want to know why you’ve traipsed across town in your condition, to thank me –
who also happens to be your boyfriend and not to mention the father of your child- for something, as fucking absurd, as my hospitality.”

My back stiffened. “In my condition?”

I stood up; feeling suffocated, and paced the floor, urging myself to calm down. This was not the way this conversation was supposed to go.

“I’m not diseased, I’m pregnant. I was trying to be gracious.”

“And?” Kyle added, folding his arms across his chest.  

I rested my hands on my hips and stared him down...Well, up considering our height difference.

“And, I want my job back.”

“Absolutely not,” he said with finality.

I gaped and him, and resisted the urge to stamp my foot, barely.

“You haven’t even heard me out, asshat. I’m not expecting to go back to my old position. I have a proposition for you.”

“I don’t need to,” Kyle shot back. “You can talk your sweet mouth off until the cows come home, sweetheart, and it won’t change a damn thing.”

He hissed and waved a hand at me. “You are thirty-two weeks pregnant. You heard what Dr. Ashcroft said. There isn’t a hope in hell
, that I am going to allow you to work.”

“Allow me to work?” I asked
, outraged. “You are not the boss of me, Kyle Carter.”

Kyle smirked. “Actually, baby, I sort of am.”

“Uh,” I growled, throwing my arms in the air. “You are being a damn control freak.”

“No,” he said calmly. “I am being protective, taking care of what’s mine. There’s a difference. You are being irrational, baby.”

I balled my fists tightly, trying to resist the urge to push his paperwork off his desk. “You are being old fashioned and incredibly sexist.”

Kyle straightened, and smirked at me. “And you are incredibly sexy right now, princess,” he purred, stroking my cheek.

I gaped at him. “And you are…What….Don’t try and change the subject, Kyle.”

“I thought we were listing each other’s character traits,” he chuckled.

“I was stating the facts,” I growled, slapping at his chest.

Kyle caught my hand and pulled me into his chest.

“So was I,” he whispered, leaning so close, his breath blew into my face.

“Kyle,” I warned, but it was a weak
threat, and my voice exposed it.

His hands came around my waist and my pulse raced, my eyes fluttered shut.

It was my body’s involuntary reaction to his close proximity. He was intoxicating and absolutely lethal.

“You come into my office, all pissy and demanding, and expect me stay calm.” He tightened his grip on me, causing me to whimper. “I’m so fucking hot for you right now, princess.”

I made to push him away, but somehow my hands found his hair.

My eyes were squeezed shut, my chest panting, my body locked in anticipation as Kyle’s lips touched my ear.

I knew I needed to push him away, this was not how this conversation was supposed to pan out, but…I couldn’t.

My body refused to step away from him.

“I want you,” he whispered, nipping my earlobe with his teeth.

I could feel his erection digging into my swollen belly, and I dampened between my legs.

“Kyle,” I said, this time a breathy moan.

I looked into his desire-filled blue eyes and my brain switched off.

I couldn’t think straight; he was smothering my senses.

His face in my vision, his voice in my ear, his scent in my nostrils, his body against mine, his hair in my hands…

I was coiled tight with lust, with fevered anticipation.

His lips touched the part of my neck where my pulse was hammering.

“I want you so fucking bad, I can’t think straight, Lee.”

He ran his tongue up my neck before planting a kiss on my jaw and in my desire provoked state, I cried out, “Yes.”

Turning me in his arms, he pressed his front to my back as he trailed his fingers up my sides, before circling and cupping my aching breasts.

My head fell back against his chest, eyes closed, mouth open.

I moaned loudly as his fingers traced the outline of my nipples, straining against my maternity dress.

“What do you want, princess?” he murmured against my neck.

His right hand slid down my leg, sliding my dress up to cup my throbbing heat.

Squeezing my thighs shut, I grinded myself against Kyle’s hand
, as the ache to have him inside of me, grew into an almost frantic state of desire-driven desperation.

“Oh, please,” I begged, delirious as Kyle stimulated every nerve-ending in my body.

“You wanna come, baby?” he crooned, slipping his hand into my panties, teasing my saturated folds with his skilled fingers. “You want me to play with this hot little pussy?”

I whimpered, nodding.

“Please,” I begged, pushing at his hand with mine.

Kyle chuckled against my neck. “Shh, baby, I got you.” And he did.

Thrusting two fingers inside me, Kyle massaged my clit with his thumb. “You like that, don’t you, princess?”

I sagged against him, my legs weakening as shocks of pure euphoria rolled through me.

“You like it when I’m deep inside you,” he coaxed, as he used his free hand to push my dress up. “My fingers, my dick, my tongue…”

Tearing his hand away, Kyle spun me around and hoisted me onto his desk as he tore my dress off, tossing it on the floor.

“It’s your lucky day, princess,” he growled, pushing me onto my back. “Turns out, I’m hungry, as well as horny. Spread those sexy legs. Now.”

My legs fell open of their own accord, and Kyle’s head descended on me, his mouth feasted on me.

“Oh, god,” I cried out and tried to close my legs when his teeth grazed my tender bulb of nerves.

Kyle clamped his hands down on my thighs, spreading my legs wider, as his tongue tormented me.

“Fuck me, baby,” he breathed. “Fuck my tongue with that tight, little pussy.”

I screamed out his name, bucking my hips wildly as Kyle worked me over with his fingers and tongue.

“That’s it, baby,” he praised sliding another finger inside. “Squeeze my fingers; you’re so tight…So fucking sexy.”

My back arched, my thighs trembled and I screamed as my orgasm crashed over me.

Kyle pumped me with his fingers until my body went limp.

“You are so fucking sexy,” Kyle husked
, breathless, as he trailed kisses up my neck. “I can’t wait any longer, baby. I need to be inside you, now.”

I groaned, my arousal rising up for round two, as I watched Kyle unbuckle his belt.

Leaning over me, he kissed my lips, before pulling back to look at me.

“Pregnant and spread bare on my desk,” he murmured, sliding down his pants. “All I need now, is you barefoot in my kitchen,”

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